440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: June 23, 2001 08:17 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Morris says SDS is not groupware, which is used for collaboration.


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0201 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation

Where to Take SDS from Here, Dave Vannier, 990422
Utopia Competence Handle Complexity Cost Savings Avoid Mistakes Rewor
500 People Doing Same Thing Directories A Problem
500 People Working on Same Document SDS Causes Harm
Feedback Shows Attractiveness of SDS Record on Web
Scale Many Com Managers Producing SDS Records Complex Overwhelming
Objection Not Enough Time to Learn SDS Intuitively Reverting to Conve
Document Management Log Writing Management Correspondence
Doc Log Tracks Accountability Version Control Communication
Version Control Multiple People Working on Same Document File, Morris
Word Change History Version Control CVS
Groupware Version Control Doc Management Considered KM
Groupware Many People Collaborate to Write Edit One Document On Inter

4615 -    ..
4616 - Summary/Objective
4617 -
461701 - Follow up ref SDS B5  0000, ref SDS B1  0001.
461702 -
461703 - Morris said he received the letter, ref DIP 8 0001, sent on 010618,
461704 - ref SDS B5  0001, with a link notifying him about the letter from Jack
461705 - Park that explains a software program Jack is developing, which may
461706 - help solve the document management problem Morris cited on 010614,
461707 - concerning version control. ref SDS B5  BP3K
461708 -
461709 -  ..
461710 - Morris was not familiar with the cognitive radio mentioned in the
461711 - letter, as a possible improvement for Palm Pilot technology.
461712 - ref DIP 8 OF7I, and cited in the record on 010618, ref SDS B5  XE4M,
461713 - from information John Deneen submitted on 010614. ref SDS B3  IM8O
461714 -
461715 -  ..
461716 - We reviewed Lee Iverson's recent submission on 010620 of a
461717 - specification for NODAL and Collaborative Document Repository.
461718 - ref SDS B7  0001
461719 -
461720 - Morris indicated this evening that Lee's proposal for version control
461721 - that enables many people work on the same document, ref SDS B7  0157,
461722 - is called....
461723 -
461724 -
461725 -                               groupware
461726 -
461727 -
461728 - ...that is one of the two (2) paths that have emerged for Knowledge
461729 - Management to improve collaboration.  Morris explained that engineers
461730 - at Intel "collaborate" by writing a common document on the Internet,
461731 - or an intranet, rather than people submitting comments to assist the
461732 - person assigned to produce a document.
461733 -
461734 -  ..
461735 - He feels SDS is not a groupware program, because many people do not
461736 - work on the same SDS record, everyone has their own, as he noted on
461737 - 010614. ref SDS B4  T17L and ref SDS B4 RW5F
461738 -
461739 - I agreed.
461740 -
461741 -     [On 010725 Wayne Wetzel explains SDS complements other software
461742 -     and work practices. ref SDS B9  01AX
461743 -
461744 -     [On 010924 Morris explained why SDS is effective for capturing
461745 -     organizational memory, and is difficult for software engineers to
461746 -     duplicate. ref SDS C0  NK4J
461747 -
461748 -  ..
461749 - SDS aids human thinking.  Since people have a unique brain, memory,
461750 - and intellect for converting information from daily experience into
461751 - knowledge, SDS records are separate and shared to the extent decided
461752 - by the individual, in the same way that people choose which part of
461753 - their experience and ideas to share through speaking or writing.  SDS
461754 - supports Enterprise Management by building shared meaning and
461755 - maintaining common understanding over the period of days, weeks,
461756 - months and years required for people to take complementary rather than
461757 - conflicting action.  Leveraging the work of individuals increases
461758 - productivity of collaboration in groups, explained in NWO, ref OF 4
461759 - 2220, by avoiding conflict, crisis and calamity, caused by continual
461760 - bumbling, also explained in NWO, ref OF 4 4077, that worried Henry
461761 - Kissinger, reviewed on 940609. ref SDS 14 4238  Recently on 010408
461762 - Gary Johnson noticed the advantage of grounding improvement of groups
461763 - in improvement of individuals. ref SDS A0 FT4N
461764 -
461765 -  ..
461766 - Experience using SDS shows that strengthening human "intelligence"
461767 - improves collaboration for group action more than other methods.  See
461768 - for example.....
