440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 20, 2003 02:35 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Gary learning to capture the record asks about plan, perform, report.
2...Gary Using SDS to Capture Record After-the-fact Adds Value to Notes
3...Organizational Memory 1st Step for Plan Perform Report Intelligence
....Plan Perform Report Fits Dynamics of Daily Life and Human Thought
....SDS Flexible Capability Applied Based on Time Available
....Capture Record Important to Objectives Requirements Commitments
....Accurate Complete Record Relies on Memory, Notes, Feedback
....Report Use Everything Available for Accurate Complete Understanding
........Homework Fast Easy Fun Powerful With SDS to Grow Knowledge
....New Way Working Transformation Takes Time Learn New Skills
....Cultural Lag Between New Technology and Transformation
....Learning New Skills Resisted by Desire to Use Old Skills
....People Want to Use IT Skills for KM Rather than Learn KM Skills
....50 Year Transformation 3-layer Architecture Com Manager
....3-layer Architecture Transformation Without Learning New Skills
....Com Manager Enables Better Performance without Learning New Skills
....Learning New Skills Avoided Using Com Manager 3-layer Architecture
....Journalists Write Daily History So Everyone on Same Page
....Informed Management Improves Results Like Informed Electorate
....Good Management Requires Daily Journal Like Good Government
....2.Minutes Learn Implement 3-layer Architecture Work Intelligently
....3-layer Architecture Takes 2 Minutes Learn to Work Intelligently
....FAR Requirements for Good Management Take 2 Minutes to Learn Skills
....Good Management Takes 2 Minutes Learn Skills for Complying with FAR
....Changing Hand Eye and Memory Coordination Frustrating to Improve
....Desire Avoid Learning New Skills that Delays Getting Things Done
....SDS Flexible Structure Provides Fire Power to Improve Memory
....Expand Span of Attention Reduces Mistakes Discovers Opportunity
....Capturing the Record 1st of 8 Steps for Adding Intelligence
....How Soon Can We Get Information into SDS Showing Things Lined Up
....Test Pilot Writes Report to Discover Correlations from Flight Data
....Capturing Record of Last Task Begins Planning to Perform Next Step
....Multiple Views Increase Understanding, Opportunities for Discovery
....Feedback Refines Accuracy of Record Understanding Meaning Deepens
....Communication Metrics Begins with Accurate, Complete Record
....Reporting After-the-fact Shows Progress on Transformation
....Spreading Word Wide as the Waters
Click here to comment!
0201 - Dynamic Alternatives O-00000793 0101
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Learning Capturer Record After-the-fact Not Enough Time Not Familiar
SDS Records Capturing Organizing Information and Adding Intelligence
SDS Learning Difficult on the Job Integrated Features New Way of Work
Plan Perform Report SDS New Way Working Augment Intelligence Thinking
Johnson, Gary Reporting After-the-fact Not Using Plan Perform Report
Reporting After-the-fact Not Using Plan Perform Report System
Diary New Way Thinking Through Writing Write Story to Construct Meani
Plan Perform Report SDS New Way Working Augment Intelligence Thinking
Management Cycle Plan Perform Report Scientific Method Enabled by SDS
Learning Capturer Record After-the-fact Not Enough Time Not Familiar
Johnson, Gary Report After-the-fact Traditional Journalism Reporting
Gary Reports He is Capturing the Record After-the-fact Rather than Co
After-the-fact Reporting Invests Intellectual Capital for Understandi
2215 -
2215 - ..
2216 - Summary/Objective
2217 -
221701 - Follow up ref SDS 74 0000, ref SDS 68 0000
221702 -
221703 - Developed analysis on theory for adding a role for Communication
221704 - Manager to improve management, based on the role of a journalist to
221705 - enable good government by supporting an informed electorate.
221706 - ref SDS 0 5O95
221707 -
221708 -
221709 -
221711 - ..
2218 -
2219 -
2220 - Progress
2221 -
222101 - Gary Using SDS to Capture Record After-the-fact Adds Value to Notes
222102 - Organizational Memory 1st Step for Plan Perform Report Intelligence
222103 -
222104 - Follow up ref SDS 74 346X.
222105 -
222106 - Gary's letter yesterday on 030119 has a link to his record on the same
222107 - date that says in part.....
222109 - ..
222110 - It seems that I am always entering records after the fact rather
222111 - than as a part of doing whatever work I am engaged in.
222112 - ref SDS 75 0001
222113 -
222114 - [On 030123 reviewed challenge to balance thinking and doing.
222115 - ref SDS 77 Y55G
222117 - ..
222118 - [On 030309 Gary reports difficulty keeping head above water
222119 - on new Aerospace company project with constant meetings and 200 page
222120 - reports to review. ref SDS 80 JU6I
222122 - ..
