440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 26, 2003 12:54 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Paul Prueitt inquires about SDS, Com Metrics and ontology.
2...How Did Paul Locate Welch, SDS and Com Metrics Email Address
3...Credentials for KM in Education, Cog Science, Research, Practice
......Foundations for Knowledge Science in the 21st Century
.....AI Progress Slow Because Time Experience Hard to Program
.....Time Foundation of Knowledge in Human Needs and Experience
.....Knowledge Grounded in Awareness of Time Past Present Future
.....Explicit Ontology Not Easy
.....Implicit and Explicit Ontology Needs Examples to Clarify
.....Differential Ontology Means Interchange Between Implicit Explicit
.....Work Role Crucial to Knowledge Management
4...Management Experience in Consulting Business
5...Intellectual Property Vetting and Market Research OSI
6...OSI Business Experience Vetting Intellectual Property
......OntologyStream, Inc. (OSI)
......Behavioral Computational Neuroscience Group ( which
7...Paul's paper "Foundations for Knowledge Science..." reads well and the
Click here to comment!
0201 - The George Washington University O-00000615 0605
020101 - Mr. Paul S. Prueitt, PhD
020102 - Knowledge Scientist
020104 - Computer Science Department O-00000615 0605
0202 - The George Washington University O-00000615 0605
020201 - Mr. Paul S. Prueitt, PhD
020202 - Knowledge Scientist
020204 - Computer Science Department O-00000615 0605
020205 - Description O-00000615 0605
Ontology Collaboration Email AI Web Pages AI Use Software T ls
Ontology Metadata Added to Information Identifies Subjects Categories
Ontology Complex Difficult to Support with Technology Intelligence Kn
George Washington University Research Professor Computer Science
Paul Contacted Welch about SDS Com Metrics KM
Education Mathematics, PhD Work in Cognitive Science and Computer Sci
Resume Shows Education PhD in Mathematics Work in Cognitive Science a
Links to Original Sources Showing Basis for Contacting Welch
Links to Relevance within Original Sources Traceability to Original S
Addressability Links to Relevance within Original Sources Traceabilit
OSI Founder Company Vets Intellectual Property
Knowledge Not Defined Separately from Information
Snowden, Dave Complex Acts of Knowing
Knowledge Management Sources
Foundations for Knowledge Science in the 21st Century
Prueitt, Paul, PhD KM Paper Combines Mathematics Computer Science Cog
2318 -
2318 - ..
2319 - Summary/Objective
2320 -
232001 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000, ref SDS 0 9E5N,
232002 -
232003 - Received an email from Dr. Paul S. Prueitt saying....
232004 -
232005 - I am working on technology for Formative Ontologies and
232006 - Differential Ontology
232007 -
232008 -
232010 - ..
232011 - "Differential ontology" is explained in chapter 12 of Paul's book.
232012 - ref SDS 0 J44N
232014 - ..
232015 - Paul continues....
232016 -
232017 - Please consider this work and perhaps develop a communication
232018 - with us.
232020 - ..
232021 - Dr. Paul S. Prueitt
232022 - Research Professor
232023 - The George Washington University
232024 - Founder, (1992)
232025 - Founder, (2000) OntologyStream Inc
232026 - Knowledge Scientist
232027 - 703-981-2676
232028 -
232029 -
232030 -
232032 - ..
232033 - How Did Paul Locate Welch, SDS and Com Metrics Email Address
232034 -
232035 - Need a reference that Paul encountered showing the context for his
232036 - letter today, ref SDS 0 0001, as explained in the record on 020726.
232037 - ref SDS 12 TV9K
232038 -
232039 - [On 030428 Paul asks for information on Welch capabilities,
232040 - indicating that contact today was not based on understanding SDS
232041 - and Com Metrics. ref SDS 20 TX4G
232043 - ..
232044 - [On 050509 Paul submits a proposal on developing an ontology
232045 - for the government. ref SDS 22 SQ3M
232046 -
232047 -
232049 - ..
