440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 25, 2001 10:12 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
CITRIS project at UCB information submitted by John Deneen.
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0201 - Deneen Consulting 925 229 1858
020101 - Mr. John Deneen
020102 -
Action Items Not Tracked by Staff Using Microsoft Office Programs
Planet Only Person Who Can Meld Computer Architecture with Architectu
SDS Windows Version Market are People Ready?
Collaborate on SDS Refinement for Enterprise Management Like Morris C
SDS Fun Making Too Much Money to Invest Time for Improving Civilizati
Listening Improvement Needed to Make Conversation More Effective
Intelligence Write Endorsement for SDS Based on Typical Day Scenario
Tennenhouse, David VP Intel R&D Big Budget for Supporting Research at
Intel Has Budget under David Tennenhouse to Manage Project at UC Berk
Jones, Morris Endorsement Requested
CITRIS Project at UC Berkeley Managed by David Tennenhouse VP Intel R
1713 - ..
1714 - Summary/Objective
1715 -
171501 - Follow up ref SDS 66 0000, ref SDS 65 0000.
171502 -
171503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from John with links to information about John
171504 - Tennenhouse, which John suggests might assist Morris in considering to
171505 - propose SDS for helping Intel discharge responsibilities on the CITRIS
171506 - project, as we discussed on 010924. ref SDS 66 IX3L
171507 -
171508 - [On 010928 submitted letter to Morris on this. ref SDS 68 0001
171509 -
171510 - CITRIS is explained at....
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171514 -
171515 - ..
171516 - David Tennenhouse at Intel is explained at.....
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171519 -
171520 - ....which says in part.....
171521 -
171522 - David Tennenhouse is an Intel Vice President and Director of
171523 - Research. He has been one of the pioneers of Asynchronous
171524 - Transfer Mode (ATM) networking, Active networks, Software
171525 - Radio, and Desktop Media processing.
171526 -
171527 - Tennenhouse previously served as Chief Scientist and Director
171528 - of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's
171529 - Information Technology Office. At DARPA, he directed a
171530 - research program focusing on information technology issues of
171531 - strategic concern to the U.S. government. As Office Director,
171532 - Tennenhouse formulated DARPA's PRO-Active Computing research
171533 - strategy which emphasizes the networking of embedded and
171534 - autonomous systems. He was also a key player in the
171535 - development of the U.S. government's Information Technology
171536 - for the 21st Century (IT2) initiative
171537 - ..
171538 - This is useful background for understanding SDS, however, Pat
171539 - Lincoln reports on 010426 that DARPA gave up on KM, ref SDS 47 657O,
171540 - as Intel gave up on making computers useful for management, reported
171541 - on 950927. ref SDS 12 7732 An obvious limitation is interest in IT,
171542 - which experience has shown hampers understanding KM, under analysis on
171543 - 010712 of report that DCMA has lost confidence in KM. ref SDS 55 ZR5G
171544 -
171548 -
171549 - There is no direct link in John's letter and attachments showing
171550 - David Tennenhouse has a relationship with CITRIS. The leadership of
171551 - the organization does not mention David.....
171552 -
171553 -
171554 -
171555 - ..
171556 - CITRIS research is shown at.....
171557 -
171558 -
171559 -
171560 - being directed toward....
171561 -
171562 - energy efficiency
171563 - transportation
171564 - seismic safety
171565 - education
171566 - healthcare
171567 - environment
171568 -
171569 - Yesterday, John proposed SDS might have a role to manage the overall
171570 - project. An example of work product showing SDS can do this task is
171571 - in the record on 001017. ref SDS 38 1575
171572 - ..
171573 - Since SDS enhances alphabet technology it can directly support
171574 - all of the research areas CITRIS is pursuing.
171575 -
171576 - ..
171577 - Additionally, analysis shows SDS can provide express support for...
171578 -
171579 - education.....................010614, ref SDS 53 HD6O
171580 - healthcare....................990924, ref SDS 27 0593
171581 -
171582 - John includes a letter to Doug Engelbart, ref DRT 1 0002, that
171583 - requests support for developing a proposal for an off-campus UWB &
171584 - Optical/RF-MEMS sensor testbed in Bryon, CA, (i.e., near Hwy 580 at
171585 - the old Bryon Hot Springs property that is under development,
171586 - including plans for several powerplants and upgrading the uncontrolled
171587 - airport for executive service and air-cargo as proposed by
171588 - Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher). ref DRT 1 015Q
171589 -
171590 - This letter seems unrelated to using SDS for CITRIS.
171591 - ..
171592 - Additional background is attached to John's letter that shows
171593 - David Tennhouse spoke at a recent CITRIS event on 010827 that
171594 - demonstrated work with sensors. ref DRT 1 02TT
171595 -
171596 - John, also, attaches a letter he submitted to the OHS/DKR team that
171597 - seems to quote a possible article in Technology Review, October 2001
171598 - concerning progress on CITRIS research for sensors. ref DRT 1 0004
171599 -
171600 - John does not explain in his letter why David Tennenhouse might be
171601 - open to using SDS for supporting management of CITRIS.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"