440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 17, 2003 11:08 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Michael Stuteville called about job assignments, discussed SDS.

2...Inquiry from Recruiter Has Potential for Com Metrics Assignment
3...Michael Called, Discussed KM and Assignment Opportunities
4...Strategy SDS Com Metrics Training Increases Employment Opportunity
5...SDS Com Metrics Training Marketing through Employment Placement
6...Employment Placement to Re-tool People with New Skills 21st Century
7...Training Increases Employment Opportunity Cost Shared by Parties

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Michael will look through the report by the Corps of Engineers,
2...Michael will call next week to follow up.

0201 - Management Recruiters of Portland            800 979 8701  503 290 1118
020101 - Mr. Michael Stuteville
020102 - Certified Senior Account Manager  =800 979 8701 ext 1118
020103 -
020104 - Construction Department

Recruiter Letter and Call Discussed SDS
Letter to Michael with Resume and Links to Report by USACE and to His

0904 -
0904 -    ..
0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000.
090602 -
090603 - Received a recruiting letter from Michael Stuteville with MRI in
090604 - Portland, Oregon, and sent a letter with links showing opportunity for
090605 - assignments using SDS and Com Metrics.  Michael called later in the
090606 - morning and explored details on background of product development on
090607 - SDS and application for Communication Metrics, including the general
090608 - effort to advance from information to Knowledge Management.
090609 - ref SDS 0 SH4K  Michael will review report by USACE showing
090610 - application of Com Metrics to construction management, and call next
090611 - week to follow up. ref SDS 0 GF3N
090613 -  ..
090614 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record and confirming plans
090615 - to follow up next week.
090616 -
090617 -
090618 -
090619 -
090621 -  ..
0907 -
0908 -
0909 - Progress
0910 -
091001 - Inquiry from Recruiter Has Potential for Com Metrics Assignment
091002 -
091003 - Earlier today, received a letter from Michael notifying about MRI and
091004 - his work recruiting talent for the construction industry. ref DIP 1
091005 - 0002
091006 -
091007 -
091009 -  ..
091010 - Michael has a nice website for his department at...
091011 -
091012 -
091014 -  ..
091015 - Submitted ref DIP 1 0001 responding to Michael's letter and saying...
091016 -
091017 -    1.  Received your letter shown below.  It helps to put a subject on
091018 -        this stuff, so people don't automatically throw it away to
091019 -        avoid a virus.
091021 -         ..
091022 -    2.  I am looking for an assignment in project and/or executive
091023 -        support, ref DIP 1 S96F, based on background and skills in
091024 -        project management. ref OF 4 0001
091026 -         ..
091027 -    3.  Typically, I get involved to launch projects on the right foot,
091028 -        and/or later to close out projects that have problems,
091029 -        ref DIP 1 O46L, illustrated by the record on 000723.
091030 -        ref SDS 2 H44G
091032 -         ..
091033 -    4.  A sample scope of services I provide, ref DIP 1 757I, is in the
091034 -        Corps of Engineers report on 970328. ref DRP 1 4929
091036 -         ..
091037 -    5.  My phone is 415 781 5700.  Let me know if anything looks
091038 -        promising.
091039 -
091040 -
091041 -
091042 -
0911 -

Michael Called Discussed SDS and Com Metrics
Michael Will Call Week of 030120 about Assignments for SDS and Com Me
MRI Calls about SDS Com Metrics

