440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 30, 2003 01:13 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Gary about distributing SDS records at Aerospace company on Internet.
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0201 - Boeing O-00000816 0505
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020103 - Modeling and Simulation O-00000816 0505
Goal for Next Six Months is to Enable Gary to Work Methodology for Ca
Gary Decides to Distribute SDS Record for Meetings and Communication
Procedures Distribute SDS Records Via Email Problem Today Did Not Use
Intranet Gary Looking for Aerospace company Server to Distribute SDS Re rds So
Visibility Distribute SDS Records on Aerospace company Intranet Gary Lo ing for
Internet SDS Records Change Attitudes about Using Good Management by
Aerospace company Intranet Gary Looking for Methods to Distribute SDS R ords So
Server Aerospace company Intranet Gary Looking for Methods to Distribut SDS Rec
Aerospace company Intranet Gary Looking for Methods to Distribute SDS R ords So
1611 -
1611 - ..
1612 - Summary/Objective
1613 -
161301 - Follow up ref SDS 6 XU4N.
161302 -
161303 - Asked Gary about distributing SDS records for the Technical Exchange
161304 - Meetings? The combat project website shows information discussed for
161305 - these meetings indicated by the record on 030415. ref SDS 4 0001
161307 - ..
161308 - Gary advised that work on the combat project is confidential, and so
161309 - cannot be distributed in SDS records on the Internet. He feels SDS
161310 - records must be distributed on a secure Intranet.
161311 -
161312 - [On 030506 secure Aerospace company server not available to distribute SDS
161313 - records so far. ref SDS 7 0001
161315 - ..
161316 - Gary indicated during the call this afternoon that SDS-type capability
161317 - is being discussed for requirements on the combat project, which is a
161318 - form of Knowledge Repository defined, for example, by the record on
161319 - 000327, citing Doug Engelbart's ideas for a DKR. ref SDS 2 3971
161320 - Gary's record for the first Technical Exchange Meeting on 030415,
161321 - ref SDS 4 1026, shows this effort, which aligns with goals shown on
161322 - the combat website.....
161324 - ..
161325 -
161326 -
161327 - ...and further at...
161328 -
161329 -
161331 - ..
161332 - These sources show a broad scope for communciation and intelligence
161333 - support, indicated generally in Gary's record on 030121. ref SDS 3
161334 - I467
161336 - ..
161337 - This presents an opportunity for SDS and/or a derivitive to become a
161338 - core component of project deliverables for combat. The first step is to
161339 - educate everybody about requirements for a "knowledge" repository that
161340 - are different and more useful than a data base of information. This
161341 - requires giving people experience with SDS work product.
161342 -
161343 - [On 030506 discussed with Gary. ref SDS 8 KT5F
161345 - ..
161346 - Gary has been asking around for access to a secure Aerospace company server that
161347 - can be used for distributing SDS records in a way that gives people
161348 - access to the links. He has a couple of ideas that he is trying,
161349 - which do not require asking management for permission. This strategy
161350 - enables giving people experience using SDS work product without going
161351 - through a process of first convincing management that good management
161352 - is a good idea. On 890809 Morris explained that convincing management
161353 - about using SDS requires teaching management good management practice.
161354 - ref SDS 1 EB6K A recent example is the record on 030428 showing that
161355 - IBM's manager for Knowledge Management was not convinced that claims
161356 - for SDS support of Knowledge Management are correct, because he has no
161357 - experience with SDS. ref SDS 5 0001 The draft endorsement of SDS by
161358 - Pat Lincoln describes this innovation loop that prevents people from
161359 - gaining experience needed to learn KM. ref OF 1 Y76L
161360 -
161361 - [On 030506 secure server not yet available; will distribute via
161362 - email with only internal links available. ref SDS 7 0001
161364 - ..
161365 - Given this record, the quickest way to kill the SDS effort at Aerospace company
161366 - is to ask for permission to improve the work, in advance of
161367 - establishing that work is improved. Therefore, the fastest way to get
161368 - approval for funding is to take the time to build a foundation of
161369 - experience showing SDS saves everybody time and money, i.e., the long
161370 - way around is the short way there.
161372 - ..
161373 - This strategy for gaining visibility of SDS at Aerospace company, ref SDS 0 FH6M,
161374 - will take several months, i.e., 2 - 4, before consideration can be
161375 - given to creating a revenue stream from any kind of sale.
161376 -
161377 - [On 030506 reviewed need for quietly exploring opportunities to
161378 - expand SDS and Com Metrics on combat. ref SDS 8 7E5K
161379 -
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1614 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"