440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 9, 2003 02:37 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Letter to Greg Oxton on meeting this past Tuesday to see SDS.


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0201 - Consortium for Service Innovation    650 261 9200
020101 - Mr. Greg Oxton; Executive Director =650 261 9200
020102 -
020103 - Executive Office

Consortium for Service Innovation CSI Greg Oxton Call Centers Technic
POIMS Review to Understand SDS Objectives and Methodology
POIMS Common Goals with CSI for Context Management
Information Needs Context Difficult to Provide Capturing the Record
Organizational Memory Capture Record Cost Logistics KM Dilemma Contex
Meetings Com Manager Need Not Attend Every Meeting One Com Manager Su
Little Intelligence Goes a Long Way Meetings Com Manager Need Not Att
POIMS Greg Completed Reading and Recognizes Alignment with CSI Goals

1810 -
1810 -    ..
1811 - Summary/Objective
1812 -
181201 - Follow up ref SDS 49 0000, ref SDS 48 0000.
181202 -
181203 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Greg confirming understandings from our
181204 - meeting this past Tuesday.
181206 -  ..
181207 - Called Greg a few days later. Greg has been thinking about our meeting
181208 - on 030107.  He received the letter on the meeting but has not had
181209 - time to review it.  He expects to review the record in the next few
181210 - days and then send email to a number of colleagues about reviewing
181211 - POIMS, and getting feedback on SDS for collaboration to accomplish
181212 - goals of CSI.  Greg will send me a copy of the email that goes out.
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181214 -     [On 030131 called Greg to follow up. ref SDS 50 0001
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"