440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: April 17, 2003 02:18 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Letter to Dave Snowden on SDS project at IBM.


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0203 - IBM Global Services                                                                                                                                                O-00000807 0601
020301 - Mr. David J. Snowden                                                                                                                                             O-00000807 0601
020302 - Director
020304 - Cynefin Centre                                                                                                                                                   O-00000807 0601

Snowden, Dave Initiative to Evaluate SDS by IBM
IBM Market SDS Com Metrics Solution for Knowledge Management Services
IBM Dave Snowden Market SDS and Com Metrics by IBM as Solution that R
IBM Market Solution SDS Com Metrics Products and Services for Knowled

0706 -
0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 59 0000. ref SDS 57 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Dave Snowden at IBM implementing ideas on
070804 - 030406 for a proposal to IBM. ref SDS 57 0001 This follows up Dave's
070805 - request on 020920 for an explanation of SDS. ref SDS 32 UN6H
070806 -
070807 -       [On 030418 letter to Ross with ideas for mentioning exposure in
070808 -       Welch web site. ref SDS 61 0001
070810 -        ..
070811 -       [On 030419 discuss with Gary supporting initiative to
070812 -       Dave Snowden. ref SDS 62 TN4Q
070814 -        ..
070815 -       [On 030421 discuss with Pat Lincoln supporting proposal to IBM.
070816 -       ref SDS 63 ZY4F
070818 -        ..
070819 -       [On 030422 Ross planning to follow up on 030424. ref SDS 64 0001
070821 -        ..
070822 -       [On 030423 Pat Lincoln indicated willingness to support proposal
070823 -       to IBM. ref SDS 65 RY6M
070825 -        ..
070826 -       [On 030428 Dave responds. ref SDS 66 0001
070828 -  ..
070829 - The letter says....
070830 -
070831 -   a.  This is a proposal for IBM to consider SDS and Com Metrics as
070832 -       "solutions" that provide products and services which add bottom
070833 -       line value to customers with an ROI of 10:1, shown by the report
070834 -       by USACE. ref DRP 4 7400  This high rate of return reflects the
070835 -       fact that knowledge is a more powerful cognitive resource than
070836 -       people derive from current practice relying on information
070837 -       technology like, email, meetings, Powerpoint, the telephone,
070838 -       etc.
070840 -        ..
070841 -   b.  Your letter on 020920 requested an explanation of SDS and Com
070842 -       Metrics that does not require clicking links. ref SDS 32 UN6H
070843 -       This letter has links for the purpose of support and so do not
070844 -       require clicking anything unless you wish to check original
070845 -       source or get more information for context. ref DIT 1 3C6I
070847 -        ..
070848 -       SDS and Com Metrics, ref OF 2 0001, are fully explained in
070849 -       POIMS. ref DIT 1 DE7I
070851 -        ..
070852 -   c.  Here is a short explanation taken from the record on 940901,
070853 -       ref DIT 1 XE7N, that was presented to PG&E. ref SDS 6 2929
070855 -        ..
070856 -       Communication Metrics is a management science that uses the SDS
070857 -       program for an intelligence support role to improve "knowledge"
070858 -       work. ref DIT 1 WG8I  The need for this role comes from limited
070859 -       time that increases reliance on talking, which, in turn, reduces
070860 -       analysis.  Under current practice, constant meetings, calls and
070861 -       email overwhelm human cognition, causing mistakes, stress and
070862 -       conflict. This makes communication the biggest risk in
070863 -       enterprise. Every meeting, call, and email sows the seeds of
070864 -       error and crisis, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 IE6L
070866 -        ..
070867 -   d.  The Com Metrics support role can be thought of as a journalist
070868 -       for management that uses the SDS program to keep a diary of
070869 -       daily work. ref DIT 1 LJ9L  Alignment with objectives,
070870 -       requirements and commitments is added to prevent drifting off
070871 -       course.  This new role to align daily communication complements
070872 -       the role of accounting that aligns daily finances with budgets.
070873 -       Since communication is a predicate to action, adding alignment
070874 -       saves a lot of time and money.  I call this role a Communication
070875 -       Manager, and discussed further in NWO. ref OF 10 6369
070877 -        ..
070878 -   e.  This role has been used to support work on Broadwater Dam,
070879 -       ref DIT 1 8L4N, as reported by Wayne Wetzel on 010725,
070880 -       ref SDS 22 WJ7L; by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
070881 -       for several projects, reported by Bill DeHart, ref DRP 1 0001,
070882 -       and received on 950110, ref SDS 8 0001; by the US Army Corps of
070883 -       Engineers (USACE), ref DRP 3 6172, and in support of work
070884 -       sponsored by SRI for OHS/DKR, shown by the list on 001017,
070885 -       ref SDS 19 1575, and discussed below concerning SRI's recent
070886 -       endorsement. ref SDS 0 666X
070888 -        ..
