440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 28, 2001 11:37 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Submitted ideas to Morris about presenting SDS to David Tennenhouse.
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0201 - Deneen Consulting 925 229 1858
020101 - Mr. John Deneen
020102 -
Action Items Not Tracked by Staff Using Microsoft Office Programs
Planet Only Person Who Can Meld Computer Architecture with Architectu
SDS Windows Version Market are People Ready?
Collaborate on SDS Refinement for Enterprise Management Like Morris C
SDS Fun Making Too Much Money to Invest Time for Improving Civilizati
Listening Improvement Needed to Make Conversation More Effective
Intelligence Write Endorsement for SDS Based on Typical Day Scenario
Tennenhouse, David VP Intel R&D Big Budget for Supporting Research at
Intel Has Budget under David Tennenhouse to Manage Project at UC Berk
Jones, Morris Endorsement Requested
CITRIS Project at UC Berkeley Managed by David Tennenhouse VP Intel R
1713 - ..
1714 - Summary/Objective
1715 -
171501 - Follow up ref SDS 65 0000, ref SDS 64 0000.
171502 -
171503 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris confirming telecon on 010924
171504 - discussing John's idea for Morris to propose to David Tennenhouse that
171505 - SDS be considered to support management of CITRIS, ref SDS 64 5F6N,
171506 - which came from a telecon with John earlier in the day. ref SDS 64
171507 - KD7M
171508 -
171509 - [On 011006 called Morris to follow up. ref SDS 66 HMTX
171510 -
171511 - Cited....
171512 -
171513 - 1. John's letter on 010925, ref DRP 4 0001 with links to
171514 - information about David Tennenhouse. ref SDS 65 0001
171515 -
171516 - 2. Provide link to David's background at DARPA....
171517 -
171518 -
171519 -
171520 - ....and mention John's understanding that David is managing
171521 - CITRIS, but the record John submitted on 010925 does not show
171522 - this. ref DIT 1 M17K
171523 - ..
171524 - 3. Explain David's background at DARPA may enable him to
171525 - understand SDS, ref DIT 1 004G, despite problems Morris cited
171526 - in our call on 010924 that prevent people from grasping or
171527 - duplicating SDS. ref SDS 64 NK4J
171528 - ..
171529 - 4. Suggest Morris cite ideas in the letter on 010921,
171530 - ref SDS 63 NU7I, and, also, the record on 001219, ref DIT 1
171531 - VG9M, that explains how SDS saves time and money, ref SDS 42
171532 - QT6F, to supplement Morris' report on 010425 that the Typical
171533 - Day scenario using SDS is a "utopia" compared to using other
171534 - methods. ref SDS 44 EP7F
171535 - ..
171536 - 5. Explain that if Morris endorses SDS, per request in the
171537 - letter, ref DIP 3 0001, on 010921, ref SDS 63 LD6G, he could
171538 - direct his letter to David, i.e., the CITRIS initiative
171539 - provides a good occassion for Morris to take a public position
171540 - on SDS.
171541 -
171542 -
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171544 -
171545 -
171546 -
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1716 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"