440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 24, 2001 11:08 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Morris about progress on OHS/DKR project.
2...New Technology Demonstration Event
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
Peer Review on KM in POIMS, Jack Park, Doug Engelbart, Pat Lincoln
POIMS Peer Review Morris Feels this is Too Difficult
Jones, Morris SDS Typical Day Scenario
Typical Day Scenario Using SDS
OHS/DKR Project Gave Up on KM
KM Architecture Too Difficult Not Enough Knowledge, Eugene Kim at SRI
OHS/DKR Project Based on SDS Architecture
Plink Adds Anchors Similar to Doug Engelbart's Augment Program
Starter Technologies
Plink Adds Anchors Similar to Doug's Augment Program, 010426
2212 - ..
2213 - Summary/Objective
2214 -
221401 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0000, ref SDS 24 0000.
221402 -
221403 - In a telecon yesterday, Morris asked about progress on OHS/DKR
221404 - project.
221405 -
221406 - This evening submitted ref DIT 1 0001 confirming discussion that
221407 - progress on OHS/DKR is slow. Curt, like many CEOs has been even
221408 - busier than usual as a result of the slowing economy, per telecon with
221409 - Pat on 010403. ref SDS 26 0001
221410 -
221411 - Advised of call today to Jo McKensie, ref DIT 1 KQ6J, to schedule
221412 - meeting following up meeting on 010122 with Curt Carlson and Pat
221413 - Lincoln at SRI. ref SDS 27 0001 Letter to Jo confirms understanding
221414 - about scheduling a meeting. ref DIP 3 0001
221415 - ..
221416 - Mention current work on OHS/DKR to develop a linking capability
221417 - called "Plink." ref DIT 1 4V7I This feature was requested by Doug
221418 - Engelbart in a letter on 001025, ref SDS 18 00VU, reflecting earlier
221419 - report on 000824 that OHS/DKR architecture reflects SDS design.
221420 - ref SDS 17 PU5N
221421 -
221422 - Morris demonstrated MS Word can link web pages in a meeting on 000624.
221423 - ref DIT 1 PW4F see the record. ref SDS 16 D45H On 010122 BrowseUp
221424 - was demonstrated at SRI showing it can link web pages on the Internet.
221425 - ref SDS 21 FT9W
221426 -
221427 - Explain code is open source and is available for him to examine, if
221428 - time permits. Ask Morris to let me know if he sees anything in Plink
221429 - that seems like it could support SDS. ref DIT 1 PW4F
221430 -
221431 - Advise Plink work product adopts procedure Doug's people at SRI
221432 - created in the 60s for a program called Augment. The result is, what
221433 - seems like, a link at the end of every para that goes to an anchor at
221434 - the beginning of every para. ref DIT 1 S29I This was useful in the
221435 - 60's as a navigation aid, but doesn't seem needed at this time.
221436 -
221437 - Plink tries to identify, or, otherwise associate, links with a variety
221438 - of parameters, including version control. ref DIT 1 Y89O
221439 -
221440 -
221441 - ..
221442 - New Technology Demonstration Event
221443 -
221444 - Explain John Deneen has been working on marketing for SDS, trying to
221445 - develop an event he says is planned for two years hence to demonstrate
221446 - technology of the future, presumably a KM-based thing. ref DIT 1 XA5F
221447 - Sounds like the kind of event Intel was planning to support in 1996. I
221448 - tried to get Dave to promote SDS at that time, but he was not
221449 - comfortable with the idea. At Asilomar he said IT causes problems,
221450 - and the problems will get worse, but he would not support a solution
221451 - using SDS. ref SDS 1 1552 A year later on 970603 he wanted to use SDS
221452 - but couldn't get it approved, ref SDS 2 5803, then 2 years later he
221453 - wrote me a letter on 990907 saying SDS does everything I claimed it
221454 - did in 1996. ref SDS 4 0149 Earlier on 990422 he asked "Where to take
221455 - SDS from here?" ref SDS 3 4590 The point is that it seems to take a
221456 - long time to educate people about this thing we call SDS.
221457 -
221458 - John has the SDS record on the web to demonstrate SDS capability.
221459 - However, the latest discussion with John on Sunday, indicated this
221460 - initiative is not moving very fast, ref DIT 1 WS3F, could have
221461 - something to do with the economy, reported on 001207. ref SDS 19 V54M
221462 - Connecting the dots, a weak economy should be an aid to sell SDS for
221463 - improving earnings, but have to get technologists to quit focusing on
221464 - games. ref SDS 19 MZ7G
221465 -
221466 - [On 010425 reviewed Morris' comments on SDS Typical Day Scenario.
221467 - ref SDS 28 0001
221468 -
221469 - [On 010426 Morris asks if people are ready for Windows version of
221470 - SDS? ref SDS 29 0001
221471 -
221472 -
221473 -
221474 -
221475 -
221476 -
221477 -
221478 -
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