440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 11, 2001 09:22 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Exabyte on terminator problem.
2...Adaptec Controller 50% Slower than Jaz Jet SCSI Controller
3...Backup Performance Reduced by New Adaptec 19160 SCSI Controller
Click here to comment!
0201 - Exabyte Corporation 800 392 2983 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Charles Mnln; Customer Rep =Telephone
020102 -
020103 - Technical Support
0202 - Exabyte Corporation 800 392 2983 fax or 800...
020201 - Ms. Alice Gilbert; Supvervisor Technical Support =7187
020202 - Technical Support
Exabyte Tape 20 Failed During Backup
C13 Backup Failed Using Tape #20
SCSI Adapter for Exabyte Tape Drive, Adaptec 19160 SCSI Adapter
SCSI Adapter 19160 for C13 Exabyte Tape Drive
Adaptec SCSI Driver for 19160 Ultra 160 Card on C13, 011010
Acquisition Installation Program Files
AMP 750381-1 SCSI Bus Terminator Needed for Cable Connector Pin Getti
Terminator SCSI Bus Cable from Tape Drive to SCSI Adapter Controller
Microsoft Driver Recommended by Exabyte Not Available
Flash BIOS Exabyte Tape Drive Need Installation Tape
Backup 127 MB/Min with New Adaptec SCSI 19160 Controller Adapter 197
279596 Called Exabyte on Problem for 010403 re Tape #21
2514 - ..
2515 - Summary/Objective
2516 -
251601 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
251602 -
251603 - Got ideas for improving performance of tape backup. ref SDS 0 KW8O
251604 - Initial effort reduced performance. ref SDS 0 RM9K Exabyte provided
251605 - revised instructions that will be tried next week, principally
251606 - terminating the SCSI cable bus and changing the DTR setting DTR in
251607 - SCSI adapter BIOS from the default of 160 down to 10. ref SDS 0 TW4J
251608 - Ordered terminator and updated software, which should arive OA 011015.
251609 - Cost is about $95. ref SDS 0 MO5O
251610 -
251611 - [On 011012 price for terminator only $26, ordered two. ref SDS 20
251612 - 0001
251613 -
251614 -
251615 -
251616 -
251617 - ..
2517 -
2518 -
2519 - Progress
2520 -
252001 - Called and talked to Exabyte....
252002 -
252003 -
252004 - 800 445 7736
252005 -
252006 - ..
252007 - Received new incident number: 279596
252008 -
252009 - ....replaces incident number reported on 011008. ref SDS 18 WY4F
252010 - ..
252011 - Talked to Carrie.
252012 - ..
252013 - She wanted....
252014 -
252015 - Exabyte Serial #: 60155249 CEI, MFG Part: 270004-822
252016 -
252017 - ....which is shown in the record on 000811. ref SDS 3 QL5F
252018 - ..
252019 - Carrie initially indicated that Exabyte made a mistake in not
252020 - providing....
252021 -
252022 - Single-ended (SE) Narrow SCSI configuration...
252023 -
252024 - AMP 750381-1
252025 -
252026 - ....which is reported missing on 000811. ref SDS 3 JDKI She went
252027 - offline to investigate.
252028 -
252029 -
2521 -
2522 -
2523 - 0957
2524 - ..
252401 - Carrie advised that research showed Exabyte does not typically
252402 - provide the cable bus terminator essential for the tape drive and
252403 - cable to be assembled into a functioning system, even though the cable
252404 - is shipped with the tape drive to customers.
252405 -
252406 - Customers discover this additional critical item is needed only after
252407 - receiving the tape drive and cable, have the computer disassembled and
252408 - invested several hours, then when reading the manual they find they
252409 - have to stop everything to order the bus terminator. The TQM benefit
252410 - of this process is not clear in the record.
252411 -
252412 - ..
252413 - Carrie says we need following terminator....
252414 -
252415 -
252416 - LVD SE Inline Active terminator.
252417 -
252418 -
252419 - can be purchased from Comp USA.
252420 -
252421 - I asked if the terminator can be installed on the middle pin
252422 - connector, since the cable is not long enough to connect the middle
252423 - connector to the tape drive and the adapter controller.
