440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 4, 2003 12:10 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Jerry Nord offers to participate in SDS project.
2...Journey of Self-growth Enabled by SDS Support for Continual Learning
3...Saving Lives Incentive for SDS to Connect the Dots of Intelligence
4...Intelligence Saves Lives, Time and Money Using SDS to Connect the Dots
5...Implement SDS at CSG with Training Program for Software Developers
6...Extreme Programming Expedites Taking SDS to the Next Level
7...Taking SDS to Next Step Requires First Step to Learn KM by Doing KM
8...Business Plan Support Key Ingredient Timing and Correlation with CSG
9...Gives and Gets Starting on Positive Foot with Focus on Value Added
10...CSG Important Testing Ground Need Clarification of Role
Click here to comment!
0201 - CSG Systems Inc. O-00000795 0404
020101 - Mr. Jerry J. Nord
Circle of Advocates Culture Knowledge
Pilot Test CSG Needs SDS Support for Daily Management to Capture Orga
SDS Use at CSG Under Terms Developed for Gary
CSG Com Metrics Support for Jerry Nord's Software Engineer Group
Proposal Participate in SDS Development and Marketing with Business P
Life-growth Journey Aligns with SDS Capabilities and Opportunity
3308 -
3308 - ..
3309 - Summary/Objective
3310 -
331001 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0000. ref SDS 15 0000.
331002 -
331003 - Jerry offers to participate in SDS based on alignment with goals for
331004 - self-growth, ref SDS 0 GX4M, because SDS supports "intelligence" to
331005 - save time, money and lives. ref SDS 0 HO48 Proposal offers to
331006 - implement SDS at CSG with a group of seven (7) software engineers,
331007 - following the model Gary used at Aerospace company, but with a training
331008 - regimen to shorten the learning curve. ref SDS 0 XO60 Clarification
331009 - on scope of effort is needed. ref SDS 0 GX5F Jerry further proposes
331010 - taking SDS to the next level of commercial sales using the "extreme
331011 - programming" approach. ref SDS 0 XO5L Experience by others who have
331012 - tried to develop technology beyond information management shows that
331013 - the best path for expediting the work is to first learn KM by using
331014 - the current version of SDS. ref SDS 0 QX5O Jerry's experience
331015 - developing business plans would be very helpful for taking SDS to
331016 - commercial success. ref SDS 0 AM4M Keeping the focus on adding value
331017 - to development and marketing will yield the best rewards for
331018 - participants in the project. This can be accomplished by adopting the
331019 - agreement reported on 030126. ref SDS 0 PPUQ Next steps are to
331020 - clarify issues developed in the record today. ref SDS 0 OJ5H
331021 -
331022 - [On 030606 called Jerry to follow up. ref SDS 30 0001
331024 - ..
331025 - [On 020609 received email from Jerry he plans to call in afternoon
331026 - to discuss this record. ref SDS 31 GX4M
331027 -
331028 -
331029 -
331030 -
331032 - ..
3311 -
3312 -
3313 - Progress
3314 -
331401 - Journey of Self-growth Enabled by SDS Support for Continual Learning
331402 -
331403 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jerry responding to our call on Monday
331404 - and the record showing consideration for Jerry to participate in SDS
331405 - product development. ref SDS 28 0001 Jerry says in his letter....
331406 -
331407 - a. I have talked this over with myself and would like to proceed
331408 - in getting SDS to market. I am starting a "life-growth"
331409 - journey at this time and your contacting me has much value to
331410 - where I want to go.
331412 - ..
331413 - Jerry is referring to the call yesterday, with follow up email linked
331414 - to the record of the discussion on Jerry trying SDS. ref SDS 28 RE64
331415 - Jerry's explanation of having "...talked this over with myself..."
331416 - embodies one of ways SDS is applied to think, ponder and analyze,
331417 - where POIMS describes a "self-dialog" report process. ref OF 4 0504
331418 -
331419 - [...below, letter to Jerry notes alignment between Jerry's work
331420 - practice and SDS support. ref SDS 0 PY8L
331422 - ..