232050 - Credentials for KM in Education, Cog Science, Research, Practice
232051 -
232052 - The reference in Paul's letter has a link to an "online book"...
232053 -
232054 -
232055 - Foundations for Knowledge Science in the 21st Century
232056 -
232057 -
232059 - ..
232060 - This document is identified as a "draft" Copyright reserved by the
232061 - author. Version: February 20, 2003 (revisions in progress from Chapter
232062 - 5 on.)
232064 - ..
232065 - Paul's draft online book and other online materials have some links to
232066 - original sources, which accomplishes an online bibliography. This
232067 - methodology demonstrates an important step in the direction of
232068 - providing relevant connections, and so shows progress relative to work
232069 - product by other "KM" experts and educators who eschew links, as
232070 - reported on 020812, ref SDS 13 JT6O (Prueitt's work is expressly
232071 - cited, ref SDS 13 BH8I), and again avoiding adding links demonstrated
232072 - by Murray Altheim on 020820. ref SDS 14 UV6G
232074 - ..
232075 - "Knowledge" is a common term in Paul's work; would like to see a
232076 - definition, and work product showing consistent application of a
232077 - theory of knowledge, as noted in questions below. ref SDS 0 MO4I
232078 -
232079 - [On 030427 Paul reports that work is underway coding software to
232080 - implement ideas for "tri-level" that is patented. As work
232081 - product begins to emerge, this will refine theory into knowledge
232082 - of useful practice. ref SDS 19 R16G
232084 - ..
232085 - Chapter 12 hints at the role of "experience" and by extension "time"
232086 - in converting information into knowledge, saying in part.....
232087 -
232088 -
232089 -
232090 - ...the individual is where demand for ...reality has its primary
232091 - origin. ... What is missing in information technology systems is
232092 - the available science on social expression and individual
232093 - experience.
232094 -
232095 - ...and chapter 12 continues...
232096 -
232097 - Written language then extends a capability to point at the
232098 - non-abstract, using language signs, to what is NOT said but is
232099 - experienced. Human social interaction has evolved to support the
232100 - level of understanding that is needed for living humans, within
232101 - culture, to form social constructs. But computer based
232102 - information systems have so far failed to represent human tacit
232103 - knowledge, even though computer networks now support billions of
232104 - individual human communicative acts, per day, via e-mail and
232105 - collaborative environments.
232107 - ..
232108 - Not clear what Paul has in mind, but understanding is again hinted
232109 - that writing has the ability to convey experience that expands on what
232110 - is expressed during dialog, such as a meeting, a call or an email.
232111 - This supports review on 991108 that the alphabet is an explosive
232112 - technology that accelerated the growth of civilization. ref SDS 5
232113 - 5628
232114 -
232115 -
232116 -
232117 -
232118 -
232119 -
2322 -
Time Past Present Future Foundation Human Knowledge Based on Needs an
AI Progress Slow Because Time Experience Hard to Program
AI Fails Intelligence Knowledge Too Complex
AI Cannot Think No Biological Drives Cannot Map Human Experience
2706 -
270701 - ..
270702 - AI Progress Slow Because Time Experience Hard to Program
270703 - Time Foundation of Knowledge in Human Needs and Experience
270704 - Knowledge Grounded in Awareness of Time Past Present Future
270705 -
270706 - Paul discusses limitations of AI, saying in part....
270707 -
270708 - By this, we mean that the states have no dependency on the
270709 - past or the future; except as specified in the abstractions
270710 - that the state is an instantiation of.
270711 -
270712 - ...where "states" seem related to computer processes, programs,
270713 - algorithms, etc., which suggests that slow progress in AI comes
270714 - from the fact that "knowledge" is formed in the mind to satisfy
270715 - human needs as a continuing integration of time -- experience
270716 - (i.e., past) viewed in relation to immediate conditions and
270717 - planning for future contingencies. This formulation resonates in
270718 - part with POIMS that explains SDS. ref OF 6 1116 Since computers
270719 - have no human needs, "artificial" intelligence can at best
270720 - generate "artificial" knowledge.
