440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 30, 2003 09:00 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Take car to Car Clinic in Concord for maintenance service.

......Driving Directions to Car Clinic
2...Ford Warrenty Work Not Performed by Car Clinic
3...Tires Rotated and Tread Wear Reported
4...Brake Lining Wear Report
5...Assessment for Future Business Relationship

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Procurement Services Parts
Call to Schedule Service

0504 -
0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000. ref SDS 3 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Visited...
050604 -
050605 -         Car Clinic                     925 676 5590
050606 -         Monumont Auto Masters
050607 -         2655 Monumont Blvd
050609 -  ..
050610 - Driving to the Car Clinic is very easy, they are less than half a
050611 - mile from where Cowell intersects Monument Blvd.
050612 -
050613 -      Car Clinic itself is not prominent from the street.
050615 -       ..
050616 -      2655 address is in large letters and so is easy to see.
050618 -       ..
050619 -      This is is also recognized from the street as a large automotive
050620 -      service facility, with many independent repair shops in adjacent
050621 -      buildings.  The buildings are in a giant U shape and the center
050622 -      of the U is a parking lot full of cars in for service.
050624 -       ..
050625 -      Try to enter the first driveway.  I entered the 2nd driveway
050626 -      which is an exit; by the time I recognized this is the address
050627 -      was already past the entry.  If you miss the entry, can still use
050628 -      the exit driveway just a little further down the street, and
050629 -      maneuver around well enough without blocking traffic.
050630 -
050632 -       ..
050633 -      Driving Directions to Car Clinic
050634 -
050635 -      Car Clinic is a small shop in the back left corner of the U,
050636 -      something like this.....
050637 -
050638 -                  x--------------------------------x
050639 -                  |                                |
050640 -                 x|x                               |
050641 -                 x|x  Car Clinic  - - - - - -x     |
050642 -                 x|x                         |     |
050643 -                  |                                |
050644 -                  |                          |     |
050645 -                  |                                |
050646 -                  |   |                      |     |
050647 -                  |             2655               |
050648 -            --------- |  ------------------- |  ---------
050649 -             Exit ----x                      x------- Enter
050650 -                             Monument Blvd
050651 -
050652 -            ---------------------------------------------
050653 -
050655 -  ..
050656 - Norm was not in; talked to Lynn.
050658 -  ..
050659 - Lynn prepared work order....
050660 -
050661 -                     000083
050662 -
050663 - ...dated 030730.
050665 -  ..
050666 - Service will be performed for....
050667 -
050672 -  ..
050673 - Millie will pick up the car after 1700.
050675 -  ..
050676 - Lynn could not show the Quality Care Report listing the scope of
050677 - service and examination, which S&C used, illustrated by the invoice
050678 - for service on 001106, ref DRP 1 0001, and with the QC report
050679 - attached. ref DRP 1 1220
050680 -
050681 -
050683 -  ..
050684 - Ford Warrenty Work Not Performed by Car Clinic
050685 -
050686 - Lynn was not aware of Car Clinic support for Ford warranty work,
050687 - which Millie asked about this morning.
050689 -  ..
050690 - Lynn said that he is new on the job, and so has not learned where all
050691 - of the forms are located, nor the scope of Car Clinic work.
050693 -  ..
050694 - Estimated cost of service is $40.
050696 -  ..
050697 - One of the mechanics, Roger, drove us back to the house in the car.
050698 - During the drive, Roger related having worked at the Car Clinic for
050699 - about two (2) years.
050701 -  ..
050702 - He indicated that the Car Clinc provides a form showing the customer
050703 - various levels of service for different mileage, similar to the
050704 - Quality Car report provided by S&C.
050706 -  ..
050707 - Roger is unsure how the Car Clinic handles warrenty work that is
050708 - chargeable to Ford until 36,000 miles or until 050510, per record of
050709 - purchase on 030405. ref SDS 2 V35G
050710 -
050711 -      Millie can ask Norm about this when she picks up the car later
050712 -      today.
050713 -
050714 -
050716 -  ..
050717 - Tires Rotated and Tread Wear Reported
050718 -
050719 - Norm said that tires are rotated with normal service, so this is
050720 - something Millie should look for on the service report, and it should
050721 - show the remaining tread wear measured for each tire.
050722 -
050723 -       This was not done.
050724 -
050726 -  ..
050727 - Brake Lining Wear Report
050728 -
050729 - When the car was purchased, the salesman advised that these days there
050730 - is a hole that permits measuring the brake lining without disassembly.
050731 - ref SDS 2 6Y88  Therefore, the brake linking should be reported on the
050732 - service report as well.
050733 -
050734 -       Work report says brakes have 60% left.
050735 -
050737 -  ..
050738 - Assessment for Future Business Relationship
050739 -
050740 - General feeling is that this may not be a good approach in the
050741 - future.
050742 -
050743 -
050745 -  ..
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - 1528
0511 -
051101 - Lynn called.
051102 -
051103 - Lynn said that service on the vehicle revealed following additional
051104 - service is recommended for additional cost of $280.
051105 -
051106 -     1.  Transmission fluid appears colored, and so requires service
051107 -         which is expensive, because the transmission has to be
051108 -         disassembled.
051110 -          ..
051111 -     2.  Dirty air filter should be replaced.
051113 -          ..
051114 -     3.  Fuel filter must be replaced.
051116 -  ..
051117 - Thanked Lynn for Car Clinic's work and report on additional service
051118 - required.
051120 -  ..
051121 - Asked Lynn to complete the work authorized under the current order,
051122 - and we will pick up the car later today.  Will review proposed
051123 - additional service and contact Car Clinic for further service.
051124 -
051125 -
051127 -  ..
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 1747
0515 -
051501 - Received invoice.
051502 -
051503 - Total cost......................... $41.06
051505 -  ..
051506 - Very difficult to read what has been entered on the invoice for scope
051507 - of services and additional recommended services.
051509 -  ..
051510 - There is nothing on the invoice showing what was checked and findings
051511 - from the examination that correlate with Ford requirements for
051512 - honoring the warranty.
051513 -
051514 -      [On 030801 Lithia Ford performed Ford 15K mile service.
051515 -      ref SDS 5 TT7F
051516 -
051517 -
051518 -
051519 -
051520 -
0516 -