440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 24, 2001 11:14 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Contacted EDS about partnering to support intelligence for NS.
.......Impact of September 11 Terrorist Attacks On Governments
2...Submit Notice of SDS for Intelligence Support to EDS
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Terrorists Attack New York, Pentagon National Security Failed Intelli
Analysis Gap Intelligence Failure Threatens National Security
Intelligence Failure Gap in Analysis Data Information Enabled Terrori
Osama bin Laden Al Qaidi Responsible for Terrorist Attack on 010911
Analysis Human Intelligence Chronic Underfunding, Article Janes Defen
EDS National Security Intelligence Support, Anne Reed
EDS Anne Reed on National Security
0609 - ..
0610 - Summary/Objective
0611 -
061101 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
061102 -
061103 - Paper on the Internet.....
061104 -
061105 -
061106 - Impact of September 11 Terrorist Attacks On Governments
061107 -
061108 -
061109 -
061110 -
061111 - Anne Reed
061112 - Vice President
061113 - EDS Government Global Industry Group
061114 -
061115 -
061116 -
061117 -
061118 -
061119 -
061120 -
061121 - ..
061122 -
061123 - ...calls for strengtheing intelligence for national security, saying
061124 - in part....
061125 -
061126 - The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in America impacted local, state and
061127 - national governments around the world. Citizens and government
061128 - officials must meet the demands and adjust to the new realities of
061129 - the post-Sept. 11 world. Anne Reed, vice president of the EDS
061130 - Government Global Industry Group, outlines where we can expect to
061131 - see changes.
061132 -
061133 - Recognition of "new realities" aligns with POIMS technology
061134 - for enabling an "intelligence" role. ref OF 1 0561
061135 -
061136 - Anne continues...
061137 -
061138 - Systems supporting the collection and analysis of intelligence data
061139 - will receive heightened priority. There will be extensive efforts
061140 - to maintain the confidentiality of sources while still making
061141 - intelligence available in a timely and appropriate way.
061142 -
061143 - ...and concludes...
061144 -
061145 - Whether implementing secure and interoperable command and control
061146 - systems or biometric access management; providing integrated
061147 - systems management; or facilitating data collection, storage,
061148 - analysis, and protection: the information technology industry will
061149 - be a partner to governments in charting new paths.
061150 -
061151 - Anne's anlaysis reflects the report on 010911 showing increased
061152 - national security threats require increased support for analysis to
061153 - strengthen intelligence. ref SDS 10 UP5K
061154 -
061155 - A link to contact information for EDS at....
061156 -
061157 -
061158 -
061159 -
061160 - Management Consulting, A.T. Kearney, Tel: 1 800 566 9337
061161 -
061162 - Called and got suggestion to submit information to EDA at....
061163 -
061164 -
061165 -
061166 -
061167 - It was also suggested I call....
061168 -
061169 -
061170 - 972 605 6000
061171 -
061172 -
061173 - ...and ask for Anne Reed.
061174 -
061175 -
061176 -
061177 - ..
061178 - Submit Notice of SDS for Intelligence Support to EDS
061179 -
061180 -
0612 -
0613 -
0614 - 1200
0615 -
061501 - Called Anne Reed
061502 -
061503 - Her number is....
061512 -
061513 - Talked to Anne's Admin Assistant, Debbie.
061514 -
061515 - Anne is out of the office today in meetings; she is expected back in
061516 - the office tomorrow.
061517 -
061518 - Left voice mail for Anne advising will submit email on intelligence
061519 - capability that supports analysis, which is the weak link in national
061520 - security, per report on 010911. ref SDS 10 UP5K
061521 -
061522 - Objective is to explore partnerhsips with EDS for implementing Anne's
061523 - ideas in her article supporting private sector support for national
061524 - security. ref SDS 0 I44L
061525 -
061526 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Anne, linked to this record and to....
061527 -
061528 - 1. POIMS. ref OF 1 0001
061529 -
061530 - Lifts capacity to think, remember, communicate. ref OF 1 3742
061531 -
061532 - 2. USACE report on 970328. ref DRP 1 6172
061533 - 3. DNRC report on 010725. ref SDS 8 WJ7L
061534 -
061535 - 4. Record on 010908 demonstrating SDS work product for supporting
061536 - analysis, ref SDS 9 0001, using the record on laziness that
061537 - resists intelligence during pease and prosperity. ref DIT 1
061538 - FU7M
061539 -
061540 -
061541 -
061542 -
061543 -
061544 -
061545 -
061546 -
0616 -