461769 -
461770 -       DNRC..................................... ref DIP 10 0001
461771 -       PG&E..................................... ref DRP 5 8444
461772 -       Intelligence aids collaboration.......... ref DRP 6 6172
461773 -       Cost Savings show collaboration.......... ref DRP 7 0001
461774 -       Oakland Harbor Contractor........ 970107, ref SDS 34 4953
461775 -       USACE project team............... 970110, ref SDS 35 CX5F
461776 -       SRI - Pat Lincoln................ 000725, ref SDS 82 0050
461777 -       SRI - Doug Engelbart............. 001027, ref SDS 87 XR3H
461778 -
461779 -
461780 - Groupware seems to be associated with Knowledge Management, discussed
461781 - during a KM conference on 991217. ref SDS 56 0196  On 010420 Jeff
461782 - Conklin's article in 1996 expected groupware captures organizational
461783 - memory. ref SDS A1  5T8M  Since Groupware has not been able to do this,
461784 - and since SDS does, SDS cannot be described as "Groupware."
461785 - ..
461786 - In other words, SDS accomplishes something different from
461787 - groupware.
461788 -
461789 -  ..
461790 - Morris feels Conklin was correct saying....
461791 -
461792 -      ...organizations have only a weak ability to remember and learn
461793 -      from the past....
461794 -
461795 - ...but, he noted Conklin incorrectly concluded that people....
461796 -
461797 -      ....are thus seeking to gain the capacity for organizational
461798 -      memory. ref SDS A1  IE4M
461799 -
461800 -  ..
461801 - Morris noted organizations are not spending time and money to capture
461802 - organizational memory, so there is no demand for SDS capability.  He
461803 - advised that there is demand for groupware to help many people to edit
461804 - a document.  He feels problems remembering in meetings, calls and
461805 - email illustrated by.....
461806 -
461807 -      remembering weak link meetings...........890809, ref SDS 4 CJ9J
461808 -      meetings weak link productivity..........940114, ref SDS 12 2290
461809 -      meeting at PG&E..........................941209, ref SDS 16 7777
461810 -      waste time arguing about memory..........950228, ref SDS 19 1994
461811 -      loses mount people don't remember........950303, ref SDS 20 3333
461812 -      lawyers waste time arguing, 950605.......950605, ref SDS 23 0U3F
461813 -      meetings weak link productivity..........960205, ref SDS 28 5902
461814 -      handwriting inadequate orgz memory.......960920, ref SDS 31 BS4N
461815 -      meeting at USACE.........................961218, ref SDS 33 5790
461816 -      nobody can remember......................971010, ref SDS 35 2487
461817 -      everybody remembers differently..........970410, ref SDS 37 0001
461818 -
461819 - not build demand for organizational memory, because people
461820 - accept losing money, as reported on 001207 noting too many problems
461821 - cause productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall, ref SDS 91
461822 - V54M, rather than improve organizational memory to reduce problems.
461823 -
461824 -     [On 010924 Morris explained why SDS is effective for capturing
461825 -     organizational memory, and is difficult for software engineers to
461826 -     duplicate. ref SDS C0  NK4J
461827 -
461828 -  ..
461829 - We considered that demand for organizational memory is suppressed, and
461830 - so is latent, because people are discouraged from having tried and
461831 - failed, as reported at Intel on 950927. ref SDS 26 7732  More recently
461832 - on 990713 Intel viewed adding "intelligence" to organizational memory
461833 - as funny and alien. ref SDS 49 1767  On 001130 IBM announced it cannot
461834 - produce effective technology for knowledge management despite having
461835 - invested over $4B. ref SDS 89 F26K  On 010426 government sponsors are
461836 - disillusioned that KM will work. ref SDS A5  657O  On 991213 NSF found
461837 - there is a need for better memory, but did not believe SDS could
461838 - deliver, because nobody else can, and so refused to click on a link to
461839 - discover SDS delivers the goods. ref SDS 55 2R9G  Refusal to click on
461840 - a link to discover intelligence shows overwhelming angst.
