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1...Why can't Pat sign a letter saying the SDS record i.e., the DKR,
0201 - SRI International O-00000103 0701
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory O-00000103 0701
0202 - Boeing O-00000816 0505
020201 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020203 - Modeling and Simulation O-00000816 0505
Endorse SDS Pat Write Letter to Curt Carlson Recommending R earch an
SRI Meeting Pat Lincoln Endorse SDS for Research Review Opportunities
Mechanics Transformation to KM Resisted People Prefer Print Informati
KM Secret of SDS Based on Evidence Following Meeting on 020729 Submit
Plan Meeting on 030527 Review Draft Endorsement Develop Circle of Adv
Foundation Fund Welch Production of SDS Records on the Internet Study
3-layer Architecture SDS Enables Possibilities for Everyone to Work I
Meeting Scheduled Review Draft Endorsement Calling for Foundation to
Other People Besides Rod Can Learn SDS and Generate SDS Records
Beyond Reach Sour Grapes Giving Up Organizational Memory Overkill
Discouraged Up Beyond Reach Sour Grapes Deny Organizational Memory Us
Giving Up on Technology Cannot Store Knowledge Giving Up on Technolog
Resist DKR Cite SDS Record Knowledge Repository Obviates New Way of W
Management Skills
7116 -
7116 - ..
7117 - Summary/Objective
7118 -
711801 - Follow up ref SDS 55 0000. ref SDS 53 0000.
711802 -
711803 - Pat explains the draft endorsement has some details that are beyond
711804 - his knowledge, which presents a dilemma about how to apply a DKR.
711805 - ref SDS 0 OF4F He explains that linking raises issues about citing
711806 - sources. ref SDS 0 WV4X These concerns lead to a suggestion that
711807 - Welch publish the draft, and others can cite it. ref SDS 0 WW3P Pat,
711808 - also, asks how open source fits into the equation? ref SDS 0 WW4T
711809 - Prepared initial thoughts thanking Pat for timely response. Commend
711810 - the strategy Pat suggests, ref SDS 0 PR6Y, for keeping focus on
711811 - expanding the circle of advocates who grasp the scope of the challenge
711812 - to let the genie of KM out of the bottle. ref SDS 0 OH73 When others
711813 - publish, studying and learning grows knowledge that is currently
711814 - missing about knowledge management. ref SDS 0 OH9X This builds
711815 - crucial momentum through a bandwagon effect that gives people
711816 - confidence to engage the KM issue. ref SDS 0 RI5I Citing references
711817 - needs to be done without endorsing representations, and in order to
711818 - demonstrate a new way of working using explicit links based on robust
711819 - addressability that is a model for a paperless office, which is one
711820 - way that KM is described. ref SDS 0 RJ39
711821 -
711822 -
711823 -
711824 -
711825 -
711826 -
711827 -
711829 - ..
7119 -
7120 -
7121 - Progress
7122 -
712201 - DKR Improves Productivity When People Use the Record
712202 - Citing Representations Beyond Personal Knowledge Applies DKR
712203 -
712204 - Follow up ref SDS 55 ME37.
712205 -
712206 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Pat following up planning yesterday to
712207 - perform the action item set on 030421, ref SDS 45 CQ3F, to review the
712208 - draft endorsement completed and submitted on 030417. ref SDS 41 KO5O
712209 - Pat says in response to the draft endorsement....
712210 -
712211 - 1. The new extended letter goes into things that I have no
712212 - direct knowledge of, and thus don't feel comfortable
712213 - signing as a letter from me.
712215 - ..
712216 - The problem of "limited direct knowledge" cited by Pat is a microcosm
712217 - of the opportunity for enabling a new way of working that improves
712218 - productivity using a dynamic knowledge repository (DKR) described in
712219 - the draft endorsement. ref OF 11 8X7J Personal and organizational
712220 - memory on who, what, when, where, why and how things happened, as
712221 - explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 6221, empowers people with command and
712222 - control of the record, also, explained in POIMS. ref OF 5 1113
712224 - ..
712225 - Pat continues...
712226 -
712227 - 2. For example, the anecdotes about IBM changing direction in 1995,
712228 - Lotus notes, etc, ref OF 11 H482, is something I know nothing
712229 - about. It's not that I disagree or disbelieve, but I don't want
712230 - to sign something describing events I know nothing about.
712231 - ref DRT 1 1V5N
712233 - ..
