440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 15, 2003 09:47 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Sent ideas to Gary for models and simulations on Com Metrics and SDS.


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Models Simulation SDS Com Metrics Human Cognition Predicate to Models

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 XS81.
040502 -
040503 - Over the past few weeks have been discussing with Gary advantages of
040504 - using SDS and Com Metrics to model and simulate human cognition for
040505 - developing models and simulations that improve performance in combat
040506 - conditions on the battlefield.
040508 -  ..
040509 - Sent following letter with ideas for presenting this opportunity at
040510 - Aerospace company....
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040512 -
040513 -    1.  Subject: Com Metrics Power Point Presentations
040514 -        Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 22:13:25 -0700
040515 -        From: Rod Welch
040523 -         ..
040524 -    2.  Gary,
040526 -         ..
040527 -        Received a letter from Jerry this afternoon, shown below,
040528 -        notifying that Tom Gilbert, the engineer assigned to work on
040529 -        SDS, found a jpg picture that was upsetting.
040531 -         ..
040532 -    3.  Research showed the file is in the Com Metrics website
040533 -        directory, along with several powerpoint presentation files.
040534 -        None of this stuff is familiar, so I called and talked to
040535 -        Morris.  He recalled working on Powerpoint files years ago.  I
040536 -        sent them to Morris and he wrote back saying he might have done
040537 -        the Powerpoint files but does not recall anything about the jpg
040538 -        file.  I thought he might have been doing a joke or something
040539 -        including it with other stuff.
040541 -         ..
040542 -    4.  In any case the purpose of this letter is to draw your
040543 -        attention to Powerpoint files on the web at...
040544 -
040545 -  
040547 -         ..
040548 -    5.  However, these other two (2) may be helpful as well.  When time
040549 -        permits, review the directory....
040550 -
040551 -            f: 04 00067 00 IC
040553 -         ..
040554 -    6.  There is a file cm.ppt, and another rodx.ppt.  The rodx.ppt has
040555 -        a particular diagram that Morris sketched out at Burger King on
040556 -        950303...
040557 -
040558 -  
040560 -         ..
040561 -    7.  Since the filename rodx.ppt is similar to the questionable jpg
040562 -        filename rod.jpg that made me think Morris was trying to be
040563 -        funny or something and threw that file into the mix.
040565 -         ..
040566 -    8.  I am most impressed by cm.ppt and so am wondering if you think
040567 -        any of these power point efforts might be helpful with Bruce,
040568 -        Paul and the guys at Aerospace company?  How about Nancy on the customer
040569 -        side?
040571 -         ..
040572 -    9.  Perhaps parts of these could be used for a new presentation
040573 -        showing the concept of modeling CFISR for combat by modeling
040574 -        CFISR to manage conflict in the more controlled setting of
040575 -        daily management, as we discussed the other day.
040577 -         ..
040578 -   10.  The basic point is to understand impacts on communication and
040579 -        intelligence when exercising command and control of daily work,
040580 -        where the SDS record is an analog of personal and
040581 -        organizational experience, i.e., history, memory, etc., that
040582 -        drives human reasoning under the POIMS theory of knowledge.
040583 -        Since this theory is supported by Landauer, Drucker, Campbell,
040584 -        Peirce and Einstein, there may be some traction among engineers
040585 -        charged to design models and simulations for intelligence to
040586 -        guide battlefield ops of the future, i.e., the  combat mission, and
040587 -        particularly your group working on models and simulations.
040589 -         ..
040590 -   11.  As we discussed, the thing to model and to develop simulations
040591 -        that play out scenarios for study and improvements is the
040592 -        impact of meaning drift that causes false knowledge, as
040593 -        explained in POIMS....
040594 -
040595 -  
040597 -         ..
040598 -   12.  Two (2) para in NWO present a vivid picture of the problem
040599 -        people confront every day in the office that is closely related
040600 -        to battlefield issues being addressed by combat....
040601 -
040602 -  
040604 -         ..
040605 -   13.  SDS provides an environment for studying through modeling and
040606 -        simulations how what people say relates to what people do.  In
040607 -        particular we need to develop algorithms that map at least in a
040608 -        general way the rate of decay in understanding and consequent
040609 -        degree of deviation from original meaning.
040611 -         ..
040612 -   14.  Let's talk some more about this.
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weeks having a weekly 040622 - conference call with Jerry, so maybe this issue can be part of 040623 - the agenda??? By copy will notify Jerry of this analysis. 040625 - .. 040626 - 17. Rod 040627 - 040628 - 040629 - 040630 - 040631 - 040632 - 040633 - 040634 - 040635 - 040636 - 0407 -