270721 -
270722 -
270723 -
270724 -
2708 -
Implicit Explicit Ontology Seem to Correlate Ontology with Knowledge
2803 -
280401 - ..
280402 - Explicit Ontology Not Easy
280403 - Implicit and Explicit Ontology Needs Examples to Clarify
280404 -
280405 - Chapter 12, about half way through, discusses implicit and
280406 - explicit "ontology." Others have discussed "tacit," "implicit"
280407 - "explicit" knowledge, shown, for example, on 020608. ref SDS 11
280408 - UT8F Review has not shown where Paul correlates or uses
280409 - "ontology" to mean "knowledge." This section of chapter 12, does
280410 - however say in part....
280411 -
280412 - An explicit ontology, on the other hand, is in the form of a
280413 - dictionary or perhaps a graph structure. The constructs of
280414 - explicit ontology are expressed as discrete mathematics, graph
280415 - theory, number theory, and predicate logics. The interface
280416 - between discrete mathematics and continuum mathematics has
280417 - never been easy, so one should not expect that the
280418 - relationship between implicit and explicit ontology [is or
280419 - will be] easy either. However, a formal theory of by-pass has
280420 - been developed, by Prueitt, which shows a relationship between
280421 - number base conversions, data schema conversions, and
280422 - quasi-axiomatic theory
280424 - ..
280425 - Paul's focus on mathematical grounding does not necessarily convey
280426 - in this language recognition that managing context with organic
280427 - structure, which is another way "ontology" has been used in KM
280428 - literature, suggested in the record on 000221, ref SDS 7 8044, is
280429 - a "Pandora's Box" of complexity, also noted on 000221. ref SDS 7
280430 - L58O
280431 -
280432 -
280433 -
2805 -
Differential Ontology Means Interchange Between Implicit Explicit
Taxonomies for Particular Domains EG Health Care Auto Repair Technolo
Formative Ontology and Differential Ontology
3105 -
310601 - ..
310602 - Differential Ontology Means Interchange Between Implicit Explicit
310603 -
310604 - Chapter 12 defines the term in Paul's letter this morning, per
310605 - above. ref SDS 0 0001
310606 -
310607 - By the expression "Differential Ontology" we choose to mean
310608 - the interchange of structural information between Implicit
310609 - (machine-based) Ontology and Explicit (machine-based)
310610 - Ontology.
310612 - ..
310613 - By Implicit Ontology we mean an attractor neural network
310614 - system or one of the variations of latent semantic
310615 - indexing. These are continuum mathematics and have an
310616 - infinite storage capability.
310618 - ..
310619 - By Explicit Ontology we mean an bag of ordered triples { <
310620 - a , r, b > }, where a and b are locations and r is a
310621 - relational type, organized into a graph structure, and
310622 - perhaps accompanied by first order predicate logic
310624 - ..
310625 - Chapter 12 discusses taxonomy products, that may relate to prior
310626 - suggestions for an "engine" to produce a useful organic structure
310627 - to manage context in particular domains, e.g., health care,
310628 - engineering, auto repair, cooking, etc. Chapter 12 says in
310629 - part....
310630 -
310631 - The differential ontology framework uses implicit ontologies
310632 - now found in stochastic and latent semantic indexing "spaces"
310633 - and derives a more structured form of dictionary type
310634 - ontology. The class of process transformations between
310635 - implicit and explicit forms of machine ontology is to be found
310636 - in various places. For example, we have seen market
310637 - anticipation in the large number of automated taxonomy
310638 - products that are appearing in the marketplace. However, we
310639 - claim that the notion of deriving explicit ontology from
310640 - implicit ontology is an original contribution
310641 -
310642 -
310643 -
310644 -
3107 -
Work Role Supported for KM in Paul's Book
Work Role Crucial to Knowledge Management
Cross-references Between Ontologies Requires Work Role
3405 -
340601 - ..
