440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 17, 2003 10:06 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Gary called with further ideas on purging Google indexing for SDS.
2...Confidentiality Exclude Records from Index Cache Using Robots.txt
3...Exclude Records from Index Cache Using Robots.txt for Confidentiality
4...Robots.txt Configured to Exclude Specific Records from Index Cache
5...Google Processes Request for Index and Cache Update
6...Request to Google for Index Cache Update Processed Successfully
....Problem Processing Expanded List of Records to Exclude Indexing
7...Lessons Learned Flexibility on Confidentiality Using Internet
Click here to comment!
0201/- Boeing O-00000816 0505
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020103/- Modeling and Simulation O-00000816 0505
Visibility of SDS on Radar at Objects to SDS Records
Objects to SDS Records on Project Published on Internet Ac
Meetings Gary to Capture Record of TM Meetings
Procedures Distribute SDS Records Via Email Problem Today Did Not Use
Confidentiality Distribute SDS Records on Aerospace company Intranet Ga Lookin
Distribution via Email Using Outlook Adequate to Introduce Aerospace co any Sta
Radar Visibility of SDS on Radar at Aerospace company Objects to SDS Re rds on
Google Cache Instructions to Expedite Removal of References in SDS to
Cache Search Engine Management Control of Internet Website
Index Cache Internet Search Engine Radar Visibility of SDS on Radar a
Robots.txt Suppress Indexing to Suppress Visibility of SDS Records an
5913 -
5913 - ..
5914 - Summary/Objective
5915 -
591501 - Follow up ref SDS E2 0000. ref SDS E1 0000.
591502 -
591503 - More testing showed there are more SDS records on the Internet that
591504 - pose a risk of visibility. Further research shows that for Rod's
591505 - records, merely supressing indexing with listing in robots.txt is
591506 - sufficient, so that is what we did. Testing shows SDS has gone "dark"
591507 - on combat. Decided to also suppress indexing on SDS records that discuss
591508 - Gary and Aerospace company. ref SDS 0 MU7I When this larger body of
591509 - records was added to robots.txt, have not gotten confirmation that
591510 - processing was accomplished. ref SDS 0 6O6G Notified Gary; he will
591511 - investigate for work arounds. ref SDS 0 6P3S
591512 -
591513 -
591514 -
591516 - ..
5916 -
5917 -
5918 - Progress
5919 -
591901 - Confidentiality Exclude Records from Index Cache Using Robots.txt
591902 - Exclude Records from Index Cache Using Robots.txt for Confidentiality
591903 - Robots.txt Configured to Exclude Specific Records from Index Cache
591904 -
591905 - Follow up ref SDS E2 6S9O.
591906 -
591907 - Gary advised that he found four more SDS records on the Internet that
591908 - relate to combat TEM. Added these to robots.txt, per below. ref SDS 0
591909 - MU7I
591911 - ..
591912 - Background on using robots.txt is reported yesterday on 030716.
591913 - ref SDS E2 EG5N
591915 - ..
591916 - Gary also asked that the record on the work yesterday be suppressed,
591917 - ref SDS E2 0001, so added it to the list also.
591918 -
591919 - [On 040401 revised robots.txt to suppress the entire set of
591920 - records and files, to support contract with Aerospace company.
591921 - ref SDS E8 KD5M
591923 - ..
591924 - Uploaded file ref OF 2 0001, listing SDS records identified for
591925 -
591926 - User-agent: *
591927 - #
591928 - # Following were removed from the Internet on 030716 at
591929 - # Gary's request....
591930 - #
591931 - Disallow: /03/00101/ # Gary's project directory
591932 - Disallow: /04/00074/ # Gary's SDS project directory
591933 - Disallow: /sd/08/GLJDY/ # Gary's personal SDS directory
591934 - #
591935 - # Following are Rod's records that were removed
591936 - # from Internet, but may not have been necessary
591937 - # now that we understand using robots.txt is
591938 - # effective for suppressing visibility. We can
591939 - # restore these files to the Internet and
591940 - # visibility will still be suppressed as long
591941 - # as the files are listed in this file robots.txt
591942 - #
591943 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/23/101114.HTM..... ref SDS 62 0001
591944 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/25/082838.HTM..... ref SDS 63 0001
591945 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/02/24/205217.HTM..... ref SDS 68 0001
591946 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/19/081308.HTM..... ref SDS 92 0001
591947 - * Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/22/075739.HTM..... ref SDS 99 0001
591948 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/16/083917.HTM..... ref SDS B5 IZ4N
591949 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/25/084653.HTM..... ref SDS C4 0001
591950 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/27/090556.HTM..... ref SDS C5 0001
591951 - ..