712234 - Routinely capturing the record to report history strengthens span of
712235 - attention by expanding situational awarness of events beyond the
712236 - ability to have direct knowledge from having personally participated.
712237 - Literacy emerged centuries ago so that people can record what happens,
712238 - and then hand it off to inform others who were unable to attend. We
712239 - see this often in a newspaper, magazine or daily work report.
712241 - ..
712242 - Why can't Pat sign a letter saying the SDS record i.e., the DKR,
712243 - reports "such and such," as the current draft endorsement says in the
712244 - example Pat cites today pertaining to IBM which says "Your record on
712245 - November 14, 1994 reports..., ref OF 11 H482, in the same way that
712246 - people say an article in Time, Scientific American, or broadcast on
712247 - CNN, CSPAN reports such and such? When people analyse issues and
712248 - opportunities, we rarely have direct personal knowledge, but rather
712249 - effective analysis cites the record of history and the source so that
712250 - reasoned judgements can be made based on the best evidence available.
712252 - ..
712253 - Pat does not indicate having examined support for issues he questions
712254 - in the draft endorsement, despite the fact that all of the facts are
712255 - supported by a bibliography which provides immediate access to assess
712256 - accuracy. This presents an important question for advocates of KM.
712258 - ..
712259 - If only the original author can use the DKR, the entire exercise of
712260 - recording history for organizational memory becomes moot or at best
712261 - deminimus. In the same way that people resist opening a link to
712262 - discover information, which is discussed in the draft endorsement,
712263 - ref OF 11 OQ3G, and reviewed in the record on 020812, ref SDS 33 659F,
712264 - so, too, resistance to making reference to the record presents another
712265 - big challenge for Knowledge Mangement. This is another dilemma that
712266 - needs to be researched for developing ways to make use of a DKR.
712268 - ..
712269 - Pat has worked with SDS records for about three (3) years, and has
712270 - personal experience to judge the quality of reporting, based on
712271 - following examples....
712272 -
712273 - Meeting at SRI on SDS
712274 - and Com Metrics..................... 000725, ref SDS 14 0001
712276 - ..
712277 - Letter from Pat cites no
712278 - errors in record of meeting
712279 - at SRI on 000725.................... 000727, ref SDS 15 0001
712281 - ..
712282 - Telecon Pat explains new SRI
712283 - initiative that fits planning
712284 - on 000725 for supporting SDS
712285 - project at SRI on KM................ 000829, ref SDS 16 0001
712287 - ..
712288 - Telecon Pat says SDS has unique,
712289 - powerful KM capabilities............ 001017, ref SDS 17 VY4J
712291 - ..
712292 - Meeting at SRI with OHS/DKR
712293 - group lists SDS records of
712294 - progress meetings including
712295 - some attended by Pat over an
712296 - 8 month period; there is no
712297 - record of any complaints that
712298 - reporting is inaccurate............. 001017, ref SDS 18 1575
712300 - ..
712301 - Pat attended event honoring
712302 - Doug Engelbart's award for
712303 - National Medal of Technology
712304 - at SRI and received an SDS
712305 - record reporting.................... 001220, ref SDS 20 0001
712307 - ..
712308 - Pat's letter says record of
712309 - SDS reporting shows this
712310 - could improve collaboration
712311 - at SRI, indicating high
712312 - confidence in accuracy.............. 010111, ref SDS 21 3X4I
712314 - ..
712315 - Meeting at SRI with Pat and
712316 - Curt Carlson was reported
712317 - in an SDS record sent to Pat........ 010122, ref SDS 22 0001
712319 - ..
712320 - Meeting at SRI with Pat on
712321 - 020729 was reported in an
712322 - SDS record sent to Pat.............. 020729, ref SDS 32 0001
712324 - ..
712325 - Working effectively with the record of organizational memory is a
712326 - major requirement of Knowledge Management, commonly described as a
712327 - Dynamic Knowledge Repository or DKR. The draft endorsement therefore
712328 - presents an initial opportunity to work out protocols for citing the
712329 - record in a manner that is constructive and useful and consistent with
712330 - the way people like to work.
712331 -
712332 -
712333 -
712334 -
712335 -
7124 -
Legal Policy Must Support SRI Goals for Advancing Knowledge Managemen
7203 -
720401 - ..
720402 - Legal and Policy Review for Meeting Goals to Support KM
720403 - Knowledge Management Requires Linking to Improve Productivity
720404 -
720405 -
720406 - Pat continues...
720407 -
720408 - 3. Also, there are little details like the fact that SRI has
720409 - policies about SRI web pages pointing to other commercial sites.
