440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 21, 2003 09:16 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Pat called on draft endorsement SDS and Com Metrics.
2...Other Voices Spreading the Word Unlock Genie of Knowledge Management
...Individuals Not Critical to KM, but Can Play Critical Role
...Pat's Expertise and Position Can Play Critical Role Advancing KM
.......SRI Publish Commit to Learning KM Light Way for Others to Learn
.......References Demonstrate New Way Working with Addressability
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0201 - SRI International O-00000103 0701
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory O-00000103 0701
Others Spreading Word Have Power to Let Genie of KM out of Bottle
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 58 660301.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040506 -
040507 -
040508 -
040510 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - 1503
0409 -
040901 - Other Voices Spreading the Word Unlock Genie of Knowledge Management
040902 -
040903 - Follow up ref SDS 58 PR6Y
040904 -
040905 - Received email from Pat responding to the letter, ref DIP 7 0001,
040906 - responding to Pat's letter, ref SDS 58 OF4F, also received yesterday.
040907 - ref SDS 58 OF4F
040909 - ..
040910 - Pat's email responds to particular paragraphs in the letter to him.
040911 - yesterday. ref SDS 58 PR6Y
040912 -
040913 - a. Thanks for timely feedback in your letter day, per above,
040914 - ref SDS 58 OF4F, on reviewing the draft endorsement, ref OF 11
040915 - 0001, expanding language you approved, ref OF 9 0001, in our
040916 - meeting on 020729. ref SDS 34 4K6G This helps ensure a
040917 - productive meeting scheduled for next Tuesday on 020527, per our
040918 - telecon yesterday. ref SDS 57 BQ6J
040920 - ..
040921 - Pat says ok on this. ref DRT 1 0001
040922 -
040923 - Need Pat to engage on the meaning and purpose of a DKR without
040924 - being able to cite the content, as suggested by Pat's comments on
040925 - 020520. ref SDS 58 OF4F
040927 - ..
040928 - Pat responds further to the letter that was sent to him yesterday,
040929 - ref SDS 58 OH58, and which said....
040930 -
040931 - b. Your suggestion to publish another Welch paper, which other
040932 - people can cite, may be the right direction afterall.
040933 - Everything in the currently proposed draft reflects things I
040934 - have already said, and so is already available for people to
040935 - cite, but this is not being done, as set out in the new draft.
040936 - ref OF 11 IB4M Assume KM is a "movement" toward a new way of
040937 - working that strengthens the ancient practice of literacy in
040938 - important ways that augment intelligence, as explained in POIMS.
040939 - ref OF 5 3742 Assume further that in the early stages research
040940 - is required to move forward, because people like to rely on
040941 - things that are familiar and established. In particular people
040942 - like familiar ways of using alphabet technology, and are not
040943 - familiar with opportunities for augmenting intelligence. Under
040944 - these conditions, I think you will agree that a movement needs
040945 - more than one voice. If Rod publishes everything this is not a
040946 - movement, it is a narrow, quaky, eccentric personality, much
040947 - like the genie in a bottle. As long as the genie is in the
040948 - bottle, people can only wonder why the genie is jumping up and
040949 - turning cartwheels inside, while everyone is hurrying to the
040950 - next seminar, the next meeting where there is no progress,
040951 - ref DIP 7 XV6F, as we have seen the past 10 years or so, and
040952 - noted in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11 OI6H
040954 - ..
040955 - Pat says ok on this. ref DRT 1 6L7K
040957 - ..
040958 - Pat responds further to the letter sent to him yesterday, ref SDS 58
040959 - OH73, which said....
040960 -
040961 - c. Letting the genie out of the bottle, i.e., to break out of the
040962 - innovation loop that has the secret of converting information
040963 - into knowledge bottled up, reported on 000425, ref SDS 12 0480,
040964 - and as related in the draft endorsement, ref OF 11 ES5O,
040965 - requires action by others, because while the genie is powerful,
040966 - the one thing the Genie cannot do is open the bottle.
040967 - ref DIP 7 8W7J
040969 - ..
