440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 11, 2003 12:21 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Subject Index application creating a new SDS record.
2...Background On Procedures Using SI and Create New Records
....Multiple Views Manage Context by Organizing Complexity
....Context Management Pandora's Box of Complexity for Multiple Views
....Organic Structure Powerful Tool for Managing Complexity of Context
....Knowledge Management Dilemma Solved by Using SDS Subject Management
....................7.Wonders of the World +2 + 1
3...New Record or Template Record
4...People Easy Way to Segment Records with Subjects
5...Subject Assignment Based on People Discloses Other Subjects to Assign
.....People Easy Way to Start Organizing Information
.....Remembering the Gist of Information Aids Finding Subjects
.....Finding Subjects by Remembering the Gist of Information
.....Intuitive Navigation Remembering the Gist of Information
.....30 Minutes Getting Started Discourages Using Good Management
.....5.Seconds to Start Changes Attitudes about Using Good Management
.....New Subjects Created Like Hansel and Gretle to Find Way Home
.....Hansel and Gretle Find Way Home Subjects Find Important Information
.....Multiple Views Save Time Finding Information Saves Money and Lives
6...Receive Document for Analysis After Assigning Initial Subject
7...Document Received Ready for Analysis After Assigning Initial Subject
8...Contacts Provide Another Way to Make Finding Information Fast and Easy
9...Follow Up Linked from Last Contact with Contact
10...Subject Cross-Referencing Assigns Multiple Views
11...Finding Everything by Investing Time to Be Prepared with Subjects
12...Cornucopia of Context Revealed by Multiple Views on Subjects
13...Multiple Views Enrich Organization to Expedite Finding Everything
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Subject Index Assignments Reflect Organic Structure of Work and Life
Capturing Organizing Information and Adding Intelligence
Learning How to Set Up New Record Receiving a Letter Training Mentori
Flexible Structure Balance Between Power of Flexibility that is Fragi
Procedures Explain Steps for Creating a New SDS Record
Subject Index Difficult to Use Needs Mentoring Training to Support Le
1108 -
1108 - ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000.
111002 -
111003 - A request today by Eric Armstrong for help finding information offers
111004 - a "use case" for training people to use SDS, based on Gary's report
111005 - that "organic structure" is difficult to learn. ref SDS 0 B1C5 Gary's
111006 - experience reflects research showing that context management takes
111007 - time to learn because organizing information is a very complex task,
111008 - as much "art" as it is "science." ref SDS 0 6M54 Eric's question
111009 - provides a vehicle for explaining how to set up a new SDS record and
111010 - find information that augments intelligence. ref SDS 0 6M68 and
111011 - ref SDS 0 V63K The steps for creating knowledge structures that
111012 - enable multiple views, ref SDS 0 7652, can help new users learn the
111013 - processes for using intuition to navigate paths in the Subject Index
111014 - within a time horizon that prevents most people from getting
111015 - discouraged and giving up. ref SDS 0 6O8R and leading ultimately to
111016 - answering Eric's question, which is the objective of the exercise.
111017 - ref SDS 0 7746
111018 -
111019 -
111020 -
111021 -
111023 - ..
1111 -
1112 -
1113 - Problem
1114 -
111401 - Background On Procedures Using SI and Create New Records
111402 -
111403 - A few days ago Gary Johnson submitted a series of letters with ideas
111404 - for improvements to SDS and also listed some problems he has
111405 - encountered using the program. ref SDS 21 0001
111407 - ..
111408 - I called later that day and Gary explained difficulties using the
111409 - Subject Index that are not listed in his letter, but are implied by
111410 - his work product.
111412 - ..
111413 - Gary has done a great job learning the steps for using SDS to create
111414 - deliberative analysis and headlines that enrich information through an
111415 - effective "story," cited in POIMS, ref OF 1 2300 He has begun using
111416 - links that accomplish the step for alignment and contrast. Adding
111417 - Control Fields using F1 F6 and the Subject Index to organize records
111418 - into multiple views using segments, or "chunks" of memory, is another
111419 - part of "intelligence" cited in POIMS. ref OF 1 0367, which makes
111420 - finding information fast and easy and empowers people to discover
111421 - correlations, implications and nuance from seeing patterns of
111422 - repeatable chronologies that reveal cause and effect over time, which
111423 - is otherwise overlooked. This is step 5 in the 8 steps for using SDS
111424 - explained on 001219. ref SDS 8 4W4L
111426 - ..
