440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 7, 2002 11:58 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Backup C13 FF with tape #2 for February 2002.
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Exabyte Tape 1 Novaback Program January
Tape #2 & Tape #19 Both Failed Both 45 M Tapes Tape #16 125 M Tape Su
Exabyte Tape 2 Novaback Program
Backup Failed Using Tape #2 for February 45M Tape from Exabyte Seems
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Follow up ref SDS 45 0000, ref SDS 44 0000.
090802 -
090803 - Tried tape #2 but it crashed.
090804 -
090805 - Tried tape 19 and it also failed.
090806 -
090807 - Tried tape #16 and it worked. Was also able to do a successful
090808 - verify, which has been failing consistently.
090809 -
090810 - Tape #1 and tape #16 are both 125M tapes.
090811 -
090812 - Tapes 2 and 19 are 45M tapes. Tape #2 was used successfully on
090813 - 010311. ref SDS 22 0001 Tape #19 has been used on several occassions.
090814 -
090815 - What seems to cause the problem is multiple uses of 45M tapes.
090816 -
090817 - [On 020404 tape #3, which is 45M, failed, changed tape 15, which
090818 - is 125M to #3, and it ran successfully. ref SDS 46 0001
090819 - ..
090820 - This may be the solution to the verify problem reported to
090821 - Exabyte last year. At that time on 011011 Exabyte recommended that we
090822 - purchase special terminating equipment, and this took a lot of hours
090823 - to establish, then failed to work. ref SDS 41 0001
090824 - ..
090825 - It looks like all of the 45M tapes may be defective, as Mike
090826 - Geoff reported finding in the case of tapes 20 and 21 replaced by
090827 - Exebyte on 011005. ref SDS 39 MV8N
090828 - ..
090829 - Changed name of tape #16 to tape #2, so we stay in order.
090830 - ..
090831 - Using tape #2 and Novaback program, did full file backup on c13
090832 - for January 2002.
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090834 - 115K files 6.5 GB 187 MB/Min
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