252424 -
252425 - Carrie advised that the terminator can be installed on any of the
252426 - cable pin connectors. It need not be installed on the last pin
252427 - connector.
252428 - ..
252429 - She said it will cost about $100.
252430 -
252431 - ..
252432 - Carrie said we also need to change W2K configuration....
252433 -
252434 - Admim Tools
252435 - Services
252436 - Removable Storage
252437 -
252438 - Startup Type
252439 -
252440 - Change from Automatic to Manual
252441 -
252442 - This is a new issue with Windows 2000
252443 -
252444 -
252445 - Carrie feels we need to update driver for the tape drive running on
252446 - w2k.
252447 - ..
252448 - On 000811 we downloaded from Exabyte a driver for w2k.
252449 - ref SDS 3 3289
252450 -
252451 - ..
252452 -
252453 - Updating Exabyte drivers is at a new address....
252454 -
252455 -
252456 -
252457 -
252458 -
252459 - The driver for Mammoth LT running on w2k says the driver is version
252460 - 2.1 and was developed on 000728.
252461 -
252462 - Checking properties for Exabyte Tape drive shows we have
252463 - version 2.1 already installed.
252464 -
252465 - Explained drop in performance of Exabyte DTR by 50% reported on
252466 - 011010, ref SDS 19 RM9K, after following Exabyte recommendation on
252467 - 011005 to install a new SCSI adapter. ref SDS 15 LN9F
252468 - ..
252469 - Carrie suggested changing the Adaptec SCSI 19160 BIOS
252470 - configuration for ID #6, which is assigned to the tape drive
252471 -
252472 -
252473 - DTR........................ 160 to 20
252474 -
252475 - Wide Negotiation from...... Yes to No
252476 -
252477 -
252478 - I asked where the customer is informed to make these changes in
252479 - the information Exabyte submitted?
252480 -
252481 - [On 011017 Exabyte specified terminator is 1.4" wide, and cable
252482 - that came with the Exabyte Mammoth LT SE tape drive is 2.6"
252483 - wide, so ask if this impacts issue of "Wide Negotiation" being
252484 - changed from Yes to No. ref SDS 21 QX3M
252485 - ..
252486 - Carrie advised this information is in an Exabyte product spec
252487 - that is not submitted to the customer.
252488 -
252489 -
252490 - I asked for a letter confirming the proposed change from....
252491 -
252492 -
252493 - AMP 750381-1
252494 -
252495 -
252496 - ...for the bus terminator to LVD SE Inline Active terminator.
252497 - ref SDS 0 M1HA
252498 -
252499 - Carrie said that Exabyte will not confirm verbal instructions.
252500 - Customer are supposed to change written instructions in Exabyte
252501 - manuals based on verbal representations from Exabyte customer support
252502 - engineers.
252503 -
252504 - [On 011017 Exabyte specified terminator is 1.4" wide, and cable
252505 - that came with the Exabyte Mammoth LT SE tape drive is 2.6"
252506 - ref SDS 21 SX5F
252507 -
252508 - ..
252509 - Asked to talk to a supervisor.
252510 -
252511 - Carrie said her supervisor is in meetings today. She suggested
252512 - leaving a voice mail....
252513 -
252514 - Alice Gilbert Ext 7187
252515 -
252516 - Left voice mail commending Carrie's work, and asking for a
252517 - letter confirming Exabyte verbal instructions.
252518 -
252519 -
252520 -
252521 - ..
2526 -
2527 -
2528 - 1151 Alice called back
2529 -
252901 - Alice advised she is a supervisor for Exabyte Technical Support.
252902 -
252903 - We reviewed the advantage of Exabyte confirming verbal instructions
252904 - to use a terminator that is different from what is specified in the
252905 - Exabyte manual included with delivery of the new Exabyte tape drive.
252906 -
252907 - Alice feels the customer can buy any comparable bus terminator,
252908 - including the suggestion Carrie made.
252909 -
252910 - Alice advised that Exabyte strives to be timely and thorough in
252911 - supporting customers. She related staff meetings on procedures for
252912 - Exabyte people to take responsiblity so customers are clear and
252913 - confident in carrying out instructions.