340602 - Work Role Crucial to Knowledge Management
340603 -
340604 - Chapter 12 seems headed in the right direction recognizing the
340605 - need for human judgement in knowledge management, which is another
340606 - way of making Engelbart's point that technology can augment
340607 - intelligence, but not replace it, reviewed on 991222, ref SDS 6
340608 - 8064, which leads to SDS-type design, and the 3-layer
340609 - architecture, discussed on 020820, ref SDS 15 0001; chapter 12
340610 - says....
340611 -
340612 - The bottom line is that high quality knowledge experience and
340613 - propagation within communities needs the human to make certain
340614 - types of judgments. But the methodology for human interaction
340615 - with these structures is largely missing, and is certainly not
340616 - known by most of those who need now to use these structures
340617 - for national intelligence vetting.
340619 - ..
340620 - While the paper does not expressly call for a professional role,
340621 - this might be supported by Paul's language here (and by Paul's
340622 - title of "Knowledge Scientist," ref SDS 0 SC7H) Mental metrics
340623 - for human judgement were reviewed on 950204 in relation to legal
340624 - practice. ref SDS 2 8A4G
340626 - ..
340627 - Chapter 12 further says in relation to creating and managing
340628 - "ontologies"....
340629 -
340630 - Cross level interaction often MUST involve non-algorithmic [9]
340631 - movement within the state spaces. Thus a human, who CAN
340632 - perform non-algorithmic inference, is necessary if the over
340633 - all differential ontology system is to stay in tune with the
340634 - external complex world. This means that implicit and explicit
340635 - formalism is NOT sufficient without real time human
340636 - involvement.
340638 - ..
340639 - Sounds a lot like cross-referencing in SDS organic structures SDS,
340640 - and that a human mind, i.e., a dedicated work role, is helpful for
340641 - this task.
340643 - ..
340644 - Paul continues in Chapter 12....
340645 -
340646 - A state gesture mechanism drives the information around that
340647 - part of the system that lives in the computer, but the demand
340648 - for this supply comes from within private personal
340649 - introspection, perception and decision-making by humans.
340650 - Again, our viewpoint seeks to return responsibility, for
340651 - control actions in the world, to the human and push away the
340652 - notion that the crisp and precise states within computer
340653 - information systems can reasonably be managed outside of this
340654 - responsibility
340655 -
340656 -
340657 -
340658 -
3407 -
Business Founder OntologyStream Inc OSI Company Vets Intellectual Pro
Behavioral Computational Neuroscience Group ( Cognitive
Resume Shows Education PhD in Mathematics Work in Cognitive Science a
3705 -
370601 - ..
370602 - Management Experience in Consulting Business
370603 -
370604 - Paul seems to have a company, and there is an indication of
370605 - association with GWU, but not sure.....
370606 -
370607 - Director, BCN Group Inc.; Founder of OntologyStream Inc
370609 - ..
370610 - Independent Consultant, Research Professor The
370611 - George Washington University
370613 - ..
370614 - Paul has a resume at....
370615 -
370616 -
370617 -
370618 - ...that indicates he is currently working at GWU.
370620 - ..
370621 - Management science and experience is not prominent in Paul's writing
370622 - so far.
370623 -
370624 -
370625 -
370626 -
3707 -
OntologyStream Inc OSI Founder Company Vets Intellectual Property
3803 -
380401 - ..
380402 - Intellectual Property Vetting and Market Research OSI
380403 - OSI Business Experience Vetting Intellectual Property
380404 -
380405 - Paul's signature has a reference to....
380406 -
380407 - OntologyStream, Inc. (OSI)
380408 -
380409 - ....research at....
380410 -
380411 -
380412 -
380413 - ....indicates that OSI performs research for vetting intellectual
380414 - property (IP) in connection with patents, copyright and trademarks to
380415 - support related marketing issues.
380417 - ..
380418 - This location says in part......
380419 -
380420 - Vetting of private knowledge into a public form. Vetting occurs
380421 - when national security investigation occurs as part of background
380422 - checks. Private to public vetting also occurs in the process of
380423 - everyday human interaction with other humans within communities.
380425 - ..
380426 - The vetting process begins with human subjective experience.