222123 - I have a habit (sometimes) of writing in bed. I spent some time
222124 - today getting notes from several of those days transferred into
222125 - SDS.
222127 - ..
222128 - That was a worthwhile activity. I did a bit more analysis on some
222129 - of the notes, found some related records, etc.
222131 - ..
222132 - The main thing is that I actually got them into the computer I
222133 - often do not do.
222135 - ..
222136 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Gary saying...
222137 -
222138 - 1. Your letter yesterday on January 19, provided a link to a
222139 - record, also prepared yesterday, and explaining work practices
222140 - for getting information into SDS after-the-fact
222141 -
222142 -
222143 -
222144 - good news.
222146 - ..
222147 - 2. The first step using SDS is to capture the record to create a
222148 - history, or journal, of organizational memory ref DIT 1 4Q6I,
222149 - as explained on 001219. ref SDS 24 4W4L The other seven (7)
222150 - steps implement the SDS intelligence process of plan, perform
222151 - and report, shown in POIMS. ref OF 4 6649 SDS makes explicit
222152 - planning and performing the work fast and easy; and sometimes
222153 - these steps are implicit, indicated by your record on 030119,
222154 - per above. ref SDS 0 3O7K
222155 -
222156 -
222157 -
222158 -
222159 -
222160 -
222161 -
222162 -
222163 -
2222 -
1st Step Creating New Record Assign Subjects
Dynamics of Organic Structure in Daily Live Drive Level of Planning a
Reporting Diary New Way Thinking Through Writing Write Story to Const
Plan Perform Report Schedule Drawn from Analysis Alignment Subjects C
Be Prepared by Understanding Triangulation Common Story Alignment Act
3007 -
300801 - ..
300802 - Plan Perform Report Fits Dynamics of Daily Life and Human Thought
300803 -
300804 - 3. The dynamics of organic structure in daily life drive the level
300805 - of planning and reporting that is done in advance, currently
300806 - and after tasks are performed. SDS enables people to invest
300807 - time productively when it is available for explicit planning
300808 - before taking action. If there is little time for planning,
300809 - then people can quickly do close-order review. ref DIT 1 6Q6M
300810 - For example a telephone call, or making a correction to
300811 - software, fixing the car, or writing a letter, are aided even
300812 - without a formal plan, by quickly getting the record of the
300813 - last work performed on the same, or a similar, subject to guide
300814 - current work that expands span of attention on important,
300815 - subtle issues that otherwise are overlooked until a mistake
300816 - occurs. As well, if there is not enough time to check the
300817 - record for close-order planning by finding a prior related
300818 - event to review in advance of performing a task, then having
300819 - created the prior record has the effect of "sharpening the
300820 - saw," to use Covey's phrase, reported on 921205, ref SDS 5
300821 - 2229, that strengthens personal memory of relevant experience
300822 - to guide the work; and, once performed, SDS makes it faster and
300823 - easier to write a report, as you say, after-the-fact, of what
300824 - was actually done, as explained POIMS. ref OF 3 2300
300826 - ..
300827 - Limited time does not conflict with objectives nor impede the
300828 - plan, perform, report process of good management enabled by
300829 - SDS. Rather limited time sets the level of effort that can be
300830 - used in-the-moment, and increases the opportunity for savings
300831 - by increasing the risk that critical details are overlooked due
300832 - to limited span of attention that compounds meaning drift in
300833 - the absence of deliberative analysis, as related in POIMS.
300835 - ..
300836 - There is a powerfully perplexing knowledge management dilemma
300837 - that occurs in allocating time for planning and doing things,
300838 - as related in POIMS, ref OF 1 2049, and discussed yesterday on
300839 - 030119 reviewing your analysis of SDS support for integration
300840 - that makes converting information into knowledge fast and easy.
300841 - ref SDS 74 NE6J As the amount of time for carrying out plans
300842 - increases, there is necessarily less time for planning, which
300843 - means more mistakes, and more rework that leaves even less time
300844 - for thinking, further escalating error and rework. Classic
300845 - examples are emergency room and battle field medical treatment,
300846 - ref DIP 1 5923, where doctors are forced to administer
300847 - treatment solely on the basis on what seems to be needed and
300848 - can be done at the moment, because there is no time for
300849 - analysis, research and planning, as set out in the letter
300850 - explaining the high cost of medical mistakes, in the record on
300851 - 990924. ref SDS 18 2066
300853 - ..
300854 - The challenge to avoid allowing short cuts on good management
300855 - that are sometimes necessary, when time is short, from
300856 - calcifying into perpetual bad habits is accomplished by
300857 - exercising judgement to allocate time for good management after
300858 - crisis has receded, in order to reduce the frequency of future
300859 - problems escalating out of control through continual bumbling,
300860 - as Gary described in his letter on 011006. ref SDS 32 O99K
300862 - ..