111427 - Experience with adding record sgements will help address the problem
111428 - finding report segments, reported on 030108. ref SDS 21 3E4L
111429 -
111430 - [On 030531 Gary reviews processes for context management using
111431 - organic structure by editing subjects in Control Fields.
111432 - ref SDS 24 7K5G
111434 - ..
111435 - Gary's records show a lot of opportunity for adding control fields
111436 - using F1 F6 to provide multiple views of information....
111437 -
111438 - 1. SDS support for software development.... 030108, ref SDS 20 0001
111439 - 2. Moore's Law and Computer Power.......... 030102, ref SDS 18 0001
111440 - 3. Indexing key words and need............. 021217, ref SDS 17 0001
111441 - 4. Organic subject structure............... 021217, ref SDS 16 0001
111443 - ..
111444 - As an aside, links can be added between the records on 021217
111445 - for "indexing key words" and "organic subject structure" to
111446 - analyse alignment. Gary has assigned a common subject, 07
111447 - CG, that sets correlation which can be refined at a lower
111448 - level in the Subject Index. Often information developed on
111449 - the same date and on the same subject is integrated and cross
111450 - referenced with links to explore alignment and distinctions
111451 - in a single record.
111453 - ..
111454 - 5. Com manager skills...................... 021124, ref SDS 15 0001
111455 - 6. SDS Interaction With Other Formats...... 021120, ref SDS 14 0001
111457 - ..
111458 - Every paragraph is a potential record segment.
111460 - ..
111461 - Since there is not enough time to analyse records in this level of
111462 - detail, judgement is exercised to associate groups of paragraphs into
111463 - segments on common subjects that impact objectives, requirements and
111464 - commitments.
111466 - ..
111467 - Here is an example.
111468 -
111469 -
111470 -
1115 -
KM Dilemma Organizing Context into Useful Subjects Pandora's Box of C
Flexible Structure Balance Between Power of Flexibility that is Fragi
Frustrating Difficult to Learn Organic Structures
Knowledge Management Dilemma Organizing Context into Useful Subjects
Dilemma Binary Forces Thinking Doing Immediate Gratification Informat
Dilemma Information Immediate Rewards Knowledge Deferred Rewards Need
Understanding Blocked by Complexity But Understanding Shared Meaning
Communication Process Ambitious Too Complex Difficult People Giving U
Giving Up on Improving Communication Because Creating Connections Cau
2211 -
221201 - ..
221202 - Multiple Views Manage Context by Organizing Complexity
221203 - Context Management Pandora's Box of Complexity for Multiple Views
221204 - Organic Structure Powerful Tool for Managing Complexity of Context
221205 - Knowledge Management Dilemma Solved by Using SDS Subject Management
221206 -
221207 - Gary indicated in our call that using the Subject Index is a big
221208 - challenge, which supports Jack Park's letter on 000221 notifying
221209 - the OHS/DKR team about research he had discovered that shows the
221210 - diversity of human experience together with the organic structure
221211 - of existence make organizing information into useful context, which
221212 - he called "ontology," a Pandora's box of complexity. ref SDS 5 L58O
221213 - At this beginning stage of advancing toward "Knowledge Management,"
221214 - creating and using organic subject structures to find information
221215 - entails "art" and science, as set out in POIMS. ref OF 1 6221 SDS
221216 - increases the speed of doing KM, as experience is gained performing
221217 - the craft of creating and assigning subjects.
221219 - ..
221220 - I am focusing on getting other people to gain this experience,
221221 - because experience is the only way to make the task fast and easy.
221223 - ..