040970 - d. Opening the "bottle" to release the "Genie" for the power of
040971 - knowledge requires an act of will and faith in the beginning by
040972 - those who are comfortable in the old way of working using
040973 - information technology, like this email program I am using.
040974 - Where do we find people with the vision to see, the courage to
040975 - act and the will to persevere for taking the early steps toward
040976 - a better future? One place is in research, because, by
040977 - definition, researchers have one foot in both worlds -- the
040978 - world of today that must conform to make a living, and the world
040979 - of tomorrow that makes living more livable for all. ref DIP 7
040980 - GW7O
040982 - ..
040983 - e. Therefore, on the point of who should publish, it seems
040984 - axiomatic that unless others take up the issues in the draft,
040985 - there will be no movement, ref DIP 7 MW9G, as you noted in your
040986 - letter on 010111. ref SDS 22 EF6M
040988 - ..
040989 - Individuals Not Critical to KM, but Can Play Critical Role
040990 - Pat's Expertise and Position Can Play Critical Role Advancing KM
040991 -
040992 -
040993 - Pat says on points c - e, ref SDS 0 VM9O,
040994 -
040995 - Well, I don't think that Pat Lincoln is the one critical
040996 - element, but getting more people than just Rod is clearly a good
040997 - thing. ref DRT 1 WN5L
040999 - ..
041000 - Pat is correct that no one person is "critical." Slow progress
041001 - advancing beyond information based on the alphabet technology, to a
041002 - culture of knowledge based on SDS for integrating time and information
041003 - implies that some "elements" are critical to forming the confluence of
041004 - enabling forces, discussed with Doug on 011120. ref SDS 30 H67I
041005 - People positioned to support critical elements have an opportunity to
041006 - play a critical role, if they judge the objective of advancing the
041007 - nation and civilization justifies the effort, as discussed with Pat on
041008 - 000725. ref SDS 17 0897
041010 - ..
041011 - What are the "elements" that must coalesce to enable a force strong
041012 - enough to overcome forces of ignorance, fear and denial that block
041013 - progress on tools and practices for doing knowledge work?
041014 -
041015 - 1. Design that works to substantially improve information
041016 - technology. Without a design that works, nothing can succeed.
041018 - ..
041019 - The draft endorsement says to "study what works," ref OF 11
041020 - U44M, for accomplishing Knowledge Management, as defined in
041021 - the record of our meeting on 020729, ref SDS 34 BR4M, and
041022 - points to SDS implemented by the eight steps for performing
041023 - Com Metrics to improve personal and organizational memory set
041024 - out in the record on 001219, ref SDS 21 4W4L, that has worked
041025 - for consistently producing a unique work product over a period
041026 - of 20 years that includes 26K records since 1988, also cited
041027 - in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11 U44M
041029 - ..
041030 - 2. Experience doing Knowledge Management (KM) builds faith that a
041031 - new way of working using SDS for adding "intellgence to
041032 - information that creates "knowledge," as defined in POIMS,
041033 - ref OF 1 0367, saves time, money and lives, illustrated by the
041034 - record at DNRC, PG&E, USACE. Recently on 030503 similar
041035 - experience showing SDS is effective was reported at Aerospace company.
041036 - ref SDS 59 F64M
041038 - ..
041039 - Lack of experience fosters ignorance, fear and denial that
041040 - prevent people from getting experience. This creates an
041041 - innovation loop that is a powerful dilemma blocking progress
041042 - toward knowledge management, reported on 010924. ref SDS 26
041043 - XT5F
041045 - ..
041046 - Bad experience using existing methods is an enabling force for
041047 - breaking out of the box of information technology by openning
041048 - some minds and raising calls to try something new, illustrated
041049 - by the record on....
041050 -
041051 - a. Economy too many people
041052 - having too many problems......... 001207, ref SDS 20 V54M
041054 - ..
041055 - b. National security failed
041056 - too much information, not
041057 - enough analysis.................. 010911, ref SDS 24 YNGH
041059 - ..
