440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 29, 2001 07:40 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Assist Wayne install SDS on home computer.
2...Installation for Office Computer
.....Transferring from Office to Home Computer
.....Initial Update Home Computer from Office Computer
.....Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
3...Home Computer Transfer Office SDS Files
.....Transferring from Office to Home Computer
.....Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office
010123 SDS to Run on C
Wsftp Program Help Installing
SDS Enter Key Not Working on Home Computer
010523 SDS to Run on C and Update Office SDS program
Standard configuration
Updated Software version
Testing User Programs prior to Distribution
Installation Failed on Office Computer
0810 - ..
0811 - Summary/Objective
0812 -
081201 - Follow up ref SDS 43 0000, ref SDS 42 0000.
081202 -
081203 - Wayne reported his office computer is working today, which seems to
081204 - conflict with the report on Sunday that the c: 01 02 directory that
081205 - has batch files is missing. Need to verify he has the correct files.
081206 - ref SDS 0 P97H Prepared batch files to transfer and receive updated
081207 - files from home and work. ref SDS 0 P982 and ref SDS 0 4A9F
081208 -
081209 - Problem with home computer was most likely that change to 25.bat
081210 - routine that updates pointers was not incorporated into code for end
081211 - users on c: drive. Made this correction. ref SDS 0 SQ5J
081212 -
081213 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Wayne linked to this record, and
081214 - suggesting he call, when time permits to transfer remaining SDS
081215 - records on his office computer for transfer to the home computer.
081216 -
081217 -
081218 -
081219 -
081220 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - Progress
0816 -
081601 - ..
081602 - Installation for Office Computer
081603 -
081604 - Follow up ref SDS 43 3P6L, ref SDS 42 3P6L.
081605 -
081606 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Wayne this morning reporting that he
081607 - downloaded sds.bat from the web, which was put there on Sunday, after
081608 - getting Wayne's letter saying sds. was not working.
081609 -
081610 - He says SDS is now working, but the version on the home computer is
081611 - broke, per below. ref SDS 0 SQ5J
081612 -
081613 - It seems strange that the office SDS program could be working in light
081614 - of Wayne's letter on 010527 that the c: 01 02 directory does not exist
081615 - on his computer. ref SDS 43 3P6L
081616 - ..
081617 - Possibly Wayne can confirm the following directories have the
081618 - following contents using the DIR command....
081619 -
081620 - dir c: 01 02......... 81,847 Bytes 54 files
081621 - dir c: 01 04...... 1,568,423 " 198 "
081622 - dir c: sd 01...... 1,044,158 " 51 "
081623 - dir c: sd 03...... 1,126,437 " 200 "
081624 -
081625 - [...below, Wayne reports he installed SDS again this mornig,
081626 - and so he has all the files. ref SDS 0 AV6M
081627 -
081628 -
081629 - ..
081630 - Transferring from Office to Home Computer
081631 -
081632 - As discussed with Wayne on 010527, we would like Wayne to have the
081633 - ability to quickly, and easily keep his office computer and home
081634 - computers in sync, so he can work at either location.
081635 -
081636 - Develop batch files for transferring files from office to home by
081637 - modifying.....
081638 -
081639 - c: 01 02 t11.bat
081640 -
081641 -
081642 - ...and call it...
081643 -
081644 - c: 01 02 th.bat
081645 -
081646 - ..
081647 - Or, Wayne might prefer.....
081648 -
081649 -
081650 - c: 01 02 home.bat
081651 -
081652 -
081653 - Created this here. ref OF 5 W03N
081654 -
081655 - ....and put it in.....
081656 -
081657 -
081658 -
081659 -
081660 -
081661 - ..
081662 - Initial Update Home Computer from Office Computer
081663 -
081664 - With the new routine, provided per above, can create an initial
081665 - update for the home computer......
081666 -
081667 -
081668 - home 02012001
081669 -
081670 -
081671 - ....which will pickup everything from 010201 to the present.
081672 -
081673 - We, also, have to upload separately.....
081674 -
081675 - f: 02 Organization
081676 - f: 03 Projects
081677 - f: 04 Jobs
081678 - f: 07 Research
081679 -
081680 - h: sd 06 01002
081681 - h: sd 09
081682 -
081683 - Actually, for the non-SDS files, this will be all files, so
081684 - may need to do this a little differently. Wayne can call
081685 - when he is ready to do this, and we can create these files.
081686 -
081687 - Suggest in the letter today, that we do this near to the end
081688 - of the day, when he is finished using SDS, so the transfer
081689 - picks up everything. ref DIT 1 5L7I
081690 -
081691 -
081692 - ..
081693 - Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
081694 -
081695 - We need separate rcv.bat routines, because of the differend drive
081696 - configuration for SDS. For receiving from home transferred
081697 - records, call it....
081698 -
081699 -
081700 - c: 01 02 rfh.bat
081701 -
081702 -
081703 - Created this here. ref OF 5 4N3N
081704 -
081705 - ...and put it in....
081706 -
081707 -
081708 -
081709 -
081710 -
0818 -
Start Up Failed on Home Computer
0904 -
090401 - ..
090402 - Home Computer Transfer Office SDS Files
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 43 SQ5J, ref SDS 42 SQ5J.
