440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 10, 2001 09:11 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Ariel with Sprint called about SDS and Com Metrics.
2...Sprint can sell customers the ability to deliver....
3...Welch has the Schedule Diary System (SDS) program with 20 year history
4...Sprint and Welch can exploit heightened demand for intelligence...
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0201 - Sprint Communications 408 894 6782
020101 - Mr. Ariel D. Manalo; 408 894 6782
020102 -
020103 - Global Markets Group
Sprint Inquires About SDS Com Metrics Saw Records on Internet Drucker
Sprint Telecom Infrastructure Market SDS for Content Customers Need H
Evaluate Market Conditions Business Model Revenue Stream
New Market Potential SDS Killer Application
Infrastructure Telecom SDS Provides Intelligence Content to Transmit
Listening Analysis Understanding Follow Up Make
Organizational Memory Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How Much
2409 - ..
2410 - Summary/Objective
2411 -
241101 - Follow up ref SDS 23 0000, ref SDS 21 0000.
241102 -
241103 - Ariel has glanced through the letter, ref DIP 1 0001, linked to the
241104 - record confirming our discussion on 011129. ref SDS 20 0001
241105 -
241122 - He has, also, skimmed over POIMS, ref OF 1 0001, and seemed to
241123 - indicate this morning there is opportunity for marketing synergy.
241124 -
241125 - Ariel expects to have time next month to investigate this opportunity.
241126 -
241127 - We reviewed briefly the scope of potential synergy.
241128 -
241129 - As a result of events on 010911 when the US was attacked in New York
241130 - and at the Pentagon, there is, and will continue for perhaps another
241131 - year or so, heightened awareness and interest in the market place for
241132 - "intelligence" support, since that is what failed on 010911 and cost
241133 - the nation approximately $200B and counting. ref SDS 15 UP5K
241134 - ..
241135 - Working intelligently helps national security and the economy,
241136 - because experience shows productivity and earnings improve by adding
241137 - intelligence for....
241138 -
241139 - government
241140 - military
241141 - business
241142 - education
241143 - health
241144 - science
241145 - law
241146 -
241147 - ...almost all human endeavors work better with intelligence, as
241148 - reported on 011206. ref SDS 22 QY3O
241149 -
241150 -
241151 - Sprint can sell customers the ability to deliver....
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241154 - intelligence anytime, anywhere
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241157 - ...via telecommunications infrastructure.
241158 -
241159 -
241160 -
241161 - Welch has the Schedule Diary System (SDS) program with 20 year history
241162 - creating timely....
241163 -
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241165 - intelligence
241166 -
241167 -
241168 - a new "work product" that adds value to information created by
241169 - email, calls, meetings and wordprocessing, as explained in POIMS.
241170 - ref OF 1 0001 The value SDS adds can be summarized as "context" that
241171 - shows cause and effect, so people can work smarter rather than harder,
241172 - i.e., "intelligently."
241173 -
241174 - Application for....
241175 -
241176 - Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC)
241177 - Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
241178 - US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
241179 - Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
241180 -
241181 - ...are on the Internet that show advantages of SDS for intelligence,
241182 - as reported in record on 010907. ref SDS 14 KX3L
241183 -
241184 -
241185 - Sprint and Welch can exploit heightened demand for intelligence...
241186 -
241187 - 1. POIMS theory for technology to meet demand for intelligence.
241188 -
241189 - 2. SDS enables people to create timely intelligence for saving
241190 - time and money.
241191 -
241192 - 3. Sprint can deliver intelligence anytime, anywhere to leverage
241193 - saving time and money.
241194 -
241195 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Ariel with link to this record to confirm
241196 - understandings.
241197 -
241198 - Scheduled follow up for 020115.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"