221224 - Managing context reflects the dilemma of sharing "knowledge" that
221225 - is a bigger cognitive challenge for collaboration to identify
221226 - common subjects than merely sharing information. That is why
221227 - creating technology to advance beyond IT begins with understanding
221228 - the difference between information and knowledge, posed to the
221229 - OHS/DKR people on 000120. ref SDS 4 5063 The paper on the....
221231 - ..
221232 - 7 Wonders of the World +2 + 1
221233 -
221234 -
221235 - ...relates with humor that over many millennia technology has
221236 - evolved powerful ways to transfer information, beginning with the
221237 - invention of spoken language, ref DIP 1 U77L, and later literacy,
221238 - ref DIP 1 006P; but, it is much harder to send experience that
221239 - enables shared meaning. People organize, use and look for the same
221240 - information differently because everyone's experience is different,
221241 - related on 890523. ref SDS 1 WN6J and particularly at ref SDS 1
221242 - UP4U The fact that people give up because improving communication
221243 - is complex, reviewed on 931130, ref SDS 3 3851, merely compounds
221244 - dilemma because better communication that is very difficult to do,
221245 - very much needs doing, as discussed with Greg Oxton on 030107.
221246 - ref SDS 19 FQ4N
221248 - ..
221249 - Today, we can work on solving this knowledge management dilemma by
221250 - explaining steps to create a new SDS record. A letter from from
221251 - Eric Armstrong on the OHS/DKR effort makes a good "use case" to
221252 - study the process of organizing information as one part of adding
221253 - intelligence to the record, since Gary is familiar with work on
221254 - OHS/DKR.
221255 -
221256 -
221257 -
221258 -
2213 -
Capturing the Record
Starting New Diary Record
How to Set Up New Record Receiving a Letter Training Mentoring
2605 -
260601 - ..
260602 - New Record or Template Record
260603 -
260604 - The first issue is whether to make an SDS record or to just send Eric
260605 - an email with comments that may be helpful to him.
260606 -
260607 - [On 020314 Gary reported this explanation of setting up a new
260608 - record is helpful, needs more work and telephone support.
260609 - ref SDS 22 B1C5
260611 - ..
260612 - [On 030119 called Gary and provided support using these
260613 - instructions, per his request on 020314. ref SDS 23 B1C5
260615 - ..
260616 - This question was decided roughly as follows....
260617 -
260618 - 1. Received letter from Eric asking for specifications he and
260619 - others have prepared on OHS/DKR over the past several years.
260621 - ..
260622 - 2. Started writing a response, then realized it has quite a few
260623 - links and some commentary that could be better conveyed in an
260624 - SDS record, and it seemed like it might come up again based on
260625 - Eric's letters on 010916, ref SDS 11 KA6H, and later on 020718
260626 - where Eric described how to use "categories" to organize
260627 - information so people can find information. ref SDS 12 0001
260629 - ..
260630 - 3. After deciding to create an SDS record to analyze the general
260631 - issue of finding information, and to provide information Eric
260632 - wants, then decided to use F1 to create a "blank" new task,
260633 - rather than look for a prior related event to create the new
260634 - task in the Schedule, because nothing jumped out at me as a
260635 - good candidate to use as a template record, since there has
260636 - been little work with Eric the past year or so, despite efforts
260637 - to work with him, e.g., on 000517. ref SDS 6 0001 I know from
260638 - experience that once I begin assigning organic subject
260639 - structure, and start doing the record a lot of candidates will
260640 - become visible that could be used as a template. The thing
260641 - that swayed the decision toward starting from scratch was the
260642 - secondary objective of creating a training record sample.
260644 - ..
260645 - As a result of points 1 - 3 pressed F1 in the Schedule and started a
260646 - new record.
260647 -
260648 -
260649 -
260650 -
260651 -
260652 -
2607 -
People Easy Way to Get Started Creating New Subjects
People Convenient Simple Way to Create Initial Organization for New I
1st Step Creating New Record Assign Subjects
2805 -
280601 - ..
280602 - People Easy Way to Segment Records with Subjects
280603 - Subject Assignment Based on People Discloses Other Subjects to Assign
280604 -
280605 - The first thing to do in any record is to assign the subject, i.e.,
280606 - what is the context of the information.