591952 - #
591953 - # Added more records on 030717 per Gary.
591954 - #
591955 - # Today, we did another Google and found following
591956 - # that mention....
591957 - #
591958 - # combat TEM
591959 - # combat Technical Exchange Meeting
591960 - # combat Aerospace company
591961 - # combat Gary
591962 - # Aerospace company Gary
591963 - #
591964 - # Rather than remove these records, they are suppressed for
591965 - # indexing, since this seems to prevent access to anyone who
591966 - # is not directed to the record with a link.
591967 - #
591968 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/92/11/27/091215.HTM..... ref SDS 1 0001
591969 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/95/06/08/110025.HTM..... ref SDS 2 0001
591970 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/97/04/18/075259.HTM..... ref SDS 3 2032
591971 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/97/04/18/075259.HTM..... ref SDS 3 0001
591972 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/97/07/07/065211.HTM..... ref SDS 4 5189
591973 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/00/03/07/073530.HTM..... ref SDS 6 ME8K
591974 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/00/03/07/073530.HTM..... ref SDS 6 0001
591975 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/00/11/30/103445.HTM..... ref SDS 7 0001
591976 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/00/12/19/071408.HTM..... ref SDS 8 0001
591977 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/07/19/033840.HTM..... ref SDS 9 0001
591978 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/07/20/202618.HTM..... ref SDS 10 0001
591979 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/09/24/070901.HTM..... ref SDS 11 0001
591980 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/10/03/160603.HTM..... ref SDS 12 0001
591981 - ..
591982 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/10/06/112225.HTM..... ref SDS 13 0001
591983 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/12/07/110236.HTM..... ref SDS 14 0001
591984 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/12/14/104350.HTM..... ref SDS 15 0001
591985 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/12/18/091243.HTM..... ref SDS 16 0001
591986 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/12/22/070730.HTM..... ref SDS 18 0001
591987 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/01/12/22/070811.HTM..... ref SDS 17 0001
591988 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/01/08/182353.HTM..... ref SDS 19 0001
591989 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/01/10/200202.HTM..... ref SDS 20 0001
591990 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/01/14/010932.HTM..... ref SDS 21 0001
591991 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/01/142248.HTM..... ref SDS 22 0001
591992 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/10/181842.HTM..... ref SDS 23 0001
591993 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/15/081749.HTM..... ref SDS 24 OY8M
591994 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/22/071306.HTM..... ref SDS 25 0001
591995 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/27/143406.HTM..... ref SDS 26 0001
591996 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/27/145143.HTM..... ref SDS 27 0001
591997 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/03/29/141151.HTM..... ref SDS 28 0001
591998 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/04/08/094605.HTM..... ref SDS 29 0001
591999 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/04/15/094355.HTM..... ref SDS 30 0001
592000 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/04/15/095536.HTM..... ref SDS 31 0001
592001 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/05/04/095827.HTM..... ref SDS 32 0001
592002 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/05/21/202737.HTM..... ref SDS 33 0001
592003 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/05/22/212330.HTM..... ref SDS 34 0001
592004 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/05/25/091130.HTM..... ref SDS 35 0001
592005 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/05/31/114615.HTM..... ref SDS 36 0001
592006 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/04/075326.HTM..... ref SDS 37 0001
592007 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/04/091410.HTM..... ref SDS 38 0001
592008 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/04/103057.HTM..... ref SDS 39 0001
592009 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/07/205800.HTM..... ref SDS 40 0001
592010 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/08/144152.HTM..... ref SDS 41 0001
592011 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/10/011357.HTM..... ref SDS 42 0001
592012 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/14/091105.HTM..... ref SDS 43 0001
592013 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/15/102421.HTM..... ref SDS 44 0001
592014 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/18/191455.HTM..... ref SDS 45 0001
592015 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/18/204235.HTM..... ref SDS 46 0001
592016 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/06/21/075434.HTM..... ref SDS 47 0001
592017 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/07/14/225019.HTM..... ref SDS 48 0001
592018 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/07/29/140018.HTM..... ref SDS 49 0001
592019 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/08/07/181445.HTM..... ref SDS 50 0001
592020 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/08/13/115250.HTM..... ref SDS 51 0001
592021 - ..