300863 - This dilemma can be resolved based on value at risk. If the
300864 - work being performed has little value, then planning is less
300865 - important. However, if there is a lot of money at stake, if
300866 - people's lives are at risk, then, if there is not enough time
300867 - to think, we have to hire more people to get the thinking done,
300868 - because, if we don't capture the record in order to understand,
300869 - then planning is of little consequence, and mistakes escalate,
300870 - causing delay, extra cost and lost lives. With SDS all of the
300871 - thinking does not have to be done at once. This provides a
300872 - forgiving environment that enables getting some things down
300873 - within the time available, and later filling in the gaps, when
300874 - there is more time.
300875 -
300876 - [On 030123 Gary reports new Aerospace company project is
300877 - starting behind schedule, increasing tendency to sacrifice
300878 - good management hoping to expedite by reducing planning.
300879 - ref SDS 77 Y55G
300881 - ..
300882 - [On 030309 Gary reports difficulty keeping head above
300883 - water on new Aerospace company project with constant
300884 - meetings and 200 page reports to review. ref SDS 80 JU6I
300886 - ..
300887 - [On 030309 Gary reports progress overcoming difficulties
300888 - by capturing greater share daily working information using
300889 - SDS. ref SDS 80 2J47
300890 -
300891 -
300892 -
300893 -
300894 -
300895 -
3009 -
SDS Records Capturing Organizing Information and Adding Intelligence
Handwritten Notes Memory Sources All Information Available Used to Ca
Notes in Bed Memory Sources All Information Available Used to Capture
Contemporaneous Notes Not Always Available Because Dynamics of Daily
Firepower SDS Fast Easy Organizational Memory Because Rich Record of
Time Not Available to Capture Record SDS Flexible Leverages Time When
Time Not Available to Write Contemporaneous Record SDS Enables Flexib
Thinking and Doing KM Dilemma Difficult to Allocate Time
Memory Firepower SDS Fast Easy Organizational Memory Because Rich Rec
5211 -
521201 - ..
521202 - SDS Flexible Capability Applied Based on Time Available
521203 - Capture Record Important to Objectives Requirements Commitments
521204 - Accurate Complete Record Relies on Memory, Notes, Feedback
521205 - Report Use Everything Available for Accurate Complete Understanding
521206 -
521207 - 4. When we write a "report" in SDS, we may use notes that were
521208 - scribbled during a meeting, a call, or thoughtfully crafted
521209 - while traveling on a plane, or while resting in bed, or a tape
521210 - recording made while driving to an event, or notes by others
521211 - that are barely legible. ref DIT 1 VQ8O Some people worry that
521212 - capturing the record of personal and organizational memory in
521213 - SDS duplicates time and effort from having created conventional
521214 - notes. Gary's record on 030119 raises the example of making
521215 - notes in bed. ref SDS 75 0001 As reported on 890809,
521216 - organizational memory in SDS is a process of adding
521217 - "intelligence" to convert information into knowledge.
521218 - ref SDS 2 5930 SDS has a lot of "firepower" in the form of
521219 - records, flexible structure and functionality that is not
521220 - available during meetings, calls and while making notes in bed,
521221 - as related on 950204. ref SDS 8 4995
521223 - ..
521224 - The first step is to write a story that explains what happened
521225 - and identifies issues, as showin in the record on 001219
521226 - listing eight steps for using SDS. ref SDS 24 4W4L Prior
521227 - records and correspondence, specifications, laws, research from
521228 - the Internet and anything else that is material to the context
521229 - of events contributes to preparing clear, concise and complete
521230 - understanding needed for effective action.
521232 - ..
521233 - Often we have no contemporaneous notes because meetings and
521234 - calls require concentration on the give and take of live action
521235 - that is colored by emotions and trauma, especially when people
521236 - are remembering things differently and passionately. This
521237 - common dynamic was reported at USACE on 960920. ref SDS 10 BS4N
521238 - If we meet someone in the hallway, there is no time for taking
521239 - notes, calls rarely result in notes. The record on 910520
521240 - illustrates how important information can suddenly be
521241 - remembered that requires careful attention to understand and
521242 - follow up, yet there is no formal nor informal source.
521243 - ref SDS 3 655O
521245 - ..
521246 - Similarly, when watching television or reading a book notes are
521247 - generally not taken, yet we gather valuable information and
521248 - impressions that can be leveraged by converting fragmentary
521249 - memory into useful knowledge, illustrated by the record of a
521250 - television broadcast on 021108 when Bill Gates was interviewed
521251 - about progress at Microsoft. ref SDS 46 EE5M Another example is
521252 - the record on 990527 when Andy Grove was interviewed.