280607 -
280608 - [On 020314 Gary reported this explanation of setting up a new
280609 - record is helpful, needs more work and telephone support.
280610 - ref SDS 22 B1C5
280612 - ..
280613 - [On 030119 called Gary and provided training on setting up a new
280614 - task, per his request on 020314. ref SDS 23 3U68
280616 - ..
280617 - This occurs in two steps.
280619 - ..
280620 - The first step is to identify primary control for receiving new
280621 - information into the record. Once this is done, we can go ahead and
280622 - create the entire record, then come back and assign more subjects.
280624 - ..
280625 - In this case the "subject" comes from reading the document, received
280626 - from Eric.
280627 -
280628 -
280629 -
280630 -
2807 -
Subject Index Assignments Reflect Organic Structure of Work and Life
People Convenient Simple Way to Create Initial Organization for New I
Subject Indexing Organic Structure Like Alphabet DNA
Johnson, Gary Subjects Frustrating Difficult to Learn Organic Structur
People Good Way to Start Assigning Subjects to Avoid Frustrating Diff
New Task in Schedule F1 Shift F1 Failed on Record Dated 021022 Possib
3408 -
340901 - ..
340902 - People Easy Way to Start Organizing Information
340903 - Remembering the Gist of Information Aids Finding Subjects
340904 - Finding Subjects by Remembering the Gist of Information
340905 -
340906 - An easy way to get started deciding about a subject is to choose
340907 - the broadest possible subject and then focus on "people," because
340908 - "people" are a very common and fundamental way of associating
340909 - information.
340910 -
340911 - [On 020314 Gary reported this explanation of setting up a new
340912 - record is helpful, needs more work and telephone support.
340913 - ref SDS 22 B1C5
340915 - ..
340916 - Since Eric's letter talks about specifications for the OHS/DKR
340917 - project, right away I have triangulated an initial subject.
340918 -
340919 - OHS/DKR, Eric Armstrong, Specifications
340921 - ..
340922 - I could just as easily have thought of this as...
340923 -
340924 - Eric Armstrong, OHS/DKR Specifications
340925 -
340926 - ...or, as...
340927 -
340928 - Eric Armstrong, Projects, OHS/DKR Specifications
340930 - ..
340931 - ...but, in this case, I know from experience that the only
340932 - association in the record on Eric is with OHS/DKR. Even if I
340933 - started with Eric as the primary control in the Contacts Subject
340934 - Index, that path will naturally navigate to his association with
340935 - OHS/DKR. So, it is 6-of-one or half-a-dozen of the other to wind
340936 - up in the same place.
340938 - ..
340939 - To find the subjects for the OHS/DKR work, there are two choices,
340940 - so I need to rely on remembering the gist of information. I can
340941 - look in....
340942 -
340943 - Projects...................... 03
340944 - Jobs.......................... 04
340945 -
340946 - ...where a "job" is a small project.
340948 - ..
340949 - I have a vague memory of associating OHS/DKR information under
340950 - account 04, and so take a chance and click into that organic
340951 - structure. The frustrating part of remembering anything is to
340952 - pick a primary subject that pops into the mind and it turns out to
340953 - have nothing associated with current objective and context. The
340954 - mind experiences trauma of feeling totally lost when there is not
340955 - a shred of association in the primary subject selection, because
340956 - often there is nothing that comes to mind as an alternative.
340957 - These natural frustrations augur for a dedicated role to perform
340958 - this work, which is similar to a personality that is willing to
340959 - chase down pennies in a billion dollar financial statement to
340960 - ensure everything is in balance.
340962 - ..
340963 - Once in the 04 account, the OHS/DKR has immediate visibility, so
340964 - it is obvious at that point that to get details on OHS/DKR, I can
340965 - open account 00067, because I can see it down near the bottom of
340966 - the list, thus....
