440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 10, 2003 12:12 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Gary sent ideas on structuring docs for managing with SDS.
2...SDS Records Attached to Email Visible Need Links Active
3...Two Worlds Requires Bridge for Transformation from IT to KM
4...3-layer Architecture Bridge from Transformation from IT to KM
5...Microsoft Outlook Difficult to Save Information in Structured Text
6...Powerpoint Killer Application for Reducing Productivity Earnings
7...Delibarative Analysis Declines with Rise of Information Technology
......Email Encourages Cover Up Not Transition to Good Management
......Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management Makes Most Companies Fail
8...Com Metrics Practices to Implement SDS
.....1...3-layer Architecture Bridge Gap Between Two Worlds IT and KM
.....2...SDS record formatting with dates looks very good.
.....3...Com Metrics practice notes....
.............Raise Issues Not Temperatures, Expand Span of Attention
Click here to comment!
0201 - Boeing O-00000816 0505
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020103 - Modeling and Simulation O-00000816 0505
Email Distribute SDS Records HTML So Links are Active
Distrubute SDS Record Improve Everybody's Memory on Technical Review
Develop Procedures Distribute SDS Records Via Email Problem Today Did
Gary Decides to Distribute SDS Record for Meetings and Communication
3-layer Architecture Bridge Gap Between Two Worlds of IT and KM Distr
Microsoft Outlook Popular Email Program Saving for Structure to Enabl
3-layer Architecture SDS Enables Possibilities for Everyone to Work I
3-layer Architecture Bridge 2 Worlds Structure for SDS to Perform Kno
Killer App Email Free Causes Mistakes Grows Market for SDS by Increas
3-layer Architecture SDS Resource for Others to Use Conventional Meth
SDS Design Requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification S
POIMS and NWO Provide Objectives to Present First Order SRS
Links to POIMS and Prior History Needed for Developing Requirements f
Habits Calcify Bad Management Pressure to Take Short Cuts KM Dilemma
Linking Audit Trail Traceability to Original Sources in SDS Records G
POIMS Link Requirements for SDS Align with Objectives
Microsoft Programs Word and Outlook Support SDS Capability
Outlook Problems Transmitting Files in Original Format Including Zip
Outlook Fails to Transmit Files in Original Format
4421 -
4421 - ..
4422 - Summary/Objective
4423 -
442301 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0000. ref SDS 27 0000.
442302 -
442303 - Gary submitted his SDS records today showing analysis of the challenge
442304 - to bridge the gap between two (2) worlds of traditional practice using
442305 - IT, and a new way of working using KM. ref SDS 0 595O Review of
442306 - Gary's SDS records yielded suggestions on Com Metrics practice for
442307 - generating a records that fit requirements of an established, large
442308 - corporate culture. Gary's records show rapid progress learning this
442309 - new way of working. ref SDS 0 6J5K Gary, also, submitted SDS records
442310 - attached to email that makes progress on a 3-layer architecture for
442311 - distributing anytime, anywhere intelligence via email that can be used
442312 - by people who are not skilled using the SDS program. Initial work
442313 - need refinement to make links active, ref SDS 0 469I, so that people
442314 - can navigate Knowledge Space quickly and easily, and can begin to
442315 - generate their own connections using explicit links in SDS records.
442316 - Gary relates today growing reliance on pictures and summary that cause
442317 - continual bumbling increases demand capability to expand span of
442318 - attention for working intellgently that is enabled by SDS. ref SDS 0
442319 - D17J
442320 -
442321 -
442322 -
442323 -
442325 - ..
4424 -
4425 -
4426 - Progress
4427 -
442701 - SDS Records Attached to Email Visible Need Links Active
442702 -
442703 - Gary called and asked if his letter today with two (2) SDS records
442704 - attached was received?
442706 - ..
442707 - Explained a letter from Gary has two (2) SDS records attached. They
442708 - are both text rather than HTML, so the links are not active,
442709 - indicating instructions in the record on 030407 for attaching a text
442710 - file were used, ref SDS 38 FH7L, rather than the method for sending
442711 - HTML, also shown in the same record. ref SDS 38 PG59
442713 - ..
