440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 19, 2003 08:13 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Gary called about progress on Aerospace company combat implementing SDS.
2...Planning on Developing Record for Technical Exchange Meetings
3...Raise Issues Not Temperatures, Practices of Communication Metrics
4...SDS Flexible Structure Needs Integrated Solution Training and Support
5...Knowledge Tools More Complex and Fragile that Information Technology
6...Comments on IBM Initiative
.....1...Communication Metrics eight (8) steps using SDS.
.....2...Subject Management Using Organic Structure
7...Conform Gary's SDS Records and Contacts
Click here to comment!
0201 - Dynamic Alternatives
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Meeting Notes Organizational Memory Fast Easy SDS Has Firepower Rich
Meeting Notes Procedures Tips Organizational Memory Fast Easy SDS Has
Meetings Technical Review Gary Assigned to Capture Organizational Mem
Tips Meeting Notes Prepare Record Raise Issues Not Temperatures
Meeting Record Conflict with Memory Anger Refuse Feedback Refine Accu
Raise Issues Not Temperatures Hard Work Psychologically Demanding Dip
Contemporaneous Notes Not Always Available Because Dynamics of Daily
Meeting Notes Procedures Raise Issues Not Temperatures Avoid Anger Ma
2210 -
2210 - ..
2211 - Summary/Objective
2212 -
221201 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000. ref SDS 10 0000.
221202 -
221203 - Reviewed progress and discussed ideas for preparing the record on the
221204 - Technical Exchange Meetings this past week at Aerospace company. Found issues
221205 - that need attention in SDS, ref SDS 0 MN7K, which I will work on.
221206 - Discussed ideas for an "integrated solution" that requires tools and
221207 - services. ref SDS 0 WE53 Gary will consider submitting comments on
221208 - the initiative with IBM based on experience using SDS at Aerospace company.
221209 - ref SDS 0 Q633
221211 - ..
221212 - Sent this record to Gary confirming understandings.
221213 -
221214 - [On 030420 Gary reported these corrections were successful.
221215 - ref SDS 17 5J5J
221216 -
221217 -
221218 -
221219 -
221220 -
221222 - ..
2213 -
2214 -
2215 - Discussion
2216 -
221601 - Planning on Developing Record for Technical Exchange Meetings
221602 -
221603 - Gary sent updated SDS records. Downloaded and installed them. This
221604 - cleared some of the problems reported yesterday. ref SDS 16 JG6O
221606 - ..
221607 - Gary has created records for each day of the SoS (TEM) meetings
221608 - beginning on 030415. However, there is no record for this on 030415,
221609 - and none on 030416; this is corrected below. ref SDS 0 J653
221611 - ..
221612 - We discussed briefly three (3) ideas on developing the record for
221613 - these meetings....
221614 -
221615 - 1. Create a separate record for each day (which have already been
221616 - started) and an executive summary for first order distribution
221617 - that is connected to the details in the separate records.
221619 - ..
221620 - 2. Use the agenda, even though it was modified considerably as a
221621 - primary control, and so it is a DRT.
221623 - ..
221624 - Balance the order of the agenda with the actual chronology, so
221625 - that, where sequence is important, it is clear in the record.
221627 - ..
221628 - 3. Make Powerpoint files DRTs as another element of control, and
221629 - to guide development of the record supplemented by handwritten
221630 - or other electronic notes obtained from conscientious
221631 - attendees. The task is (1) to meld all of these perspectives
221632 - into a common body of shared memory that is connected to the
221633 - record and to objectives, requirements and commitments, and
221634 - (2) to identify controllable action items for follow up work
221635 - that can be continually aligned with original sources, using
221636 - explicit links in SDS. Stuart Harrow noted on 020912 that
221637 - this capability is easy and useful, once the record is
221638 - created. ref SDS 8 HH92
221640 - ..
221641 - Let me know if you need help. There are probably a pile of documents
221642 - to get squared away in the record.
221643 -
221644 - Per analysis below, this is an area where support for service is
221645 - a good target of opportunity for IBM to sell a solution. Gary
221646 - discussed this need during our call today. ref SDS 0 RU80
221647 -
221648 -
221650 - ..
221651 - Raise Issues Not Temperatures, Practices of Communication Metrics
221652 -
221653 - Follow up ref SDS 12 6J64.