461841 -
461842 - Suppressed demand is growing, because without SDS, growing complexity
461843 - of daily work, cited by Engelbart, reviewed on 001114, ref SDS 88
461844 - SU3L, is increasing problems that reduce productivity, earnings and
461845 - stock prices, reported on 001207. ref SDS 91 V54M
461846 - ..
461847 - Morris advised that CVS, cited by Lee Iverson in the paper on
461848 - NODAL and Collaborative Document Repository reviewed on 010620,
461849 - ref SDS B7 UG6H, is very accurate for identifying changes in software
461850 - code files.
461851 -
461852 - It appears from this discussion that CVS is not used for documents
461853 - that are not software programming files, although that understanding
461854 - may be incorrect.  Not sure at this point.
461855 -
461856 - In any case, why would people value version control for writing a
461857 - document with other people, but accept losing $millions, because
461858 - organizational memory fails from meetings, calls, email and other work
461859 - that formed the document, and which occurred later to implement any
461860 - such document?  Version control for check out and check in is a small
461861 - form of organizational memory, yet, the people who use it cannot
461862 - remember anything substantial about work performed, when memory is
461863 - needed to manage the work, as Morris noted on 950228. ref SDS 19 1994
461864 - ..
461865 - This morning, Morris helped with experiments to demonstrate
461866 - using MS Word for tracking change history.  He explained how to use
461867 - the....
461868 -
461869 -
461870 -                       File
461871 -
461872 -                         Versions
461873 -
461874 -
461875 - ....feature to manage documents.  There is a "Comment" option to
461876 - explain why changes were made.  This option does not seem to support
461877 - linking to
461878 -
461879 - He, also, explained how to track changes made to an individual
461880 - document using.....
461881 -
461882 -
461883 -                       Tools
461884 -
461885 -                         Track Changes
461886 -
461887 -                             Highlight Changes
461888 -
461889 -      ..
461890 -      This Word menu option for.....
461891 -
461892 -
461893 -              Track changes while editing
461894 -
461895 -
461896 - the top of the menu, which can be selected by clicking on
461897 -      the box in front of the description.
461898 - ..
461899 - Morris feels these capabilities to maintain versions and
461900 - comments, and track changes improve productivity for groups of people
461901 - working on the same document.
461902 -
461903 -    When Millie returned from exercise class, we discussed her work at
461906 -    a major law firm that does a lot of group collaboration on
461907 -    preparing contracts, and other matters.
461908 -
461909 -    Millie advised that few comments are submitted using the "version"
461910 -    feature in the MS Word "File" menu. ref SDS 0 GK5O
461911 -
461912 -       Ths reflects the emotional urge to act, but not explain, because
461913 -       explaining reduces the time for taking action, as explained in
461914 -       POIMS.
461915 -    ..
461916 -    Millie said the color coding that occurs in MS Word for
461917 -    tracking proposed changes works well.  The practice of her firm is
461918 -    that one person is designated as the lead attorney responsible for
461919 -    approving all changes.  There is a master copy maintained by a lead
461920 -    attorney; other attorneys use versions issued by the lead attorney.
461921 -    As proposed revisions are submitted, the lead attorney modifies the
461922 -    master, and resubmits to notify everyone of accepted revisions.
461923 -
461924 -    This seems to comprise an iterative process.
461925 -
461926 -    Meetings and phone calls occur for people to discuss proposed
461927 -    changes.
461928 -
461929 -       This procedure aligns with analysis of Lee Iverson's proposal
461930 -       for NODAL to support a Collaborative Document Repository (CDR)
461931 -       reviewed on 010620. ref SDS B7  HK6O
461932 -    ..
461933 -    Millie feels this method works well based on experience using
461934 -    MS Word and other tools for several years.
461935 -
461936 - In the discussion with Morris today, we considered that SDS provides
461937 - "intelligence" support that compliments Word and other capabilities by
461938 - managing the details of work at a lower level of chronology and
461939 - subject structure, explained on 890523, ref SDS 2 P13O, again on
461940 - 910221. ref SDS 5 RR5I  The ideas are supplemented in POIMS.
461941 - ref OF 2 0001
461942 -
461943 - On 911123 Morris indicated this capability is different from the way
461944 - other people work. ref SDS 6 0477  On 010425 he described it as
461945 - "utopia." ref SDS A3  EP7F
461946 -
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4620 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"