190501 -  ..
190502 - Michael Called, Discussed KM and Assignment Opportunities
190503 -
190504 - We talked for about 45 minutes, discussing development of SDS and Com
190505 - Metrics with application in construction as....
190506 -
190507 -     Assistant Project Manager
190508 -     Chief Operating Officer
190509 -     Communication Manager
190511 -  ..
190512 - An example showing how this role saves time and money at the executive
190513 - level is shown in the record on 911205 concerning support for the
190514 - Deputy Director of a state agency. ref SDS 1 8402
190516 -  ..
190517 - Today, during our call we reviewed the evolution in recent years of
190518 - Knowledge Management to strengthen traditional information management,
190519 - as explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 1850
190521 -  ..
190522 - Michael asked about background and level of effort on developing SDS
190523 - and Communication Metrics?
190524 -
190525 -    This is in the record on 000723, ref SDS 2 0001, which is cited in
190526 -    the letter to Michael, per above. ref SDS 0 L68I
190528 -  ..
190529 - Michael will look through the report by the Corps of Engineers,
190530 - beginning with the executive summary, ref DRP 1 6172, to get a sense
190531 - of how Com Metrics improves earnings by saving time and money in
190532 - construction management.  USACE published a second report on 971007
190533 - that calculates cost savings using Com Metrics. ref DRP 2 0001
190535 -  ..
190536 - While we talked, Michael found the Welchco website that has a broader
190537 - explanation of Com Metrics....
190538 -
190539 -
190541 -  ..
190542 - Suggested that Michael consider looking through POIMS that explains
190543 - broad based support for good management enabled by SDS. ref OF 1 0001
190544 - POIMS might interest colleagues at MRI looking for solutions to client
190545 - needs.
190546 -
190547 -     Need for Com Metrics is evident in the Enron case and is pervasive
190548 -     throughout industry, where earnings are hampered because too many
190549 -     people have too many problems aligning daily work with objectives,
190550 -     requirements and commitments, as reported on 020204. ref SDS 5
190551 -     0001  The general problem that nobody can find anything when
190552 -     needed, reported on 011003, ref SDS 4 EC5N, is solved by SDS that
190553 -     makes it fast and easy to find things, because everything is in
190554 -     the right place at the right time, reported on 010425. ref SDS 3
190555 -     EP7F
190556 -
190558 -  ..
190559 - Michael will call next week to follow up.
190560 -
190561 -     During our call, Michael seemed to recognize that SDS is applied
190562 -     to augment intelligence by helping people find information quickly
190563 -     because everything is in the right place at the right time.  He
190564 -     described a scenario of scheduling a task and then when it is time
190565 -     to perform the task, SDS makes available all the information
190566 -     needed to accomplish the work.
190568 -      ..
190569 -     This record today illustrates the process by scheduling a call
190570 -     from Michael for next week, 030121, as explained in POIMS.
190571 -     ref OF 3 1102
190572 -
190573 -
190574 -
190575 -
190576 -
1906 -

Employment Training Executive Placement
Strategy Market SDS and Com Metrics through Employment Placement Orga
Cost of Training and Software Distrubuted Among Employee, Employer, E
Distrubuted Among Employee Employer Employment Placement

