440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 28, 2003 01:36 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Dave Snowden not convinced SDS supports claims for KM.
......Links May be a Problem for Ross
......Marketing Channel at IBM for Enterprise Solutions
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0201 - IBM Global Services
020101 - Mr. David J. Snowden
020102 - Director
020104 - Cynefin Centre
Snowden, Dave Initiative to Evaluate SDS by IBM
IBM Market SDS Com Metrics Solution for Knowledge Management Services
IBM Dave Snowden Market SDS and Com Metrics by IBM as Solution that R
IBM Market Solution SDS Com Metrics Products and Services for Knowled
Snowden, Dave Not Convinced SDS Supports Claims for KM
0707 -
0707 - ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Follow up ref SDS 63 0000. ref SDS 61 0000.
070902 -
070903 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Dave responding to the proposal in a
070904 - letter, ref DIP 3 0001 to IBM on 030417, ref SDS 63 0001, and
070905 - implementing ideas on 030406 for a proposal to IBM. ref SDS 59 0001
070906 - This follows up Dave's request on 020920 for an explanation of SDS.
070907 - ref SDS 32 UN6H
070909 - ..
070910 - Dave says today....
070911 -
070912 - I don;t make purchasing decisions for IBM's internal use I'm
070913 - afraid and although I have read this through (its a much easier
070914 - form) I'm afraid you have not convinced me of the claims.
070916 - ..
070917 - Question arises about....
070918 -
070919 - 1. What claims were not convincing?
070920 -
070921 - 2. What would convince Dave?
070922 -
070923 - The record today shows that transformation to KM is not
070924 - convincing when conveyed using IT methods. Aligns with the
070925 - report on 030304 that NASA officials had difficulty being
070926 - convinced by email that the Columbia Space Shuttle was in
070927 - trouble. ref SDS 44 KV6K
070929 - ..
070930 - 3. Is Dave the right guy to convince?
070931 -
070932 - Dave's reference to making purchasing decisions for IBM's
070933 - internal use, seem misplaced.
070934 -
070936 - ..
070937 - On 030418 letter to Ross with ideas for mentioning exposure in Welch
070938 - web site. ref SDS 64 0001
070940 - ..
070941 - On 030419 discuss with Gary supporting initiative to Dave
070942 - Snowden. ref SDS 65 TN4Q
070944 - ..
070945 - On 030421 discuss with Pat Lincoln supporting proposal to IBM.
070946 - ref SDS 66 ZY4F
070948 - ..
070949 - On 030422 Ross planning to follow up on 030424. ref SDS 67 0001
070951 - ..
070952 - On 030423 Pat Lincoln indicated willingness to support proposal to
070953 - IBM. ref SDS 68 RY6M
070954 -
070956 - ..
070957 - Sent a letter to Ross with a copy to Dave saying....
070958 -
070959 - Sounds like Dave is not the right guy; so, maybe no point in
070960 - pressing a dead end.
070961 -
070962 - What do you think?
070963 -
070964 -
070965 -
070966 -
0710 -
Links May be Problem for Ross Using SDS Content on the Internet
Ross will Investigate Sales Channels in IBM for Enterprise and Knowle
IBM Marketing Channels for Enterprise and Knowledge Management Soluti
Solutions IBM Marketing Channels for SDS Enterprise and Knowledge Man
Links Boggle Mind Prefer Avoid Responsibility Online Links SDS Comman
Links Giving Up Accuracy Alignment Communication Biggest Risk Enterpr
Armstrong, Ross Asks Not to Get a Link for Finding Out Answer to a Qu
History Contemporaneous Record Journalism Few People Writing Daily Re
Boggles Mind Connected Record Complexity Overwhelming Knowledge Manag
1711 -
171201 - ..
1713 -
1714 -
1715 - 0842
171601 - ..
171602 - Links May be a Problem for Ross
171603 - Marketing Channel at IBM for Enterprise Solutions
171604 -
171605 -
171606 - Received letter from Ross saying....
171607 -
171608 - I agree with your assessment on Snowden. After checking on his
171609 - position within the IBM organization, it does not appear as
171610 - though he is the right contact for your objective of getting IBM
171611 - to sell SDS as a solution to it's customers. It looks like he is
171612 - a part of the Human Relations/Personnel Department in Ireland so
171613 - I'm confused as to how you got hooked up with him in the first
171614 - need to send me the link that explains that...;-)
171616 - ..
171617 - Let me spend some time today identifying the channel within IBM
171618 - that is seeking outbound sales relationships with enterprise
171619 - level independant software application developers so you can aim
171620 - for a target that can help you get SDS out in the marketplace.
171621 -
171624 -
171625 - [On 030609 letter to Ross on transformation of people into
171626 - pods, when links are encountered for transforming information
171627 - into knowledge. ref SDS 69 8B80
171628 -
171629 -
171631 - ..
1717 -
1718 -
1719 - 0913
1720 -
172001 - Sent Ross a letter saying....
172002 -
172003 - Thanks for the feedback. Look forward to your ideas and greatly
172004 - appreciate your support.
172005 -
172006 -
172008 - ..
1721 -
1722 -
1723 - 1052
1724 -
172401 - Sent letter to Dave saying....
172402 -
172403 - Thanks for taking the time to review and provide feedback that
172404 - helps refine the presentation of claims on SDS and Com Metrics.
172405 - Glad the format was easier to use.
172406 -
172407 -
172408 -
172409 -
172410 -
1725 -
Snowden, Dave Initiative Jack Feels Dave is an Effective Judge of Kno
1803 -
180401 - ..
1805 -
1806 -
1807 - 1156
1808 -
180801 - Sent letter to Jack Park on Dave's analysis of SDS, per above,
180802 - ref SDS 0 0001, because on 020920 Jack offered suggestions for
180803 - communication style to address Dave's request for information on SDS.
180804 - ref SDS 33 PS6O On 020924 Jack offered more ideas. ref SDS 34 0001
180806 - ..
180807 - Jack responded saying that Dave Snowden is very knowledgeable about
180808 - Knowledge Mangement at IBM.
180809 -
180810 -
180811 -
180812 -
180813 -
180814 -
180815 -
180816 -
180817 -
180818 -
1809 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"