440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 23, 2001 07:47 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Earthlink current status, need 150 MB space.
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0201 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Bruce Newland
020102 - Network Operations Manager =916 810 8913
020103 -
020104 - Biz Tech Services =415 376 0121
Server - Changed Back to Unix on 990424, Corp Web 1
Directory Space Full - Two Extraneous Files - 09 Directory
Determine Usage Space Available on Server
150 MB Letter on Status
150 MB Should Cost $500 Have Paid $535
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 30 0000, ref SDS 29 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Left yet another message for Bruce following up the letter,
080904 - ref DIP 3 0001, submitted on 010416, ref SDS 29 0001, showing payments
080905 - seem to indicate we should have 150 MB of space.
080906 -
080907 - ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - 0811
0813 -
081301 - Bruce called back.
081302 -
081303 - He said he is no longer responsible for issues and tasks that can
081304 - solve our problem. He made some inquiries at JPS about our situation,
081305 - and was told this is is not his responsibility any longer, now that
081306 - Bruce has moved to Earthlink. Therefore Bruce's ability to coordinate
081307 - solutions is reduced by culture assimilation issues.
081308 -
081309 - [On 010510 Ken Barnaby encountered similar communication problems
081310 - working with JPS. ref SDS 33 UX4O
081311 -
081312 - He is working with Earthlink servers now. Bruce said Welch is using a
081313 - legacy server at JPS. He can have our account transferred to an
081314 - Earthlink server, and he would then have some influence in getting
081315 - problems solved, rather than going through normal channels, as we have
081316 - done this past year.
081317 - ..
081318 - Bruce will have Ken Barnarby call us back in about 20 minutes to
081318 - follow up.
081320 -
081321 - [On 010430 called Bruce back. ref SDS 31 L64J
081322 -
081323 - [On 010501 Bruce ends direct support for Welch account.
081324 - ref SDS 32 5P5I
081325 -
081326 - [On 010511 Bruce facilitates transfer of Welch account to
081327 - Earthlink. ref SDS 34 076O
081328 -
081329 -
081330 -
081331 -
081332 -
081333 -
081334 -
081335 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"