720410 - Thus, for example, the claim in the first paragraph about SRI
720411 - publishing the letter on the web with HTML links into the SDS
720412 - record is problematic. Doing that at SRI would require approval
720413 - above my signature authority, and generally the links we have on
720414 - our sites are to serve current funded research projects or SRI
720415 - corporate agenda. ref DRT 1 KY6J
720416 -
720418 - ..
720419 - How does SRI's policy distinguish between citing resources on the
720420 - Internet from citing other published records, for example, an article
720421 - in Time Magazine reviewed 960409, ref SDS 4 M76T, or two (2) years
720422 - earlier in Scientific American reviewed on 940609, ref SDS 2 0001, an
720423 - entry in the Federal Register, a government regulation, e.g., FAR,
720424 - reviewed on 020504, ref SDS 30 XV7L, or Professor George Miller's
720425 - article in the Psychological Review, reported on 990303? ref SDS 6
720426 - 6177
720428 - ..
720429 - Can we visit with people above Pat's signature to see if approval
720430 - might be possible and under what circumstances, then work on creating
720431 - those circumstances.
720432 -
720433 -
720434 -
720435 -
720436 -
7205 -
Language of Endorsement Approved by Pat Com Manager Crafts Using the
Slow Progress Discourages Frustration Not Able to Make Things in KM H
7404 -
740501 - ..
740502 - Language and Knowledge Must Conform to Pat's Work Product
740503 -
740504 -
740505 - Pat continues...
740506 -
740507 - 4. Another thing is that I think the printing press was invented
740508 - earlier in China than it was in Europe by Gutenberg. It
740509 - actually strengthens your point to say that just the invention
740510 - of one new technology is insufficient, we have to really change
740511 - the way things are used. My point is that the letter contains
740512 - assertions about things I dont have direct knowledge about,
740513 - doesn't describe things the way I would, and asserts things that
740514 - I cannot cause to happen in a timely way, and thus I don't think
740515 - it appropriate to be in the form of a letter signed by me.
740516 - ref DRT 1 GJ7J
740518 - ..
740519 - POIMS makes the point that one new technology that integrates a
740520 - critical mass of traditional tasks enables intelligence that converts
740521 - information into knowledge for a new way of working. ref OF 3 2688
740523 - ..
740524 - Communication Manager, like a speech writer, must speak in the voice
740525 - of the leader. Nothing can be issued that is not the voice of the
740526 - leader. Pat provided edits for the letter on 020729 that he approved
740527 - for release. ref SDS 32 4K6G The same procedure can be used now.
740529 - ..
740530 - Inability to cause things to happen, reflects the state of KM where
740531 - nothing has happened in a timely way, as Pat reported on 010111,
740532 - ref SDS 21 EF6M, with one exception. SDS has continued to grow a
740533 - record showing that KM can happen because it is happening everyday, as
740534 - stated in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11 HK3N Our goal is to find
740535 - appropriate and effective platforms to give this visibility that
740536 - overcomes fear and frustration. Thus, the only way for anything to
740537 - happen even in an untimely way is for people to take steps whenever
740538 - possible to build a new structure one brick at a time.
740539 -
740540 -
740541 -
740542 -
7406 -
Circle of Advocates Spreading Word Wide as the Waters Takes More Voic
7503 -
750401 - ..
750402 - Transformation from IT to KM Requires Circle of Advocates
750403 -
750404 -
750405 - Pat continues...
750406 -
750407 - 5. What I think makes more sense is for you to publish the main
750408 - content of that letter (on the web and elsewhere) as a position
750409 - paper by Rod Welch, and then I and others could refer to that in
750410 - a letter of support. ref DRT 1 VP8L
750412 - ..
750413 - Maybe this is a good idea. Rod has already written a lot. How can we
750414 - get others to join in growing a culture of knowledge? Only one person
750415 - is talking is a mere genie in the bottle. Others must open the bottle
750416 - to release the power of KM, per response to Pat below. ref SDS 0 OH58
750417 -
750418 - [...below, suggest developing a list of narrow issues Pat would
750419 - like to address under the strategy of citing Com Metrics
750420 - publications. ref SDS 0 RJ51
750421 -
750422 -
750423 -
750424 -
750425 -
750426 -
7505 -
Wide as the Waters Spreading Word Takes More Voices Pat Must Publish
7603 -
760401 - ..
