440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 28, 2001 09:16 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Morris reports POIMS difficult to review; commented SDS typical day.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
Peer Review on KM in POIMS, Jack Park, Doug Engelbart, Pat Lincoln
POIMS Peer Review Morris Feels this is Too Difficult
Jones, Morris SDS Typical Day Scenario
Typical Day Scenario Using SDS
1406 - ..
1407 - Summary/Objective
1408 -
140801 - Follow up ref SDS 15 OK8O, ref SDS 14 0001.
140802 -
140803 - Morris said he reviewed Knowledge Mangaement again that has been added
140804 - to POIMS, per copy sent to Morris of the letter sent to Pat Lincoln,
140805 - ref DIP 2 0001, on 010321. ref SDS 14 5R9O
140806 -
140807 - He still feels these ideas in POIMS are too difficult, and/or poorly
140808 - explained, to understand, so he is unable to prepare useful peer
140809 - review, per our telecon on 010324. ref SDS 15 OK8O
140810 -
140811 - I suggested that he not spend any more time on this. We have other
140812 - tasks that need attention, without him having to thing through thorny
140813 - problems of KM, intelligence and Com Metrics.
140814 -
140815 - [On 010426 Morris asks if people are ready for a Windows version of
140816 - SDS. ref SDS 17 0001
140817 -
140818 - [On 010428 inquiry for purchasing a software program that
140819 - implements KM capability explained in POIMS. ref SDS 18 0001
140820 -
140821 - Morris advised he submitted comments on the SDS Typical Day Scenario,
140822 - which is linked in the letter requesting comments on POIMS. Morris
140823 - said he feels the Typical Day Scenario is the best explanation he has
140824 - seen to help people grasp how SDS is used differently from daily
140825 - management practice.
140826 -
140827 - Explained I have not received this letter from Morris. Asked him to
140828 - submit it again.
140829 -
140830 - [On 010425 reviewed Morris' comments on SDS Typical Day Scenario.
140831 - ref SDS 16 0001
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"