521253 - ref SDS 17 0682 Grove's book is well over 200 hundred pages,
521254 - and contained useful information, shown by the record on
521255 - 980307. ref SDS 12 0001
521256 -
521257 - [On 030123 Gary reports new Aerospace company project is starting
521258 - behind schedule, increasing tendency to sacrifice good
521259 - management hoping to expedite by reducing planning.
521260 - ref SDS 77 Y55G
521261 -
521263 - ..
521264 - Homework Fast Easy Fun Powerful With SDS to Grow Knowledge
521265 -
521266 - However, when a block of time becomes available, we can think
521267 - about what was important about events that transpired during
521268 - the day. For example, if we read a book, see a television
521269 - program, write some software, visit a friend, attend a meeting,
521270 - work on the car, or in the garden, go to the doctor, all can be
521271 - treated the same way by asking what did we see, hear and do
521272 - that was important to objectives, requirements and commitments,
521273 - as explained in NWO. ref OF 8 2536 This "thinking" after the
521274 - fact, is commonly described as "doing homework." SDS makes the
521275 - thinking involved in doing homework fast, easy, fun and much
521276 - more powerful, as explained on 950204. ref SDS 8 4995 and
521277 - ref SDS 8 7499
521278 -
521279 - [On 030309 Gary using SDS "best practices" to capture
521280 - greater share of daily working information within the time
521281 - available. ref SDS 2J47
521283 - ..
521284 - 5. If we have time to "plan," we use the plan to guide the actual
521285 - work, ref DIT 1 525J, as shown by the meeting with Mike Poremba
521286 - on 021217. ref SDS 52 SF6F
521288 - ..
521289 - 6. If we have time, then we report progress during performance of
521290 - the work, ref DIT 1 9U6G, illustrated by the record on 970110,
521291 - ref SDS 11 0U8U, and more recently by the record on 021111.
521292 - ref SDS 48 0001
521294 - ..
521295 - 7. As you point out in your letter today, today, often we don't
521296 - have time for planning and capturing the record during events,
521297 - ref SDS 0 3O7K, so we create a record after-the-fact, about
521298 - what was important in relation to objectives, requirements and
521299 - commitments. ref DIT 1 HV3G So a big part of the solution
521300 - using SDS for improving management is not to write everything
521301 - down. Write down what was important, as explained on 890809.
521302 - ref SDS 1 3S6H
521303 -
521304 - [On 030309 Gary reports difficulty keeping head above water
521305 - on new Aerospace company project with constant meetings and 200 page
521306 - reports to review. ref SDS 80 JU6I
521308 - ..
521309 - [On 030309 Gary reports progress overcoming difficulties by
521310 - capturing greater share daily working information using SDS.
521311 - ref SDS 80 2J47
521312 -
521313 -
521314 -
521315 -
521316 -
521317 -
521318 -
521319 -
5214 -
Time Learn SDS Transformation Slow People Like to Use Existing Skills
Transformation 3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of
SDS Resource for Others to Use Conventional Methods
IT Transition to Culture Knowledge Requires Education Leadership Enab
7406 -
740701 - ..
740702 - New Way Working Transformation Takes Time Learn New Skills
740703 - Cultural Lag Between New Technology and Transformation
740704 - Learning New Skills Resisted by Desire to Use Old Skills
740705 - People Want to Use IT Skills for KM Rather than Learn KM Skills
740706 -
740707 -
740708 - 8. An example we discussed yesterday of "after-the-fact reporting"
740709 - is the record in August and September, ref DIT 1 RV3M showing
740710 - advocates for KM have given up, reported on 021031, ref SDS 43
740711 - LG9H People giving up on improving communication, noted by
740712 - Drucker in the record on 931130, ref SDS 7 3851, need a 3-layer
740713 - architecture to overcome resistance to improvement cited in
740714 - your record on 030115, and referenced in your letter yesterday,
740715 - ref SDS 74 UF5K, that demonstrates a cultural lag between
740716 - developing tools that enable a new way of working, and learning
740717 - new skills well enough to be comfortable using those skills for
740718 - saving time and money. Despite added power of new technology,
740719 - people are naturally drawn to use skills they already have.
740720 - People want technology for knowledge management to deliver
740721 - better results by working harder pushing buttons they learned
740722 - for information management, as related on 001126, ref SDS 21
740723 - QW8I, rather than learning to push new buttons that save time
740724 - and money. New methods seem funny, foreign and frustrating
740725 - during the period of transformation to learn new skills.
