440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 10, 2001 09:18 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Earthlink transfer ISP from JPS; problems encountered.
2...Problems transferring account from JPS to Earthlink
3...Password Changed to Welch Standard
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0201 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Bruce Newland
020102 - Network Operations Manager =916 810 8913
020103 -
020104 - Biz Tech Services =415 376 0121
Server - Changed Back to Unix on 990424, Corp Web 1
Directory Space Full - Two Extraneous Files - 09 Directory
Determine Usage Space Available on Server
150 MB Letter on Status
150 MB Should Cost $500 Have Paid $535
Welchco on Internet Eliminated Prior to Notice of Successful Transfer
Server - Changed to Earthlink
175 MB New Capacity
Transfer Welchco Record to Earthlink Server
1311 - ..
1312 - Summary/Objective
1313 -
131301 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
131302 -
131303 - Ken Barnaby encountered communication problems gathering information
131304 - for transferring to Earthlink. Sarah later advised that
131305 - Rob Selby was assigned to make the transfer. However, in the late
131306 - afternoon, Cliff Muller called and said he is doing the work. Cliff
131307 - initially asked why Earthlink is supporting the customer transfer from
131308 - JPS, based on understanding that it is an easy operation. ref SDS 0
131309 - FY5K We learned that the password provided by Earthlink did not work
131310 - for transferring the account and doing FTP tasks. ref SDS 0 FZ5M
131311 - Cliff got our standard password assigned, and provided identification
131312 - for FTP operations. ref SDS 0 MZ5J He expected to complete
131313 - transferring 100 MB in about 2 hours, but 20 minutes later called and
131314 - said everthing was done. Investigation showed only 30 MB was
131315 - transferred. Cliff investigated, and later reported continuing
131316 - problems completing the transfer. He plans to finish the work
131317 - tomorrow. ref SDS 0 HN6I
131318 -
131319 - [On 010511 seems like transfer may be complete, new problems.
131320 - ref SDS 37 0001
131321 -
131322 -
131323 -
131324 -
131325 - ..
1314 -
1315 -
1316 - Progress
1317 -
131701 - ..
131702 - Problems transferring account from JPS to Earthlink
131703 -
131704 - Follow up ref SDS 36 UR5L.
131705 -
131706 - Called Ken Barnarby........ 916 787 8164
131707 -
131708 - cell phone 916 417 3262
131709 -
131710 - Left message asking about progress on transferring the account to
131711 - Earthlink.
131712 -
131713 - Called Sarah............... 916 787 8160
131714 -
131715 - She recalled our discussion yesterday, and that she facilitated
131716 - contact with Ken. ref SDS 36 VJ9I
131717 - ..
131718 - She has not seen Ken today, but just came in the office.
131719 -
131720 - Sarah has to attend a training class for about an hour, and then will
131721 - try to locate Ken and advise of progress.
131722 -
131723 -
131724 -
131725 - ..
1318 -
1319 -
1320 - 1346
1321 -
132101 - Called Ken back.
132102 -
132103 - He related having received a call on his cell phone from Sarah this
132104 - morning, while driving to work, about the welchco matter.
132105 -
132106 - Ken has requested information from a manager at One Main, or JPS, that
132107 - is needed to transfer the Welch account to Earthlink, and that person
132108 - has not called back with the information. Ken next plans to follow up
132109 - by contacting the person's boss to get information needed to do the
132110 - work.
132111 -
132112 - This reflects communication difficulties and culture assimiliation
132113 - issues that Bruced cited on 010423. ref SDS 32 DP4N
132114 -
132115 - [On 010511 Bruce supporting welchco transfer project. ref SDS 37
132116 - 093A
132117 -
132118 -
132119 -
132120 - ..
1322 -
1323 -
1324 - 1400
1325 -
132501 - Sarah advised that Ken just told her that he has assigned....
132502 -
132503 -
132504 - Rob Selbey
132505 -
132506 -
132507 - do the actual transfer of our account from JPS to Earthlink.
132508 -
132509 - Sarah has worked with Rob. She feels he has strong expertise, and is
132510 - effective solving problems and working with customers.
132511 -
132512 - Once Rob completes the transfer, he will call and provide information
132513 - we need to maintain our records on the Internet using FTP.
132514 -
132515 - ..
