440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 21, 2001 09:46 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Request support from Morris for SDS intelligence initiative.

2...Background on Need and Justification for SDS Support

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0201 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation

Subject Index Improvements
Action Items Not Tracked by Staff Using Microsoft Office Programs
Planet Only Person Who Can Meld Computer Architecture with Architectu
SDS Windows Version Market are People Ready?
Collaborate on SDS Refinement for Enterprise Management Like Morris C
SDS Fun Making Too Much Money to Invest Time for Improving Civilizati
Listening Improvement Needed to Make Conversation More Effective
Intelligence Write Endorsement for SDS Based on Typical Day Scenario
Jones, Morris Endorsement Requested

1311 -    ..
1312 - Summary/Objective
1313 -
131301 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
131302 -
131303 - Submitted a letter to Morris asking for a letter like the one Wayne
131304 - Wetzel submitted, and the one Pat Lincoln plans to submit endorsing
131305 - SDS. ref SDS 0 LD6G  Morris wrote back asking about links, and who
131306 - prepared what. ref SDS 0 NE8G  I explained support for Wayne and Pat,
131307 - ref SDS 0 HA4G, and offered to assist Morris based on command and
131308 - control of the record in SDS. ref SDS 0 RB5O These letters will
131309 - support a proposal to DCMA, per background. ref SDS 0 MR4J
131310 -
131311 -     [On 010924 John Deneen suggests Morris submit letter to David
131312 -     Tennenhouse, who he indicated is a VP for R&D at Intel, and has a
131313 -     budget for advancing research at UC Berkeley on new technologies.
131314 -     ref SDS 38 IX3L
131315 -
131316 -     [On 010928 submitted letter confirming the request, and suggesting
131317 -     a letter of recommendation requested today could be addressed to
131318 -     David. ref SDS 39 NK9I
131319 -
131320 -     [On 011006 Morris has not made progress because he could not click
131321 -     on two links to open Wayne Wetzel's endorsement of SDS.
131322 -     ref SDS 40 U69M
131323 -
131324 -     [On 011015 submitted printed version of Wayne's report to Morris
131325 -     to help him submit a recommendation on SDS to David Tennenhouse.
131326 -     ref SDS 41 0001
131327 -
131328 -
131329 -
131330 -
131331 -
131332 -
1314 -
1315 -
1316 - Progress
1317 -
131701 -  ..
131702 - Background on Need and Justification for SDS Support
131703 -
131704 - Stuart Harrow at DCMA suggests/recommends in a letter on 010730
131705 - submitting a proposal to DSMC for teaching Com Metrics to strengthen
131706 - DOD management. ref SDS 34 VZ5N  This idea came from discussions on
131707 - 010712 where Stuart proposed developing support for SDS in an
131708 - educational setting. ref SDS 28 2O5I  On 010731
131709 - ..
131710 - Pat Lincoln planned to submit a letter endorsing SDS for
131711 - improving management that could support the initative Stuart suggests.
131712 - ref SDS 35 0001  A letter from SRI would supplement the letter from
131713 - Wayne Wetzel on 010725 that described SDS as a new way of working that
131714 - saves time and money, based on 10 years of experience at DNRC.
131715 - ref SDS 31 0001  A draft was submitted to Pat on 010711, ref SDS 27
131716 - 0001, that implemented planning on 010517 during a meeting at SRI.
131717 - ref SDS 25 PG5F
131718 -
131719 - On 010425 Morris described using SDS is a "utopia" compared to using
131720 - other methods, based on the SDS Typical Day Scenario. ref SDS 22 EP7F
131721 -
131722 - On 001207 reports show the economy is failing because too many people
131723 - have too many problems. ref SDS 21 V54M  On 010804 problems in the
131724 - economy have worsened, with growing reports of huge loss of value in
131725 - the stock market. ref SDS 33 0001
131726 -
131727 - On 010720 Morris reported that Microsoft programs are adequate to
131728 - improve management, ref SDS 30 0K5K, and described added capability of
131729 - SDS for managing context as unnecessary overkill. ref SDS 30 JG6M
131730 -
131731 - On 010729 we reviewed advantage of making mergers that add tangible
131732 - assets productive by adding "intelligence" to management. ref SDS 33
131733 - 0001
131734 - ..
131735 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 asking Morris to submit an evaluation
131736 - of SDS based on his experience with SDS that will supplement Wayne
131737 - Wetzel's report, ref DRP 3 0001, received on 010725. ref SDS 31 WJ7L
131738 - Included copy of Pat Lincoln's letter, ref DRP 2 0001, committing to
131739 - submit a letter endorsing SDS, per telecon yesterday on 010920,
131740 - ref SDS 37 JS6H, discussing need for intelligence support to meet the
131741 - current national security crisis, ref SDS 37 CN3N, as set out in the
131742 - letter, ref DIP 1 447F, to DCMA on 010920. ref SDS 36 0001
131743 -
131744 -    [On 010924 called Morris and discussed Morris sending a letter to
131745 -    David Tennenhouse, VP Intel R&D, on using SDS for manaing CITRIS.
131746 -    ref SDS 38 5F6N
131747 -
131748 -    [On 010928 submitted letter confirming the request, and suggesting
131749 -    a letter of recommendation requested today could be addressed to
131750 -    David. ref SDS 39 NK9I
131751 -
131752 -    [On 011006 Morris has not made progress because he could not click
131753 -    on two links to open Wayne Wetzel's endorsement of SDS. ref SDS 40
131754 -    U69M
131755 -
131756 - Morris' letter would aid DSMC in evaluating SDS, per DCMA suggestion
131757 - above. ref SDS 0 0001
131758 -
131759 - Suggest Morris point out that SDS accomplishes the goal Intel set for