740726 - Transformation takes time to acquire sufficient experience to
740727 - learn that methods for information technology (IT), are not
740728 - effective for converting information into knowledge. As a
740729 - result, transformation to pressing different buttons takes
740730 - time, as discussed in Gary's record on 030115 that discusses
740731 - capturing the record, ref SDS 70 0001, and comments on the
740732 - subject index. ref SDS 70 PQSR
740733 -
740734 -
740735 -
740736 -
740737 -
740738 -
7408 -
Transformation 3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of
Transformation Mode Deploy SDS Resource for Others to Use Conventiona
50 Years Adopt New Way Working Buckmeister Fuller SDS Conflicts Commo
Change Avoided Com Manager Compliments Leadership Executive Adds Inte
Customers No Change Use Traditional Methods Information Meetings Call
Learn SDS Gradually Immediate Benefits Encourage Faith, Ross Armstron
3-layer Architecture Enables Transformation Gradually People Use Exis
Learn New Skills Gradually People Use Existing Skills Enabled by Com
3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of Knowledge Usin
8411 -
841201 - ..
841202 - 50 Year Transformation 3-layer Architecture Com Manager
841203 - 3-layer Architecture Transformation Without Learning New Skills
841204 - Com Manager Enables Better Performance without Learning New Skills
841205 - Learning New Skills Avoided Using Com Manager 3-layer Architecture
841206 -
841207 - 9. During the interim period of 50 years or so, noted in your
841208 - letter on 011210, ref SDS 33 R66K, while people gain
841209 - familiarity with pressing new buttons, culture needs support
841210 - for transformation. ref DIT 1 K17J The 3-layer architecture
841211 - enables people to use existing skills for generating daily
841212 - working information, and yet get better results by having a Com
841213 - Manager use SDS for adding intelligence that converts
841214 - information into knowledge, in the same way that an accountant
841215 - adds alignment to daily finances, and journalists report daily
841216 - history that we read in the newspapers.
841217 -
841218 -
841219 -
841220 -
841221 -
8413 -
Journalism Model of Few People Writing Daily Record Enables Good Gove
Journalism Reporters Write Daily History to Enable Informed Electorat
Role New Profession Use SDS Like Pilot Flies Airplane
Existing Roles Perform Com Metrics
Contemporaneous History Organizational Memory Journal Diary Journalis
Journal Diary Organizational Memory Who What When Where Why How; 9010
COO Chief Operating Officer Perform Com Metrics
Roles that Perform Some Com Metrics Tasks
Journalist Writes Daily News Reports Informed Electorate Enables Good
Role Com Manager Culture Knowledge Transition from Information Cultur
A312 -
A31301 - ..
A31302 - Journalists Write Daily History So Everyone on Same Page
A31303 - Informed Management Improves Results Like Informed Electorate
A31304 - Good Management Requires Daily Journal Like Good Government
A31305 -
A31306 -
A31307 - 10. We can all write and figure, but some people are specialists.
A31308 - So, too, we are all "good communicators." Communication
A31309 - Managers are already familiar with using SDS functions for
A31310 - creating a work product that makes everybody more productive by
A31311 - providing a contemporaneous history, or journal, of daily work
A31312 - and adding intelligence that reveals the path for saving time
A31313 - and money. ref DIT 1 968O Hiring people with skills using SDS
A31314 - for adding intelligence to information avoids the frustration
A31315 - of having to learn new buttons to press, and this leverages our
A31316 - time for getting things done on the job by attending meetings,
A31317 - making calls and sending email. Journalists are a good guide,
A31318 - because the right of a free press to enable an informed
A31319 - electorate is enshrined in the constitution as a bedrock of
A31320 - accountability for successful government. So, too, successful
A31321 - management needs a daily journal, or diary, of critical details
A31322 - for getting the work done correctly on time and within budget.
A31323 - It takes relatively few journalists to enable an informed
A31324 - electorate. Similarly, it only takes a few Communication
A31325 - Managers to provide "intelligence" for the work force, under
A31326 - the rule discussed concerning your letter on 011006 that a
A31327 - little "intelligence" goes a long way to improve productivity,
A31328 - earnings and stock prices. ref SDS 32 EL5F
A31329 -
A31330 -
A31331 -
A31332 -
A31333 -
A31334 -
A31335 -
A314 -
Journalism Model of Few People Writing Daily Record Enables Good Gove
Journalism Reporters Write Daily History to Enable Informed Electorat
Role New Profession Use SDS Like Pilot Flies Airplane
Existing Roles Perform Com Metrics
Contemporaneous History Organizational Memory Journal Diary Journalis
Journal Diary Organizational Memory Who What When Where Why How; 9010
COO Chief Operating Officer Perform Com Metrics
Roles that Perform Some Com Metrics Tasks
Journalist Writes Daily News Reports Informed Electorate Enables Good
2 Minutes Teach Learn to Use Explicit Links Enables 3-layer Architect
20 Minutes Learn Average Users Want Average Results Using Familiar Te
3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of Knowledge Usin
AP14 -
AP1501 - ..