592022 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/08/20/010331.HTM..... ref SDS 52 BY3M
592023 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/08/20/010331.HTM..... ref SDS 52 0001
592024 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/09/12/135910.HTM..... ref SDS 53 0001
592025 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/09/24/223326.HTM..... ref SDS 54 0001
592026 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/11/25/145506.HTM..... ref SDS 55 0001
592027 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/11/26/082120.HTM..... ref SDS 56 0001
592028 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/12/19/134148.HTM..... ref SDS 57 0001
592029 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/02/12/21/140233.HTM..... ref SDS 58 0001
592030 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/19/103237.HTM..... ref SDS 59 0001
592031 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/20/143504.HTM..... ref SDS 60 0001
592032 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/20/161339.HTM..... ref SDS 61 0001
592033 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/26/202354.HTM..... ref SDS 64 0001
592034 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/27/000935.HTM..... ref SDS 65 0001
592035 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/29/213532.HTM..... ref SDS 66 0001
592036 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/01/31/104133.HTM..... ref SDS 67 0001
592037 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/02/27/141620.HTM..... ref SDS 69 0001
592038 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/09/195427.HTM..... ref SDS 70 0001
592039 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/13/082735.HTM..... ref SDS 71 0001
592040 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/16/095401.HTM..... ref SDS 72 0001
592041 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/17/101656.HTM..... ref SDS 73 0001
592042 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/18/092146.HTM..... ref SDS 74 0001
592043 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/19/215813.HTM..... ref SDS 75 0001
592044 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/03/27/112016.HTM..... ref SDS 76 0001
592045 - ..
592046 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/05/095158.HTM..... ref SDS 77 0001
592047 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/06/081228.HTM..... ref SDS 78 0001
592048 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/07/122919.HTM..... ref SDS 79 0001
592049 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/08/120626.HTM..... ref SDS 80 0001
592050 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/10/121253.HTM..... ref SDS 81 0001
592051 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/11/104812.HTM..... ref SDS 82 0001
592052 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/15/213213.HTM..... ref SDS 84 0001
592053 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/16/131813.HTM..... ref SDS 86 0001
592054 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/17/122916.HTM..... ref SDS 88 0001
592055 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/17/141807.HTM..... ref SDS 89 0001
592056 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/18/121935.HTM..... ref SDS 90 XE8L
592057 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/18/121935.HTM..... ref SDS 90 0001
592058 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/20/082336.HTM..... ref SDS 93 0001
592059 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/21/122055.HTM..... ref SDS 94 0001
592060 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/21/140827.HTM..... ref SDS 95 0001
592061 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/21/162016.HTM..... ref SDS 96 SX3F
592062 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/21/192323.HTM..... ref SDS 97 0001
592063 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/21/204835.HTM..... ref SDS 98 0001
592064 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/23/160530.HTM..... ref SDS A0 0001
592065 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/26/084208.HTM..... ref SDS A1 0001
592066 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/29/062708.HTM..... ref SDS A3 EB8G
592067 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/04/29/094048.HTM..... ref SDS A4 0001
592068 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/06/061422.HTM..... ref SDS A5 0001
592069 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/06/080307.HTM..... ref SDS A6 0001
592070 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/06/095755.HTM..... ref SDS A7 0001
592071 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/06/123547.HTM..... ref SDS A8 0001
592072 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/07/134719.HTM..... ref SDS A9 0001
592073 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/07/164733.HTM..... ref SDS B0 EW8L
592074 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/07/164733.HTM..... ref SDS B0 0001
592075 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/08/232232.HTM..... ref SDS B1 0001
592076 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/10/165351.HTM..... ref SDS B2 0001
592077 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/12/222732.HTM..... ref SDS B3 0001
592078 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/15/144304.HTM..... ref SDS B4 0001
592079 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/19/001455.HTM..... ref SDS B6 0001
592080 - ..
592081 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/19/084724.HTM..... ref SDS B7 ME37
592082 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/19/084724.HTM..... ref SDS B7 0001
592083 - ..