760402 - Spreading the Word Wide as the Waters Requires More Voices
760403 - Support for KM is Needed from a Wide Circle of Advocates
760404 -
760405 -
760406 - Pat continues...
760408 - ..
760409 - 6. Also, I think that the best letters of support would come from
760410 - people who have personally used SDS. I have seen you be
760411 - effective with it, but letters of support from other folks who
760412 - have had good success with SDS would probably be stronger than
760413 - from someone who has just watched from the sidelines.
760414 - ref DRT 1 HQ9H
760416 - ..
760417 - We have letters of support on SDS from other users, but in the
760418 - beginning this is necessarily narrow.
760420 - ..
760421 - An example is the letter from Wayne Wetzel, ref DRP 2 0001, received
760422 - on 010725. ref SDS 23 WJ7L A more recent example is Gary's
760423 - record on 030413. ref SDS 40 0001
760425 - ..
760426 - Transformation from IT to KM requires many voices to speak out, bear
760427 - witness, stand up and be counted, as it were, about problems that need
760428 - to be solved, and how SDS relates to speculation on solving problems.
760429 - For example, what problems do explicit links solve for addressability
760430 - that enables a paperless office? What benefits are anticipated? What
760431 - benefits does SDS bring in relation to anticipated benefits? What
760432 - cultural forces prevent transformation? These issues don't have a lot
760433 - to do with experience using SDS.
760434 -
760435 -
760436 -
760437 -
760438 -
7605 -
Open Source Important Component of Transformation
7703 -
770401 - ..
770402 - Open Source is an Important Component of Transformation
770403 -
770404 -
770405 - Pat concludes...
770407 - ..
770408 - 7. BTW: Have you given further thought to the possibility of
770409 - releasing SDS open-source? ref DRT 1 RQ4F
770411 - ..
770412 - Open source ideas were developed on 000503. ref SDS 10 5152
770414 - ..
770415 - Would like to hear Pat's ideas, per letter this afternoon. ref SDS 0
770416 - RJ56
770417 -
770418 -
770419 -
770420 -
770421 -
7705 -
Others Spreading Word Have Power to Let Genie of KM out of ttle
Lincoln, Pat Genie Release Power of Knowledge Cannot Open the Bottle
Powerful Genie of Knowledge Cannot Open the Bottle Others Must Open t
Secret SDS Only KM Capability Breakthrough from IT Enables Steady Adv
Knowledge Genie Cannot Open the Bottle Others Must Open the Bottle to
Columbia Lost Because NASA Ignored Evidence Missed Signals in Time to
SRI Pat Lincoln Genie Release Power of Knowledge Cannot Open the Bott
Innovation Loop Blocks Progress Developing KM People Don't Invest Tim
SRI Alliance Can Help Open the Bottle to Release Powerful Genie of Kn
Dilemma Not Completely Sure Reduces Opportunity to Discover Improveme
Out of Reach Sour Grapes Knowledge Management Too Difficult to Develo
Genie Out of Bottle Power of Microcosm Information Overload will Over
A014 -
A015 - 1503
A01601 - ..
A01602 - Other Voices Spreading the Word Unlock Genie of Knowledge Management
A01603 -
A01604 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to Pat's letter received above.
A01605 - ref SDS 0 OF4F
A01606 -
A01607 - a. Thanks for timely feedback in your letter day, per above,
A01608 - ref SDS 0 OF4F, on reviewing the draft endorsement, ref OF 11
A01609 - 0001, expanding language you approved, ref OF 9 0001, in our
A01610 - meeting on 020729. ref SDS 32 4K6G Your comments today help in
A01611 - preparing for a productive meeting scheduled for next Tuesday on
A01612 - 020527, per our telecon yesterday. ref SDS 55 BQ6J
A01613 -
A01614 - [On 030521 received response from Pat. ref SDS 56 BE5M
A01616 - ..
A01617 - b. Your suggestion to publish another Welch paper, which other
A01618 - people can cite, may be the right direction afterall.
A01619 - Everything in the currently proposed draft reflects things I
A01620 - have already said, and so is already available for people to
A01621 - cite, but this is not being done, as set out in the new draft.
A01622 - ref OF 11 IB4M Assume KM is a "movement" toward a new way of
A01623 - working that strengthens the ancient practice of literacy in
A01624 - important ways that augment intelligence, as explained in POIMS.