041060 - c. NASA not enough time to
041061 - analyse information leading
041062 - to loss of Challenger............ 030304, ref SDS 39 KV6K
041064 - ..
041065 - Bad experience trying "Knowledge Mangement" tools and methods
041066 - that don't work because they do not integrate a critical mass
041067 - of processes needed to improve productivity, as explained in
041068 - POIMS, ref OF 3 2688, "poisons the well" to create a powerful
041069 - counter force that resists the impulse to improve information
041070 - technology, discussed with Pat during our meeting at SRI on
041071 - 020729, ref SDS 34 NS6G, despite overwhelming evidence showing
041072 - that existing methods have proven ineffective under new
041073 - realities of information overload, discussed just above.
041074 - ref SDS 0 CR69 This record suggests the need is so great that
041075 - people are reduced to clutching at straws, trying methods
041076 - with only some of the features needed for improvement
041078 - ..
041079 - 3. Key ingredient of transformation to a new way of working is
041080 - acquiring experience to overcome lack of experience that makes
041081 - working intelligently look like overkill, reported on 890324.
041082 - ref SDS 1 8R97 One way people set aside ignorance, fear and
041083 - denial is through trust for identifying new solutions.
041085 - ..
041086 - By definition, "research" is entrusted to find new solutions.
041087 - It strives to overcome ignorance, fear and denial by
041088 - allocating resources for experimenting to test opportunities.
041089 - Researchers say that activity, which seems too dangerous and
041090 - too costly for daily work based on experience with traditional
041091 - ways of working, can be studied in a controlled process to
041092 - test whether new theory and preliminary, limited experience
041093 - that suggest significant rewards, can be achieved without
041094 - undue risk by breaking with tradition.
041096 - ..
041097 - SRI has a position of trust with one foot in the world of
041098 - reality and one foot in the world of future opportunity. Pat
041099 - and SRI are positioned to build a bridge between strongly felt
041100 - needs that cry out for KM, ref SDS 0 CR69, and lack of
041101 - experience with SDS, as related in the letter on 030520,
041102 - ref SDS 58 OH78, and cited above, ref SDS 0 OH78, which
041103 - paradoxically block any solution, also, noted above.
041104 - ref SDS 0 I33F
041106 - ..
041107 - We have long argued, beginning with the letter to Pat on
041108 - 001011 that knowledge management is a "research" project
041109 - because people are blocked by cultural imperatives from
041110 - gaining experience needed to breakout of the innovation loop
041111 - that traps people in the world of information technology.
041112 - ref SDS 18 0X6O The credibility of research gives people who
041113 - fear the light of knowledge more than darkness of ignorance, a
041114 - critical boost to try Knowledge Management in order to have a
041115 - chance to discover the benefits of cost savings and saving
041116 - lives from working intelligently.
041118 - ..
041119 - So far as is known, SRI is the only other organization to have
041120 - made progress advancing to KM, shown by Doug Engelbart's work
041121 - in the 1960s, and recognized 40 years later with Doug winning
041122 - the National Medal of Technology, reported on 001114.
041123 - ref SDS 19 0001 This legacy gives SRI a unique insight and
041124 - qualifications for performing research in knowledge
041125 - management, because SRI a headstart on understanding needs,
041126 - opportunities and challenges for advancing from information to
041127 - a culture of knowledge. Since Pat has led the SRI effort in
041128 - KM the past few years, he is the best positioned software
041129 - engineer and manager for playing a critical role.
041131 - ..
041132 - While Pat, per se, is not "critical," building credibility is a
041133 - critical element of advancing the nation and civilization from
041134 - information to a culture of knowledge, and since building credibility
041135 - requires credible people who, also, understand the opportunity of KM,
041136 - Pat is fairly unique, based on the record reported in the draft
041137 - endorsement. Part of Pat's understanding about KM that makes him
041138 - uniquely positione for letting the genie of KM out of the bottle of
041139 - IT, per above, ref SDS 0 VM9O, comes from association with SRI, where
041140 - a legacy of prior work by Doug Engelbart in the 1960s provides a
041141 - grounding that is missing in others.
041143 - ..