070889 -   f.  USACE published a report on 971007, ref DIT 1 7P6I, showing that
070890 -       Com Metrics saves money at the rate of 10:1. ref DRP 4 7400
070892 -        ..
070893 -       The Com Manager uses the SDS program much like an accountant
070894 -       uses a spreadsheet to align finances, ref DIT 1 PQ3F, and so SDS
070895 -       has been described as a "spreadsheet for knowledge," per POIMS,
070896 -       ref OF 4 0504, and discussed with Intel on 950927. ref SDS 9
070897 -       51HP
070899 -        ..
070900 -   g.  SDS means "Schedule Diary System." ref DIT 1 HS4F
070901 -
070902 -       The design integrates time and information management through a
070903 -       diary and a schedule that includes support for contacts,
070904 -       documents and context.  Support for "context," as you might
070905 -       imagine, is complex, because it is both a science and a craft.
070906 -       This is accomplished through a system of organic subject
070907 -       structure that enables the user to organize free form
070908 -       information so that relevant parts can be located quickly when
070909 -       needed.  This is commonly called "meta data" in KM circles,
070910 -       however, as near as can be determined, efforts using meta data
070911 -       fall far short of requirements for context management enabled by
070912 -       SDS. ref DIT 1 IS4I
070914 -        ..
070915 -   h.  SDS is implemented with eight steps that improve listening to
070916 -       understand and follow up new information, ref DIT 1 5T5K, from
070917 -       meetings, calls and documents, per Drucker's article on 991025,
070918 -       ref SDS 13 2846, and an HBR article on 940510. ref SDS 4 3829
070920 -        ..
070921 -   i.  The eight (8) steps listed in the record on 001219. ref SDS 21
070922 -       4W4L, provide a new way of working "intelligently," ref DIT 1
070923 -       YV6L to meet new realities that require greater attention to
070924 -       analysis, cited by Drucker, reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 2 1855
070925 -       and by Henry Kissinger noting the overwhelming tendency to omit
070926 -       analysis, reviewed on 940609. ref SDS 5 4238
070928 -        ..
070929 -   j.  These 8 steps sound complex when written out, but people
070930 -       ordinarily do all of them albeit mostly in their head.
070931 -       ref DIT 1 YR6G  The SDS program provides an environment where a
070932 -       greater share of common mental tasks can be externalized for
070933 -       crafting and refining accuracy through a simple plan, perform,
070934 -       report "intelligence" process that is facilitated by the
070935 -       flexible structure of SDS.
070937 -        ..
070938 -   k.  My letter to you on 020918 addressed your question on 020610
070939 -       asking how many people have purchased SDS. ref SDS 31 TK3J  At
070940 -       that time you were not familiar with Com Metrics support
070941 -       services. ref DIT 1 VM5N
070943 -        ..
070944 -   l.  Subsequently, IBM's work marketing "solutions," ref DIT 1 GO6L
070945 -       that consist of products and services, came to light on 020730,
070946 -       ref SDS 27 H69Y, and so may justify consideration along the
070947 -       following lines...
070948 -
070949 -       1.  I delayed following up your request on 020920 for
070950 -           information about SDS, because in September I began
070951 -           supporting a new person, Gary, using SDS at Aerospace company.
070952 -           This yielded experience on the level of effort for training
070953 -           and support to develop skill using SDS and providing Com
070954 -           Metrics services.
070956 -            ..
070957 -       2.  Gary has recently reported, ref DIT 1 VQ8G, that SDS is
070958 -           making an impact at Aerospace company. ref SDS 56 0001  Gary's SDS
070959 -           record a few days ago on 030413 says in part...
070961 -            ..
070962 -           "Part of the power in the SDS design is connecting elements
070963 -           that are related based on where you are in knowledge space
070964 -           and what you are doing there.  The flexible structure of
070965 -           SDS, explained in Rod's record on 890523, ref SDS 3 P13O,
070966 -           makes creating connections fast and easy, and this in turn
070967 -           reveals more connections that are helpful, but are otherwise
070968 -           overlooked in the absence of having a fast and easy way to
070969 -           make connections.  In other words, understanding cause and
070970 -           effect from linking one thing we know to another is a
070971 -           self-reinforcing dynamic that continually refines
070972 -           understanding to avoid mistakes and discover opportunities."
070973 -           ref SDS 60 0001
070975 -            ..
070976 -       3.  Gary's experience transitioning from conventional work
070977 -           practice to doing Knowledge Management with SDS suggests a
070978 -           possible nexus with IBM's efforts to market "solutions" that
070979 -           entail products and services. ref DIT 1 TL5M
070981 -            ..