221654 -
221655 - We also reviewed ideas on the general notion of raising issues without
221656 - raising temperatures by attributing good ideas to specific people, and
221657 - avoid associating individuals with specific problems, as discussed on
221658 - 030410 reviewing Com Metrics practices. ref SDS 12 6J64 Show the
221659 - ostensible leader of the meeting, and others of recognized power,
221660 - actually did some useful leading.
221661 -
221662 -
221663 -
221664 -
221665 -
221666 -
221667 -
2217 -
Flexible Structure Balance Between Power of Flexibility that is Fragi
Contacts Filling out Doc Log Fields for Writing and Receiving a Lette
Flexible Structure Learn New Way Working Difficult Augment Intelligne
Fixing Record Pointers Listed in Summary But No Record Exists How to
Contacts Out of Sync Gary's List is Different from Records on C13
Contacts Save Failing in Aerospace company Record
Maintenance F2 Save Not Working
3009 -
301001 - ..
301002 - SDS Flexible Structure Needs Integrated Solution Training and Support
301003 -
301004 - During our call we found that one of Gary's records listed in a diary
301005 - summary for....
301006 -
301007 - 030417 0740 SDS - Problems - Prior Date Diary record not created
301008 -
301009 - ...does not exist.
301011 - ..
301012 - Gary indicated he was aware of this issue, and intended to ask about
301013 - a remedy.
301015 - ..
301016 - We discussed the Maintenance system, and using F2 to restore records
301017 - that for some reason or another did not get archived as diaries, or
301018 - are scheduled tasks that got removed from the Schedule 00 file, per
301019 - work on 030414. ref SDS 13 PJ6M
301021 - ..
301022 - Together we ran the maintenance op, and noticed that at the end of the
301023 - list of files generated for review there is a file 0387. Opening this
301024 - file shows the same title....
301025 -
301026 - SDS - Problems - Prior Date Diary record not created
301027 -
301028 - the missing record on 030417, per above. ref SDS 0 MN7K
301030 - ..
301031 - At this point we assumed it was the missing record for 030417, because
301032 - the description is the same. I tried pressing F2, and was surprised
301033 - that this created a new task in the Schedule, when I was expecting the
301034 - code to convert the file to an archived diary record.
301036 - ..
301037 - After the call, I stepped through the code carefully and found...
301038 -
301039 - 1. For some reason the record type description that should say
301040 - DIARY or SCHEDULE beginning on line 1 in column 36 is blank.
301041 -
301042 - Don't know how that can happen.
301044 - ..
301045 - During the discussion with Gary I tried adding "DIARY" to
301046 - identify that we wanted a Diary for the record that is missing
301047 - on 030417. This effort was an error, because the code in 0502
301048 - interprets a file in which line 1 column 36 is blank as a
301049 - Schedule at the time the file is opened. As a result, adding
301050 - DIARY after the file is opened doesn't change the status flag,
301051 - and so that explains why what we thought should be a Diary was
301052 - instead handled as a Schedule.
301054 - ..
301055 - One remedy is to change the code so that blank is interpreted
301056 - as a Diary, so I made that change.
301058 - ..
301059 - 2. Another problem we noticed is that the file number 0387 is
301060 - higher than the value in Gary's 00 file. During the call
301061 - this seemed like an anomaly
301063 - ..
301064 - 3. There is however a deeper problem. The file 0387 which I
301065 - assumed was the missing diary record for 030417 turned out to
301066 - be dated today. Discovered this only after changing the code
301067 - on 0502 to flag a blank as a diary, and then the code created
301068 - a file 000000, which is incorrect. This caused me to look
301069 - more closely at the date and time of the record assigned in
301070 - the record for file 0387, and it shows not 030417 hhmmss, but
301071 - 030419 000000, which is precisely the diary record that we
301072 - created, but is wrong.
301074 - ..
301075 - This means there is a compound error.
301076 -
301077 - a. There is no diary file with 030417 for the missing record
301078 - on that date.
301079 -
301080 - b. There is a Schedule task 0387 in 00 but there is no task
301081 - in the Schedule for it.
301083 - ..
301084 - We can make the 0387 file a new task in the Schedule, and we
301085 - can delete the entry in the 04 pointers for 030417 for this
301086 - description of the missing record, and we can further create a
301087 - prior date diary record on 030417 to replace the missing
301088 - record. Just need some guidance on what Gary wants.