041144 - Pat mentioned in our call this morning that if SDS was a Microsoft
041145 - program Microsoft could not sell SDS because Knowledge Mangement is a
041146 - disruptive technology that replaces traditional modes of literacy, as
041147 - explained in POIMS. ref OF 5 3742 Research on 990527 showed that
041148 - markets have to be created for disruptive technologies, ref SDS 8
041149 - 5258, which, in the case of SDS, enables a process for people to work
041150 - "intelligently" that expands span of attention to avoid meaning drift,
041151 - and thus grow new knowledge in time to save and money. Microsoft's
041152 - expetise is to exploit markets by satisfying demand people make for
041153 - working on familiar things in familiar ways, noted by Grove at Intel,
041154 - reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 6 3740 Growing new markets requires
041155 - significant expense and produces low revenues in the beginning, which
041156 - presents a risk to the demand for meeting payrolls and shareholder
041157 - demands for divident earnings. Revenues are low and expenses are high
041158 - during the period when new markets form because sales must overcome
041159 - initial resistance to features that are not familiar and so cause fear
041160 - of accountability which is very disruptive, as explained in POIMS.
041162 - ..
041163 - Pat feels that resistance to attribution of daily working information,
041164 - called out by Doug in his 1972 paper as essential for an effective
041165 - Knowledge Workshop, reviewed on 000327, ref SDS 10 3971, that creates
041166 - organizational memory from meetings, calls and other communication,
041167 - and which appears regularly in SDS records, like this one, resists
041168 - deploying Knowledge Mangement in big organizations where better
041169 - management is needed to meet the challenge of complexity that arises
041170 - in large scale operations, as shown in the record on 011006.
041171 - ref SDS 27 O99K Pat's concern is explained in the endorsement as a
041172 - rationale for research to overcome the 800# gorilla, more commonly
041173 - called "fear of accountability. ref OF 11 Y74O
041175 - ..
041176 - Pat offered a new insight today on requirements, conditions and
041177 - enabling forces for Knowledge Management.
041179 - ..
041180 - Pat noted that Rod does not work for anybody, and so is relatively
041181 - free to capture an accurate record without fear of accountability
041182 - because there is no one who injects arbitrary authority to suppress
041183 - the record. This is frustrating to many, who, especially in large
041184 - organizations, must exercise judgement about the politics of power
041185 - that could be exercised against them from many directions, if some
041186 - aspect of the record, which nominally appears benign, and may in fact
041187 - be both helpful and harmless, yet appear to someone in authority to be
041188 - both unnecessary and potentially harmful. People caught in the middle
041189 - are nearly checkmated from generating anything because the risks to
041190 - personal security are many and varied.
041192 - ..
041193 - People in middle management are pressured by those above to avoid
041194 - mistakes and, also, to avoid accountability for mistakes by not
041195 - creating a record that is essential for avoiding mistakes. Since
041196 - accountability is the essence of good management, people are drawn by
041197 - an overwhelming tendency to use bad management in order to avoid
041198 - accountability, which then increases accountability when planes bump
041199 - into buildings and the economy collapses. The draft endorsement cites
041200 - this KM dilemma that demands for accuracy, ref OF 11 076L, which is
041201 - core metric of communication enabled by SDS, i.e., Communcation
041202 - Metrics, as related on 950204. ref SDS 3 5468
041204 - ..
041205 - Balancing the forces of fear, ignorance and denial that drive the
041206 - dilemma of pursuing both accuracy to avoid mistakes, while also
041207 - striving to avoid accountabilty for mistakes takes skills to raise
041208 - issues not temperatures; but, the solution is always a craft of art,
041209 - not science. We use the tools of SDS to improve performance, but must
041210 - also use the skills of the diplomat to implement the tools
041211 - effectively.
041213 - ..
041214 - Pat says in his letter today that Com Metrics is SDS + Rod,
041215 - ref DRT 1 TT9F,
041217 - ..
041218 - This is therefore an area that requires research to enable deployment
041219 - and growth of skills.
041221 - ..
