440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 24, 2001 08:41 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Stuart on progress reviewing SDS for DCMA.
2...SDS Initiative to Support KM for DCMA
3...SDS Displaces IT with Culture of Knowledge
4...IT Funding being Diverted, Essential Step for SDS
5...Culture of Knowledge Essential for Using Good Management Practices
6...SDS Enables Paperless Office Saves Time Money
7...Paperless Office Bridge Idea from Documents to Knowledge Space
8...Literacy Improved by Adding Intelligence to Information
9...Paradigm Shift Requires Experiencing New Solutions Not Advertising
10...SDS Work Product Demonstrates New Path for Literacy Lifts Civilization
11...SDS Saves Time and Money by Improving Contract Management
12...Command and Control of the Record, Core Contract Competency
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0201 - Defense Contract Management Agency 516 228 5000
020101 - Mr. Stuart Harrow
020102 - Manufacturing & Production Field Service Representative =516 228 5721
020103 -
020104 - Contract Operations
020105 - Field Support Mid-Atlantic, OCFC
Vision, Customer Goals
DCMA SDS Endorsed for Supporting KM
SDS Typical Day Scenario Explains Application
DCMA Considers SDS Typical Day Scenario
SDS Organic Subject Structure Organizing Methodology
2307 - ..
2308 - Summary/Objective
2309 -
230901 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
230902 -
230903 - Stuart is working on action items from telecon on 010712. We examined
230904 - SDS Typical Day Scenario, and the explanation of organic subject
230905 - structure used for managing knowledge in SDS records.
230906 -
230907 - Stuart will make a full review for ideas that help DCMA staff grasp
230908 - the opportunity for improving management with SDS.
230909 -
230910 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record to confirm
230911 - understandings.
230912 -
230913 -
230914 -
230915 -
230916 -
230917 -
230918 - ..
2310 -
2311 -
2312 - Discussion
2313 -
231301 - ..
231302 - SDS Initiative to Support KM for DCMA
231303 -
231304 - Follow up ref SDS 14 2N5K, ref SDS 12 2N5K.
231305 -
231306 - Stuart understands that Wayne Easter may have changed the focus of
231307 - his assignment from KM. He asked if I have contacted Wayne directly?
231308 -
231309 - Explained I have not contacted Wayne, since Stuart indicated he plans
231310 - to do so, per Stuart's letter, ref DRP 4 0001, submitted on 010622,
231311 - ref SDS 10 0001, suggesting DCMA consider using SDS for Knowledge
231312 - Management. ref DRP 4 007P
231313 -
231314 - In our telecon on 010712 Stuart planned to follow up. ref SDS 12 2N5K
231315 - ..
231316 - Stuart plans to call Wayne.
231317 -
231318 -
231319 -
231320 -
231321 -
231322 -
2314 -
IT Funding Diverted Enabling Force for SDS to Succeed, DCMA, Stuart H
Funding SDS Aided Loss Confidence IT Funding Diverted
Culture of Knowledge Enabled by SDS Aided Failure Dot Coms Loss Confi
IT Improved Killer App Time Integrate Information Killer App Intellig
Enabling Forces IT Failure Loss Confidence Aids Funding SDS for Conve
Productivity Declined Past 10 Years
Information Overload IT Failure Funding Diverted Loss Confidence Enab
IT Failed Promise of Automated Management Disillusioned Disappointed
SDS Typical Day Scenario Stuart Harrow will Review Distribute
New Way Working Paperless Office SDS Not Necessary Print Paper Save T
451201 - ..
451202 - SDS Displaces IT with Culture of Knowledge
451203 - IT Funding being Diverted, Essential Step for SDS
451204 - Culture of Knowledge Essential for Using Good Management Practices
451205 -
451206 - Follow up ref SDS 14 ZR5G, ref SDS 12 ZR5G.
451207 -
451208 - Reviewed advantages of SDS for supporting literacy by moving from IT
451209 - that causes information overload to a culture of knowledge that
451210 - enables using good management consistently.
451211 -
451212 - One of the big challenges improving management is explaining what can
451213 - be done differently to accomplish an actual improvement.
451214 - ..
451215 - SDS typical day scenario explains how SDS improve management by
451216 - working differently....
451217 -
451218 -
451219 -
451220 -
451221 -
451222 - SDS records like this one are examples of work product showing that
451223 - using SDS, as explained in the typical day scenario, is effective. The
451224 - report by USACE shows this improves government contracting,
451225 - ref DRP 6 6172m, and saves money. ref DRP 7 0001
451226 - ..
451227 - Stuart asked about the code in the right margin of the line
451228 - showing the date....
451229 -
451230 -
451231 - 03 00050 01 09 01 15 00101
451232 -
451233 -
451234 - ....near the top of the document....
451235 -
451236 -
451237 - ttp:// 451238 -
451239 -
451240 - This is the "document ID" that SDS uses to position information in
451241 - "Knowledge Space," explained in POIMS. see ref OF 1 034J and ref OF 1
451242 - 1107
451243 - ..
451244 - Organic Subject Structure is a method developed within SDS for
451245 - making it fast and easy to organize and implement a highly complex,
451246 - fine grained filing system. This idea is introduced in the Typical
451247 - Day Scenario.....
451248 -
451249 -
451250 -
451251 -
451252 -
451253 - We, also, looked briefly at the record on 890523 explaining the
451254 - concept of organic subject structure. ref SDS 1 SQ5L
451255 -
451256 -
451257 - ..
