440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 11, 2001 08:10 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Patty, Sally, Mom and Marsha.
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Kathleen and Bob, Mother & Bob, Robin Partee
Patty and Pablito Utzurim
Marsha Rideout
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000, ref SDS 4 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Patty is holding up pretty well. Pablito said they have been doing a
080904 - lot of things to get ready for the memorial. They made CDs (I
080905 - think he said) of music and other things to give people who attend
080906 - the memorial.
080907 -
080922 -
080923 - Patty wanted to know how many people are coming to the memorial on
080924 - Saturday?
080925 -
080926 - We went through the possible list....
080927 -
080928 - Patty and Pablito
080929 - Mother and Bob
080930 - Jennifer
080931 - Robin
080932 - Rod and Millie
080933 - Rita and Bob
080934 - Carol
080935 - Kathy and Ed
080936 - Amy and Michael
080937 - Judy and Norm
080938 - Rob and Sherry maybe
080939 -
080940 - Patty asked if Marsha is coming to tell us about the cups.
080941 -
080942 - I have not heard from Marsha, so don't know for sure.
080943 -
080944 - Patty asked me to call Marsha and let her know we would like to her
080945 - come, and she can tell us about how the cups project ended that is
080946 - reported by Kath in her diary on 921203, ref SDS 1 0001, which came to
080947 - light last week when submitted to Jennifer and others, including
080948 - Marsha, on 011205. ref SDS 4 SR6N
080949 -
080950 - Talked to Kathy the next day, and she recalled everyone driving to
080951 - San Francisco to meet Marsha for lunch at a restaurant and hand
080952 - over the cups, but they got lost and wound up at the wrong place.
080953 - Eventually got it all straightened out.
080954 -
080955 - Kathy also said she cannot receive the memorial for Kathleen
080956 - because she does not have enough memory on her computer.
080957 -
080958 - Told her that Patty is printing the memorial on nice paper, so
080959 - there will be copies for everyone to have on Saturday.
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0810 -
0811 -
0812 - 0811
0813 -
081301 - Called Sally and Mom.
081302 -
081303 - Talked to Mike. They have been having very severe weather, with 6' of
081304 - snow on the ground. They need special equipment to clear the
081305 - driveway. Mentioned Sally's comment about the girls starting to do
081306 - well in tennis. Mike is proud of his daughters. He mentioned they
081307 - are getting to be good skiers, and are doing well in school.
081308 -
081309 - Visited with mom. She was pleased about the memorial to Kathleen.
081310 - ref OF 2 0001
081311 -
081312 - Sally and I talked quite awhile. She does not know if Marsha is
081313 - going to attend the memorial, but gave her phone number to call about
081314 - it.
081315 -
081316 - Sally liked Kath's diary on delivering the cups for Marsha in 1992.
081317 - She vaguely remembered that story. ref SDS 1 0001
081318 -
081319 - Next day, sent Sally a letter thanking her for the call.
081320 -
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081322 -
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0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 0917
0817 -
081701 - Called Marsha.
081702 -
081703 - She and Brian just came in from having a night out. They celebrate
081704 - Brian's progress with medical problems, every month on the 11th.
081705 -
081720 - Marsha has a meeting in Los Angles on Thursday, and then an event for
081721 - her company on Saturday. This schedule prevents attending the
081722 - memorial for Kathleen, also, on Saturday. She will send Patty an
081723 - email and send mother a personal card.
081724 -
081733 - Marsha explained the cups did get delivered and that Kath brought them
081734 - over, showing again Kath's can-do spirit.
081735 -
081736 - Talked to Kathy the next day, and she recalled everyone driving to
081737 - San Francisco to meet Marsha for lunch at a restaurant and hand
081738 - over the cups, but they got lost and wound up at the wrong place.
081739 - Eventually got it all straightened out.
081740 -
081741 - Marsha took a course in editing last year and is considering a career
081742 - move into this field. Writing on the Internet increases demand for
081743 - editors.
081744 -
081749 - She shares the worry about defects in email, set out in POIMS,
081750 - ref OF 1 CZ6K, and in the letter on medical mistakes, ref DIP 1 1445,
081751 -
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0818 -