331423 - Jerry's letter indicating that SDS sets a vision, a path and offers an
331424 - opportunity to realize personal career/life goals is heartening, and
331425 - further validates the potential for SDS to be effective and successful
331426 - in the market because given the right marketing conditions, i.e.,
331427 - enabling forces, people readily recognize added value, shown by the
331428 - record on 010907 listing people who have recognized SDS support for
331429 - Com Metrics, and further illustrated by the report that Com Metrics is
331430 - having a favorable impact at Aerospace company on 030527. ref SDS 27 0001
331431 -
331432 -
331433 -
331434 -
3315 -
Rationale Participating in SDS is Recognition that Support for Intell
340301 - ..
340302 - Saving Lives Incentive for SDS to Connect the Dots of Intelligence
340303 - Intelligence Saves Lives, Time and Money Using SDS to Connect the Dots
340304 -
340305 - Jerry continues...
340306 -
340307 - b. Also, after contemplating the shuttle discussion, I now realize
340308 - this product truly can save lives. It now finally fits into the
340309 - purpose my life is going.
340311 - ..
340312 - Jerry refers to discussion on 030602 when he related how SDS helps
340313 - people understand and cope with fast moving events that otherwise
340314 - overwhelm management, ref SDS 28 SM4O, illustrated by loss of the
340315 - Columbia Space Shuttle and her crew, reported on 030304. ref SDS 23
340316 - KV6K SDS support for "connecting the dots," explained in POIMS,
340317 - ref OF 4 QZ4F, was reviewed following tragedy on 010911. Reporting
340318 - found that analysis is the weak link in "intelligence" needed for
340319 - national security to save lives. ref SDS 10 YNGH Belief that SDS
340320 - enables a new way of working that improves present practice is an
340321 - enabling force, discussed with Doug Engelbart in the call on 011120,
340322 - ref SDS 13 H67I, and reflects analysis in Jerry's letter on 020415
340323 - calculating that SDS can save about $40K per day at CSG. ref SDS 15
340324 - C28K
340326 - ..
340327 - Saving lives cited in Jerry's letter today is complements benefits of
340328 - "intelligence" for saving time and money, which Jerry calculated in a
340329 - letter on 020415 showing SDS could save time and money at the rate of
340330 - $40K per day at CSG by adding "intelligence" to information.
340331 - ref SDS 15 F95F
340332 -
340333 -
340334 -
340335 -
340336 -
340337 -
340338 -
3404 -
Implement SDS at CSG with 7 Programmers Jerry Offers to Participate S
Training Manual Program for Software Engineers to Learn and Implement
Nord, Jerry at CSG Offers to Design Write Training Regimen
Pilot Test Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM
7 Programmers Jerry Offers to Participate SDS Development Marketing B
460701 - ..
460702 - Implement SDS at CSG with Training Program for Software Developers
460703 -
460704 - Jerry continues...
460705 -
460706 - c. I believe I can offer much to the advancement of SDS. I will
460707 - give you a short list now and add the details if you decide to
460708 - proceed with me.
460710 - ..
460711 - 1. I can implement it with my team of 7 software developers.
460712 - Also, the management team I belong to has seen the need for
460713 - better information storage and retrieval. By using my
460714 - team, ref DRT 1 0001, I can do;
460715 -
460716 - [On 030611 this plan implemented with confidentiality
460717 - agreements for people who use SDS software. ref SDS 32
460718 - K38V
460720 - ..
460721 - 2. Design, write, and implement a training regimen for
460722 - implementation and use. I will be able to optimize it for
460723 - shorter learning curve since I will have multiple
460724 - opportunities to work with individuals. ref DRT 1 EP6W
460726 - ..