AP1502 - 2 Minutes Learn Implement 3-layer Architecture Work Intelligently
AP1503 - 3-layer Architecture Takes 2 Minutes Learn to Work Intelligently
AP1504 - FAR Requirements for Good Management Take 2 Minutes to Learn Skills
AP1505 - Good Management Takes 2 Minutes Learn Skills for Complying with FAR
AP1506 -
AP1507 -
AP1508 - 11. On 020905 Stuart Harrow at DCMA demonstrated the feasibility of
AP1509 - a 3-layer architecture, ref DIT 1 065I, by investing about 2
AP1510 - minutes to learn how to use SDS work product for creating a
AP1511 - connected record that shows an audit trail of alignment between
AP1512 - daily work and the requirements that govern the work.
AP1513 - ref SDS 36 DAPW
AP1514 -
AP1515 - [On 030131 Virginia Stefan demonstrated people can learn to
AP1516 - use good management without any training, i.e., that good
AP1517 - management is intuitive. ref SDS 78 1E7F
AP1519 - ..
AP1520 - 12. Stuart discovered that good management called out by FAR is
AP1521 - fast and easy with SDS work product that provides explicit
AP1522 - links. ref DIT 1 LH6J He reported a week or so later on 020912
AP1523 - that SDS work product enables people to save time and money by
AP1524 - complying with regulations, ref SDS 37 HH92, for aligning daily
AP1525 - work with contract requirements, which cannot be done by
AP1526 - conventional methods, as seen by the plethora of problems
AP1527 - piling up, reported on 001207. ref SDS 23 V54M
AP1528 -
AP1529 -
AP1530 -
AP1531 -
AP16 -
Frustrated by Technology Failed Promise of Automated Management SDS T
Learn Easy 20 Minutes GUI Menus, Mouse, Speech Learn 20 Minutes
Learning SDS Frustrating Changing Hand Eye Memory Coordination Diffic
Learn SDS Editing Management Functions Frustrating New Way Working Ch
Editing Learn SDS New Way Working Change Hand Eye Memory Coordination
Pressing Buttons on Computer People Resist Learning Frustrating to Ch
Press New Buttons Frustrating Learning SDS Editing New Way Working Ch
Frustrating Learning New Way Working Change Hand Eye Memory Coordinat
New Way Working Knowledge Space Flexible Structure Line Numbers Time
Learn New Way Working Frustrating Learning Change Hand Eye Memory Coo
B512 -
B51301 - ..
B51302 - Changing Hand Eye and Memory Coordination Frustrating to Improve
B51303 - Desire Avoid Learning New Skills that Delays Getting Things Done
B51304 -
B51305 -
B51306 - 13. Investing two minutes is about all people can do who are busy
B51307 - on the job every day attending constant meetings, making calls,
B51308 - and sending email. ref DIT 1 QK3O Gary has shown that learning
B51309 - SDS takes time to study and practice for acquiring new skills
B51310 - that improve results, reviewed on 890809, ref SDS 1 MK4P, and
B51311 - so investing time for this step is very frustrating in the
B51312 - beginning, also, noted on 890809, ref SDS 1 5U6K, because our
B51313 - hands are already familiar with pressing buttons and clicking
B51314 - on things in familiar ways, and so it is awkward at first to
B51315 - work differently, noted in your records on 030115, ref SDS 70
B51316 - 0001, and the next day on 030116, ref SDS 72 0001, which were
B51317 - referenced in your letter received yesterday on 030119.
B51318 - ref SDS 74 UF5K
B51320 - ..
B51321 - [On 030407 Gary making progress on job at Aerospace company
B51322 - learning to press new buttons using SDS for Com Metrics to
B51323 - save time and money. ref SDS 81 MZ6G
B51325 - ..
B51326 - [On 041110 car analogy discussed in letter to Gary on
B51327 - transformation to SDS for intelligence support. ref SDS 82
B51328 - S36O
B51330 - ..
B51331 - People naturally want to work on familiar things in familiar
B51332 - ways, noted by Andy Grove at Intel, reviewed on 980307, saying
B51333 - that people resist improvement, and successful people loath
B51334 - change. ref SDS 13 1657 Improvement is particularly frustrating
B51335 - for low level, fundamental skills to communicate. Once we
B51336 - learn language at home and alphabet technology in grade school,
B51337 - people want to rely on those foundational skills to learn other
B51338 - things that enable making living, rather than invest more time
B51339 - in adult life to learn another language that leverages skills
B51340 - for intelligence to increase productivity and earnings. The
B51341 - desire to get by making a living with skills we already have is
B51342 - also true for using a computer. Learning to press new buttons
B51343 - seems like unnecessary delay in getting things done, especially
B51344 - when we lack experience to understand advantages of working
B51345 - intelligently. This natural, biological resistance to
B51346 - improvement slows the learning process for transformation to a
B51347 - new way of working, as related in POIMS. ref OF 5 T46O
B51348 -
B51349 - [On 041110 Gary discusses SDS support for new way of
B51350 - working intelligently requires customers to study and learn
B51351 - to press new buttons. ref SDS 82 MP79
B51353 - ..