131760 - using computers to improve management, cited in the meeting on 950927.
131761 - ref SDS 9 8943
131762 -
131763 -
131764 -
131765 -  ..
1318 -
1319 -
1320 - 0111
1321 -
132101 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris responding to the request for
132102 - endorsement of SDS support for Intel goals on using technology to
132103 - improve management, ref DIT 1 0001, explained above. ref SDS 0 LD6G
132104 -
132105 -     Did Wayne write the link record, or you?  I didn't find anything
132106 -     that looked like a letter.  I can't endorse the product on the
132107 -     behalf of Intel.  (Don't have that kind of position here :) )
132108 -
132109 -
132110 -
132111 -  ..
1322 -
1323 -
1324 - 0254
1325 -
132501 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 answering Morris question in his letter
132502 - asking who prepared the record linked in the letter to him?
132503 - ref SDS 0 NE8G
132504 -
132505 -          [On 011006 Morris has not made progress because he could not
132506 -          click on two links to open Wayne Wetzel's endorsement of SDS.
132507 -          ref SDS 40 U69M
132508 -
132509 -
132510 -  ..
132511 - Explain.....
132512 -
132513 -      Link in the letter to Morris is to a Welch SDS record on 010725,
132514 -      ref SDS 31 WJ7L, receiving the letter from Wayne, ref DRP 3 0001,
132515 -      and setting issues in context of related sources. ref DIT 2 0001
132516 -
132517 -      Provided ideas and links to assist Wayne in preparing his letter
132518 -      because I have better access to the record, ref DIT 2 MM7F, as
132519 -      set out in the record on 010725. ref SDS 31 WJ7L
132520 -
132521 -  ..
132522 - Recommend Morris consider citing in a letter endorsing SDS.....
132523 -
132524 -           [On 011006 Morris worried he did not what to say about SDS,
132525 -           referred him to this record. ref SDS 40 I75J
132526 -
132527 -      Morris' concern about listening, ref DIT 2 MM7F, explained in our
132528 -      telecon on 890809. ref SDS 2 CJ9J
132529 -
132530 -      Record on 001207 showing too many pepole having too many problems
132531 -      cause productivity, earnings and stock prices to decline,
132532 -      ref SDS 21 V54M, supports Morris' concern about listening.
132533 -      ref DIT 2 SY7O
132534 -
132535 -           [On 010928 suggested Morris also cite his review on 010425
132536 -           that found SDS is a utopia compared to other methods.
132537 -           ref SDS 39 G88L
132538 -
132539 -      Record on 990527 explaining culture of fear that prevents
132540 -      executives from improving management, ref SDS 13 1233, current
132541 -      crisis presents opportunity to jump off the spiral of fear,
132542 -      ref DIT 2 PK8O,
132543 -
132544 -      On 911123 Morris defined Welch Management method, ref DIT 2 LM4K,
132545 -      enabled by SDS that supports "intelligence" capability,
132546 -      ref SDS 3 0477, based on theory in POIMS of thinking through
132547 -      writing. ref OF 1 3742
132548 -
132549 -          [On 011006 recommend Morris cite his report on 010425 that
132550 -          SDS is a utopia compared to other methods, which aligns with
132551 -          Bill DeHart's report in telecon on 000709. ref SDS 40 I75J
132552 -
132553 -      Present balanced report, ref DIT 2 SR5K, like Wayne Wetzel,
132554 -      explaining downsides that using SDS for adding intelligence to
132555 -      management seems like overkill from telcone on 950204.
132556 -      ref SDS 6 5932
132557 -
132558 -      Explain Microsoft programs enable adequate intelligence using
132559 -      secretaries, filing cabinets and 3x5 cards, as Morris explained
132560 -      on 010720. ref SDS 30 XM5F
132561 -
132562 -      Morris need not speak for Intel, ref DIT 2 CU3O, citing public
132563 -      records in the Byte article published in 1991 and quoted in SDS
132564 -      on 950927, ref SDS 9 8943, noting Intel was beginning to grasp
132565 -      the potential for integrting time and information management,
132566 -      ref SDS 9 466H, that SDS accomplishes, as explained in POIMS,
132567 -      ref OF 1 10YN, that enables people to gather and apply useful
132568 -      intelligence minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day over
132569 -      weeks, months and years, as Morris observed in the meeting at
132570 -      Intel on 000517. ref SDS 18 5073
132571 -      ..
132572 -      Offer to assist Morris pull a letter together, if he does
132573 -      not have enough time. ref DIT 2 IN6G  He can then edit to avoid
132574 -      implicating Intel in an effort to expedite using SDS for
132575 -      improving intelligence capability.
132576 -
132577 -      If a constructive statement could be prepared, Morris might be
132578 -      able to gain support of senior people by referencing Wayne's
132579 -      letter, and Pat's letter that hopefully will be along in a week
132580 -      or so, plus the long history of interaction with Intel, for
132581 -      example review of Andy Grove's book on 980307 that seems to call
132582 -      fairly explicitly for SDS capability. ref SDS 12 1660
132583 -
132584 -
132585 -    [On 010924 called Morris and discussed Morris sending a letter to
132586 -    David Tennenhouse, VP Intel R&D, on using SDS for manaing CITRIS.
132587 -    ref SDS 38 5F6N
132588 -
132589 -    [On 010928 submitted letter confirming the request, and suggesting
132590 -    a letter of recommendation requested today could be addressed to
132591 -    David. ref SDS 39 NK9I
132592 -
132593 -
132594 -
132595 -
132596 -
132597 -
132598 -
132599 -
132600 -
1327 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"