460727 - Implementing SDS on the job at CSG with a team of seven (7) skilled
460728 - and professional software engineers is a very significant asset for
460729 - advancing SDS, per above. ref SDS 0 XO60
460730 -
460731 - Jerry needs to flesh out this step in relation to protecting
460732 - intellectual property within the framework of terms and
460733 - conditions developed on 030126, which was submitted to Jerry
460734 - following our discussion on 030602. ref SDS 28 GP3J
460735 -
460736 - [...below, this issue is discussed again. ref SDS 0 TI3O
460738 - ..
460739 - [On 030611 received Jerry's proposal. ref SDS 32 PPUQ
460741 - ..
460742 - For example, Jerry may be thinking of learning SDS and using
460743 - these new skills with a group of engineers at CSG with whom he is
460744 - working closely; which is similar to Gary's approach at
460745 - Aerospace company using SDS for communication on the combat project. Starting
460746 - with a small group of seven (7) people and developing a training
460747 - regimen, per para c3, discussed below, ref SDS 0 QW7G, is a great
460748 - beginning, if that is what Jerry is proposing.
460750 - ..
460751 - Developing a training regimen for people to learn SDS and perform Com
460752 - Metrics is sorely needed, based on foundational documents....
460753 -
460754 - SDS features and schematic.......... ref OF 7 3385
460755 - POIMS............................... ref OF 2 0001
460756 - NWO................................. ref OF 9 0001
460757 - Typical Day Scenario................ ref OF 8 0001
460758 - Com Metrics scope of services....... ref DRP 2 4929
460760 - ..
460761 - This could evolve into a profit center, as demand grows for advancing
460762 - from information to a culture of knowledge. Gary's example
460763 - today to posting the eight (8) steps on the wall at Aerospace company shows part
460764 - of the learning process. ref SDS 29 0001 Experience developing a
460765 - training regimen will be helpful for realizing the next level of
460766 - commercial success discussed in para c3, ref SDS 0 XO5L, and so should
460767 - be incorporated into business planning proposed in para c4.
460768 - ref SDS 0 AM4M
460769 -
460770 - [On 030611 reviewed potential marketing opportunities based on
460771 - language in Jerry's proposed agreement. ref SDS 32 01WR
460772 -
460773 -
460774 -
460775 -
460776 -
460777 -
4608 -
Extreme Programming Approach Expedites Taking SDS to the Next Level
First Step Taking SDS to the Next Level Windows Version for Marketing
Learn 2 Months Understand SDS Flexible Structures Realize Benefits Ne
Learn Current SDS to Develop KM by Doing KM
Com Metrics 8 Steps Using SDS Post on Wall to Remind First Step Take
Take SDS to Next Level Using Extreme Programming Approach is to Learn
Nord, Jerry at CSG Offers to Use Extreme Programming Method to Take S
530901 - ..
530902 - Extreme Programming Expedites Taking SDS to the Next Level
530903 - Taking SDS to Next Step Requires First Step to Learn KM by Doing KM
530904 -
530905 - Jerry continues...
530906 -
530907 - 3. I develop software using the Extreme Programming approach.
530908 - I think this will be well-suited for taking the software
530909 - portion of SDS to the next level of development,
530910 - publication, sale, and distribution. ref DRT 1 EP7R
530912 - ..
530913 - Jerry's proposal follows up on his letter on 020415 suggesting to
530914 - start a new company. ref SDS 15 IE41
530915 -
530916 - [On 030801 Gary has begun to analyse issues on writing
530917 - a new version of SDS; should consider Jerry's planning.
530918 - ref SDS 36 HX6J
530920 - ..
530921 - Great expectations to develop knowledge management technology are
530922 - tempered by experience at....
