440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 21, 2003 12:20 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Walt at DOD on reviewing SDS and Com Metrics.
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0201 -/Department of Defense O-00000823 0501
020101 - Mr. Walter J. Okon; Chief
020103/- EB Enterprise Engineering O-00000823 0501
Internet Object Organizational Memory Worry Accountability Confidenti
DOD Walt on Using SDS for Finding Right Information at the Righ
Walt Chief Department Seeking Technology for Finding Right Info
Find Who What When Where Why How Relevant to Objectives Command and C
3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of Knowledge Usin
Find Everything on Computer Fast Many Strategies
Find Information Command Control the Work SDS Enables Engineer to Per
Find Right Information at Right Time, Walt Okon Chief Task Group at D
2310 -
2310 - ..
2311 - Summary/Objective
2312 -
231201 - Follow up ref SDS 19 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
231202 -
231203 - Called Walt....
231204 - // 703 681 2521
231205 - //
231207 - ..
231208 - Walt remembered the call last week to follow up Roy Roebuck's ideas
231209 - for using SDS to support transformation that strengthens command and
231210 - control for communication and managment at DOD, following the call
231211 - from Geoff Raines on 030417, ref SDS 19 WT9G, citing Roy's analysis of
231212 - the problem at DOD reported on 020217. ref SDS 8 9360
231214 - ..
231215 - Walt is assigned to develop an architecture for (he used an acronym)
231216 - what-sounded-like using off-the-shelf commercial products and services
231217 - that enable the right people to find the right information at the
231218 - right time.
231219 -
231220 - DOD requirements for finding information reported by Walt today
231221 - reflect review on 020504 showing FAR requirements for surveillance
231222 - and documentation need a new solution. ref SDS 9 NS6F
231224 - ..
231225 - Analysis on 020504 shows SDS enables a new way of working under
231226 - practices of Communication Metrics. ref SDS 9 AV9K On 030417 SRI
231227 - developing draft endorsement of SDS, ref OF 1 0001, that reflects
231228 - Roy Roybuck's analysis on 020217. ref SDS 8 3105
231229 -
231230 - [On 030424 experience at NASA shows communication and daily
231231 - management are hard to improve; loss of the Columbia Space
231232 - Shuttle on 030201 revealed improvements were not made following
231233 - loss of the Challenger in 1986 despite mandates and regulations
231234 - for transformation to adopt good practices. ref SDS 21 0001
231236 - ..
231237 - //
231238 - Walt's biography says he retired in Feberuary 1993 from the Air Force
231239 - at the rank of Lt Colonel. His last assignment was special assistant
231240 - to the Director of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and
231241 - to the Total Quality Management Director for the Defense Systems
231242 - Support Organization. After leaving active duty, in December 1993
231243 - Walt joinded DISA, and is now chief of Electronic Commerce
231244 - Engineering....
231245 -
231246 -
231248 - ..
231249 -
231250 - //
231252 - ..
231253 - Today, during our call we reviwed experience using SDS for
231254 - Communication Metrics at.....
231255 -
231256 - DNRC.............................. 010725, ref SDS 4 0001
231257 - PG&E.............................. 941229, ref DRP 4 0001
231258 - USACE............................. 970328, ref DRP 5 6172
231259 - SRI............................... 020729, ref DRP 2 0001
231260 -
231261 - ...shows that transformation from IT to a new way of working using SDS
231262 - for Communication Metrics makes finding information fast and easy, as
231263 - reported on 010916. ref SDS 5 0001 This contrasts with inability to
231264 - find anything on a computer using other tools, also reported on
231265 - 010916. ref SDS 6 KA6H Command and control of the record explained in
231266 - POIMS, ref OF 6 1113, requires a 3-layer architecture of tools,
231267 - management science and a work role, reviewed on 020820. ref SDS 10
231268 - 0001
231270 - ..
231271 - SDS software is explained in a recent letter to IBM on 030418.
231272 - ref DIP 1 HS4F Deployment is enabled by a 3-layer architecture
231273 - explained on 020820, ref SDS 10 0001, that includes a new work role,
231274 - also, explained in the letter to IBM. ref DIP 1 WG8I
231276 - ..
231277 - POIMS is a white paper that explains the technology which guides SDS
231278 - development and deployment using Com Metrics. ref OF 2 0001
231280 - ..
231281 - The work product of SDS, which is a record like this one, provides
231282 - anytime, anywhere intelligence. Today, during our call, we briefly
231283 - reviewed the experiment Stuart Harrow did at DCMA on 020905 showing
231284 - that people can learn in about 2 minutes how to access and use SDS
231285 - records that build a chronology showing cause and effect. ref SDS 12
231286 - DAPW A week later Stuart reported this is a powerful and unique
231287 - capability of SDS. ref SDS 13 HH92
231289 - ..
231290 - FAR requirements show express need for organizational memory and SDS
231291 - support for traceability to original sources. ref SDS 9 XV7L
231293 - ..
231294 - USACE published a report on 971007 showing SDS used for Com Metrics
231295 - saves time and money at the rate of 10:1, i.e., ROI is 10:1.
231296 - ref DRP 6 7400 A scope of services was also developed by USACE for
231297 - implementing Com Metrics using SDS. ref DRP 5 4929
231299 - ..
231300 - The more important fact, however, is that, so far as can be seen from
231301 - research, SDS is the only working system in the world that can
231302 - routinely produce work product for organizational memory so that
231303 - people can get the right information at the right time. Morris Jones
231304 - at Intel noted on 010924 that nobody uses other software like SDS for
231305 - capturing, organizing and retrieving daily working informtion.
231306 - ref SDS 7 XT5F
231308 - ..
231309 - SDS is now under trial use for the combat project at Aerospace company, reported on
231310 - 030125. ref SDS 17 0001 After a few weeks, initial application has
231311 - been favorable, reported on 030413. ref SDS 18 0001
231313 - ..
231314 - Walt is generally familiar with combat. The mission is described in Gary
231315 - Johnson's record on 030121. ref SDS 16 JM5N
231317 - ..
231318 - Walt remembered Roy Roebuck's work at DOD as a facilitator and program
231319 - manager, reported on 020217. ref SDS 8 1332 He can review Roy's ideas
231320 - for using SDS to meet requirements at DOD for better communication and
231321 - management, also, shown on 020217. ref SDS 8 3105 This follows up
231322 - planning on 020919 from communication with Stuart Harrow at DCMA.
231323 - ref SDS 14 JY4G
231325 - ..
231326 - Walt requested an email with links to resources on SDS and Com
231327 - Metrics.
231328 -
231329 - //
231330 - //
231332 - ..
231333 - Submitted an email to Walt with a link to this record that provides
231334 - other resources based on the context of Walt's assignment, per above.
231335 -
231336 - [On 030424 Walt received this record and is making a review.
231337 - ref SDS 20 0001
231338 -
231339 - [On 030429 submitted a copy of an email to Stuart Harrow at DCMA
231340 - that expands on how SDS and Com Metrics support DOD objectives
231341 - for better management. ref SDS 22 I26I
231343 - ..
231344 - [On 030501 sent letter to Walt summarizing list of information
231345 - explaining SDS and Com Metrics, to facilitate review. ref SDS 23
231346 - 0001
231348 - ..
231349 - [On 030520 received call from Mussie asking for information on
231350 - SDS and Com Metrics. ref SDS 24 CF69
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