070982 -       4.  Organizations like DOD, IBM, Aerospace company, Intel, Microsoft,
070983 -           Proctor and Gamble, Lockheed, Safeco, what ever is left of
070984 -           Enron, et al, want better earnings.  This requires better
070985 -           management which is a "solutions" opportunity.  SDS and
070986 -           Communication Metrics offer a powerful story that can
070987 -           complement IBM's current products and services, i.e.,
070988 -           "solutions." ref DIT 1 MM6H
070990 -        ..
070991 -   m.  In an earlier letter I pointed out that IBM has previously
070992 -       considered SDS, ref DIT 1 TM6O, and on 941114 made plans for
070993 -       marketing along the lines in point 4. ref SDS 7 5380
070995 -        ..
070996 -   n.  Later IBM decided to purchase Lotus Notes. ref DIT 1 EO7K
070997 -       Experience on that initiative over the past 9 years or so has
070998 -       shown that IBM's ideas on 941114 for using SDS to provide KM
070999 -       support are not easily implemented with other tools, shown by
071000 -       the record on 001130 reporting slow progress with Raven.
071001 -       ref SDS 20 F26K
071003 -        ..
071004 -   o.  As a result, consideration might be given to make a follow up
071005 -       review that picks up where the prior team left off in order to
071006 -       go forward with a new SDS project at IBM. ref DIT 1 ER8J
071007 -       Marketing expertise and customer channels offer an ideal
071008 -       opportunity for IBM to offer a powerful new solution of Com
071009 -       Metrics support and training services to complement the SDS
071010 -       program.
071012 -        ..
071013 -   p.  On 020729 SRI endorsed SDS, ref DIT 1 S49J, as a unique KM
071014 -       solution, ref SDS 26 4K6G, saying in part that...
071016 -        ..
071017 -       "Based on experience interacting with SDS records prepared for
071018 -       Doug Engelbart's OHS/DKR team that was meeting at SRI, shown in
071019 -       your record on October 17, 2000, I believe SDS technology and
071020 -       related work practices aim to accomplish a large part of what is
071021 -       commonly called Knowledge Management." ref OF 1 0001
071023 -        ..
071024 -   q.  The SRI endorsement says further that...
071025 -
071026 -       "We are currently looking for an appropriate research project to
071027 -       experimentally deploy SDS. I believe research is appropriate for
071028 -       SDS at this time. While interacting with the record demonstrates
071029 -       self-evident benefits, those not directly involved retain
071030 -       appropriate skepticism about the viability of adding anything
071031 -       new to daily communications." ref OF 1 7I9K
071033 -        ..
071034 -   r.  SRI's recognition that SDS offers a new way of working,
071035 -       ref SDS 0 655S, fits the model of providing a "solution" that
071036 -       requires both tools (SDS) and services (Com Metrics) along with
071037 -       training an support. Putting marketing savvy and muscle behind
071038 -       any initiative increases the chance that new ideas will sprout
071039 -       up faster and stronger. ref DIT 1 3E6J  For example, if Gary
071040 -       Johnson were performing Com Metrics at Aerospace company under the support
071041 -       of IBM, this would provide considerable weight and visibility to
071042 -       ensure that near term cultural sieches and personalities do not
071043 -       cause an arbitrary end before benefits begin to acquire a
071044 -       self-sustaining dynamic.
071046 -        ..
071047 -   s.  By copy, I am notifying Ross ********* who supported the prior
071048 -       effort with IBM.  Bill DeHart sponsored SDS at PG&E and
071049 -       supported the meeting with IBM on 941114. Gary can be
071050 -       contacted directly about his experience using SDS at Aerospace company, as
071051 -       can Morris Jones at Intel, who has contributed since 1983.  As
071052 -       well Pat Lincoln at SRI can be contacted for details on SRI's
071053 -       experience with SDS. ref DIT 1 TF3N
071055 -        ..
071056 -   t.  Finally, on several occasions you have asked for feedback on
071057 -       your excellent paper "Complex Acts of Knowing..." ref DIT 1 UG4M
071058 -       Careful analysis is in the record on 020608. ref SDS 24 ZN6I
071060 -        ..
071061 -       In sum, you follow the literature pretty well by showing how
071062 -       lack of a coherent theory of knowledge, ref DIT 1 ZB5K, presents
071063 -       an innovation loop that stifles progress within the KM
071064 -       community. ref SDS 24 DY6I  Your idea of "knowledge" as a "flow"
071065 -       and "thing" is supported by experience using SDS, ref SDS 24
071066 -       N46N, and, further, your support for "stories" as a building
071067 -       block of knowledge leads in a fruitful direction. ref SDS 24
071068 -       NP54
071069 -
071070 -
071071 -
071072 -
071073 -
071074 -
071075 -
071076 -
071077 -
0711 -