301090 - ..
301091 - Also found that there is no SDS record for the Technical Exchange
301092 - meeting on 030415 and for 030416, per above. ref SDS 0 BJ7L There is
301093 - a record, however, on 030417 that has links to each of these records.
301094 - So, somehow, something was done that killed part of the archive
301095 - operation. This has occurred on c13 and c11 on very rare occassions,
301096 - which have chalked up to a tired Windows issue, where memory gets
301097 - fragmented. Seems curious for it to happen twice on consecutive days
301098 - and where only one record is being processed on both days. Discussed
301099 - with Gary below. ref SDS 0 TN6T
301100 -
301101 -
301103 - ..
301104 - Knowledge Tools More Complex and Fragile that Information Technology
301105 -
301106 - The record above, ref SDS 0 IC6M, suggests that Gary is seeing SDS
301107 - capability and doing things that were not intended but are logically
301108 - inferred, which I am not doing because the code was created to do
301109 - things that can be used in ways that are different from the ways
301110 - intended, or something like that.
301112 - ..
301113 - This goes to the notion that "knowledge" is a more complex resource
301114 - than information, and so KM tools are more complex than are
301115 - technologies for information, i.e., IT.
301117 - ..
301118 - Tom Munnecke commented on 020911 that when a business system is
301119 - developed for an organization, say a particular hospital or clinic, in
301120 - his field, it can work because the culture is attuned to doing things
301121 - in particular ways. ref SDS 7 T217 However, the same set of software
301122 - capabilities provided to another organization that is nominally doing
301123 - the same kind of work, does not have the same success, because the
301124 - details of implementing tools and capabilities turn out to be very
301125 - broad and so can be implemented in many different ways that are
301126 - actually not supported, even though they seem like they should be, and
301127 - possibly would add value if they were, or may not add value, because
301128 - the ways that are supported were based on experience, etc, etc., but
301129 - that is not evident until people gain more experience. Hopefully,
301130 - training can address this, but it may have to be close order training
301131 - for the initial period where the way people are using the tools can be
301132 - observed by a specialist.
301134 - ..
301135 - I can fix Gary's records the way he wants them to be, but the real
301136 - issue is to discover what he is doing that is leading toward problems,
301137 - and to adjust the software and training to moderate this matter.
301138 -
301139 -
301141 - ..
3012 -
3013 -
3014 - 1338
3015 -
301501 - Called and left message asking Gary to zip all of his SDS records as
301502 - follows....
301503 -
301504 - SDS diary records...
301505 -
301506 - z -P -a -r ds d:\sd\08\gljdy\*.*
301508 - ..
301509 - Gary's subjects...
301510 -
301511 - z -P -a -r hs d:\sd\06\gljdy\*.*
301513 - ..
301514 - All contact records...
301515 -
301516 - z -P -a -r hs d:\sd\09\*.*
301517 -
301519 - ..
301520 - I will fix the stuff and send it back so we start again in sync.
301521 -
301522 -
301524 - ..
3016 -
3017 -
3018 - 1828
3019 -
301901 - Gary called back.
301902 -
301903 - He has put all of his SDS records on the web, per telecon above.
301904 - ref SDS 0 WE5E
301906 - ..
301907 - We discussed what he wants to have happen....
301908 -
301909 - 1. Need record restored on SDS for 030417, which is now missing.
301910 -
301911 - 2. Do not need a follow up on the same thing for today, because
301912 - one is already there.
301914 - ..
301915 - 3. Need to add records for the Technical Exchange Meetings for
301916 - 030415 and 030416, per above. ref SDS 0 J653
301918 - ..
301919 - 4. Will square away personal contacts.
301921 - ..
301922 - [On 030420 Gary reported these corrections are satisfactory.
301923 - ref SDS 17 5J5J
301924 -
301925 -
301926 -
301927 -
301928 -
301929 -
3020 -
Snowden, Dave Initiative to Evaluate SDS by IBM
IBM Market SDS Com Metrics Solution for Knowledge Management Services
IBM Dave Snowden Market SDS and Com Metrics by IBM as Solution that R
IBM Market Solution SDS Com Metrics Products and Services for Knowled
IBM Support Initiative to Dave Snowden
3607 -
360801 - ..