340967 -
340968 - 04 00000............................. Master Index
340969 - 04 0000T............................. Template
340970 - 04 00035............................. DNRC, 901102
340971 - 04 00036............................. Intel, 901117
340972 - 04 00061 00.......................... PG&E SDS
340973 - 04 00065 00.......................... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
340974 - 04 00065 00.......................... San Francisco District; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
340975 - 04 00067 00.......................... Communication Metrics Web Site
340976 - 04 00067 00.......................... OHS/DKR Project, Engelbart and SRI
340977 - 04 00072 00....................*..... CITRIS Project Sponsored by UCB
340978 - 04 00073 00....................*..... GivingSpace
340980 - ..
340981 - I open account 04 00067 00, and get another big list of sub-
340982 - structures, and a few lines down the screen, I see...
340983 -
340984 - 04 00067 00 BKG...................*.... Staff
340985 -
340986 -
340987 -
3410 -
Intuitive Navigation Remembering the Gist of Information
Remember Gist of Information Intuitive Navigation Find and Create Rel
Intuitive Learn Easy GUI User Interface Usability 20 Minutes
3805 -
380601 - ..
380602 - Intuitive Navigation Remembering the Gist of Information
380603 -
380604 - "Staff" sounds like another word for "people." I could look for
380605 - "people" or "personnel" or "employees" or "workers" or "engineers"
380606 - or many, many other things. But, I rely on intuition and take a
380607 - chance on the opening account 04 00067 00 BKG.
380609 - ..
380610 - After doing this a few times, there is more certainty, and once it
380611 - has been done several thousand times, there is absolute certainty,
380612 - but in the beginning there is a lot of uncertainty, because often
380613 - intuition takes us down blind alleys.
380615 - ..
380616 - After opening account...
380617 -
380618 - 04 00067 00 BKG...................*.... Staff
380619 -
380620 - ...if I decide this is the right place, I can go back to the prior
380621 - level and give this another name that is more familiar to my
380622 - experience in looking for information about people. So, we might
380623 - create another line that makes the index look like...
380624 -
380625 - 04 00067 00 BKG...................*.... Staff
380626 - 04 00067 00 BKG...................*.... Personnel
380628 - ..
380629 - In the account for "Staff," I immediately see there is a list of
380630 - people. I can sort the list to look for Eric's name, but his name
380631 - happens to be near the top because Eric was a top contributor on
380632 - the OHS/DKR, so now my search is over. I have found Eric...
380633 -
380634 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002................... Armstrong, Eric
380635 -
380636 -
380637 -
3807 -
Attitudes Change by SDS Technology Makes Linking Fast Easy
30 Minutes to Assign Subjects Discourages Most People from Investing
4104 -
410501 - ..
410502 - 30 Minutes Getting Started Discourages Using Good Management
410503 - 5 Seconds to Start Changes Attitudes about Using Good Management
410504 -
410505 - About 15 - 30 minutes is invested to explain how this navigation
410506 - occurs. That is about how long it takes to find things with other
410507 - methods. Delaying action for 15 - 30 minutes discourages people
410508 - from investing time to be prepared, related in POIMS, ref OF 1
410509 - SK7L, for making action effective now and in the future when
410510 - people cannot find anything in the archives, as Eric reported on
410511 - 000824. ref SDS 7 7O9I With SDS, these steps so far take about 5
410512 - seconds. That is a lot of cost savings, based on Eric's report on
410513 - 010916 that nobody can find anything using other methods.
410514 - ref SDS 11 KA6H Some people are unwilling to invest 5 seconds for
410515 - being prepared, but many people change their attitude about using
410516 - good management if action is only delayed 5 seconds, rather than
410517 - 30 minutes.
410518 -
410519 -
410520 -
410521 -
4106 -
Multiple Views Define Subjects in Alternate Ways Empower People to Fi
4503 -
450401 - ..
450402 - New Subjects Created Like Hansel and Gretle to Find Way Home
450403 - Hansel and Gretle Find Way Home Subjects Find Important Information
450404 -
450405 - I open Eric's history of contributing to the OHS/DKR project, and
450406 - make a new entry, so that like Hansel and Gretle, I can find my
450407 - back to this subject when it comes up again....
450408 -
450409 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 030111a......... Specifications for OHS/DKR Requests Help Finding
450411 - ..
