440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 25, 2001 10:32 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Exabyte reports status terminator for Mammoth LT tape drive in c13.

2...Request Response Pending Issues

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Leroy submits information indicating terminator scheduled
2...Leroy reports tape cartridge is shipped with terminator,

0201 - Exabyte Corporation                  800 392 2983 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Charles Mnln; Customer Rep  =Telephone
020102 -
020103 - Technical Support
0202 - Exabyte Corporation                  800 392 2983 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leroy NLN; Customer Rep  =Telephone
020202 - LeRoyR@Exabyte.COM
020203 - Technical Support

SCSI Cable for Exabyte Mammoth LT SE NARR Tape Drive Connected to Ada
Terminator for SCSI Bus Cable for Exabyte Mammoth LT SE NARR Tape Dri
Terminator SCSI Bus Cable
Backup 127 MB/Min with New Adaptec SCSI 19160 Controller Adapter 197
Incorrect Spec for Terminator by Exabyte for External Cable when Inte
Exabyte Tape Drive Backing Up at 123 MB/Min with Adaptec 19160 Contro
Exabyte Incorrect Terminator Spec for External Cable when Internal Ta
Terminator for SCSI Cable Incorrectly Specified by Exabyte for Extern

2610 -    ..
2611 - Summary/Objective
2612 -
261201 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0000, ref SDS 27 0000.
261202 -
261203 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Leroy
261204 -
261205 -                          303 417 7863
261206 -
261207 - There is no subject, so this letter was deleted to avoid getting a
261208 - virus from unknown email, reported on 991110. ref SDS 2 0001
261209 -
261210 - Then recalled Leroy's name from yesterday, so took a chance and opened
261211 - his letter, which pertains to...
261212 -
261213 -
261214 -                Incident number:  279596
261215 -
261216 -
261217 - ....responding to telecon on 011024, ref SDS 28 0001, requesting
261218 - status of Exabyte's response to ref DIP 6 0001 which followed up
261219 - Charles' letter on 011019, ref DRP 6 0001, and requesting support on
261220 - pending issues. ref SDS 27 159H
261221 -
261222 -  ..
261223 -
261224 -     1.  How to install 1.4" wide AMP 750381-1 terminator specified in
261225 -         Exabyte's manual on a 2.6" wide cable? from record on 011018,
261226 -         ref SDS 26 6X4F, ref DIT 1 PF7L
261227 -
261228 -            Leroy does not discuss this matter, still pending.
261229 -
261230 -          ..
261231 -         Receiving inline terminator.
261232 -
261233 -            Leroy submits information indicating terminator scheduled
261234 -            for delivery on 011026. ref DRT 1 0002
261235 -
261236 -              [On 011027 received package from Exabyte. ref SDS 29 0001
261237 -
261238 -     2.  Receiving email confirming discussion of scope to fix the
261239 -         Mammoth LT SE NARR tape drive so it performs to Exabyte specs,
261240 -         which Charles indicated needs updated Firmware supplied on a
261241 -         tape cartridge. ref SDS 24 LR7K
261242 -
261243 -            Leroy reports tape cartridge is shipped with terminator,
261244 -            ref DRT 1 0001, and so is scheduled for delivery on 011026.
261245 -            ref DRT 1 0002
261246 -
261247 -              [On 011027 received package from Exabyte. ref SDS 29 0001
261248 -
261249 -            Leroy does not discuss progress on email from Exabyte
261250 -            confirming steps to bring tape drive in line with Exabyte
261251 -            performance specs.
261252 -
261253 -     3.  Getting updated driver from Microsoft for Adaptec 19160
261254 -         controller. ref SDS 24 OM4O
261255 -
261256 -            Leroy does not discuss this matter, still pending.
261257 -
261258 -     4.  Confirm instruction on 011011 to change BIOS for Adaptec 19160
261259 -         SCSI controler for Wide Negotiation from Yes to No.
261260 -         ref SDS 24 GL4J, as asked in the letter to Charles yesterday.
261261 -         ref DIP 7 UP8K
261262 -
261263 -            Leroy does not discuss this matter, still pending.
261264 -
261265 - In the call yesterday, understood that Leroy would call this morning
261266 - before 0900 to report findings on pending issues. ref SDS 28 OX5L
261267 -
261268 - Evidently the letter substitutes for the call.
261269 -
261270 - On 011011 talked to Alice Gilbert, ext 7187, about procedures for
261271 - working with Exabyte effectively. ref SDS 24 B89O
261272 -
261273 -
261274 -  ..
261275 - Request Response Pending Issues
261276 -
261277 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 thanking Leroy for notice of delivery on
261278 - terminator and firmware.
261279 -
261280 - Cite....
261281 -
261282 -     1.  Call yesterday on 011024. ref SDS 28 0001
261283 -
261284 -     2.  Pending issues from letter on 011018. ref DIP 7 0001
261285 -
261286 -     3.  Leroy's plan to call back on status pending issues, from
261287 -         record on 011024. ref SDS 28 4S7F
261288 -
261289 -           [On 011027 received package from Exabyte without transmittal
261290 -           and without instructions. ref SDS 29 0001
261291 -
261292 -     4.  Subject missing from Leroy's letter, ref DIT 1 QU7O, causing
261293 -         concern about virus, per above. ref SDS 0 0001
261294 -         ..
261295 -     5.  On 011011 Alice Gilbert, Supervisor for Tech Support,
261296 -         advised Exabyte strives to be thorough and timely. ref DIT 1
261297 -         PPVP  In this case, we agreed to next day air shipment because
261298 -         Exabyte represented this would yield delivery on 011015,
261299 -         discussed with Charles and Carrie on 010111. ref SDS 24 MO5O
261300 -         Since delivery is now scheduled for October 26 the objective
261301 -         of expedited shipment has been frustrated, resulting in
261302 -         unnecessary extra expense to the customer.
261303 -
261304 -     6.  Under circumstances of a national emergency following events
261305 -         of 010911, ref SDS 16 0001, it is understandable shipments
261306 -         have been delayed worldwide to enable increased security.
261307 -         There is naturally a ripple effect that will impact even
261308 -         benign shipments for some time to come, as we all scramble to
261309 -         accomodate new procedures in response to new realities.
261310 -         Accordingly, we do not fault Exabyte, nor request credit for
261311 -         failure to perform on our agreement of 011011. ref DIT 1 Y54F
261312 -
261313 -     5.  Taking an extra moment to request Exabyte respond to the
261314 -         pending matters, ref SDS 0 QG6J, under point 5 that Exabyte
261315 -         strives to be timely and thorough. ref SDS 0 VU6L Experience
261316 -         shows that allowing pending issues to go unattended causes
261317 -         rework, per USACE report, ref DRP 10 4680, that takes extra
261318 -         time and expense, received on 971008. ref SDS 1 1273  As
261319 -         rework mounts, the economy falters when too many people are
261320 -         having too many problems, reported on 001207. ref SDS 8 V54M
261321 -         If you feel responding to pending matters is beyond your scope
261322 -         of duties, please forward to Alice for follow up. ref DIT 1
261323 -         WW5H
261324 -
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261326 -
261327 -
261328 -
261329 -
261330 -
261331 -
261332 -
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261336 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"