440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 11, 2001 09:15 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
SDS subject index for SDS marketing demand seems to be broke.
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Subjects Create
Productivity Ergonomics Imact Management
Productivity Tech Reduced by Setup Learn Perform Tasks Peripheral to
Computers Reduce Management Focus on Analysis Because Attracted by Le
Technology Dilemma Unintended Consequences Information Overload
1907 - ..
1908 - Summary/Objective
1909 -
190901 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0001.
190902 -
190903 - Seem to have a problem this morning with the following subject index.
190904 -
190905 -
190906 - h:\sd\06\00101\&0300050\$01CKEGC
190907 -
190908 - This file is only about 4K, and it should be closer to 40K, so somehow
190909 - it got truncated, perhaps while working on records for 010425.
190910 - ref SDS 4 0001 and on 890809. ref SDS 1 0001
190911 -
190912 - We had some out of memory issues saving SDS records that were fixed
190913 - yesterday. ref SDS 6 0001 Possibly this is a related problem.
190914 -
190915 - Was able to recover a backup made on 010510.
190916 -
190917 - Even doing the restore was a hassle. Initially, tried to restore the
190918 - file from the full file backup on 010506. ref SDS 5 0001 The file is
190919 - listed in the index, but when I executed restore, after 20 minutes,
190920 - the operation had not been accomplished. I tried to restore from the
190921 - full file backup, because it offered a fairly sure chance of getting
190922 - the file close to the full size. If we started with interim backups,
190923 - it would require a lot of hunting to find the last time the correct
190924 - file was backed up.
190925 -
190926 - Since restoring the file from the full file backup took over 20
190927 - minutes, this turned out not to save time, so took a chance and
190928 - checked the interim backup for yesterday. It had the file.
190929 -
190930 - There is a problem with restoring from the interim backup. There
190931 - about 26 data sets. Novaback takes 10 to 15 seconds to check each
190932 - data set, rather than stream to the targeted data set.
190933 -
190934 - Need to investigate stronger backup and restore program to replace
190935 - Novaback. We cannot spend 20 minutes to restore a single file.
190936 -
190937 - This is another aspect of technology support for management taking up
190938 - a lot of time for procurement, learning, setting up and performing
190939 - tasks that are peripheral to management, reviewed on 950710 from Tom
190940 - Landauer's book. ref SDS 2 1222 and on willingness to experiment to
190941 - figure out an effective deployment, ref SDS 2 0582 and ref SDS 2 3Y7J
190942 -
190943 - Seems to support report on 970919 that computers have reduced
190944 - productivity. ref SDS 3 4739
190945 -
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1910 -