450412 - Since Eric's primary focus is finding a "Specification" that is
450413 - the first way this subject is described. Once the subject is
450414 - described once, then a number of ways of describing the same
450415 - subject emerge by switching the order of key words and remembering
450416 - other ways Eric has addressed the same issue.
450417 -
450418 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 030111a......... OHS/DKR Requests Help Finding Specifications
450419 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 030111a......... Help Finding Specifications
450420 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 030111a......... Can't Find Specifications for OHS/DKR Requested
450421 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 030111a......... Find Specifications for OHS/DKR Requests Help
450422 -
450424 - ..
450425 - Multiple Views Save Time Finding Information Saves Money and Lives
450426 -
450427 - This part of context management requires pausing in our busy day
450428 - to invest 2 or 3 minutes to craft multiple views of context, as
450429 - shown above, and described in Gary's record on 021217, ref SDS 17
450430 - PO6L Some people feel good management is "overkill." Experience
450431 - shows that investing intellectual capital enables people to find
450432 - information when needed, and it enables assembling chronologies
450433 - based on context that disclose important trends, which was missing
450434 - on 010911. ref SDS 10 YNGH
450436 - ..
450437 - Once a new subject is defined to the system, I press Enter and the
450438 - new subject in posted to the Subject field in the SDS record
450439 - segment, which is the objective of the exercise.
450440 -
450441 -
450442 -
4505 -
New Record Receiving a Letter Training Mentoring
Writing a Letter Receiving and Issuing Documents
30 Seconds Needed to Assign Subjects to SDS Record Before Sending or
4805 -
480601 - ..
480602 - Receive Document for Analysis After Assigning Initial Subject
480603 - Document Received Ready for Analysis After Assigning Initial Subject
480604 -
480605 -
480606 - Having entered a subject into the control field, I can now receive
480607 - Eric's letter into the record by using the code to identify the
480608 - directory structure for a new document, as shown in the record on
480609 - 021027. ref SDS 13 JH8O
480611 - ..
480612 - These procedures assigning an initial subject and logging a new
480613 - document take about 30 seconds, but are counter-intuitive because
480614 - they require doing the "filing" by adding some "intelligence" to
480615 - organize the record before pressing "Reply to answer the letter
480616 - under the common rule "look before you leap." Doing these same
480617 - tasks take from 30 minutes to an hour with other methods people
480618 - like, so rather than use tools that make good management fast and
480619 - easy, people say instead that good management is overkill, and
480620 - simply press Reply, as noted by Jack Park on 010908. ref SDS 9
480621 - UV4H
480622 -
480623 -
480624 -
4807 -
2nd Step Creating New Record Assign Contacts
Contacts Assigned to Record After Assigning Subjects
5004 -
500501 - ..
500502 - Contacts Provide Another Way to Make Finding Information Fast and Easy
500503 -
500504 - After getting the Control Field going, and logging Eric's letter into
500505 - the system, which requires about 30 seconds, the next step in a new
500506 - SDS record is to identify the contact.
500508 - ..
500509 - Open the menu and tab to the Contact field, enter "Arms" and press
500510 - Enter.
500512 - ..
500513 - This opens an alphabetical list of organizations beginning with "Arms"
500514 - and in this case the first one is Eric Armstrong's organization,
500515 - Armstrong Consulting, which is a cross-reference to Treelight.
500517 - ..
500518 - Press Enter, and this closes the summary listing. It goes and finds
500519 - Eric's record and enters a pre-defined format into the SDS record so
500520 - we have Eric's ID associated with the record.
500521 -
500522 -
500523 -
500524 -
5006 -
Follow Up Prior Related Records Linked in New Record Based on Contact
3rd Step Link Prior Related Records to Follow Up Below Summary/Object
5204 -
520501 - ..
520502 - Follow Up Linked from Last Contact with Contact
520503 -
520504 - Now that we have a subject and a contact, we want a link to the last
520505 - time we worked with Eric, so we build an audit trail.
520507 - ..
520508 - Doing a search on the Contact, yields a list and we can use the last
520509 - one. This takes about 5 seconds, mostly to press keys.
520511 - ..
520512 - This, however, may not be the best choice.
