440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 24, 2003 09:39 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Corrected problem with HTML profile to enter BR and br br commands.


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HTML Level 5 Profile Functions
BR and br br Commands

0504 -
0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 2 ZE4F.
050602 -
050603 - Over the past several days finally figured out a correction that
050604 - fixes the problem for the F6 function in the HTML profile.
050606 -  ..
050607 - On 021111 changed the code from using the P command to using instead
050608 - br br, for reasons in the record on 021102. ref SDS 1 PP5M  The change
050609 - at that time, however, created a defective condition that required
050610 - manual editing for accomplishing the functionality after the first use
050611 - of the command.
050613 -  ..
050614 - The corrected work is also reported in 021111. ref SDS 2 UR3M
050616 -  ..
050617 - Over the past several days have tried a number of revisions, but they
050618 - all resulted in worsening the problem.  This difficulty occurred
050619 - because the code in 04707 manages a variety of commands and
050620 - structures, which are all conducive to a common implementation model;
050621 - however, the br and P commands are different.  The original design was
050622 - functional, i.e., it fit the common model, but when the change was
050623 - made to a compound command string for br br, it no longer fit the
050624 - common model.  It might have been possible to ultimately get the new
050625 - command string to fit the common model, but the complexity of making
050626 - this happen and maintaining the original functionality for all the
050627 - other commands, made this a very difficult task.
050629 -  ..
050630 - Today, I started over by eliminating all of the work for the past
050631 - several days, and decided instead to create a separate application
050632 - model for br and br br.  This now seems to solve the problem, and with
050633 - less code than was developed initially, and even than was in the
050634 - original design, all because I stopped trying to make a square peg fit
050635 - a round hole.
050637 -  ..
050638 - I am taking time to explain this, because a challenge in all analysis
050639 - is to recognize commonalities and differences at a level where
050640 - efficiencies can be realized with common treatment.  Some things are
050641 - common at one level, but sufficiently different at another level to
050642 - require separate treatment, yet it takes experience before this can be
050643 - recognized, because the mind is invested and so focused on a single
050644 - solution.
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