440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 5, 2001 03:51 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received call on defective keyboard; returned keyboard.


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0201 - Lan Plus, Inc.                       800 536 8900
020101 - Ms. Erlene Wise; Sales Representative =6054 ext.
020102 -
020103 - Sales Department
0202 - Lan Plus, Inc.                       800 536 8900
020201 - Ms. Julie Ma; Customer Representative
020202 - Customer Service

Procurement Keyboard 12 function keys
Lan Plus Sells Omni Key Keyboards Function Keys on Left Side
Received Avant Stellar Keyboard like Omni Keyboard Serial Number: 700
Keyboard Avant Stellar Like Omni Keyboard Fails to Boot on C13 Not Co
Received Keyboard from Lan Plus
RMA 116479 Arrangements Made to Replace Defective Keyboard

1608 -    ..
1609 - Summary/Objective
1610 -
161001 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
161002 -
161003 - Julie Ma is with Customer Service, calling to follow up a letter she
161004 - received from Erlene asking to replace the defective Avant Stellar
161005 - keyboard, per the record on 011204. ref SDS 8 OB6L
161006 -
161007 - Julie will send a mailing label.  It will likely be mailed tomorrow,
161008 - because it is too late to send anything today.
161009 -
161010 - We will put the mailing label on the shipping box and give it to UPS
161011 - for return to Lan Plus.
161012 -
161013 - Received an RAM...
161014 -
161015 -                        116479
161016 -
161017 - Lan Plus will receive it next week sometime, and will then ship a
161018 - replacement keyboard.
161019 -
161020 - Julie will ask the shipping department to test the new keyboard on a
161021 - computer with Windows 2000 operating system, if it doesn't take too
161022 - much time, so we don't have a repeat problem.
161023 -
161024 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 transmitting defective keyboard to Lan Plus
161025 - for replacement.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"