380427 - Knowledge sharing occurs within communities of practice and other
380428 - types of social units. The management of human knowledge
380429 - processes has come to address a number of subtle issues within
380430 - the new disciplines of knowledge science. These issues are also
380431 - involved in a proper understanding of the vetting of private
380432 - human experience into a public setting
380434 - ..
380435 - ...and further...
380436 -
380437 - Vetting of technology innovation into a market place. Vetting
380438 - occurs when venture capital groups fund the development and
380439 - marketing of some innovation or set of innovations. The process
380440 - of creating a company has a complex dimension in that the company
380441 - stakeholders have subjective views and strategies that are
380442 - expressed collaboratively within a market ecosystem
380444 - ..
380445 - OSI seems to have a product....
380446 -
380447 - OSI has a process model for soft controlling the process of
380448 - adoption of knowledge sharing technology. A standard consulting
380449 - product is available for evaluation of the technology when
380450 - implemented
380451 -
380452 -
380453 -
380454 -
380455 -
3805 -
Paul Founder
Behavioral Computational Neuroscience Group ( Cognitive
Knowledge Operating System and Formative Ontology Aligns with SDS Spr
4205 -
420601 - ..
420602 - Paul's signature block has a reference to....
420603 -
420604 - Behavioral Computational Neuroscience Group ( which
420605 - is a not for profit Corporation in Virginia.
420606 -
420607 -
420608 -
420609 - ...this location has a note at the top that says....
420610 -
420611 - OntologyStream Research Page
420612 -
420613 - ...indicating association with OSI, cited above. ref SDS 0 OI3N
420615 - ..
420616 - This page discusses KM and....
420617 -
420618 - The Knowledge Operating System
420619 - And
420620 - Formative Ontology
420622 - ..
420623 - Correlating "knowledge" and "operating system" is another step in the
420624 - right direction. The flexible structure of SDS has demonstrated over
420625 - the past 18 years that a "spreadsheet for knowledge," explained on
420626 - 890523, ref SDS 1 T18R, provides an effective "operating system" for
420627 - people and organizations, discussed in the meeting at Intel on 950927.
420628 - ref SDS 3 51HP These ideas and practices are further presented in
420629 - POIMS. ref OF 5 1232
420630 -
420631 -
420632 -
420633 -
4207 -
Letter Rod Says Prueitt's Work Headed in Right Direction
Questions Letter Rod Says Prueitt's Work Headed in Right Direction
Biblography Traditional Application for Links Step in Direction of KM
Biblography Footnotes Being Substituted for Links
4706 -
470701 - ..
470702 - Paul's paper "Foundations for Knowledge Science..." reads well and the
470703 - organization is effective. Not clear there is enough here to build
470704 - something; need to see work product.
470706 - ..
470707 - Submitted an email linked to this record.
470708 -
470709 - [On 030428 removed name from Paul's project. ref SDS 20 0001
470710 -
470711 - [On 050509 Paul submits a proposal on developing an ontology
470712 - for the government. ref SDS 22 SQ3M
470714 - ..
470715 - Some observations, not criticisms....
470717 - ..
470718 - 1. Paul's idea to provide an "online" book, ref SDS 0 UF7K, is a
470719 - terrific step in the right direction, as explained in the
470720 - draft endorsement dated 030417 by Pat Lincoln under review at
470721 - SRI. ref OF 1 IB6L
470723 - ..
470724 - Paul is using links to original sources following traditional
470725 - practices for bibiliogrpahy. Jack Park mentioned recently on
470726 - 030314 that people are starting to link footnotes and
470727 - biblographies. ref SDS 17 5646 This is a step that helps
470728 - enable transformation from documents to Knowledge Space linked
470729 - to relevant context, as set out in POIMS. ref OF 5 1107
470730 -
470731 - [On 030427 Paul submitted follow up letter with a link to
470732 - an online diary that has links to original sources; linked
470733 - diaries are further steps in the right direction for
470734 - Knowledge Management. ref SDS 19 WL6J
470736 - ..