B51354 - These common dynamics make using an ergonomic keyboard posed in
B51355 - the record on 010924, ref SDS 38 EL8F, seem like unnecessary
B51356 - overkill, because foundational issues of hand, eye coordination
B51357 - seem too far removed from big picture issues people ordinarily
B51358 - associate with making a living. People naturally, feel "Hey,
B51359 - I've got the keyboard they gave me and that should be it,"
B51360 - without realizing the keyboard is terrific for information
B51361 - technology, but was not designed for Knowledge Management,
B51362 - because the people who build computers and keyboards are not
B51363 - skilled in requirements for KM, shown by the record on 011003.
B51364 - ref SDS 31 QX8Q Progress, however, entails advancing all of
B51365 - the tools that enable the human mind to work efficiently, as
B51366 - related on 001206, ref SDS 22 PK4H, and citing earlier research
B51367 - on 990121. ref SDS 14 CO6I
B51368 -
B51369 - [On 030227 Gary raised usability again, ref SDS 79 LL7I,
B51370 - discussed role of keyboard for working efficiently.
B51371 - ref SDS 79 AR42
B51372 -
B51373 -
B51374 -
B51375 -
B51376 -
B514 -
Memory Improved Alphabet Technology Writing Literacy SDS
BI03 -
BI0401 - ..
BI0402 - SDS Flexible Structure Provides Fire Power to Improve Memory
BI0403 - Expand Span of Attention Reduces Mistakes Discovers Opportunity
BI0404 -
BI0405 -
BI0406 - 14. All of these scenarios for planning, performing and reporting
BI0407 - on daily work are enabled by the flexible structure of SDS that
BI0408 - supports the dynamics of daily life. ref DIT 1 XO4N Even when
BI0409 - we don't have time for planning and research, finding a prior
BI0410 - record to report contemporaneously on current events, provides
BI0411 - a measure of planning that expands span of attention, and so
BI0412 - reduces mistakes and increases opportunity to discover
BI0413 - solutions that are otherwise beyond span of attention. Even
BI0414 - when we don't have time to report contemporaneously, SDS
BI0415 - firepower makes it fast and easy to find a prior record for
BI0416 - reporting after-the-fact that augments memory about what
BI0417 - transpired during events when we eventually have time to
BI0418 - prepare a report, 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days
BI0419 - after-the-fact, as you mention today. This capability avoids
BI0420 - meaning drift that otherwise makes communication the biggest
BI0421 - risk in enterprise due to information overload, as explained in
BI0422 - POIMS. ref OF 2 V8P1
BI0423 -
BI0424 -
BI0425 -
BI0426 -
BI05 -
8 Steps Using SDS Adding Intelligence to Convert Information into Kno
Pilots Prepare Deliberate Analysis by Writing Story Aligns Data from
Plan Perform Report Schedule Drawn from Analysis Alignment Subjects C
Report 1st Step to Plan Next Step Intelligence Process Grow Expreienc
Planning Before and Concurrent Reporting Enabled by SDS Flexible Stru
Plan Perform Report Produces Intelligence Follow Up Action Scientific
Science Discovery Innovation Intelligence Plan Perform Report Welch M
Plan Not Enough Time Understanding Follow Up Listening Read Write Ana
BZ10 -
BZ1101 - ..
BZ1102 - Capturing the Record 1st of 8 Steps for Adding Intelligence
BZ1103 - How Soon Can We Get Information into SDS Showing Things Lined Up
BZ1104 - Test Pilot Writes Report to Discover Correlations from Flight Data
BZ1105 -
BZ1106 -
BZ1107 - 15. Once we have step one done by getting information into SDS,
BZ1108 - before, during and after-the-fact, as noted in the Typical Day
BZ1109 - Scenario, ref OF 6 4679, then we can work on the other 7 steps
BZ1110 - adding intelligence to convert information into knowledge that
BZ1111 - discovers correlations, implications and nuance for saving time
BZ1112 - and money by explaining and positioning new information in
BZ1113 - relation to experience and collateral sources in Knowledge
BZ1114 - Space, as set out in the record on 001219, ref SDS 24 4W4L, and
BZ1115 - which are not evident during the course of events due to the
BZ1116 - "fog of war." ref DIT 1 OE6I In other words, capturing the
BZ1117 - record of organizational memory becomes more useful for saving
BZ1118 - time and money when intelligence is added to grow new
BZ1119 - knowledge. as explained in the record on 010924. ref SDS 30
BZ1120 - L46F SDS flexible structure with everything in the right place
BZ1121 - at the right time makes this fast and easy, reported on 010425.
BZ1122 - ref SDS 25 EP7F
BZ1124 - ..