592084 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/20/144319.HTM..... ref SDS B8 Y64K
592085 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/20/144319.HTM..... ref SDS B8 0001
592086 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/21/024352.HTM..... ref SDS B9 0001
592087 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/22/133721.HTM..... ref SDS C0 0001
592088 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/23/074125.HTM..... ref SDS C1 0001
592089 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/24/071111.HTM..... ref SDS C2 0001
592090 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/24/103211.HTM..... ref SDS C3 0001
592091 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/27/110020.HTM..... ref SDS C6 0001
592092 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/28/211838.HTM..... ref SDS C7 0001
592093 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/05/31/112606.HTM..... ref SDS C8 0001
592094 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/04/084246.HTM..... ref SDS C9 0001
592095 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/04/121021.HTM..... ref SDS D0 0001
592096 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/09/065114.HTM..... ref SDS D1 0001
592097 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/09/073854.HTM..... ref SDS D2 0001
592098 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/11/054129.HTM..... ref SDS D3 0001
592099 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/11/173959.HTM..... ref SDS D4 0001
592100 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/12/114155.HTM..... ref SDS D5 0001
592101 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/17/114459.HTM..... ref SDS D6 0001
592102 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/24/101000.HTM..... ref SDS D7 0001
592103 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/26/154303.HTM..... ref SDS D8 0001
592104 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/06/27/162747.HTM..... ref SDS D9 0001
592105 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/07/16/081313.HTM..... ref SDS E2 0001
592106 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/07/17/100618.HTM..... ref SDS 0 0001
592107 - ..
592108 - Disallow: /sd/08/00101/02/03/07/18/083812.HTM..... ref SDS E3 A567
592109 - #
592110 - # Following received documents suppressed from indexing...
592111 - #
592112 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/01/07/1901.HTM............. ref DRP 1 0001
592113 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/01/10/0601.HTM............. ref DRP 2 0001
592114 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/02/01/1401.HTM............. ref DRP 3 0001
592115 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/02/03/1502.HTM............. ref DRP 4 0001
592116 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/02/05/2202.HTM............. ref DRP 5 0001
592117 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/02/06/1602.HTM............. ref DRP 6 0001
592118 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/02/08/1301.HTM............. ref DRP 7 0001
592119 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/03/01/2001.HTM............. ref DRP 8 0001
592120 - Disallow: /03/00050/60/03/05/1001.HTM............. ref DRP 9 0001
592121 - #
592122 - # Following issued documents suppressed from indexing...
592123 - #
592124 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/01/12/1401.HTM............. ref DIP 1 0001
592125 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/02/1301.HTM............. ref DIP 2 0001
592126 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/02/1302.HTM............. ref DIP 3 0001
592127 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/02/2301.HTM............. ref DIP 4 0001
592128 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/03/1001.HTM............. ref DIP 5 0001
592129 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/03/1301.HTM............. ref DIP 6 0001
592130 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/03/2601.HTM............. ref DIP 7 0001
592131 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/03/2702.HTM............. ref DIP 8 0001
592132 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/03/2703.HTM............. ref DIP 9 0001
592133 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/05/2103.HTM............. ref DIP 10 0001
592134 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/05/2201.HTM............. ref DIP 11 0001
592135 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/05/3102.HTM............. ref DIP 12 0001
592136 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/06/0401.HTM............. ref DIP 13 0001
592137 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/06/1001.HTM............. ref DIP 14 0001
592138 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/06/1802.HTM............. ref DIP 15 0001
592139 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/02/08/2202.HTM............. ref DIP 16 0001
592140 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/03/04/1501.HTM............. ref DIP 17 0001
592141 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/03/04/1701.HTM............. ref DIP 18 0001
592142 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/03/05/0801.HTM............. ref DIP 19 0001
592143 - Disallow: /03/00050/61/03/05/2001.HTM............. ref DIP 20 0001
592144 -
592145 - [On 040401 revised robots.txt to suppress the entire set of
592146 - records and files, to support contract with Aerospace company.
592147 - ref SDS E8 KD5M
592149 - ..
592150 - Uploaded robots.txt to the web, and then opened....
592151 -
592152 -
592153 -
592154 - ...and verified it contains the new files.
592155 -
592157 - ..
592158 - Ran Wspft and removed these files from the Internet.
592159 -
592160 - The two files with * in the list above had already been removed.
592161 - Did another Google search and got the list back. Verified that
592162 - all files have been deleted.
592163 -
592164 - Note...
592165 -
592166 - Later in the afternoon ran a search and found no entries for
592167 - combat and "Technical Exchange Meeting," also did a search for
592168 - combat TEM and found not entries for that; so, this is a positive
592169 - sign.