470737 - [On 030510 Gary Johnson provides another example of people
470738 - beginning to use citations and footnotes in a biblography
470739 - as a step toward explicit links that enable transformation
470740 - from IT to a culture of knowledge. ref SDS 21 0001
470742 - ..
470743 - 2. Explicit links make online resources more readily useful, per
470744 - above, ref SDS 0 SW3F, in Knowledge Space for strengthening
470745 - literacy, as set out in POIMS. ref OF 6 3742 Explicit links
470746 - were reviewed on 020905. ref SDS 16 DAPW
470748 - ..
470749 - 3. "Knowledge" definition distinguished from "information" was
470750 - not evident from preliminary review; could have missed it;
470751 - but, this is important, per SRI draft letter under review
470752 - explaining slow progress in KM. ref OF 1 H482
470754 - ..
470755 - Where, for example, is the role of "time" in human cognition
470756 - discussed in the paper?
470758 - ..
470759 - 4. Focus on the mathematics of human cognition is much needed, as
470760 - set out on 950204. ref SDS 2 0937 On 000727 Cliff Joslyn
470761 - introduced analysis to understand SDS in a presentation at
470762 - SRI. ref SDS 8 3960
470764 - ..
470765 - This research should be extended to issues in the draft letter
470766 - under review at SRI. ref OF 1 08AG
470768 - ..
470769 - In particular the correlation between meaning drift, rework
470770 - and extra cost would be a great target for Paul's expertise
470771 - that would benefit the nation and the economy, indicated by
470772 - rough analysis in the USACE report published on 971007.
470773 - ref DRP 1 4680
470775 - ..
470776 - 5. The paper appears to develop an "architecture" for knowledge
470777 - and knowledge management based on review of literature.
470779 - ..
470780 - Experience doing KM will develop a useful distinction between
470781 - information and knowledge and will test theories; for example,
470782 - the author says in the preface....
470783 -
470784 - The specific architecture outlined in the following pages
470785 - may the basis for a new generation of computational
470786 - systems. Time will tell if the work has picked up unique
470787 - features that the author and his colleagues have observed
470788 - from a review of the deep literature.
470790 - ..
470791 - Merely studying literature creates an innovation loop cited in
470792 - the draft analysis under review at SRI on 030417. ref OF 1
470793 - IB6L
470795 - ..
470796 - 6. Ontology is important to KM, per review on 000221. ref SDS 7
470797 - 2622 POIMS explains the challenge of organic structure based
470798 - on the complexity of human cognition. ref OF 2 0367 SDS
470799 - addresses this challenge with a broad array of tools loosely
470800 - described as "flexible structure" reviewed on 890523.
470801 - ref SDS 1 P13O
470803 - ..
470804 - 7. Chapter 5 seems to take a productive tack in recognizing that
470805 - how data is encoded into active memory or as a file (perhaps
470806 - using just ASCII letters) is important.
470808 - ..
470809 - Targeting XML for system support aligns with popular trends
470810 - reported by Microsoft on 010510. ref SDS 10 8Y8H Some
470811 - authorities are beginning to consider the challenge of
470812 - complexity that XML introduces, as noted by a letter from Gary
470813 - Johnson this morning. ref SDS 18 0001
470815 - ..
470816 - 8. Paul's offer to participate in discussions is very generous
470817 - and undoubtedly worthwhile. Two years invested to support
470818 - Doug Engelbart's group sponsored by SRI, as shown in the
470819 - record on 001017, ref SDS 9 1575, yielded many helpful
470820 - contacts.
470822 - ..
470823 - Would like to get clarification from Paul on objectives and
470824 - opportunities for progress within the framework of the draft
470825 - letter SRI has under review dated 030417. ref OF 1 0001 What
470826 - is the plan for moving discussion into production of tools and
470827 - processes that save time and money, improve national security
470828 - and advance civilization?
470829 -
470830 -
470831 -
470832 -
470833 -
470834 -
470835 -
470836 -
470837 -
470838 -
470839 -
470840 -
470841 -
470842 -
470843 -
470844 -
470845 -
470846 -
470847 -
4709 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"