442714 - Gary advised that he intended to send SDS records in HTML format so
442715 - that internal links are active, and demonstrate benefits of connected
442716 - record, per planning on 030407. ref SDS 38 PG59
442718 - ..
442719 - Gary will investigate tomorrow and experiment further so procedures
442720 - are ironed out to support distribution of SDS records at Aerospace company.
442721 -
442722 -
442723 -
442725 - ..
442726 - Two Worlds Requires Bridge for Transformation from IT to KM
442727 - 3-layer Architecture Bridge from Transformation from IT to KM
442728 - Microsoft Outlook Difficult to Save Information in Structured Text
442729 -
442730 - Basic problem seems to be Microsoft Outlook. Gary's record today says
442731 - that saving content from Outlook is a "mess" that prevents integration
442732 - into the larger mosaic of organizational memory enabled by SDS.
442733 - ref SDS 42 0001
442735 - ..
442736 - Talked to Morris later this eveing. He indicated most people set
442737 - Outlook configuration to apply Microsoft Word commands, and this
442738 - results in a "mess" when an email is saved for structure in text,
442739 - which aligns with Gary's report. People feel they can get by
442740 - without SDS support for knowledge management, as reported on
442741 - 001126 on the OHS/DKR project, ref SDS 14 4E3X, but have given up
442742 - trying to manage Microsoft work product, also, noted on 001126 by
442743 - Grant Bowman. ref SDS 14 B15I
442745 - ..
442746 - Morris described having 50 or so folders in Outlook; he uses a
442747 - search engine, confirming prior reporting on 960406 that people
442748 - have problems finding things on computers. ref SDS 6 4249 Eric
442749 - Armstrong noted this on 010916. ref SDS 17 KA6H On 021031 Sergey
442750 - Brin with Google reported that people have given up trying to
442751 - organize information because the task is too complex using
442752 - popular programs like Outlook. ref SDS 28 M53H This aligns with
442753 - Peter Drucker's report that people are giving up on
442754 - communciation, reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 2 3851
442756 - ..
442757 - Gary describes in his record today that we have to bridge the gap
442758 - between two worlds. ref SDS 44 0001 Traditional work practice relies
442759 - on information technology (IT) to make documents look good, per POIMS,
442760 - ref OF 8 0959; while a new way of working with knowledge management
442761 - strengthens ability to think, remember and communicate so that what
442762 - "looks good" on paper, will be effective when implemented. Goals to
442763 - publish documents that look good in order to make a sale, collide with
442764 - the need for useful content to perform objectives, requirements and
442765 - commitments accurately after a sale is made. Many have given up on
442766 - accuracy, reported on 020820, ref SDS 23 V66I, because Microsoft
442767 - programs that are fast and easy make communication slow, hard work,
442768 - per Morris above, ref SDS 0 BF4G For situations where accuracy is
442769 - important, people readily recognize that SDS makes communication fast
442770 - and easy, noted by Stuart Harrow at DOD on 020912. ref SDS 25 HH92 As
442771 - the importance of good management gains wider acceptance based on
442772 - results at NASA, reported on 030304, ref SDS 34 KV6K, at Enron on
442773 - 020204, ref SDS 20 P49F, in health care, reported on 991207,
442774 - ref SDS 10 0889, demand will grow for Gary's ideas that support a
442775 - 3-layer architecture to bridge the gap between getting by with tools
442776 - people like, and SDS that makes people effective.
442777 -
442778 - [On 030512 2 worlds of information and knowledge management are
442779 - separated by more than "appearance," related in above analysis;
442780 - needs for printing documents that avoid linking as too time
442781 - consuming, as only methods for managing information in old world
442782 - order creates opposite incentives from Knowledge Mangement.
442783 - ref SDS 47 M34F
442785 - ..
442786 - [On 030605 another aspect of bridging gap between 2 worlds of IT
442787 - and KM requires effective design of flexible structure.
