440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 12, 2001 04:06 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Respond to question about W2K configuration problem.
Click here to comment!
0201 - Texas Tech University 806 742 3275
020101 - Mr. Joseph M. Ransdell; Associate Professor
020102 -
020103 - Department of Philosophy
DOSX Not Loading High 599 RAM Instead of 634
DOSX Load High Memory Management 634K or 599K
Microsoft Case SRX010207601263 W2K Crashed Installation Support Corre
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 93 0000, ref SDS 78 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to the letter from Super, Inc sent
070704 - by Justin Shilo, ref DRP 3 0001, which requests help to load DOSX into
070705 - high memory, reported in the record on 010423. ref SDS 93 0001
070706 -
070707 - Explain temporary work around to remark DOSX out of autoexec.nt, as
070708 - shown in the record on 010202. ref SDS 79 DG3J Microsoft cited this
070709 - option in a letter on 010227. ref SDS 88 EO7H
070710 -
070711 - Note this is not a productive solution, hopefully Microsoft will
070712 - resolve the problem, per Balmer's call on 010510 for using technology
070713 - to improve productivity. ref SDS 94 YG5K
070714 - ..
070715 - Today, I called Microsoft and left a message for Einar to follow
070716 - up the record on 010315, ref SDS 92 0001, and in accordance with
070717 - Einar's letter on 010209 promising to solve problems to the customer's
070718 - satisfaction, ref SDS 82 1800, which aligns with Steve Balmer's report
070719 - on 010510 that Microsoft's goal is to improve customer productivity.
070720 - ref SDS 94 YG5K
070721 -
070722 - Also, left another message for Einar's backup, Jesus.....
070723 -
070724 -
070725 - 425 635 2997 x32106
070726 -
070727 -
070728 - [On 010613 received letter from Einar. ref SDS 96 0001
070729 -
070730 -
070731 -
070732 -
070733 -
070734 -
070735 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"