360802 - Comments on IBM Initiative
360803 -
360804 - When Gary called back this afternoon, per above, ref SDS 0 TN4N, we
360805 - reviewed following ideas, which was discussed during the first call
360806 - this morning....
360808 - ..
360809 - Gary can consider submitting to IBM comments on the initiative with
360810 - Dave Snowden, ref DIP 1 0001, which was submitted on 030416.
360811 - ref SDS 14 0001 If this seems doable, Gary might send copies to the
360812 - other addresses, Ross ****************, *******************, Morris at
360813 - Intel,, and to Bill DeHart at PG&E,
360814 - Conceivably a dynamic of support might emerge, which Don
360815 - Rumsfeld recommended on 020113 to help busy execs at DOD focus on good
360816 - ideas. ref SDS 5 6L5K
360817 -
360818 - [On 020428 Dave Snowden declined to investigate SDS grounds
360819 - that claims for enabling KM are not believed. ref SDS 18
360820 - 0001
360822 - ..
360823 - [On 020520 letter to Pat Lincoln at SRI explains spreading
360824 - the word wide as the waters is critical for advancing beyond
360825 - information technology by releasing the power of knowledge
360826 - because this is the one power the genie in the bottle does
360827 - not have. ref SDS 19 OH73
360829 - ..
360830 - 1. Communication Metrics eight (8) steps using SDS.
360831 -
360832 - Think Gary indicated that training and support for learning
360833 - and applying the steps listed in the proposal are a good
360834 - target for IBM to provide a "solution" that strengthens
360835 - communication and management. ref DIP 1 MR4O At this stage,
360836 - SDS and Com Metrics are very new and murky to Dave and so we
360837 - want to provide a big picture that is within reach of
360838 - something IBM can actually do, and is also very helpful to
360839 - customers. Recognizing that SDS is a working system, rather
360840 - than merely another dream in the lab, along with Gary's
360841 - credentials from years of studying KM and thinking about
360842 - problems on the job, shown by the letter on 011006,
360843 - ref SDS 4 M24K, all add weight to Gary's comments.
360845 - ..
360846 - Today, Gary cited the need for help getting documents in
360847 - Powerpoint, Word, email, spreadsheets, Lotus Notes, etc., into
360848 - a form for creating a connected record, per current issue
360849 - discussed above. ref SDS 0 TM36 This part of the two worlds
360850 - issue we discussed earlier in the week. ref SDS 12 595O
360852 - ..
360853 - Another example is training to segment records (like this one)
360854 - that enable multiple views to be assembled which present the
360855 - same information in different contexts. This is a new
360856 - capability for most people, as Morris noted on 911123,
360857 - ref SDS 1 0477, and so new users need orientation and initial
360858 - onsite training when a project starts, in order to get things
360859 - off on the right foot, per above, ref SDS 0 WE53, and
360860 - thereafter a phone number to call for follow up support.
360861 -
360863 - ..
360864 - 2. Subject Management Using Organic Structure
360865 -
360866 - SDS provides a robust methodology for managing context, shown,
360867 - for example, by the record on 020608 that reviews Dave's paper
360868 - "Complex Acts of Knowing," ref SDS 6 0000; another example is
360869 - the Richmond Harbor project discussing WBS on 970328,
360870 - ref SDS 2 6694, and another is the OHS/DKR work on 000324,
360871 - ref SDS 3 0000. On the current Aerospace company project, which is a
360872 - major DOD procurement, we are using for part of the organic
360873 - structure Aerospace company's standards for managing software
360874 - requirements, ref OF 1 0001, which is discussed on 030408.
360875 - ref SDS 11 F34H This early experience at Aerospace company indicates
360876 - people need help to jump start the "craft" of using SDS for
360877 - adding organization to find information quickly when needed.
360878 - ref DIP 1 HS4F IBM can provide a "solution" to this universal
360879 - problem by providing SDS with training and support. Skills
360880 - typically fall within the scope of library and records
360881 - management, accounting and organizing projects using Work
360882 - Breakdown Structures (WBS) and planning processes like the
360883 - Critical Path Method (CPM) and PERT.
360884 -
360885 -
360886 -
360887 -
360889 - ..