451258 - SDS Enables Paperless Office Saves Time Money
451259 - Paperless Office Bridge Idea from Documents to Knowledge Space
451260 -
451261 - Stuart mentioned that DCMA uses a lot of paper. The agency is
451262 - starting to create PDF files so that documents are available online.
451263 - This aligns with efforts at USACE, which began converting to PDF files
451264 - 2 years ago, reported on 981218. ref SDS 3 4899
451265 -
451266 - Stuart indicated that PDF files have limited utility.
451267 -
451268 - This concern was discussed with Jim Lovo in HQUSACE on 990105, when he
451269 - noted that SDS makes the "paperless" office a reality. ref SDS 4 5880
451270 - As Stuart observes today, creating PDF files does not improve the
451271 - work. ref SDS 3 LX4G Electronic media must be accessible to specified
451272 - locations for linking that constructs a web of connected knowledge.
451273 - ..
451274 - Stuart said he will print the SDS Typical Day Scenaro and read
451275 - it.
451276 -
451277 - Printing SDS records prevents experiencing the benefits of a paperless
451278 - office. Improving comprehension and strengthening literacy by adding
451279 - "intelligence" to information requires SDS "Knowledge Space" where
451280 - electronic links triangulate understanding by placing everything in
451281 - context, see POIMS, ref OF 1 16EF, and providing backup by clicking or
451282 - pressing enter that shows chronology of cause and effect. Links are
451283 - only avialable online. Paper prevents timely access to history of
451284 - cause and effect, and so prevents learning and benefiting from the
451285 - power of Knowledge Space. see POIMS, ref OF 1 1107
451286 -
451287 - [On 020604 Stuart printed SDS record reviewing FAR and found this
451288 - is a lot of paper. ref SDS 17 CX9L
451289 - ..
451290 - Understanding benefits of SDS requires using information in
451291 - paperless mode.
451292 - ..
451293 - Leadership is a critical ingredient. ref SDS 12 Q96H
451294 -
451295 - [On 010725 report from DNRC says SDS "triangulation" improves
451296 - understanding, builds shared meaning, reduces mistakes, saves time
451297 - and money. ref SDS 15 PO6N
451298 -
451299 - [On 010730 Stuart planning to print Typical Day Scenario and
451300 - distribute to colleages. ref SDS 16 EP3O
451301 -
451302 -
451303 -
451304 -
451305 -
451306 -
451307 -
4514 -
Literacy Goal to Improve to Improve Management
Marketing Ideas for SDS to Improve Reception by Sponsors
Culture Conway, Lynn New System of Knowledge Conflicts Common Sense
Intelligence Funny Alien to Work Practices, 990713
People Resist Changing Work Practices, 000413
Advertising Noise Not Enough Time to Think about Communication Metric
Literacy KM Expanded in Management Critical Thinking Intelligence Pro
6510 -
651001 - ..
651002 - Literacy Improved by Adding Intelligence to Information
651003 - Paradigm Shift Requires Experiencing New Solutions Not Advertising
651004 - SDS Work Product Demonstrates New Path for Literacy Lifts Civilization
651005 -
651006 - Follow up ref SDS 14 2O6I, ref SDS 12 2O6I.
651007 -
651008 - Improving work practices is like "walking through the valley of death"
651009 - -- takes leadership with a broader vision, discussed on 010712.
651010 - ref SDS 12 7G4I
651011 - ..
651012 - "Literacy" - does Stuart feel comfortable explaining how SDS
651013 - works better, ref SDS 12 5K6H, using.....
651014 -
651015 - POIMS - thinking through writing. ref OF 1 3742
651016 -
651017 - Record on 950523, ref SDS 2 5548
651018 -
651019 - Record on 010614. ref SDS 5 2J5H
651020 -
651021 - Possibly the SDS Typical Day Scenario will help, per above.
651022 - ref SDS 0 ZR5G
651023 -
651024 -
651025 -
651026 -
6511 -
6512 -
DCMA SDS Use for Contract Management
Executive Aide Com Manager Similar to SFA Role
Value at Risk Troubled Projects Generates Budget for SDS and Com Mana
Command Control of Record Essential to Avoid Contract Delays Extra Co
Industry Acceptance Encourages Education to Teach SDS
Economy Decline Increases Need for Good Management Too Many People Ha
Alignment Meeting Understandings Feedback Metrics, Notes
SDS Pilot Test for KM Research Meaning Drift SDS Maintains Alignment
Meaning Drift SDS Maintains Alignment SDS Pilot Test by DCMA
SFA Role Supported by SDS Compliments Com Metrics
9213 -
921301 - ..
921302 - SDS Saves Time and Money by Improving Contract Management
921303 - Command and Control of the Record, Core Contract Competency
921304 -
921305 - Follow up ref SDS 14 TX5K, ref SDS 12 TX5K.
921306 -
921307 - DCMA has strong incentive to use SDS for managing contracts.
921308 - ref SDS 12 PY6F
921309 -
921310 - SDS provides command and control of the record, which is the essence
921311 - of contract management, ref OF 1 1113,
921312 -
921313 - Stuart advised he is having difficulty getting on the calendar for
921314 - meeting with decision makers.
921315 -
921316 - [On 010730 Stuart planning to follow up with action plan.
921317 - ref SDS 16 GM4H
921318 -
921319 -
921320 -
921321 -
921322 -
921323 -
921324 -
921325 -
921326 -
921327 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"