A01625 - ref OF 5 3742 Assume further that in the early stages research
A01626 - is required to move forward, because people like to rely on
A01627 - things that are familiar and established. In particular people
A01628 - like familiar ways of using alphabet technology, and are not
A01629 - familiar with opportunities for augmenting intelligence. Under
A01630 - these conditions, I think you will agree that a movement needs
A01631 - more than one voice. If Rod publishes everything this is not a
A01632 - movement, it is a narrow, quaky, eccentric personality, much
A01633 - like the genie in a bottle. As long as the genie is in the
A01634 - bottle, people can only wonder why the genie is jumping up and
A01635 - turning cartwheels inside, while everyone is hurrying to the
A01636 - next seminar, the next meeting where there is no progress,
A01637 - ref DIT 1 XV6F, as we have seen the past 10 years or so, and
A01638 - noted in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11 OI6H
A01639 -
A01641 - ..
A01642 - KM Dilemma Powerful Genie Powerless to Open Bottle
A01643 - Only Others Can Release Powerful Genie of Knowledge from Bottle
A01644 - Genie of Knowledge Can Only Be Released by Others Spreading Word
A01645 -
A01646 - c. Letting the genie out of the bottle, i.e., to break out of the
A01647 - innovation loop described on 010924, ref SDS 26 XT5F, that has
A01648 - the secret of converting information into knowledge, reported on
A01649 - 000425, ref SDS 9 0480, and related in the draft endorsement,
A01650 - ref OF 11 ES5O, requires action by others, because while the
A01651 - genie of knowledge is powerful, one thing the Genie cannot do is
A01652 - open the bottle. ref DIT 1 8W7J
A01653 -
A01654 - An example is Edward Deming, reviewed on 950426 to consider
A01655 - how a pleasant, patient, kindly personality can be
A01656 - transformed into a difficult, angry personality by years of
A01657 - frustration floating, like a Genie in a Bottle on a sea of
A01658 - ignorance, fear, and denial. ref SDS 3 1335 On 931223,
A01659 - Deming died, still angry and frustrated. ref SDS 1 0001
A01661 - ..
A01662 - On 030419 discussed this issue with Gary.
A01663 - ref SDS 43 Q633
A01664 -
A01675 -
A01677 - ..
A01678 - d. Opening the "bottle" to Knowledge Management requires an act of
A01679 - will and faith in the beginning by those who are comfortable in
A01680 - the old way of working using information technology, like this
A01681 - email program I am using. Where do we find people with the
A01682 - vision to see, the courage to act and the will to persevere for
A01683 - taking the early steps toward a better future? One place is in
A01684 - research, because, by definition, researchers have one foot in
A01685 - both worlds -- the world of today that must conform to make a
A01686 - living, and the world of tomorrow that makes living more livable
A01687 - for all. ref DIT 1 GW7O
A01688 -
A01690 - ..
A01691 - e. Therefore, on the point of who should publish, it seems
A01692 - axiomatic that unless others take up issues in the draft, there
A01693 - will be no movement, ref DIT 1 MW9G, as you noted in your letter
A01694 - on 010111. ref SDS 19 EF6M
A01695 -
A01696 -
A01697 -
A01698 -
A01699 -
A017 -
SRI Pat Publish Article to Learn KM and Light Way for Others to Learn
Draft Endorsement Revise to Acceptable Statement to Bridge Gap betwee
A304 -
A30501 - ..
A30502 - SRI Publish Commit to Learning KM Light Way for Others to Learn
A30503 -
A30504 -
A30505 -
A30506 - f. This means we should at least try to get something you can
A30507 - support for the following two reasons...
A30508 -
A30509 - 1. We need to grow your knowledge by getting you to engage the
A30510 - issues in the draft, and giving you a resource you feel
A30511 - comfortable citing in order to grow a culture of knowledge.
A30512 - If you don't do this, the chances you will ever cite this
A30513 - kind of material is zero, because you will not have made the
A30514 - investment of time and study essential for acquiring
A30515 - knowledge. ref DIT 1 HY9N Experience with OHS/DKR for
A30516 - several years, including Eric Armstrong's letter on 000503,
A30517 - ref SDS 10 5033, showed that without studying SDS, POIMS,
A30518 - etc., there is not enough knowledge to develop Knowledge
A30519 - Management, as related during the meeting at SRI on 000615.
A30520 - ref SDS 11 6271
A30521 -
A30523 - ..