530923 -
530924 - IBM failed with Raven............ 001130, ref SDS 6 F26K
530925 - SRI says others failed........... 000324, ref SDS 2 4877
530926 - SRI failed with OHS/DKR.......... 000615, ref SDS 3 6271
530927 - DARPA says KM failed everywhere.. 010426, ref SDS 8 657O
530928 - IBM says everyone else failed
530929 - to meet expectations for KM...... 020608, ref SDS 16 QV5G
530930 - KM professionals giving up on
530931 - technology "gadgets"............. 020822, ref SDS 19 JT5O
530933 - ..
530934 - Since SDS has succeeded, reported by Morris Jones at Intel on 010924,
530935 - ref SDS 11 NK4J and ref SDS 11 XT5F, there are good reasons for "great
530936 - expectations" tempered with determination to learn what it takes to
530937 - succeed, and not start building a system of "knowledge" tools that
530938 - people expect "should" work, based on belief from a lifetime of
530939 - experience using information technology. People have tried this over
530940 - and over without success, as reported on 001126. ref SDS 5 4E3X More
530941 - recently on 020429 similar ideas were suggested, demonstrating strong
530942 - desire to KM with IT skills. ref SDS 25 EB9X
530944 - ..
530945 - An example of determination to learn is Jerry's suggestion to first
530946 - implement the current version of SDS with a group of seven (7)
530947 - engineers, per above, ref SDS 0 XO60, taking them through the
530948 - transformation process illustrated by Gary's report earlier today that
530949 - he has printed and posted the eight (8) steps using SDS for Com
530950 - Metrics. ref SDS 29 0001 Doing the same thing at CSG extends the
530951 - model at Aerospace company by developing a training regimen that Jerry proposes
530952 - in para c2. ref SDS 0 XO4V
530953 -
530954 - [On 030609 Gary's work learning and transitioning to SDS
530955 - is helpful background on scope of effort. ref SDS 31 KC4O
530957 - ..
530958 - [On 030611 Jerry's proposal discussed "extreme programming" to
530959 - expedite work on new version; planning should begin the work
530960 - with several months to learn SDS. ref SDS 32 XO5L
530962 - ..
530963 - [On 030611 Gary recognizes importance of learning.
530964 - ref SDS 33 PO5I
530965 -
530966 -
530967 -
530968 -
530969 -
530970 -
530971 -
530972 -
530973 -
5310 -
Marketing Business Plan and 7 Programmers Jerry Offers to Participate
Disruptive Technology Business Plan Must Recognize SDS for Com Metric
Nord, Jerry Offers to Help Prepare Business Plan Help Take SDS to Mar
Jerry Nord Offers to Help Develop Business Plan
Proposal Participate in SDS Development and Marketing with Business P
Nord, Jerry at CSG Offers to Help Prepare Business Plan
Marketing Business Plan and 7 Programmers Jerry Offers to Participate
Business Plan Support by Jerry Nord Apply Planning on 000802
591001 - ..
591002 - Business Plan Support Key Ingredient Timing and Correlation with CSG
591003 -
591004 - Jerry continues...
591005 -
591006 - 4. Finally, I toss in my salesman/sales management training
591007 - and experience to assist in taking us to market. Business
591008 - plan, etc., which will be needed to move on, I can and have
591009 - done for myself and others. ref DRT 1 EP7V
591011 - ..
591012 - How do ideas for "business planning" relate to using SDS at CSG, per
591013 - above. ref SDS 0 XO60
591014 -
591015 - [On 030611 received Jerry's proposal that discussed business
591016 - planning. ref SDS 32 AM4M
591018 - ..
591019 - Support for a business plan is key ingredient for moving from having a
591020 - powerful capability to empowering people through useful products and
591021 - services in the marketplace. This addresses in part Jack Park's point
591022 - on 020920. ref SDS 20 OP9J
591024 - ..
591025 - Initial ideas on business planning are reported on 000802. ref SDS 4
591026 - 0001 Jerry seems to be offering today a key ingredient of a business
591027 - plan by providing engineering expertise and credible, experienced
591028 - management that is essential for a business. ref SDS 0 051F
591029 -
591030 - [On 030612 discussion with Jerry showed these considerations can
591031 - be incorporated into the "busines plan" Jerry plans to deliver.