520513 -
520514 -
520515 -
520516 -
5206 -
Multiple Views Assign Related Subjects in Other Domains
5403 -
540401 - ..
540402 - Subject Cross-Referencing Assigns Multiple Views
540403 -
540404 - To investigate other choices, we need more subjects. We can go back
540405 - into Eric Armstrong's account in the Subject Index and look for other
540406 - subjects. Sorting the index yields a number of choices under what
540407 - seems to me based on intuition from remember the gist of information
540408 - that "specifications" and "find" are important issues. This effort
540409 - yields the following...
540410 -
540411 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 010916c............... Find Anything Too Hard Need Search Engine
540412 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 020718bb.............. Find Everything Clues Design KM Solve Eric's Problem Cannot Find Anything Review POIMS
540413 -
540414 - ...and...
540415 -
540416 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 CGIKF.............*... Specifications, DKR, OHS
540418 - ..
540419 - Noticing that this latter subject has a sub-level indicated by the
540420 - asterisk, on a hunch, I check that lower level, and it shows....
540421 -
540422 - 04 00067 00 BKG 0002 CGIKF 000505a........... CDS Specs v. 0.1 Submitted
540423 - 04 00067 00 KC BGG......................*.... Specifications
540424 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG.................*.... CDS OHS Specifications, Eric Armstrong
540425 -
540427 - ..
540428 - Finding Everything by Investing Time to Be Prepared with Subjects
540429 - Cornucopia of Context Revealed by Multiple Views on Subjects
540430 - Multiple Views Enrich Organization to Expedite Finding Everything
540431 -
540432 - This list of jobs remind that Eric created specifications he called
540433 - "CDS." Now, bells go off that expand memory beyond the gist of the
540434 - story by clicking cross-references that show multiple views....
540435 -
540436 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0001................. CDS V0.1, 000125
540437 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0002................. CDS V0.2, 000306
540438 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0003................. CDS V0.3, 000306
540439 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0004................. CDS V0.4, 000306
540440 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0005................. CDS V0.5, 000505
540441 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0006................. CDS V0.6, 000508
540442 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0007................. CDS V0.7, 000601
540443 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0008................. CDS V0.8, 000605
540444 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 0009................. CDS V0.9, 000614
540446 - ..
540447 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 000128a.............. Technology Template Project, Doug Engelbart
540448 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 001025a.............. OHS Architecture Project Launch, Doug Engelbart
540449 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 001025a.............. Project Launch OHS Architecture, Doug Engelbart
540450 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 001025a.............. Launch OHS Architecture, Doug Engelbart
540451 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 001025a.............. Architecture OHS Project Launch, Doug Engelbart
540452 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 010205a.............. CDS Specs Pending Review, Eugene Kim
540453 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 010620a.............. CDR Specs Published, Lee Iverson
540454 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 010620a.............. NODAL CDR Specs Published, Lee Iverson
540455 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 010620a.............. Ubiquitous Collaboration Paper, Lee Iverson
540456 - 04 00067 00 KC CLG BKFG 010723a.............. NODAL Solves Problems Designing OHS/DKR, Eric Armstrong
540458 - ..
540459 - I nearly pass out from the effort of investing nearly 40 seconds to
540460 - discover a cornucopia of context navigating trails constructed, like
540461 - Hansel and Gretle, to find information that, in this case, Eric seems
540462 - to be requesting today. Of course this may not be what Eric wants,
540463 - since all of these documents are more accurately described as
540464 - "requirements," or even more generally "objectives," than they are
540465 - actual "specifications."
540466 - but it enables making a timely response that may be what he wants, and
540467 - enables Eric to refine his request.
540469 - ..
540470 - I throw in a couple more subjects, figuring that since the subjects so
540471 - far were handy, maybe investing a little more time will pay off down
540472 - the road.
540474 - ..
540475 - How do I decide on these subjects?
540477 - ..
540478 - Eric's letter today discusses the "license" issue.
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540480 - This sounds like a legal issue, which is different from a "design"
540481 - issue, so I check the "legal" view in the SI for the OHS/DKR...
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