250601 -  ..
250602 - Strategy SDS Com Metrics Training Increases Employment Opportunity
250603 - SDS Com Metrics Training Marketing through Employment Placement
250604 - Employment Placement to Re-tool People with New Skills 21st Century
250605 - Training Increases Employment Opportunity Cost Shared by Parties
250606 -
250607 - Employment placement discussed above, ref SDS 0 SH4K, presents
250608 - opportunity for marketing SDS and training for Com Metrics...
250609 -
250610 -    1.  People seeking a new assignment have...
250611 -
250612 -        a.  Heightened interest to improve skills that increase value
250613 -            to employers.
250615 -             ..
250616 -        b.  Time available to learn new skills.
250618 -             ..
250619 -        c.  Experience to appreciate the value of SDS and Com Metrics,
250620 -            and to grasp ideas and processes of good management.  Gary
250621 -            Johnson is an example that illustrates these points.
250623 -         ..
250624 -    2.  Employers have...
250625 -
250626 -        a.  Interest to hire people who demonstrate initiative to learn
250627 -            new skills.
250628 -
250629 -        b.  Need for people to learn good management that is inherent
250630 -            in learning SDS and Com Metrics.
250632 -             ..
250633 -        c.  Need to acquire people with SDS and Com Metrics skills
250634 -            without paying the full cost of training and disruption to
250635 -            existing work force.
250637 -         ..
250638 -    3.  Employment placement professionals have...
250639 -
250640 -        a.  Need to increase and maintain sales through competitive
250641 -            advantage offering people who have been "re-tooled" with
250642 -            training that provides powerful new skills using SDS and
250643 -            Communication Metrics that empower employers to meet the
250644 -            challenge of the 21st century.
250646 -             ..
250647 -        b.  Need to reduce the cost of training that enables more
250648 -            people to be trained that bring a premium commission on
250649 -            sales.
250651 -             ..
250652 -        c.  Need to attract job seekers with opportunity to obtain
250653 -            training that increases skills and earning potential.
250655 -  ..
250656 - These market dymanics occur during the confluence of people seeking
250657 - jobs, employers seeking people, and employment professionals seeking
250658 - competitive advantage to offer attractive job candidates.
250660 -  ..
250661 - Employment placement offers a block of time for people to be
250662 - "re-tooled" during the respite between jobs.  Education seems less
250663 - objectionable to an organization because it would be less disruptive,
250664 - and it gives people waiting for a new assignment something to do that
250665 - accoplishes Gary Johnson's point about people need training to learn
250666 - good management. When people are looking for a job they have increased
250667 - incentive to increase skills to increase marketability.  Similarly,
250668 - when people are looking to hire people, if they find out that a
250669 - prospect has been spending time improving skills, this is could be a
250670 - selling point.
250672 -  ..
250673 - For the employment agency, their pitch to the employee, is that for x
250674 - dollars we can train you so not only will you be more productive on
250675 - the job, it will be easier for us to get you an assignment by selling
250676 - the fact that you have these added skills.  For executive placement
250677 - the cost of the training could be part of the placement fee to the new
250678 - organization.  The pitch to the organization is that they are getting
250679 - more than the typical manager, engineer , whatever, with a proven
250680 - track record, you are getting someone re-tooled for the 21st century
250681 - with skills of Com Metrics.  A key point is that there three entities
250682 - who have an interest in the transaction.  The person being trained,
250683 - the employment agency and the organization getting the re-trained
250684 - employee.  So, there is potential to split the cost of training three
250685 - (3) ways.  That might be a way to get this done, so that nobody is hit
250686 - too hard on the cost angle.
250688 -  ..
250689 - There are some inherent leveraging dynamics in this approach.  The
250690 - people who acquire Com Metrics skills and use them, will build demand
250691 - for more among colleagues.  Organizations who experience better
250692 - results, will want more employees who have these skills, so a culture
250693 - of knowledge emerges that seeks SDS, rather than us haviing to explain
250694 - the fine points of "investing intellectual capital," etc.
250695 -
250696 - Two issues arise...
250697 -
250698 -    1.  The aim is not for everyone to be a Com Manager, but to give
250699 -        everyone basic skills to generate and use SDS work product, in
250700 -        the same way that not everyone who learns literacy and math in
250701 -        school becomes a professional writer or an engineer, but rather
250702 -        are equipped to accomplish the basics, and then depending upon
250703 -        interests can become more skilled or rely on support, after
250704 -        knowing how SDS works to enable good management.
250706 -         ..
250707 -        On the job, some people may become Com Managers, others will be
250708 -        supported by a Com Manager and will encourage staff support
250709 -        from secretaries, working in conjucntion with a Com Manager.
250711 -         ..
250712 -    2.  The design of SDS is to augment human intelligence.  For this
250713 -        to be effective people need to own and control the record of
250714 -        their work.  You cannot have multiple renditions of SDS for
250715 -        each person, i.e., one for work, for home, another when people
250716 -        change their job.
250717 -
250718 -        This presents logistics and privacy issues.
250720 -         ..
250721 -        We need a way for records to be integrated into a person's
250722 -        overall life experience, and yet when people leave the scene of
250723 -        an organization, the organization needs to be able to retain
250724 -        organizational memory.
250725 -
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250730 -
250731 -
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250740 -
2508 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"