132516 - Sarah reminded that after everything is transferred and verified to be
132517 - running correctly, she should be notified to terminate the JPS account
132518 - and process a refund, per our telecon on 010502. ref SDS 35 GP4H
132519 -
132520 - [On 010512 seem to have Earthlink running, asked Bruce for
132521 - recommendation to terminate JPS. ref SDS 38 QO7J
132522 -
132523 - [On 010514 Bruce recommends closing old account. ref SDS 39 EC6F
132524 -
132525 - [On 010516 Sarah called to close old account. ref SDS 40 0001
132526 -
132527 -
132528 - ..
1326 -
1327 -
1328 - 1837
1329 -
132901 - Cliff Muller called 800 711 5353 #4 47477
132902 -
132903 - He is doing support on this matter instead of Rob Selby, changing the
132904 - planning by Sarah earlier today.
132905 -
132906 - Cliff said he is with Earthlink support. I can call him directly to
132907 - get help at the above number.
132908 -
132909 - [On 010522 Cliff corrected configuration error on
132910 - account. ref SDS 41 SL4L
132911 -
132912 - ..
132913 - Cliff initially asked why we need help transferring our account. He
132914 - said transferring an account is very easy. Customers can do it as
132915 - easily as the Earthlink support team.
132916 -
132917 - ..
132918 - Upon discussion, Cliff advised he can transfer our records directly
132919 - from the JPS server to the Earthlink server, whereas the customer has
132920 - to download over telephone lines to the customers' computer, and then
132921 - ftp everything back to the Earthlink server using telephone lines.
132922 - There is, also, an issue of selecting, obtaining and learning to use a
132923 - software program to make a direct transfer, suggested by Bruce
132924 - yesterday. ref SDS 36 514N Earthlink is better positioned to do this
132925 - than the customer. Earthlink has daily requirements to transfer files
132926 - on servers for purposes of maintenance, which generates experience and
132927 - familiarity with processes that make the work faster and easier for
132928 - Earthlink, because customers only rarely transfer files between
132929 - servers. It is not cost effective for customers to do procurement,
132930 - deployment, debugging and training in order to accomplish a rare, but
132931 - very important task, relative to the minimal incremental cost for
132932 - Earthlink to do another file transfer.
132933 -
132934 - ..
132935 - Cliff said using telephone lines would take a lot longer for the
132936 - customer than if he does it directly server to server. He feels using
132937 - superior Earthlink experience, extertise and direct access to
132938 - equipment can save the customer time, which is a major selling point
132939 - Earthlink is offering to remain competitive, and so justifies him
132940 - making the transfer.
132941 -
132942 - This aligns with Ken Barnaby's analysis yesterday. ref SDS 36 5M5I
132943 -
132944 -
132945 - ..
132946 - Password Changed to Welch Standard
132947 -
132948 - Cliff needs the password for the new Earthlink account in order to
132949 - make the transfer.
132950 -
132951 - We reviewed the record on 010509 when Ken Barnaby planned to get this
132952 - information. ref SDS 36 R53J
132953 -
132954 - Cliff said he has not talked to Ken, and that he has been assigned to
132955 - handle the matter, so he needs access information.
132956 -
132957 - Gave the password received in the letter, ref DRP 2 YQ6G, from
132958 - Earthlink on 010502, ref SDS 35 CT5K, since that is the only password
132959 - received so far.
132960 - ..
132961 - While we were talking, Cliff said he tried the password
132962 - submitted by Earthlink, and found that it doesn't work.
132963 -
132964 - ..
132965 - Cliff said he would obtain the password independently.
132966 -
132967 - ..
132968 - I asked if he can set the password for the new Earthlink account to be
132969 - the same that was used for JPS.....
132970 -
132974 -
132975 - Cliff said he can do that to correct the mistake Earthlink made on
132976 - 010502. ref SDS 35 CT5K
132977 -
132978 - [On 021008 Raul at Earthlink reported our password got lost when
132979 - Earthlink made improvements to the system; they assigned a
132980 - different password, so Raul change it back. ref SDS 42 PU6L
132981 -
132982 - ..
132983 - He went offline.
132984 -
132985 - Cliff came back online about 2 minutes later and said the ftp password
132986 - for the Earthlink account is now the same that was used for JPS.
132987 -
132988 - ..
132989 - He advised that ftp parameters are.....
132990 -
132991 - Host Name/Address....
132992 -
132993 - User ID..............
132994 -
132995 - Cliff said the transfer will take about 2 hours. He will call me to
132996 - advise when the records are transferred.
