440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 30, 2001 11:05 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Wayne reported problem starting SDS to archive and open new day.

.....Transferring from Office to Home Computer
.....Initial Update Home Computer from Office Computer
.....Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
2...Home Computer Initialization Reported Broke, Testing Indicates OK

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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn         406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office

010123 SDS to Run on C
Wsftp Program Help Installing
SDS Enter Key Not Working on Home Computer
010523 SDS to Run on C and Update Office SDS program
Standard configuration
Updated Software version
Testing User Programs prior to Distribution
Installation Failed on Office Computer

0810 -    ..
0811 - Summary/Objective
0812 -
081201 - Follow up ref SDS 45 0000, ref SDS 44 0000.
081202 -
081203 - Wayne reported the new code does not work.  Testing indicates the
081204 - code seems okay, because it works on c12, but it is slower than prior
081205 - versions because it does an extra step of sorting the pointers to
081206 - improve the speed of reports.
081207 -
081208 -
081209 -
081210 -
081211 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - Progress
0816 -
081601 -      ..
081602 -     Transferring from Office to Home Computer
081603 -
081604 -     Follow up ref SDS 45 P982.
081605 -
081606 -     As discussed with Wayne on 010527, we would like Wayne to have the
081607 -     ability to quickly, and easily keep his office computer and home
081608 -     computers in sync, so he can work at either location.
081609 -
081610 -
081611 -                    c: 01 02 home.bat
081612 -
081613 -
081614 -         ....and put it in.....
081615 -
081616 -
081617 -        
081618 -
081619 -
081620 -      ..
081621 -     Initial Update Home Computer from Office Computer
081622 -
081623 -     Follow up ref SDS 45 WK6H.
081624 -
081625 -     With the new routine, provided per above, can create an initial
081626 -     update for the home computer......
081627 -
081628 -
081629 -                       home 02012001
081630 -
081631 -
081632 -     ....which will pickup everything from 010201 to the present.
081633 -
081634 -     We, also, have to upload separately.....
081635 -
081636 -                    f: 02       Organization
081637 -                    f: 03       Projects
081638 -                    f: 04       Jobs
081639 -                    f: 07       Research
081640 -
081641 -                    h: sd 06 01002
081642 -                    h: sd 09
081643 -
081644 -         Actually, for the non-SDS files, this will be all files, so
081645 -         may need to do this a little differently.  Wayne can call
081646 -         when he is ready to do this, and we can create these files.
081647 -         ..
081648 -         Suggest in the letter today, that we do this near to the
081649 -         end of the day, when he is finished using SDS, so the transfer
081650 -         picks up everything. ref DIP 7 5L7I
081651 -
081652 -
081653 -      ..
081654 -     Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
081655 -
081656 -     Follow up ref SDS 45 WL54.
081657 -
081658 -     We need separate rcv.bat routines, because of the differend drive
081659 -     configuration for SDS.  For receiving from home transferred
081660 -     records, call it....
081661 -
081662 -
081663 -                      c: 01 02 rfh.bat
081664 -
081665 -
081666 -        Created this here. ref OF 5 4N3N
081667 -
081668 -        ...and put it in....
081669 -
081670 -        
081671 -
081672 -
081673 -
0817 -

Start Up Failed on Home Computer

0904 -
090401 -  ..
090402 - Home Computer Initialization Reported Broke, Testing Indicates OK
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 45 SQ5J, ref SDS 44 SQ5J.
090405 -
090406 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Wayne responding to the letter yesterday,
090407 - ref DIP 7 4T9H, submitting a corrected file for 25.bat.
090408 -
090409 - Wayne reports that SDS failed again when he tried to open the program
090410 - from the Group Manager, after he downloaded and installed
090411 -
090412 -      [On 010601 Wayne reported problem solved, ref SDS 46 SQ5J, but
090413 -      the record indicates that correct operation has still not been
090414 -      verified. ref SDS 46 GX9M
090415 -
090416 -      [On 010606 testing shows problem solved. ref SDS 47 GX9M
090417 -
090418 - This suggests the archive operation failed, which is supported by....
090419 -
090420 -
090421 -                       c: sd 01 25.bat
090422 -
090423 -
090424 - update pointers, ref OF 8 C54J,
090425 - ..
090426 - Modified 0815 to update 25.bat during program construction.
090427 -
090428 -    To test this, transferred to c12, and moved SDS records on
090429 -    d: to c:, and subject index from h: to c:.
090430 - ..
090431 - Tested the same code on c12.
090432 -
090433 - Modified c12 by moving SDS records from d: to c:, and moved the
090434 - Subject Index and contacts from h: to c.
090435 -
090436 - The schedule on c12 was last updated on Monday, 010528.  Therefore, we
090437 - can test the SDS initialization op, since today is Wednesday, 010530.
090438 -
090439 - Created a few test records
090440 -
090441 - Transferred to c12, and ran install.
090442 -
090443 - At the DOS prompt typed "sds" and pressed Enter.
090444 -
090445 - After a few seconds, the new User Setup program appeared.
090446 -
090447 - Typed in my name, and pressed Enter.  Typed in password, and pressed
090448 - F1.  Typed User ID, and pressed Enter.
090449 - ..
090450 - SDS ran correctly, updating the Schedule and archiving test SDS
090451 - records.  it did take about a minute or so for this to run.  It takes
090452 - a little longer now, because we sort the pointers, rathen than just
090453 - append them.  We have about 20 MB to sort.  Wayne problably has less
090454 - than 5 MB, so it should only take 20 to 30 seconds for his start up
090455 - operation to run.
090456 -
090457 -      [On 010606 testing shows problem solved. ref SDS 47 GX9M
090458 -
090459 - Possibly the operating system on Wayne's home computer is using a swap
090460 - file to do this operation, if there is not a lot of memory on the
090461 - system, say less than 64 MB.  In that case, it would take longer for
090462 - the SDS initiatization operation; but, this seems like a remote very
090463 - possibility.
090464 -
090465 - Submitted a reply to Wayne with a link to this record.
090466 -
090467 -
090468 -
090469 -
090470 -
090471 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"