440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 23, 2001 07:29 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Letter requests help with computer configuration problem.


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0201 - Texas Tech University                806 742 3275
020101 - Mr. Joseph M. Ransdell; Associate Professor
020102 -
020103 - Department of Philosophy

SDS on Web Illustrates Usefulness of SDS, Com Metrics, 0007
Proof of Concept, 000426
Internet Creates Customers for KM by Demonstrating Value Added
SDS DKR Solves Problems W98 Example
Knowledge Repository Organizational Memory Capture Experience Defines
Save Time Money Problem Solved
DOSX Not Loading High 599 RAM Instead of 634
Problems Too Many People Having Too Many Problems Competence Needs SD

3010 -    ..
3011 - Summary/Objective
3012 -
301201 - Follow up ref SDS 78 0000, ref SDS 63 0000.
301202 -
301203 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Justin Shilo in product development with
301204 - Super, Inc., headquarted in Cleveland, OH.  Super, Inc seem to be in
301205 - the travel business......
301206 -
301207 -
301208 -
301209 - ....including a discount program.....
301210 -
301211 -
301212 -
301213 - Justin says....
301214 -
301215 -      If you could help me that would be great.  I am trying to load
301216 -      ALL of DOSX in high memory. I am running windows NT and at this
301217 -      time 37.8k of DOSX is loaded into conventional mem and 0.1 is
301218 -      loaded into high mem.  I know that this can be done bc i've seen
301219 -      it. But, no idea how. If you could help or direct me somewhere i
301220 -      would be greatful.
301221 -
301222 - This appears to be in inquiry generated from encountering an SDS
301223 - record on the Internet, although Justin does not say that.  Justin
301224 - wants assistance on configuring DOSX for the Windows NT operating
301225 - system, which is similar to the record on 010114 where someone
301226 - reported finding information in an SDS record on the Internet that
301227 - solved a problem configuring Windows 98. ref SDS 78 0001  In this case,
301228 - the record did not solve Justin's problem, and so caused an inquiry
301229 - for more information.
301230 -
301231 - These requests are much easier and faster to a address, if they
301232 - include the date and time of the record.
301233 -
301234 -  ..
301235 - Review shows that an issue concerning DOSX came into the record
301236 - on....
301237 -
301238 -      010202 DOSX not loading high on c13. ref SDS 79 KN6F
301239 -      010206 verified problem with w2k. ref SDS 80 Y2WK
301240 -      010207 notified Microsoft. ref SDS 81 YX7N
301241 -      010209 Microsoft to solve problem. ref SDS 82 1800
301242 -      010214 Microsoft solution failed. ref SDS 84 KN6F
301243 -      010220 Microsoft has new idea for solution. ref SDS 86 OM4K
301244 -      010226 asked Microsoft about progress. ref SDS 87 0001
301245 -      010227 Microsoft submits new solution. ref SDS 88 EO7H
301246 -      010227 request clarification of ideas. ref SDS 88 RP5G
301247 -      010227 Microsoft refuses to clarify. ref SDS 88 4161
301248 -      010227 Microsoft says may not be a solution. ref SDS 88 4641
301249 -      010227 Microsoft requests test results from customer.
301250 -      010228 test results submitted to Microsoft. ref SDS 89 0001
301251 -      010310 Micrsoft says solution pending. ref SDS 90 00GP
301252 -      010313 request progress on solution. ref SDS 91 5E5M
301253 -      010315 called Microsoft on progress. ref SDS 92 0001
301254 -      ...... no subsequent response from Microsoft.
301255 -
301256 - Under this record it is difficult to determine what Justin came
301257 - across that caused him to submit a letter to Welch.
301258 -
301259 -    [On 010612 called Microsoft on status; sent letter to Justin.
301260 -    ref SDS 94 0001
301261 -
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301264 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"