041222 - Demand for research to find a solution is driven by powerful forces
041223 - that oppose fear of accountability. People who have value at risk
041224 - necessarily value accuracy in order avoid devestating loss, time and
041225 - treasure. These forces demand better methods of command and control
041226 - for working "intelligently" to connect the dots, and also demand
041227 - better accountabilty for failure to do so accurately and on time.
041228 - Examples of people who have value at risk are taxpayers/voters and
041229 - citizens, customers, investors, stock holders, health care patients,
041230 - insurors, as related in the record on 020217. ref SDS 31 4R5K
041232 - ..
041233 - Pat noted there is a lot of demand in the government for better tools
041234 - to "connect-the-dots." This evidently is the currently popular way of
041235 - encaplsing the need for working intelligently growing out of events on
041236 - 010911, when intelligence failed with attacks on US soil. ref SDS 24
041237 - YNGH Pat indicated during the discussion that technology and methods
041238 - that are being sold and fielded to strengthen command and control for
041239 - working intelligently to connect the dots are not any more effective
041240 - that what has been used traditionally. Research on 020504 shows that
041241 - government regulations mandate "documentation" for helping people
041242 - "connect-the-dots" required for effective intelligence that guides
041243 - command control.
041245 - ..
041246 - Today, we recalled that the defect cited on 010911 and subsequently
041247 - has focused on lack of technology and resources for analysis caused
041248 - failed intelligence on 010911. ref SDS 24 YNGH
041250 - ..
041252 - project to evaluate command and control for daily management.
041254 - ..
041255 - Pat notes that he does not have an interest in advancing SDS.
041256 - ref DRT 1 TT9F
041257 -
041258 - This can be fixed.
041259 -
041260 -
041261 -
041262 -
041263 -
0413 -
SRI Pat Publish Article to Learn KM and Light Way for Others to Learn
Draft Endorsement Revise to Acceptable Statement to Bridge Gap betwee
0704 -
070501 - ..
070502 - SRI Publish Commit to Learning KM Light Way for Others to Learn
070503 -
070504 -
070505 - Pat continues responding to the letter reported in the record
070506 - yesterday. ref SDS 58 OH9X
070507 -
070508 - f. This means we should at least try to get something you can
070509 - support for the following two reasons...
070510 -
070511 - 1. We need to grow your knowledge by getting you to engage the
070512 - issues in the draft, and giving you a resource you feel
070513 - comfortable citing in order to grow a culture of knowledge.
070514 - If you don't do this, the chances you will ever cite this
070515 - kind of material is zero, because you will not have made the
070516 - investment of time and study essential for acquiring
070517 - knowledge. ref DIP 7 HY9N Experience with OHS/DKR for
070518 - several years, including Eric Armstrong's letter on 000503,
070519 - ref SDS 14 5033, showed that without studying SDS, POIMS,
070520 - etc., there is not enough knowledge to develop Knowledge
070521 - Management, as related during the meeting at SRI on 000615.
070522 - ref SDS 15 6271
070524 - ..
070525 - Ok. But I don't have the SDS software, nor experience using it for my
070526 - own knowledge management, so I think I will be a weak proponent,
070527 - compared to others like Gary who are using it on a daily basis and
070528 - find strong value in it. ref DRT 1 PY6F
070530 - ..
070531 - All I can honestly say is "Rod did good things efficiently using SDS".
070532 - I can't say "SDS is useful" or "SDS makes for efficient KM" because I
070533 - don't know those to be true things. I cant even say that if I had a
070534 - pile of research money the first thing I would do is buy lots of
070535 - copies of SDS. ref DRT 1 X63K
070537 - ..
070538 - 2. We need to attract other supporters, other bright stars, who
070539 - can learn to spread the word wide as the waters. People are
070540 - attracted to movements by momentum. We have achieved a
070541 - fragile momentum with Gary at Aerospace company. Gary getting another
070542 - paper from Rod saying what Rod has already said is not
070543 - useful for giving other people the sense of safety in
070544 - numbers they need to embrace a new way of working. The
070545 - respected voice of research conveys trust that is critical
070546 - to drawing support. ref DIP 7 VZ4W
070547 -
070549 - ..