3609 -
3610 -
3611 - 1939
3612 -
361201 - Conform Gary's SDS Records and Contacts
361202 -
361203 - Work plan.
361204 -
361205 - Received two files from Gary.....
361206 -
361207 - 827K
361208 - 9,929K
361210 - ..
361211 - This suggests that ds has only Gary's SDS records, and that hs may
361212 - include Rod's SI along with Gary's and the contacts and the help
361213 - files, i.e., everything on h: sd.
361215 - ..
361216 - [On 030420 Gary reported these corrections are satisfactory.
361217 - ref SDS 17 5J5J
361219 - ..
361220 - Moved existing....
361221 -
361222 - d: sd 08 gljdy.................. c: 12 gljdy
361223 -
361224 - h: sd........................... c: 12 sd
361226 - ..
361227 - This preserves the current version of Gary's SDS records I have, which
361228 - seem to be more than he is submitting today.
361230 - ..
361231 - Actually think what should be done is to restore the originals on h:
361232 - and then just update with Gary's stuff.
361234 - ..
361235 - For control note the size of the records Gary submits today and
361236 - compare to what is already on my computer. These should be fairly
361237 - close in the number of records and size on the disk.
361238 -
361239 - Currently Received from
361240 - on C13 Gary
361242 - ..
361243 - Records in d: sd 08 gljdy 584 f 3.57m 544 3.33m
361245 - ..
361246 - Records in h: sd 06 gljdy 721 f 5.60m 724 8.09m
361247 -
361249 - ..
361250 - So, the SDS records seem to be about the same, which is what we want,
361251 - but SI has a big disparity. The number of files closely aligns, but
361252 - where are the 3M of disk stuff?
361254 - ..
361255 - Now have everything unzipped and in the correct places. Replaced the
361256 - Schedule files that are out of sync so more testing can be done with
361257 - the Maintenance restore function, and to restore several records as
361258 - follows....
361260 - ..
361261 - Diary Summary Adjustments....
361262 -
361263 - 1. 030417 0740 SDS - Problems - Prior Date Diary record not
361264 - created, per above. ref SDS 0 MN7K
361265 -
361266 - This problem has the following elements...
361267 -
361268 - a. There is no diary record for this entry.
361270 - ..
361271 - b. There is a file 0387 in the 00 directory that has content
361272 - for this record, but there is no corresponding entry in
361273 - the Schedule.
361275 - ..
361276 - Solution....
361277 -
361278 - a. Open the 04 pointers and remove the record description
361279 - for this thing.
361281 - ..
361282 - b. Use Schedule Maintenance and open file 0387. Use F2 to
361283 - make a Schedule task. Then change this to a prior date
361284 - diary record for 030417 at 0740a.
361285 -
361287 - ..
361288 - 2. Restore missing records in the Diary Summary for TEM on
361289 - 030415 and 030416, per above.
361291 - ..
361292 - [On 030420 Gary reported these corrections are
361293 - satisfactory. ref SDS 17 5J5J
361295 - ..
361296 - Didn't have to do anything with contacts. Gary added a personal
361297 - contact for his brother, Bruce. It is correctly rendered, and it
361298 - shows up in the alphabetical summary.
361300 - ..
361301 - When Gary reported this morning that this record was not showing up in
361302 - the alphabetical summary, he may have been drawing the list
361303 - incorrectly, as follows...
361304 -
361305 - 1. Organizational alphabetical list.
361306 -
361307 - a. Open menu with right click, or Shift F10.
361309 - ..
361310 - b. Tab the cursor to Contacts, and enter up to 4 letters of the
361311 - name of the organization using lower case, then press Enter.
361313 - ..
361314 - c. This opens an alphabetical list of organizations at the
361315 - string entered in the menu in the previous step.
361316 -
361318 - ..
361319 - 2. Personal alphabetical list.
361320 -
361321 - Use the same steps for organizations, except....
361322 -
361323 - Tab the cursor to Contacts, and then backup one character
361324 - to enter up to 4 letters of the name of the person using
361325 - lower case, then press Enter.
361327 - ..
361328 - I should have thought of this when we discussed the problem this
361329 - morning.
361330 -
361331 -
361332 -
361333 -
361334 -
361335 -
361336 -
361337 -
361338 -
361339 -
361340 -
361341 -
361342 -
3614 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"