BZ1125 - Yesterday, we talked about this a little discussing how a test
BZ1126 - pilot writes a report after a flight to make sense of reports
BZ1127 - and diagnostics that are captured by a lot of people, equipment
BZ1128 - and sensors during the test flight. ref DIT 1 WM7I So too the
BZ1129 - scientist takes copious notes for understanding daily work of
BZ1130 - experimenting to discover new solutions, just as Andy Grove
BZ1131 - recommends that managers do for understanding what transpires
BZ1132 - in daily communication, reported on 980307. ref SDS 13 3668
BZ1133 -
BZ1135 - ..
BZ1136 - Capturing Record of Last Task Begins Planning to Perform Next Step
BZ1137 - Multiple Views Increase Understanding, Opportunities for Discovery
BZ1138 - Feedback Refines Accuracy of Record Understanding Meaning Deepens
BZ1139 -
BZ1140 -
BZ1141 - 16. So, when we perform the other 7 steps using SDS after capturing
BZ1142 - the record, we create a resource of knowledge that supports
BZ1143 - planning and performing follow on tasks, because planning the
BZ1144 - future is endemic to understanding the past. ref DIT 1 PO8L
BZ1146 - ..
BZ1147 - 17. In all cases, even when we prepare the record after the fact,
BZ1148 - as you mention in your letter yesterday, per above, ref SDS 0
BZ1149 - 3O7K, we are actually performing, the plan, perform, report
BZ1150 - intelligence process by doing a lot of planning that guides
BZ1151 - future action. ref DIT 1 YX9H In other words, when we prepare
BZ1152 - an SDS record our objective is to determine what action to take
BZ1153 - as a result of what has happened in relation to the context of
BZ1154 - objectives, requirements and commitments. Alignment and
BZ1155 - subjects assigned in the other 7 steps using SDS after
BZ1156 - capturing the record bring out correlations, implications and
BZ1157 - nuance on opportunities and risks for accomplishing objectives,
BZ1158 - requirements and commitments. As well, we invest time to
BZ1159 - describe headings in alternate ways that construct multiple
BZ1160 - views on the meaning of information under different contexts
BZ1161 - that prepare people for a wider range of circumstances that
BZ1162 - cannot be predicted in the present. Finally, we provide and
BZ1163 - seek out feedback to continually refine accuracy of
BZ1164 - understandings, under the common rule that knowledge is a
BZ1165 - process of continual refinement, reported on 000515.
BZ1166 - ref SDS 19 7380
BZ1167 -
BZ1169 - ..
BZ1170 - Communication Metrics Begins with Accurate, Complete Record
BZ1171 - Reporting After-the-fact Shows Progress on Transformation
BZ1172 -
BZ1173 -
BZ1174 - 18. I am greatly encouraged by your report today on investing time
BZ1175 - to capture the record after-the-fact, using notes and memory
BZ1176 - for preparing an accurate and complete record, per above,
BZ1177 - ref SDS 0 3O7K An accurate, complete record of organizational
BZ1178 - memory is a critical first step toward a culture of knowledge
BZ1179 - using SDS, ref DIT 1 KY5J, noted on 010924. ref SDS 30 L46F
BZ1180 - More people investing intellectual capital begins the path
BZ1181 - toward a new way of working of Communication Metrics, which
BZ1182 - answers the question by Grant Bowman on 001126, ref SDS 21
BZ1183 - W18L, raised earlier on 890809. ref SDS 2 5930
BZ1184 -
BZ1185 -
BZ1186 -
BZ1187 -
BZ12 -
Transformation from Information to Culture of Knowledge Enabled by Sp
Foster Culture of Knowledge Develop Circle of Advocates Report to Col
C104 -
C10501 - ..
C10502 - Spreading Word Wide as the Waters
C10503 -
C10504 -
C10505 - 19. Your report in another letter today that weblogs are an
C10506 - enabling force, along with email and traditional practices of
C10507 - keeping a diary, needs to be continually conveyed among a
C10508 - circle of advocates to grow a culture of knowledge through the
C10509 - power of SDS records on the Internet. ref DIT 1 XY6F
C10511 - ..
C10512 - The Internet empowers each of us to spread the good news that
C10513 - SDS augments intelligence for converting information into
C10514 - knowledge. It is relatively inexpensive and is pervasive, and
C10515 - so is available to all, similar to transformation to literacy
C10516 - and democracy that is attributable to an earlier effort to
C10517 - spread the word of the Bible wide as the waters, reported on
C10518 - 010730. ref SDS 28 0001 When people people believe strongly in
C10519 - the opportunity for improvement, their faith fuels efforts to
C10520 - share the good news to help others see the light.
C10521 -
C10522 -
C10523 -
C10524 -
C10525 -
C10526 -
C10527 -
C10528 -
C10529 -
C10530 -
C10531 -
C106 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"