090405 -
090406 - Wayne reports this morning that SDS failed to archive during the
090407 - start-up operation yesterday. ref DRT 1 226F
090408 -
090409 - [On 010530 Wayne reported continued failure, ref SDS 44 SQ5J,
090410 - testing indicated code is okay. ref SDS 44 LZ8M
090411 -
090412 - [On 010601 testing new code seemed to indicate problem solved; but
090413 - not conclusive. ref SDS 45 SQ5J
090414 -
090415 - [On 010606 testing shows problem solved. ref SDS 46 GX9M
090416 -
090417 - This suggests the archive operation failed, which is supported by....
090418 -
090419 -
090420 - c: sd 01 25.bat
090421 -
090422 -
090423 - update pointers, ref OF 8 C54J, This was updated on 010301,
090424 - switching from Supersort to OTS. ref SDS 32 J55K
090425 -
090426 - Examination this morning shows the end user version in....
090427 -
090428 -
090429 - g: sd 51 01 25.bat
090430 -
090431 -
090432 - ....was not converted to use the new code. The operation for
090433 - creating the end user version of SDS, typically does not process
090434 - files in g: sd 51 01, because they are constant. However, in this
090435 - case 25.bat needed to be updated.
090436 -
090437 - Should modify macro 0815 to include this particular routine.
090438 -
090439 - [On 010530 did this. ref SDS 44 VN6F
090440 -
090441 - ..
090442 - Made this change.
090443 -
090444 - Notified Wayne in a letter today, ref DIT 1 4T9H, that revised code
090445 - was uploaded a revised 25.bat to......
090446 -
090447 -
090448 -
090449 -
090450 -
090451 - ....which is for Wayne's home computer, to install in....
090452 -
090453 -
090454 - c: sd 01 25.bat
090455 -
090456 -
090457 - [On 010530 Wayne reports continuing proglems. ref SDS 44 SQ5J
090458 -
090459 - [On 010530 testing shows this works. ref SDS 44 CV6K
090460 -
090461 -
090462 - ..
090463 - Transferring from Office to Home Computer
090464 -
090465 - Per above explanation for Office Computer, need batch file for
090466 - transferring files from office to home. ref SDS 0 P982
090467 -
090468 - ..
090469 - Modified....
090470 -
090471 -
090472 - 01 02 t11.bat
090473 -
090474 -
090475 - create...
090476 -
090477 - 01 02 office.bat
090478 -
090479 - Created this here. ref OF 7 W03N
090480 -
090481 - ...and put it in....
090482 -
090483 -
090484 -
090485 -
090486 -
090487 - ..
090488 - Unzip Transfer from Home Computer to Office Computer
090489 -
090490 - Per above, we need separate rcv.bat routines, because of the
090491 - differend drive configuration for SDS. For receiving from office
090492 - transferred records, call it....
090493 -
090494 -
090495 - c: 01 02 rfo.bat
090496 -
090497 -
090498 - Created this here. ref OF 7 5K3N
090499 -
090500 - ...and put it in....
090501 -
090502 -
090503 -
090504 -
090505 -
090506 -
090507 - ..
0906 -
0907 -
0908 - 1133
0909 -
090901 - Called Wayne.
090902 -
090903 - He said he installed SDS on his office computer this morning, and as a
090904 - result he has the files needed to run it. This is additional
090905 - information that was not in his letter, and indicates the problem
090906 - reported on 010527 is solved, per above. ref SDS 0 P97H
090907 -
090908 -
0910 -
0911 -
091101 -
0912 -
F2 Save Failed on Office Computer
Subject Index
Editing Functions
Save Alternate, F1 F2
F2 Save, 0702052
Save Pointers Sort References, Action Items, F2 macro 142, 0702051
Alternate Save, F1 F2 macro 142
1610 - 1438
1611 - ..
161101 - Wayne called.
161102 -
161103 - F2 is failing to save an SDS record on his office computer.
161104 -
161105 - We did an exercise to create a new record, and created a subject for
161106 - SDS "Problems."
161107 -
161108 - We tried F2 and this was successful saving the record.
161109 -
161110 - We opened Wayne's SDS record that F2 failed to save earlier, and tried
161111 - F2. It worked.
161112 -
161113 - Wayne seemed to indicate he tried F2 a few more times during our
161114 - telecon and it seems to be working now.
161115 -
161116 - This seems to indicate the problem is that memory is the problem,
161117 - rather than anything to do with the SDS code.
161118 -
161119 - Explained F2 does a lot of tasks, reported in the record on 010510,
161120 - when the "save" function was improved. ref SDS 40 0800
161121 -
161122 - Discussed the alternate save function....
161123 -
161124 -
161125 - F1 F2
161126 -
161127 -
161128 - ....that can be used to save the record to disk without providing all
161129 - of the support operations. Then open another session of SDS. Open
161130 - the record that would not save, and use F2. This is usually all that
161131 - is needed to clear the memory problem.
161132 -
161133 - Wayne seemed to feel this problem is solved.
161134 -
161135 - He advised that his son has been waiting for Wayne to take them home,
161136 - so Wayne wants to do the system transfer tomorrow, rather than today.
161137 -
161138 -
161139 -
161140 -
161141 -
161142 -
161143 -
161144 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"