591032 - ref SDS 34 8E6G
591034 - ..
591035 - Business planning should likely recognize "disruptive technology"
591036 - issues reviewed on 990527. ref SDS 1 5258 SDS is not a better
591037 - "mousetrap," seeking a share of existing markets. Rather, SDS is a
591038 - better "mouse" (e.g., cleans the house, mows the lawn, and does other
591039 - "neat" and "cool" tasks people want, reported on 010907, ref SDS 9
591040 - 0P8P) that, therefore, eliminates the market for "mousetraps." Not
591041 - only must a new market must be formed, but folks who are displaced
591042 - naturally resist, most notably with false claims they can, also,
591043 - provide a better "mouse," as Morris related on 010425. ref SDS 7 PJ4M
591044 - Moreover, there will be resistance from customers who already know how
591045 - to rig "mousetraps," and so hope to use their skills for killing the
591046 - mouse to instead improve the mouse, as Stuart Harrow asked the other
591047 - day on 030429. ref SDS 25 EB9X In other words, "killer applications"
591048 - like email, wordprocessing, Powerpoint, cell phones and meetings, not
591049 - only "kill" productivity, reviewed on 011003, ref SDS 12 O76L, but
591050 - also kill marketing efforts to sell improvement to save time, money
591051 - and lives, because transformation takes time to bridge the gap between
591052 - the two (2) worlds from IT to a culture of knowledge, and often this
591053 - is longer than most people can accommodate due to inherent incentives
591054 - that lock people into the world of IT, reported on 030512. ref SDS 26
591055 - ZT54
591057 - ..
591058 - Investors may, therefore, wish to see plans for overcoming resistance
591059 - to working "intelligently" for saving time, money and lives, reported
591060 - on 020729, ref SDS 17 9O5O, and developed in the draft endorsement of
591061 - SDS for SRI's consideration and dated 030417. ref OF 1 OI6H
591063 - ..
591064 - Current ideas propose a "3-layer architecture" developed on 020820.
591065 - ref SDS 18 0001 Gary's experience at Aerospace company on the combat
591066 - project suggests this model can be effective. If this experience can
591067 - be repeated at CSG, for example, by developing a training regimen, as
591068 - Jerry proposes in para c2, ref SDS 0 XO4V, investors could gain enough
591069 - confidence that SDS can be profitable within a time period that
591070 - justifies support for work on a next version of SDS.
591072 - ..
591073 - Most likely, however, investor confidence will rise and fall on
591074 - whether investors themselves can learn to use SDS, since SDS support
591075 - for "intelligence" is somewhat related to the process of investing,
591076 - shown by the Enron story, where people placed a lot of confidence in a
591077 - business model that had no earnings, reported on 020204. ref SDS 14
591078 - 0001 If we could get an investor to participate along with us, this
591079 - would provide feedback on creating a tool and training materials that
591080 - strike a good balance between ease of learning and usefulness, on the
591081 - grounds that people who have value at risk are somewhat more highly
591082 - motivated to learn how to protect their investment.
591083 -
591084 -
591085 -
591086 -
591087 -
591088 -
591089 -
591090 -
5911 -
Agreement on Using SDS and Participating in SDS Project Requires Memo
Gives Gets on Agreement for Jerry to Participate in SDS
660401 - ..
660402 - Gives and Gets Starting on Positive Foot with Focus on Value Added
660403 -
660404 - Jerry continues...
660405 -
660406 - d. What do I want? To be a part of this effort. Compensation -
660407 - after I have contributed, you let me know what it is worth. I
660408 - understand the need for software/development agreements so
660409 - please feel free to ask for my signature and word. ref DRT 1
660410 - PPUQ
660412 - ..
660413 - Jerry's willingness to demonstrate added value for determining
660414 - compensation is very helpful, since at this time there is no revenue
660415 - stream that can support payouts.