252914 -
252915 - [On 020509 manager of Technical Support notified to follow up on
252916 - pending problem with defective tapes. ref SDS 26 0001
252917 - ..
252918 - She will ask an engineer to call with additional support for
252919 - configuring our computer, adapter and tape drive for reasonable
252920 - performance. Alice feels it is not reasonable for performance to drop
252921 - from 200 MB to 127 MB and then to 100 MB/Min, as we have experienced.
252922 -
252923 -
252924 - ..
2530 -
2531 -
2532 - 1300
2533 -
253301 - Carrie called back.
253302 -
253303 - She advised that the terminator spec she suggested....
253304 -
253305 -
253306 - LVD SE Inline Active terminator.
253307 -
253308 -
253309 - ....earlier this morning, ref SDS 0 M23K, must be installed on the end
253310 - of the cable, and plugged into the tape drive, in other words it is a
253311 - dual pin connector, rather than a single pin connector, like the one
253312 - specified in the Exabyte manual. ref SDS 0 M1HA
253313 - ..
253314 - I mentioned the call to Alice, who is planning to have another
253315 - engineer call about configuring our tape drive, because of the drop in
253316 - performance from 200 MB/Min to 127 MB/Min, and now to 100 MB/Min.
253317 -
253318 - Carrie suggested changing the DTR from 20 to 40 in the Adaptec 19160
253319 - controller BIOS. She feels we can experiment to get a productive
253320 - setting.
253321 -
253322 - [...below, Charles suggests using DTR of 10. ref SDS 0 TW4J
253323 -
253324 -
253325 -
253326 -
253327 - ..
2534 -
2535 -
2536 - 1321
2537 -
253701 - Charles called to follow up. Carrie supported the call in conference
253702 - mode.
253703 -
253704 - Explained findings on performance drop from 127 MB/Min to about 100
253705 - MB/Min after making above changes. ref SDS 0 RM9K
253706 -
253707 - I asked for the approximate performance range Exabyte specificies for
253708 - the Mammoth LT SE?
253709 -
253710 - Charles requested the serial number and CEI again, per above.
253711 - ref SDS 0 DG6G
253712 - ..
253713 - He asked for the specification of the Adaptec SCSI controller
253714 - again, which is 19160.
253715 -
253716 - Charles requested that I hang on, while he investigates to verify
253717 - compatibility.
253718 -
253719 - ..
2538 -
2539 -
2540 - 1329
2541 -
254101 - Charles came on line and confirmed that our tape drive is compatible
254102 - with the SCSI controller.
254103 -
254104 - He feels installing the bus terminator will make a big difference in
254105 - restoring the prior performance, and seemed to indicate we should
254106 - achieve between 200 - 300 MB/Min
254107 -
254108 - Charles did not explain why we were getting 200 MB/Min without
254109 - bus termination using the prior SCSI controller.
254110 - ..
254111 - Charles clarified Carrie's revised instruction, above,
254112 - ref SDS 0 2W6H, asking to change the DTR from 40 to 10 in the Adaptec
254113 - 19160 controller BIOS.
254114 -
254115 - Charles asked for the "Firmware" version for the Exabyte Mammoth LT
254116 - tape drive?
254117 -
254118 - I asked how that would be determined?
254119 -
254120 - Charles disclosed that the Firmware version is shown in the BIOS for
254121 - the SCSI controller adapter, in this case we have the Adaptec 19160.
254122 -
254123 - Firmware was investigated by....
254124 -
254125 - Boot computer
254126 - ..
254127 - Ctrl A to open Adaptec controller BIOS
254128 -
254129 - Select the "Utilities" option, which is the second choice.
254130 -
254131 - This performs a scan, and then opens a list of devices
254132 - connected with the cable to the SCSI adapter.
254133 -
254134 - Two things are listed....
254135 - ..
254136 - 6.... Exabyte Tape Drive
254137 -
254138 - 7.... Adaptec 19160 controller
254139 -
254140 - ..
254141 - Charles said to move the arrow down to highlight the
254142 - Exabyte and press Enter.
254143 -
254144 - This shows....
254145 -
254146 - Firmware............ V41b
254147 -
254148 - ..
254149 - Charles says this Firmware needs to be updated.