592171 - ..
592172 - However, found two more for combat and SDS.
592174 - ..
592175 - Trying an experiment to add the Internet address to
592176 - robots.txt, but not remove the records from the Internet, to
592177 - see if a subsequent search will not list these records.
592179 - ..
592180 - There is something else coming to light. In the SDS body of
592181 - records, as mentioned to Gary, there may be quite a few of my
592182 - records that discuss combat. Google seems to find and list a
592183 - couple each pass. If the listed records are later removed, it
592184 - lists the next few it finds, rather than list everything each
592185 - pass.
592186 -
592187 -
592189 - ..
592190 - Google Processes Request for Index and Cache Update
592191 - Request to Google for Index Cache Update Processed Successfully
592192 -
592193 - Follow up ref SDS E2 PS3W
592194 -
592195 - After revising the specification of SDS records and files to exclude
592196 - from indexing, per para 5 above, ref SDS E2 3R6F, was successful
592197 - performing steps in para 6, per above, ref SDS E2 EH3X, by logging
592198 - onto Google Internet address for requesting immediate index update,
592199 - per above. ref SDS E2 RJ6N
592201 - ..
592202 - Got following response....
592203 -
592204 - Your request has been submitted.
592205 -
592206 - Your request should be processed within 24 hours.
592207 -
592208 - You may visit the options page to check the status of all your
592209 - pending requests or submit another one.
592210 -
592211 -
592213 - ..
592214 - Problem Processing Expanded List of Records to Exclude Indexing
592215 -
592216 - A few days later on 030719 decided to exclude my SDS records from
592217 - indexing that have Gary and Aerospace company per above, ref SDS 0
592218 - MU7I,
592220 - ..
592221 - However, over the next few days could not get the same message
592222 - saying that the request has been submitted. ref SDS 0 Y24N
592224 - ..
592225 - Notified Gary by phone on 030720. Gary will investigate
592226 - limitations on robots.text and work arounds.
592227 -
592228 - [On 030724 requested support from Google. ref SDS E4 0001
592229 -
592230 - [On 030728 Google reported robots.txt has a limited size.
592231 - ref SDS E5 K48O
592232 -
592233 -
592234 -
592235 -
592237 - ..
592238 - Lessons Learned Flexibility on Confidentiality Using Internet
592239 -
592240 - The ability to specify files for indexing and to call for an expedited
592241 - update on indexing provides considerable added utility for using the
592242 - Internet to deliver web mail.
592244 - ..
592245 - Gary mentions today that there is a corellary command to index
592246 - particular files. So in his case, while gljdy has been taken down
592247 - entirely. We could put back some files and then simply list the
592248 - entire directory as disallowed for indexing and caching, and then
592249 - specify some files to be indexed.
592251 - ..
592252 - Actually, the indexing is not really needed for the original purpose
592253 - of SDS to deliver anytime, anywhere intelligence.
592255 - ..
592256 - Indexing only provides a form of advertizing, which may or may not
592257 - prove to be a viable mechanism to generate revenue.
592259 - ..
592260 - We could disallow indexing on the entire site and this would still
592261 - provide the power of connectedness on the Internet.
592263 - ..
592264 - Gary related in a call this afternoon that his boss at Abacas is aware
592265 - of issues that have come up on using SDS, and is supportive. He
592266 - understands that his boss at Aerospace company, Steve, and, also, Bruce both
592267 - support Gary, and are aware he is using SDS.
592269 - ..
592270 - We are concerned that Aerospace company may issue some edict that only Aerospace company
592271 - approved software can be used on the project. Seems like if Aerospace company
592272 - did this, then a lot of engineers will be submitting their list of
592273 - favorite tools.
592274 -
592275 - [On 040116 Gary directed to remove SDS from his computer at
592276 - Aerospace company. ref SDS E6 0001
592278 - ..
592279 - [On 040330 Aerospace company issues notice that using SDS is good to go
592280 - after setting up an evaluation contract. ref SDS E7 1G8I
592282 - ..
592283 - [On 040401 revised robots.txt to suppress the entire set of
592284 - records and files, to support contract with Aerospace company.
592285 - ref SDS E8 KD5M
592286 -
592287 -
592288 -
592289 -
592290 -
592291 -
592292 -
592293 -
5923 -