132997 -
132998 -
132999 -
133000 - ..
1331 -
1332 -
1333 - 1915
1334 -
133401 - Cliff called back and he said the transfer is complete.
133402 -
133403 - We noted this was considerably faster than the initial 2 hour
133404 - estimate for the 100 MB of records to be transferred.
133405 -
133406 - Cliff said there were only 30 MB or so that were transferred, and the
133407 - work went faster than he expected, thanks to Earthlink equipment and
133408 - processes.
133409 -
133410 - Upon discussion Cliff decided to investigate further.
133411 -
133412 - The record on 010501 showing an out of space error indicates we should
133413 - have about 100 MB. ref SDS 34 0001
133414 -
133415 - Therefore transferring only 30 MB indicates 70 MB has not been
133416 - transferred.
133417 - ..
133418 - Cliff will investigate and call back.
133419 -
133420 - While we talked, examination of the Earthlink server shows a number
133421 - of extraneous files and folders.
133422 -
133423 - Cliff said these files and folders improve customer productivity by
133424 - enabling use of Frontpage. Upon discusson, there was not evident
133425 - productivity benefit for using Frontpage. These resources could be
133426 - put in a folder called "Frontpage" or "productivity ideas," etc, so
133427 - they do not distract attention from customer resources.
133428 -
133429 - Since we use the ftp program constantly throughout the day, it is
133430 - important to have clarity and simplicity in listing options for
133431 - transferring. More stuff increases time to find what is needed and
133432 - increases chance of error.
133433 -
133434 - Cliff advised that since there is not evident benefit to Welch, these
133435 - extraneous files and folders can be deleted, so this was done.
133436 -
133437 - ..
133438 - Kept two items....
133439 -
133440 - .htaccess
133441 - logs
133442 -
133443 - Cliff said htaccess can be used someway or another to support password
133444 - protection for files. Logs is needed for managing activity. He did
133445 - not say if this is part of the 175 MB we get charged.
133446 -
133447 -
133448 -
133449 -
133450 -
133451 - ..
1335 -
1336 -
1337 - 2206
1338 -
133801 - Just noticed we do not seem to be getting a log file back to the local
133802 - directory showing a file has been updated.
133803 -
133804 - Cliff has not called, as planned earlier, so....
133805 -
133806 - Called Cliff Muller called.............. 800 711 5353 #4 47477
133807 -
133808 - ..
133809 - He explained having encountered more problems transferring our
133810 - account. Cliff has tried several different transfer programs; and is
133811 - now trying a 3rd program. He has discovered that the other programs
133812 - were not transferring all of the welchco files.
133813 -
133814 - ..
133815 - Cliff feels that transferring a customer between JPS and Earthlink
133816 - servers is not as easy, as it initially seemed like it would be.
133817 -
133818 - He is hopeful his current effort will work.
133819 -
133820 - Advised of apparent problem that the log file is not being generated
133821 - and returned showing a transfer was completed successfully. Cliff
133822 - said log files are an important business metric to aid customers in
133823 - managing their records on the Internet. He asked if the FTP program
133824 - is configured properly?
133825 -
133826 - ..
133827 - We reviewed settings for wsftp pro.
133828 -
133829 - Cliff said he is using wsftp light to transfer our files.
133830 -
133831 - I explained we have not changed the FTP configuration, except to enter
133832 - the host name/address and User ID, per Cliff's instructions above,
133833 - ref SDS 0 MZ5J, and the program has always returned a log. While we
133834 - talked, I checked program options and noticed it shows that an option
133835 - to get a log is selected.
133836 -
133837 - Cliff said he is new working with Earthlink equipment, and so is still
133838 - in training. Tomorrow he will ask for assistance from veteran
133839 - Earthlink engineers to resolve the file transfer log problem.
133840 -
133841 - ..
133842 - Cliff now expects to complete the transfer tomorrow. He will call
133843 - tomorrow to report progress.
133844 -
133845 -
133846 -
133847 -
1339 -
1340 -
1341 - 2215
1342 -
134201 - After completing the above call, did more work with FTP operation and
134202 - noticed we are getting a log.
134203 -
134204 - Called Cliff back and advised this may not be a problem after all.
134205 -
134206 -
134207 -
134208 -
134209 -
134210 -
134211 -
134212 -
134213 -
134214 -
134215 -
134216 -
134217 -
134218 -
134219 -
134220 -
134221 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"