442788 - ref SDS 48 LD9K
442790 - ..
442791 - Gary has done excellent work on ideas and objectives for a next
442792 - generation SDS program shown in his record on 030407, ref SDS 39 1Y73,
442793 - including integration with email and Microsoft Word programs that are
442794 - popular with many people. ref SDS 39 1Y8M Today, on 030410 Gary added
442795 - and expanded analysis of requirements. ref SDS 44 4J7H This continues
442796 - and refines prior work summarized on 030119, ref SDS 33 PE7J and
442797 - ref SDS 33 346X
442798 -
442799 - Analysis of requirements can build on prior work by linking
442800 - recent records on 030410 and 030407 to prior work summarized on
442801 - 030119 and by listing background, illustrated by the work on SDS
442802 - development in the record on, ref SDS 30 HE4U A core question
442803 - is how one set of information relates to another, which is shown
442804 - by links backward and forward.
442806 - ..
442807 - Linking plans for SDS development to POIMS maintains alignment
442808 - with design requirements that advance from information to a
442809 - culture of knowledge, discussed in a letter to Gary on 011210,
442810 - ref SDS 19 ZS9K, and more recently on 030316. ref SDS 35 U46N
442812 - ..
442813 - On 020920 letter to Dave Snowden at IBM noted need to study what works
442814 - in order to build a bridge for transformation from IT to KM.
442815 - ref SDS 26 7D9L
442817 - ..
442818 - Gary seemed to indicate during the call this evening that XML can
442819 - bridge the gap between IT and KM.
442821 - ..
442822 - XML was raised by OHS/DKR people, for example on 000824. ref SDS 11
442823 - PU5N Later on 001113 there was careful consideration of XML.
442824 - ref SDS 12 M3RW A week later on 001124 one engineer cautioned about
442825 - the near term utility of XML. ref SDS 13 0001 Six (6) months later on
442826 - 010510 Steve Balmer reported that Microsoft expects XML capabilities
442827 - will be available within five (5) years, because Bill Gates is betting
442828 - his company on this becoming a useful solution. ref SDS 16 8Y8H
442830 - ..
442831 - SDS helps capture a greater share of daily working inforamtion
442832 - and add intelligence to produce knowledge, as Gary demonstrates
442833 - in widening use of SDS for a broad range of daily tasks, along
442834 - the lines listed on 020708 reporting who SDS is typically used.
442835 - ref SDS 22 MZ6O
442837 - ..
442838 - Installing Netscape 4.7 for email might solve the problem.
442840 - ..
442841 - I have the current version of Word and Outlook. Internet Explorer is
442842 - used for looking at the Internet. Netscape 4.7 maintains the
442843 - structure of correspondence, and so evidently takes a lot less time to
442844 - organize information into the flexible structure of SDS for managing
442845 - Knowledge Space, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 6 034J
442846 -
442847 -
442848 -
442849 -
442850 -
442851 -
442852 -
4429 -
Powerpoint Rising Popularity Pictures Summary Without Analysis of Con
Analysis Ad Hoc Cursory Spontaneous Impulsive Understanding Limited S
4604 -
460501 - ..
460502 - Powerpoint Killer Application for Reducing Productivity Earnings
460503 - Delibarative Analysis Declines with Rise of Information Technology
460504 -
460505 - Gary mentioned in our call today that deliberative analysis continues
460506 - to decline in the workplace, shown by growing reliance on Powerpoint
460507 - pictures and summary to understand the content of meetings. Henry
460508 - Kissinger notes lack of analysis causes an Alice in Wonderland of
460509 - continual bumbling, reported on 940609, ref SDS 3 4238, which aligns
460510 - with Drucker's call that analysis is a primary task of management,
460511 - reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 2 7911 While Grove recognizes mistakes
460512 - caused by the ambiguity of mental maps are avoided by copious notes,
460513 - reported on 980307, ref SDS 9 3668, his colleague at Intel, Dave
460514 - Vannier, commented on 960103 that the pace of modern business forces
460515 - executives to rely style and image because there isn't enough time to
460516 - understand content using information technology. ref SDS 5 8409
460517 -
460518 - [On 060408 Gary's record on 060222 reports challenges that stifle
460519 - communication with unread email piling up on computers that
460520 - prevents professional analysis to verify accuracy and context,
460521 - ref SDS 50 6O6O; case study illustrates quality of analysis
460522 - declines when people cannot find critical details quickly and
460523 - easily. ref SDS 50 PV4O, and cites this record in the study.