A30524 - 2. We need to attract other supporters, other bright stars, who
A30525 - can learn to spread the word wide as the waters. People are
A30526 - attracted to movements by momentum. We have achieved a
A30527 - fragile momentum with Gary at Aerospace company. Gary getting another
A30528 - paper from Rod saying what Rod has already said is not
A30529 - useful for giving other people the sense of safety in
A30530 - numbers they need to embrace a new way of working. The
A30531 - respected voice of research conveys trust that is critical
A30532 - to drawing support. ref DIT 1 VZ4W
A30533 -
A30535 - ..
A30536 - g. Thus, I am committed to fashioning a bridge from the draft to an
A30537 - acceptable statement that helps you bridge the gap between the
A30538 - two (2) worlds of information technology (IT) and knowledge
A30539 - management (KM), ref DIT 1 VZ5L, as related in the draft
A30540 - endorsement. ref OF 11 PR4I
A30541 -
A30543 - ..
A30544 - h. For example, your appropriate concern to avoid assertions of
A30545 - fact for which you do not have direct knowledge, per above,
A30546 - ref SDS 0 OF4F, can be met by removing material. We have
A30547 - started with a robust, comprehensive agenda, and now we can
A30548 - scale it back, as needed to fit your comfort zone. I think when
A30549 - we meet on Tuesday, some of this can be solved by reviewing the
A30550 - public record. The IBM connection with Lotus is well
A30551 - documented, but anything that is not supported to your
A30552 - satisfaction can be removed. ref DIT 1 PPYQ
A30553 -
A30554 -
A30555 -
A30556 -
A306 -
Addressability Explicit Links to References Demonstrate New Way Worki
A403 -
A40401 - ..
A40402 - References Demonstrate New Way Working with Addressability
A40403 -
A40405 - ..
A40406 - i. References to the SDS record are framed, not as assertions of
A40407 - fact by you, but as information in the SDS record. We can make
A40408 - more clear that representations are not endorsed nor adopted,
A40409 - but rather are published at specific locations which people can
A40410 - examine for independent assessment in the same way that people
A40411 - examine references to Time, Scientific American, the Federal
A40412 - Register, or other sources, per above analysis. ref SDS 0 WV4X
A40413 - The key point is to engage people in the process of using
A40414 - knowledge management practices by applying addressability in
A40415 - order to discover the benefits of a new way of working.
A40416 - ref DIT 1 NK3F Use of explicit links has long been a goal Doug
A40417 - Engelbart has championed, beginning at least with his 1992 paper
A40418 - on CODIAK, reviewed on 991222, ref SDS 7 1Z61, and later called
A40419 - out by Doug's letter on 000405. ref SDS 8 2484 Here now is an
A40420 - opportunity for SRI to demonstrate the efficacy of this
A40421 - methodology, and so solve the problem Pat cited in the call on
A40422 - 030421. ref SDS 44 PX7M
A40423 -
A40424 -
A40425 -
A40426 -
A40427 -
A405 -
Circle of Advocates Spreading Word Wide as the Waters Takes More Voic
Circle of Advocates at Aerospace company on combat, Gary Use Endorsemen by
A604 -
A60501 - ..
A60502 - j. In any case, hopefully we can keep our eye on the core issue of
A60503 - expanding the circle of people talking about SDS and Com Metrics
A60504 - in order to encourage an expanding pool of people who are doing
A60505 - KM. ref DIT 1 IK3L
A60506 -
A60508 - ..
A60509 - k. Let's try to work on some of the conclusions, and then figure
A60510 - out how you would feel comfortable making them, and those that
A60511 - don't pass this test can be eliminated. Saying this another
A60512 - way, let's try to identify some specific narrow issues you would
A60513 - like to address that can apply your strategy of citing Com
A60514 - Metrics publications, per above, ref SDS 0 WW3P, and then work
A60515 - on generating those in a form you want. ref DIT 1 SK4H
A60516 -
A60517 -
A60518 -
A60519 -
A606 -
Open Source Important Component of Transformation
A703 -
A70401 - ..
A70402 - l. On the open source issue, how would you propose accomplishing
A70403 - this, given the aversion to KM that has stymied such efforts,
A70404 - ref DIT 1 LL4M, as set out in the draft endorsement. ref OF 11
A70405 - 957K
A70406 -
A70407 - Per above, open source was considered on 000503. ref SDS 0
A70408 - WW4T
A70409 -
A70411 - ..
A70412 - m. I'll call to discuss these ideas if you have time today.
A70413 -
A70414 -
A70415 -
A70416 -
A70417 -
A70418 -
A70419 -
A70420 -
A70421 -
A70422 -
A70423 -
A70424 -
A70425 -
A70426 -
A70427 -
A705 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"