660417 - ..
660418 - Jerry does not mention having reviewed the record on 030126. This was
660419 - submitted to Jerry on 030602; his offer to sign off on an agreement is
660420 - taken at this time as acceptance of the framework shown on 030126,
660421 - subject to details of implementation, per above. ref SDS 0 GX5F
660422 -
660423 - [On 030609 discuss IP in relation to technology transfer to Jerry
660424 - and CSG. ref SDS 31 PPUQ
660426 - ..
660427 - [On 030611 received Jerry's proposal, ref SDS 32 PPUQ, and Jerry
660428 - notes agreement with record on 030126. ref SDS 32 K38R
660429 -
660430 -
660431 -
660432 -
660433 -
660434 -
660435 -
660436 -
660437 -
660438 -
6605 -
Next Steps Clarify Implementation of SDS at CSG
670301 - ..
670302 - CSG Important Testing Ground Need Clarification of Role
670303 -
670304 - Jerry continues...
670305 -
670306 - e. Let me know next steps. And, since I will be using this to
670307 - benefit CSG, feel free to call me at work. Also, my [contact
670308 - information is....
670309 -
670310 - // home phone number is 402-894-1009. My personal/home
670311 - business email address is ref DRT 1
670312 - XK8L
670313 - //
670315 - ..
670316 - Next step is memorandum of understanding that accepts the agreement on
670317 - 030126. Then get SDS to Jerry to begin work, per the record on 020924
670318 - sending SDS to Gary. ref SDS 21 0001
670319 -
670320 - [On 030611 received Jerry's proposal, ref SDS 32 PPUQ, and
670321 - Jerry notes agreement with record on 030126. ref SDS 32 K38R
670323 - ..
670324 - On 020415 Jerry reported that his boss rejected Jerry's proposal to
670325 - use SDS for managing software projects at CSG. ref SDS 15 5N3M
670327 - ..
670328 - Is the idea here to use SDS along the lines that Gary has introduced
670329 - SDS at Aerospace company, which is "under the radar," without official approval,
670330 - by supporting the seven (7) engineers, Jerry mentions in para c1, per
670331 - above? ref SDS 0 GX5F This was the impetus of the call to Jerry on
670332 - 020602. ref SDS 28 RE64
670333 -
670334 - [On 030609 Jerry discussed using SDS at CSG with his boss, so
670335 - the effort is not entirely "under the radar." ref SDS 31 XO60
670337 - ..
670338 - [On 030611 received Jerry's proposal. ref SDS 32 PPUQ
670340 - ..
670341 - An initial concern is how Jerry will be able to devote a block of time
670342 - to learn SDS, while also managing a group of 150 software engineers?
670343 - Gary had several months off between assignments at Aerospace company to invest
670344 - for learning.
670345 -
670346 - [On 030609 discussed with Jerry. ref SDS 31 QH4I
670348 - ..
670349 - [On 030620 discussed with Jerry assigning someone to be his
670350 - onsite Com Manager, scribe to do major effort learning and
670351 - using SDS. ref SDS 35 HS9O
670353 - ..
670354 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Jerry responding on an interim basis and
670355 - saying...
670356 -
670357 - 1. Thanks very much for your letter, per above, today with ideas
670358 - and offering, ref SDS 0 GX4M to participate in SDS development.
670359 - Please give me a few days to respond with some specifics on
670360 - next steps.
670362 - ..
670363 - 2. Post Script:
670364 -
670365 - "Talking things over" with yourself, mentioned in your letter
670366 - today, is one of the ways SDS is used for deliberative
670367 - analysis, per above. ref SDS 0 GX4M We are off to a good
670368 - start. ref DIT 1 IT7G
670369 -
670371 - ..
670372 - [On 030606 called Jerry to follow up. ref SDS 30 0001
670373 -
670374 -
670375 -
670376 -
670377 -
670378 -
670379 -
6704 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"