460524 - ref SDS 50 WB6K
460526 - ..
460527 - An example is the report that the Enron board approved measures that
460528 - led to the biggest bankruptucy in history as a result of powerful
460529 - Powerpoint presentations, reported on 020204. ref SDS 20 KM4F
460530 -
460532 - ..
460533 - Email Encourages Cover Up Not Transition to Good Management
460534 -
460535 - Morris mentioned during our call this evening that executives are
460536 - worried again about email because recent experience at NASA shows
460537 - that informal communication about potential loss of the Columbia
460538 - Space Shuttle creates demand for better formal analysis that
460539 - justified ignoring informal analysis in email. He seemed to
460540 - indicate that our top executives feel better risk management
460541 - requires reducing email that raises issues in order to cover up,
460542 - rather than improving analysis to avoid mistakes, as reported on
460543 - 030304. ref SDS 34 KV6K
460544 -
460546 - ..
460547 - Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management Makes Most Companies Fail
460548 -
460549 - Morris also recalled comments from an executive seminar years ago
460550 - that observed very few companies last more than a few generations
460551 - (less than 50 years), because good management seems like
460552 - unnecessary overkill; whereas, Drucker maintains that good
460553 - management is the only source of continuity, reviewed on 931130.
460554 - ref SDS 1 WX7W An example showing overwhelming tendency to rely
460555 - on bad management is a report on 020820 that people feel accurate
460556 - communication is not necessary. ref SDS 23 V66I
460557 -
460558 - [On 040312 order, structure, pattern comprise logical
460559 - analysis; locality principle requires energy to connect cause
460560 - and effect that converts information into the power of
460561 - knowledge; hard work without tools for intelligence support;
460562 - information overload drives management toward entropy that
460563 - makes email a "killer application" that kills productivity,
460564 - reviewed lectures on 21st century science. ref SDS 49 RP6K
460565 -
460566 -
460567 -
460568 -
460569 -
4606 -
Forward Links to Scheduled Tasks Not Supported
Flexible Structure Balance Between Power of Flexibility that is Fragi
3-layer Architecture Enables Transformation Gradually People Use Exis
Example Format HTML Template Publish Other Files to Internet
Dates with Links Improve Memory Facilitate Capturing Record Making Li
5307 -
530801 - ..
530802 - Com Metrics Practices to Implement SDS
530803 -
5309 -
5310 -
5311 - 2017
5312 -
531201 - Received Gary's SDS records. There are a few issues that are pretty
531202 - minor, but Gary might take note....
531204 - ..
531205 - 1. 3-layer Architecture Bridge Gap Between Two Worlds IT and KM
531206 -
531207 - DA PAM 5-11, ref OF 2 0000, is listed in Other Files for
531208 - Gary's record today. ref SDS 43 0001
531210 - ..
531211 - Examination shows this file Gary created does not apply the
531212 - format created as a sample template, ref OF 1 0001, in my
531213 - record on 030407 to illustrate 3-layer architecture,
531214 - ref SDS 40 F34H, that uses ASCI text for SDS, and converts to
531215 - HTML for distributing...
531216 -
531217 - Anytime, anywhere intelligence
531218 -
531219 -
531220 - others using a web browser on the Internet, as planned
531221 - on 971021. ref SDS 8 3636 This shows a path for a 3-layer
531222 - architecture that can help bridge the gap between "two-worlds"
531223 - per above. ref SDS 0 595O
531224 -
531225 - [On 030411 mentioned this issue again. ref SDS 45 9Z7H
531227 - ..
