440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 18, 2001 09:12 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Email to Gary asking about progress contacting Morris on SDS.


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Gary Wants to Collaborate on KM Development Path
Alliances Communicate on SDS Com Metrics POIMS Critical Marketing Devel   Culture of 
Ownership SDS Provides Gary Path to Use and Develop SDS
Link Communication to POIMS for Foundation to Build Culture of Knowle
Called and Discussed Ownership and Product Development Collaborating
Johnson, Gary Contact Morris to Collaborate on C Version of Medit bas

1708 -
1708 -    ..
1709 - Summary/Objective
1710 -
171001 - Follow up ref SDS 97 0000, ref SDS 95 0000.
171002 -
171003 - Sent email to Gary transmitting copy of ref DIP 9 0001 to Gary that
171004 - confirms understandings on 011214 where Gary planned to contact
171005 - Morris.
171006 -
171007 -         [On 011221 Gary sent letter planning to contact Morris this
171008 -         weekend. ref SDS 98 0001
171009 -
171010 -         [On 20108 Gary contacted Morris. ref SDS 99 V55N
171011 -
171012 -      Talked to Morris last night and he has not received anything from
171013 -      you following up our telecon on 011214, ref SDS 97 WV7I, when you
171014 -      planned to send him a letter on Medit, SDS and ideas for using
171015 -      Microsoft stuff to get by the immediate crisis.
171016 -      ..
171017 -      Can understand from the situation you have at Aerospace company that
171018 -      it is hard to carve out time for creating better management, when
171019 -      help is needed right now.
171020 -
171021 -      Hopefully, something will shake loose to relieve the pressure, so
171022 -      we can invest some time on the longer term.  Strange that so many
171023 -      people are being let go, while others are swamped.  Reminds of
171024 -      the 1995 period when Morris and I discussed "right sizing."
171025 -      ref SDS 5 1005
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