254150 -
254151 - [On 011027 updated firmware to v41j. ref SDS 23 783O Still got
254152 - slow performance, ref SDS 23 021G, so removed Adaptec 19160
254153 - controller and replace with Jazjet. ref SDS 23 M75O
254154 - ..
254155 - I asked how this determination was made?
254156 - ..
254157 - Charles explained procedures for opening the Exabyte
254158 - website.....
254159 -
254160 -
254161 -
254162 -
254163 -
254164 - and selecting under....
254165 -
254166 -
254167 - Quicklinks
254168 -
254169 -
254170 - the right margin, about half down the screen.....
254171 -
254172 -
254173 - Drivers and Firmware
254174 -
254175 -
254176 - the box for "Current Products" select.....
254177 -
254178 -
254179 - Mammoth Tape Drive
254180 -
254181 -
254182 - ....rather than Mammoth LT Drive, which is what we have, per
254183 - above.
254184 - ..
254185 - The explanation for this selection was not clear, because
254186 - time was becoming a factor in making progress within the budget
254187 - Exabyte allocates for supporting customers. In any case, there is
254188 - nothing evident for a customer who owns a Mammoth LT tape drive,
254189 - that to update "Firmware" the Mammoth Tape Drive should be selected
254190 - at this stage, rather than the Mammoth LT option.
254191 - ..
254192 - This location shows....
254193 -
254194 -
254195 - Mammoth Tape Drive Firmware 000404 41j
254196 -
254197 -
254198 - about half way down the screen.
254199 -
254200 - There is nothing at this location that informs the customer that
254201 - the 41j is an effective replacement for the V41b specification
254202 - that is already installed.
254203 - ..
254204 - Charles noted that customers can, also, benefit from having
254205 - the next item on the list at this location.....
254206 -
254207 -
254208 - Expert for DOS and the Mammoth Tape Drive
254209 -
254210 - ..
254211 - Charles indicated that updated Firmware needs to be installed
254212 - from a DOS prompt outside of w2k operating system. This requires
254213 - creating a boot disk with Firmware and other capabilities, similar
254214 - to the process for updating the BIOS for the Adaptec 19160
254215 - controller adapter, as reported in the record on 011010.
254216 - ref SDS 19 564G
254217 -
254218 - Alternatively, Charles explained that Exabyte can provide a tape
254219 - cartridge that can update the Exabyte Firmware merely by putting
254220 - the cartridge in the tape drive after Windows 2000 has come up.
254221 -
254222 - This would be much easier, so Charles will send a tape.
254223 -
254224 -
254225 - ..
254226 - Driver for Adaptec 19160 controller
254227 -
254228 - Charles asked about the Adaptec 19160 adapter driver for Windows
254229 - 2000,
254230 -
254231 - We reviewed the record yesterday, showing download from Adaptec of
254232 - a Windows 2000 driver that was successfully installed yesterday.
254233 - ref SDS 19 MG7F
254234 -
254235 - Charles advised that Microsoft might have a better driver for the
254236 - Adaptec 19160 than was obtained from Adaptec.
254237 -
254238 - [...below, efforts to download a driver from Microsoft failed.
254239 - ref SDS 0 SN4O
254240 -
254241 - ..
254242 - In summary, we need.....
254243 -
254244 - 1. SCSI cable bus terminator that was omitted by Exabyte in the
254245 - shipment on 0000811. ref SDS 3 JDKI Carrie and Charles
254246 - recommend using the "inline" design that connects to the tape
254247 - drive, rather than the one specified in the Exabyte manual
254248 - that evidently plugs into a cable pin connector, ref SDS 3
254249 - UP7J, per Carrie's explanation above. ref SDS 0 FH4J
254250 -
254251 - [On 011012 purchased 2 terminators that meet Exabyte's
254252 - original spec. ref SDS 20 7R6O
254253 -
254254 - 2. Firmware - tape cartridge to update from within Windows 2000,
254255 - rather than creating a boot disk. ref SDS 0 IR8H
254256 - ..
254257 - 3. Adaptec SCSI 19160 controller adapter driver, obtain
254258 - from Microsoft to replace driver obtained from Adaptec
254259 - yesterday.