531228 - Gary explained he was not aware that a sample template was
531229 - submitted. He will review this tomorrow at work. Explained
531230 - he get the template file from my records.
531232 - ..
531233 - 2. SDS record formatting with dates looks very good.
531234 -
531235 - Gary's record today DA PAM 5-11, per above, shows he is now
531236 - making use of dates, ref SDS 43 RN9L, which will give him
531237 - better memory in finding things to quickly for creating a
531238 - connected record, and this in turn will make it faster and
531239 - easier to leveage remembering the gist of information.
531240 -
531242 - ..
531243 - 3. Com Metrics practice notes....
531244 -
531245 - Gary writes that ..."Paul... said..."
531246 -
531247 - In this case, it appears that Gary is quoting from a
531248 - letter received from Paul on 030401, ref SDS 37 0S5M, and
531249 - so this link supports absolute or declarative attribution.
531250 - On the other hand, for meetings and calls, it is usually
531251 - good practice to use terms like so and so....
531252 -
531253 - indicated
531254 - noted
531255 - commented
531256 - seemed to indicate that
531257 - observed
531258 - appeared to observe
531259 -
531260 - ...this places people on notice of an impression while
531261 - providing opportunity for people to correct the record
531262 - with minimal impact on emotions, as further discussed on
531263 - 961017. ref SDS 7 2863 General rule is to reserve
531264 - declaratives to information that is supported by a source,
531265 - and everything else has varying degrees of
531266 - "understabnding" which is subject to correction.
531267 -
531268 - [On 030419 reviewed Com Metrics practices for raising
531269 - issues not temperatures. ref SDS 46 TL63
531271 - ..
531272 - Raise Issues Not Temperatures, Expand Span of Attention
531273 -
531274 - Where there is an error or perceived error or gap between
531275 - what people say and what was said previously either by the
531276 - speaker, or a conflict with other sources, avoid
531277 - judgemental terms like so and so was....
531278 -
531279 - incorrect
531280 - wrong
531281 - erroneous
531282 - mistaken
531284 - ..
531285 - Instead, let the record speak for itself by merely
531286 - reporting what sources "show." This is gives notice
531287 - raising issues without raising temperatures. People who
531288 - get SDS records for the first and second time will have
531289 - varying degrees of shock and disbelief. The challenge is
531290 - make everyone a hero by attributing good ideas and show
531291 - how what people say aligns with objectives, requirements
531292 - and commitments and where it does not, present alignment
531293 - without emotion.
531294 -
531296 - ..
531297 - 4. Doc Log and Posting Letter Formats
531298 -
531299 - Gary's record on 030410 has a letter from Nancy B....
531300 - ref SDS 41 5K66 If it is not exected to get more letters from
531301 - Nancy or from NASA, then no need to create a contact record.
531302 - If NASA and Nancy will be participating in project
531303 - communication routinely, then need contact record, and in that
531304 - case the SDS Doc Log will automatically post the Sender's
531305 - address, and then this part of the email format can simply be
531306 - deleted. This expedites part of letter set up.
531308 - ..
531309 - Typically the Address field contains only one entry, and it
531310 - should be filled out by the SDS doc log system based on what
531311 - is entered in the Secondary Doc Log fields.
531313 - ..
531314 - All the rest of the addressees, can be copied enmass to the
531315 - CC field below the signature block. Typically some minor
531316 - formatting is needed to number the entries. Make the first
531317 - one 1., the all the others can be identified entering a
531318 - single chara, say a, or w or something, and when F2 is
531319 - pressed the the numbers will be posted.
531321 - ..
531322 - Subject only needs one line for "subject" but there can be
531323 - multiple subject description lines, beginning two columns to
531324 - the right of subject: xxxxx
531326 - ..
531327 - Indented text without a bullet or outline structure, requires
531328 - dir and /dir commands, which can be entered with F1 F1 F2 F2
531329 - F2 profile, use Shift F6.
531330 -
531331 -
531332 -
531333 -
531334 -
531335 -
531336 -
531337 -
5314 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"