440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 10, 2003 10:36 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Ross letter on supporting initiative with Dave Snowden at IBM.
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0201 - Boeing
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
020103 - Modeling and Simulation
0203 - IBM Global Services
020301 - Mr. David J. Snowden
020302 - Director
020304 - Cynefin Centre
Record Capture Aids Understanding Report Concurrently Using Plan Perf
Organizational Memory Fast Easy SDS Has Firepower Rich Record of Expe
Gary Assigned to Capture Record of Technical Review Meetings Coming U
Opportunity Distribute SDS Record Improve Everybody's Memory on Techn
Com Manager Proposed Based on Success of Gary Distrubuting SDS Record
Aerospace company Gary Assigned to Capture Record of Technical Review M tings C
Snowden, Dave Initiative to Evaluate SDS by IBM
2609 -
2609 - ..
2610 - Summary/Objective
2611 -
261101 - Follow up ref SDS 46 0000. ref SDS 45 0000.
261102 -
261103 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Ross saying...
261104 -
261105 - We've got a new SPAM filter which may have mistakenly removed
261106 - your note from my inbox. Please cc me on the note you sent to
261107 - the IBM contact in the UK and I will forward my input.
261109 - ..
261110 - This follows up telecon with Ross on 030406 discussing support for an
261111 - initiative with Dave Snowden on marketing SDS. ref SDS 46 0001
261112 -
261113 - [On 030418 notified Ross that a copy of the letter to Dave
261114 - Snowden at IBM was submitted to Ross for input. ref SDS 48 0001
261116 - ..
261117 - Sent an email saying....
261118 -
261119 - Thanks for the heads up in your letter today on the filter
261120 - issue.
261121 -
261122 - I have not yet notified Dave Snowden on the initiative you and I
261123 - discussed on 030407. ref SDS 47 0001
261125 - ..
261126 - Want to finalize an endorsement letter by SRI as input to
261127 - contacting Dave. Hope to finish this week, then get a letter to
261128 - Dave with a copy to you.
261130 - ..
261131 - In the meantime, background in the record on 030406 might be
261132 - helpful in thinking about support ideas. Contact data on Dave
261133 - is shown at line 0203 in the record on 030406.
261135 - ..
261136 - Congratulations on Hutch's acceptance to the Naval Academy.
261137 - Glad to hear about the boys grades; both showing high
261138 - achievement as student athletes. You and Claudia can be very
261139 - proud. Of course we have to keep an eye on the future that
261140 - awaits them, as discussed on 991108. ref SDS 6 7520
261142 - ..
261143 - Keeping fingers crossed that Richard comes through okay in Iraq.
261144 - While we have overwhelming power, the random character of
261145 - combat, suicide bombings and fanatics present significant risks
261146 - in theater.
261148 - ..
261149 - Millie sends her best to you and Claudia and the boys. She is
261150 - excited about her granddaughter getting accepted at several
261151 - universities; sounds like Steph is thinking about UCSD.
261152 -
261153 -
261154 -
261155 -
261156 -
261157 -
261158 -
261159 -
261160 -
2612 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"