070550 - g. Thus, I am committed to fashioning a bridge from the draft to an
070551 - acceptable statement that helps you bridge the gap between the
070552 - two (2) worlds of information technology (IT) and knowledge
070553 - management (KM), ref DIP 7 VZ5L, as related in the draft
070554 - endorsement. ref OF 11 PR4I
070555 -
070557 - ..
070558 - h. For example, your appropriate concern to avoid assertions of
070559 - fact for which you do not have direct knowledge, per above,
070560 - ref SDS 58 OF4F, can be met by removing material. We have
070561 - started with a robust, comprehensive agenda, and now we can
070562 - scale it back, as needed to fit your comfort zone. I think when
070563 - we meet on Tuesday, some of this can be solved by reviewing the
070564 - public record. The IBM connection with Lotus is well
070565 - documented, but anything that is not supported to your
070566 - satisfaction can be removed. ref DIP 7 PPYQ
070567 -
070568 -
070569 -
070570 -
0706 -
Addressability Explicit Links to References Demonstrate New Way Worki
0803 -
080401 - ..
080402 - References Demonstrate New Way Working with Addressability
080403 -
080404 - Follow up ref SDS 58 RJ39.
080406 - ..
080407 - i. References to the SDS record are framed, not as assertions of
080408 - fact by you, but as information in the SDS record. We can make
080409 - more clear that representations are not endorsed nor adopted,
080410 - but rather are published at specific locations which people can
080411 - examine for independent assessment in the same way that people
080412 - examine references to Time, Scientific American, the Federal
080413 - Register, or other sources, per above analysis. ref SDS 58 WV4X
080414 - The key point is to engage people in the process of using
080415 - knowledge management practices by applying addressability in
080416 - order to discover the benefits of a new way of working.
080417 - ref DIP 7 NK3F Use of explicit links has long been a goal Doug
080418 - Engelbart has championed, beginning at least with his 1992 paper
080419 - on CODIAK, reviewed on 991222, ref SDS 9 1Z61, and later called
080420 - out by Doug's letter on 000405. ref SDS 11 2484 Here now is an
080421 - opportunity for SRI to demonstrate the efficacy of this
080422 - methodology, and so solve the problem Pat cited in the call on
080423 - 030421. ref SDS 47 PX7M
080424 -
080425 -
080426 -
080427 -
080428 -
0805 -
Circle of Advocates Spreading Word Wide as the Waters Takes More Voic
1003 -
100401 - ..
100402 - Follow up ref SDS 58 720501.
100403 -
100405 - ..
100406 - j. In any case, hopefully we can keep our eye on the core issue of
100407 - expanding the circle of people talking about SDS and Com Metrics
100408 - in order to encourage an expanding pool of people who are doing
100409 - KM. ref DIP 7 IK3L
100410 -
100412 - ..
100413 - k. Let's try to work on some of the conclusions, and then figure
100414 - out how you would feel comfortable making them, and those that
100415 - don't pass this test can be eliminated. Saying this another
100416 - way, let's try to identify some specific narrow issues you would
100417 - like to address that can apply your strategy of citing Com
100418 - Metrics publications, per above, ref SDS 58 WW3P, and then work
100419 - on generating those in a form you want. ref DIP 7 SK4H
100420 -
100421 -
100422 -
100423 -
1005 -
Open Source Important Component of Transformation
1103 -
110401 - ..
110402 - l. On the open source issue, how would you propose accomplishing
110403 - this, given the aversion to KM that has stymied such efforts,
110404 - ref DIP 7 LL4M, as set out in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11
110405 - 957K
110406 -
110407 - Per above, open source was considered on 000503. ref SDS 58
110408 - WW4T
110409 -
110411 - ..
110412 - m. I'll call to discuss these ideas if you have time today.
110413 -
110414 -
110415 -
110416 -
110417 -
110418 -
110419 -
110420 -
110421 -
110422 -
110423 -
110424 -
110425 -
110426 -
110427 -
1105 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"