254260 -
254261 - [...below, efforts to download a driver from Microsoft
254262 - failed. ref SDS 0 SN4O
254263 -
254264 -
2543 -
2544 -
2545 - 1342
2546 -
254601 - Charles left the line to make arrangements.
254602 -
254603 -
254604 - ..
2547 -
2548 - 1357
2549 -
254901 - Charles advised the cost for Exabyte to provide items 1 and 2,
254902 - including extra shipping expense for delivery next Monday, 011015,
254903 - is....
254904 -
254905 -
254906 - $93.95
254907 -
254908 - ..
254909 -, tax and shipping.
254910 -
254911 - Accepted this price, and paid with the First Card..... 2957
254912 -
254913 - [On 011012 price for terminator only $26, ordered two. ref SDS 20
254914 - 0001
254915 -
254916 - [On 011106 paid for this transaction. ref SDS 24 P23F
254917 - ..
254918 - Charles will submit a letter to confirm these understandings.
254919 -
254920 - Congratulated Charles and Carrie for taking responsibility to solve a
254921 - problem, rather than forward us to someone else or another web site
254922 - to interpret Charles' ideas for effecting a solution.
254923 -
254924 - Called Alice back and complimented Exabyte's work this afternoon that
254925 - aligns with Alice's report on advantage of confirming verbal
254926 - instructions so customers are clear and confident of implementation.
254927 - ref SDS 0 B89O
254928 -
254929 - [On 011012 had not received confirmation, so ordered terminator
254930 - from Ram Electronics for only $26, ordered two. ref SDS 20 0001
254931 -
254932 - [On 101018 had received letter nor equipment to fix tape drive, so
254933 - called to follow up. ref SDS 21 0001
254934 -
254935 - [On 011025 still had no delivery, Exabyte notifies shipment
254936 - scheduled for delivery on 011026. ref SDS 22 0001
254937 -
254938 -
254939 -
254940 -
254941 - ..
2550 -
2551 -
2552 - 1601
2553 -
255301 - As suggested by Charles, per above, ref SDS 0 OM4O, opened Microsoft
255302 - Home page.....
255303 -
255304 -
255305 -
255306 -
255307 -
255308 - Tried selecting Downloads. There are 10 top choices, which seem to
255309 - all relate to Microsoft programs, nothing about Adaptec 19160 SCSI
255310 - adapter driver updates.
255311 - ..
255312 - Tried varous searches. Adaptec 19160 is not recognized.
255313 -
255314 - SCSI produced three download choices, but all seemed to related to
255315 - fixes for specific hardware other than Adaptec.
255316 -
255317 - After spending 30 minutes, concluded there is not enough information
255318 - to accomplish the download objective posed by Charles, per above.
255319 - ref SDS 0 OM4O
255320 -
255321 - [On 011018 requested further support from Exabyte. ref SDS 21 FT4K
255322 -
255323 -
255324 -
255325 -
255326 -
255327 -
2554 -
Exabyte Tape Drive Backing Up at 123 MB/Min with Adaptec 19160 Contro
Verify Backup Operation Failed Caused a Blue Screen Failure of W2K on
50% Slower Backup 127 MB/Min with New Adaptec SCSI 19160 Controller A
3007 -
300701 - ..
300702 - Adaptec Controller 50% Slower than Jaz Jet SCSI Controller
300703 - Backup Performance Reduced by New Adaptec 19160 SCSI Controller
300704 -
300705 - Follow up ref SDS 19 RM9K.
300706 -
300707 - After making initial changes recommended by Exabyte, per above,
300708 - ref SDS 0 M23K, performance fell from 127 MB/Min to about 100 MB/Min.
300709 -
300710 - When Charles called this afternoon with additional recommendations,
300711 - ref SDS 0 F23O, he indicated the Mammoth LT SE tape drive should
300712 - perform with the range from 200 MB/Min to 300 MB/Min. ref SDS 0 N76H
300713 -
300714 - [On 020507 Amanda advised expected DTR range for Mammoth LT tape
300715 - drive is 120 - 240 MB/min. ref SDS 25 YH4G
300716 -
300717 -
300718 -
300719 -
300720 -
300721 -
300722 -
300723 -
300724 -
300725 -
300726 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"