440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 22, 2003 07:57 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Ross on following up proposal to IBM.

.........Powerpoint Presentation for SDS
.........Typical Day Scenario on Overcoming Resistance to Com Metrics

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0203 - IBM Global Services                                                                                                                                                O-00000807 0601
020301 - Mr. David J. Snowden                                                                                                                                             O-00000807 0601
020302 - Director
020304 - Cynefin Centre                                                                                                                                                   O-00000807 0601

Snowden, Dave Initiative to Evaluate SDS by IBM
IBM Market SDS Com Metrics Solution for Knowledge Management Services
IBM Dave Snowden Market SDS and Com Metrics by IBM as Solution that R
IBM Market Solution SDS Com Metrics Products and Services for Knowled

0706 -
0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 64 0000. ref SDS 63 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Ross has received the letter, ref DIP 3 0001 to Dave Snowden at IBM
070804 - implementing ideas on 030406 for a proposal to IBM. ref SDS 59 0001
070805 - This follows up Dave's request on 020920 for an explanation of SDS.
070806 - ref SDS 34 UN6H  Ross also received the letter on 030418 with ideas
070807 - for following up. ref SDS 64 W76M  Ross also received the letter on
070808 - Sunday, 020420.
070810 -  ..
070811 - Ross has not yet reviewed these letters, but plans to do so on
070812 - Thursday, 030424.  After Ross makes a review, he will call to discuss
070813 - strategy for following up with Dave.
070814 -
070815 -       [On 030428 Dave Snowden says he does not believe claims that SDS
070816 -       supports capabilities in the proposal. ref SDS 67 0001
070818 -  ..
070819 - At that time, we can consider ideas for Ross to mention in his letter
070820 - to Dave...
070821 -
070822 -         Visitors to SDS records on the Internet, now averaging about
070823 -         60K per month, and hits averaging about 300K per month might
070824 -         be talking points.  This activity is currently generating mild
070825 -         sales interest, shown in the record on 010907. ref SDS 23 KX3L
070826 -
070827 - ...and issues in the letter sent to Ross on Sunday....
070828 -
070848 -          ..
070849 -         Powerpoint Presentation for SDS
070850 -
070852 -          ..
070853 -     3.  As you know, a lot of people like Powerpoint presentations;
070854 -         for example, they were a big hit at Enron, reported on 020204.
070855 -         ref SDS 24 KM4F
070857 -          ..
070858 -     4.  I heard recently that Powerpoint has become a de facto
070859 -         standard for organizational memory on meetings.  In any case,
070860 -         there is a Powerpoint presentation on the web for SDS and Com
070861 -         Metrics that may be helpful in submitting comments to
070862 -         Snowden.....
070864 -             ..
070865 -  
070866 -
070868 -          ..
070869 -         Typical Day Scenario on Overcoming Resistance to Com Metrics
070870 -
070872 -          ..
070873 -     5.  Speaking of Powerpoint, not sure if this has been forwarded
070874 -         previously, but there is a sort of fun scenario on the need
070875 -         for, resistance to, and leadership rationale on better
070876 -         management.  If you have time, take a look. ref OF 7 10JK
070878 -          ..
070879 -     6.  Just hope this is not being too much of a burden for you.
070880 -
070881 -
070882 -
070883 -
070884 -
070885 -
070886 -
070887 -
070888 -
070889 -
0709 -