440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 26, 2003 08:42 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Tolerance of HTML permitted experimenting to test ideas for SDS.
2...Creativity, Development and Marketing are a Game of Numbers
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0201 - Boeing O-00000816 0505
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020103 - Modeling and Simulation O-00000816 0505
Background History that Led to SDS and Com Metrics
Creativity Brilliance Innovation Enabled by Freedom From Fear of Acco
Creativity Discover Correlations Implications Nuance Links Align Comm
Johnson, Gary Internet World Wide Web WWW W3C Key Feature that Enable
Web Acceptance Because Wide Participation without Everyone Being an E
Creativity Occurs from Experimenting Across Wide Participation Fast E
HTML SDS Example Productivity Derived from Creativity Requires Applyi
Creativity Experiment Across Wide Participation Fast Easy Web Accepta
SDS HTML Example Productivity Derived from Creativity Requires Applyi
HTML Procedures for Coding Standards W3C for Coding Web Pages
2112 -
2112 - ..
2113 - Summary/Objective
2114 -
211401 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
211402 -
211403 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary saying....
211404 -
211405 - 1. Jack Park posted this URL.
211406 -
211407 -
211409 - ..
211410 - 2. The article makes the same argument that you support that the
211411 - incredible sloppiness of HTML is responsible for the success of
211412 - the web.
211414 - ..
211415 - Gary's construction that "sloppiness of HTML" is responsible for the
211416 - success of the web, appears to relate to the following taken from the
211417 - source that Jack cites under a title....
211418 -
211419 - Bitworking
211420 - by Joe Gregorio
211421 -
211422 - ....who says in part...
211423 -
211424 - ...browsers [lax] enforcement of conformity....made it
211425 - possible for anyone wanting a Web page to write one.
211427 - ..
211428 - Gary continues...
211429 -
211430 - 3. I accept that the current direction of XML with all of its
211431 - increasingly complicated dialects and proposals is less than a
211432 - great idea, I [still] don't subscribe to the notion that "the
211433 - web got great because it permitted work so sloppy that anybody
211434 - could participate without thinking too hard about it."
211435 -
211437 - ..
211438 - Paul Prueitt, Ph.D. submits a letter this morning that cites his
211439 - online book (draft) that discusses opportunities to apply XML to the
211440 - problem of formative ontlogy and differential ontology. ref SDS 6 8S6M
211441 - While I am not yet up on these phrases, this suggest exciting ideas
211442 - are forming to apply XML, as noted by Steve Balmer at Microsoft on
211443 - 010510. ref SDS 3 8Y8H
211444 -
211446 - ..
211447 - Creativity, Development and Marketing are a Game of Numbers
211448 -
211449 - Gary raises a good question asking how improvement results from work
211450 - so sloppy that anybody can participate "without thinking too hard
211451 - about it." ref SDS 0 QM4N
211453 - ..
211454 - What is the "it" that people are thinking hard about?
211456 - ..
211457 - One aspect of civilization is continual improvement in tools and
211458 - methods that enable more people to get more done in less time, roughly
211459 - called "productivity." Tools are created by people, and so are
211460 - commonly said to be driven by creativity. Doug Engelbart has
211461 - developed ideas for continual improvement using an ABC model, reviewed
211462 - on 991222.
211463 - On 010924 synergy between design, development and use was
211464 - cited as playing an important role in SDS and Com Metrics. ref SDS 8
211465 - NK4J
211467 - ..
211468 - "Creativity" can be analysed from work that people generally recognize
211469 - as "creative," like a musician, poet, a writer like Jack Park, or an
211470 - engineer like Gary, Morris, Jack (notice Jack has two hats here), and
211471 - of course many others. Creativity is organic. It can occur along
211472 - very narrow lines, as inventing a means to display text with the
211473 - professional look and feel of traditional publications, as in a book
211474 - or magazine article. It can occur in the design of a computer chip
211475 - that displays a broader range of colors and with greater speed in
211476 - processing more data in less time. These critical areas of creativity
211477 - require very careful work thinking very hard about computer science,
211478 - HTML code protocols, electrical engineering and software code
211479 - techniques. Another dimension of creativity is thinking very
211480 - carefully and very hard about how to apply HTML and computer chips to
211481 - do something useful that satisfies human needs. For this form of
211482 - creativity not only are contributions from HTML and computer chips
211483 - needed, but also other types of disciplines are needed to yield a
211484 - synthesis that lifts civilization. In each, case a lifetime studying
211485 - and exercising dedication to avoid sloppiness in one discipline,
211486 - precludes acquiring expertise in the other 10 or so disciplines needed
211487 - to come up with a new discipline like Communication Metrics, as
211488 - explained in the record on 001219. ref SDS 2 4W4L
211489 -
211490 - [On 030524 example of need for synergy between design, development
211491 - and use that drives continual improvement. ref SDS 7 QL6L
211493 - ..
211494 - One might argue then that advancing beyond IT requires experience that
211495 - is sufficiently broad based, though not necessarily an expert, to
211496 - yield perspective and insight for integrating a range of disciplines,
211497 - and that expertise in any one of the them creates blinders to analysis
211498 - and synthesis that enables effective integration. Thus, investing
211499 - time to become an expert in a discipline might result in "thinking too
211500 - hard about it," as you say, ref SDS 0 QM4N, because there is not
211501 - enough time left over to think about the other disciplines in
211502 - sufficient measure to discover a useful and effective integration.
211504 - ..
211505 - Expanding opportunity for discovery from growing understanding through
211506 - experimenting may justify tolerance in application of tools that yield
211507 - new patterns of deployment without acquiring expertise in all aspects
211508 - of tools, particularly, since only some aspects are needed, and the
211509 - others are irrelevant to any given initiative. If all of the time is
211510 - invested to acquire expertise in all of the elements of every tool
211511 - considered for integration, then there is no time left for
211512 - experimenting, failing and trying again. This is a case, not for
211513 - sloppiness in work, but tolerance applying some aspects of tools so
211514 - that a lot of hard work can be done to experiment with different
211515 - combinations of ingredients to discover patterns that yield better
211516 - results.
211518 - ..
211519 - If this tolerant environment in applying tools yields promising
211520 - results, then experts will gravitate toward the opportunity to apply
211521 - their expertise to refine underlying tools so that initial sloppiness
211522 - needed for discovery through experimentation is reduced. An example
211523 - is the work on 021111. ref SDS 4 0001
211525 - ..
211526 - So, returning to the core point. Someone might be very sloppy in
211527 - performing any number of elements of an integrated process that forms
211528 - a new discipline, but very careful about developing and performing the
211529 - new discipline, while others are very careful about particular
211530 - elements, but don't have enough experience yet to care very much about
211531 - performing the new discipline. This leads to the difficulties in the
211532 - draft letter Pat Lincoln has under review. ref SDS 5 VS5J
211534 - ..
211535 - Tolerance in the use of tools, like HTML, enable a larger number of
211536 - people to experiment, and more experience experimenting increases the
211537 - chances of hitting on useful new patters that combine capabilities in
211538 - helpful ways that the developers of underlying capabilities do not
211539 - have time to consider.
211541 - ..
211542 - Similarly, tolerance in using tools, like HTML, enable a lot of people
211543 - to begin gaining some benefits of a connected world. This creates
211544 - buy-in and demand for greater use.
211545 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"