440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 31, 2001 00:16 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Request work product on Traction to compare with SDS.


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0201 - Armstrong Consulting                 650 845 1782
020101 - Mr. Eric Armstrong
020102 -

POIMS Email Traction Part of Solution
Solution Undefined for Undefined Problem
Traction, Journaling, by Twisted Systems, 000326
Traction Journal Management, 000326
Black Belt Contest 011116 May be on the News
Work Product Demonstrating Ability to Perform Pending on Meeting Toda
Work Product Not Available, Eric Armstrong

0909 -    ..
0910 - Summary/Objective
0911 -
091101 - Follow up ref SDS 13 TF6J.
091102 -
091103 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 asking Eric Armstrong about work product that
091104 - supports his letter yesterday (attached to my response today) that
091105 - mentions Traction having the right interface for catagories and audit
091106 - trail. ref DIT 1 SO4H
091107 -
091108 - Mention.....
091109 -
091110 -     1.  Eric's report, ref DIT 1 SN6F, aligns with the Traction
091111 -         demonstration at SRI on 000413. ref SDS 1 4209
091112 -
091113 -     2.  Traction explained that the staff uses Traction, ref DIT 1
091114 -         QV6O, for daily work designing, producing and marketing
091115 -         Traction, ref SDS 1 2520, however, Chris explained there
091116 -         wasn't enough time during the meeting at SRI to show any work
091117 -         product. ref SDS 1 HP5M
091118 -
091119 -     3.  On 000414 Eric submitted a letter, ref DIT 1 4X7J,
091120 -         recommending the OHS/DKR team use Traction because it is the
091121 -         "closest thing to a complete OHS with hints of DKR-ness."
091122 -         ref SDS 2 3450
091123 -
091124 -     4.  Is there any work product showing this capability, for example
091125 -         to assign categories, follow an audit trail on something?
091126 -         ref DIT 1 5Y7O We got a few letters from Chris following up
091127 -         the demonstration at SRI, but there were no links to work
091128 -         product.
091129 -
091130 -            [On 011102 received examples of work product. ref SDS 16
091131 -            KV6K
091132 -         ..
091133 -     5.  Yesterday, Eugene provided a location to see work on
091134 -         dialog maps, ref SDS 15 00UU, which you described in a letter
091135 -         on 010916. ref SDS 12 S44G  That shows how organizational
091136 -         memory is used to carry on the work of the OHS Launch
091137 -         Community.  Is there a web site for Traction that shows how
091138 -         the meeting on 000413 was handled, or how Traction organized
091139 -         an email, or did work on XML, or on developing the category
091140 -         features you describe? ref DIT 1 PPUU
091141 -
091142 -     6.  In Eugene's letter on 010917 he proposes experimenting with
091143 -         different solutions, ref SDS 13 QQWQ, as he is doing with
091144 -         dialog maps, and Jack is doing with topic maps. What
091145 -         experiments have been done with Traction? ref DIT 1 II9I  Is
091146 -         the Traction category method as fast and easy as dialog
091147 -         mapping and topic maps, reported by Eric on 010916,
091148 -         ref SDS 12 4J4J, and Eugene discussed on 010917? ref SDS 13
091149 -         MB9H
091150 -
091151 -
091152 -  ..
0912 -
0913 -
0914 - 1234
0915 -
091501 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Eric saying in part....
091502 -
091503 -     Black belt contest in karate or judo is on 011116.
091504 -
091505 -     The Traction interface was great with respect to categories. The
091506 -     were hierachical, you could change them, and it kept an audit
091507 -     trail of changes. ref DRT 1 RW5O
091508 -
091509 -     However, the software was never made available, as far as I know.
091510 -     Their comment with regard to open sourcing it was that, if they
091511 -     did, it would "constitute the greatest act of charity in the
091512 -     history of software development". That's a bit of an
091513 -     overstatement, I'm sure, but I understand the feeling. ref DRT 1
091514 -     XW6I
091515 -
091516 - Eric does not say anything about availability of work product
091517 - demonstrating capability for catagories and audit trail in his earlier
091518 - letter per my request above. ref SDS 0 I16F
091519 -
091520 -
091521 -
091522 -
0916 -
0917 -
0918 - 1251
0919 -
091901 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 asking Eric again if he knows of any location
091902 - that shows work product that demonstrates Traction ability to perform
091903 - features he has been recommending for catagories and audit trail?
091904 - ref DIT 2 V76I
091905 -
091906 -
091907 -
091908 -  ..
0920 -
0921 -
0922 - 2009
0923 -
092301 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Eric saying....
092302 -
092303 -      I have no idea where it can be found at this point. There is a
092304 -      pointer to it somewhere in the archive. I may have captured it in
092305 -      the links-page I kept re-posting long ago, but I'm not sure.
092306 -
092307 - This confirms review on 010916 indicating there is no work product
092308 - that shows Traction supports effective organization of the record.
092309 - ref SDS 12 T65I
092310 -
092311 - Clarifies Eric's report on 010917 that Traction organizes the record
092312 - like SDS does. ref SDS 13 TF6J
092313 -
092314 -     [On 011102 Chris Nuzum submits Traction work product that supports
092315 -     Eric's understanding, and demonstrates advantages of Eric's ideas
092316 -     for improving email. ref SDS 16 KV6K
092317 -
092318 -
092319 -
092320 -
092321 -
092322 -
092323 -
092324 -
092325 -
092326 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"