440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 24, 2001 10:14 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Called Morris changed configuration DSL router for security.

2...Peer Review POIMS on KM and Objections

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0201 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation

DSL Access Timing Out
Evaluation DSL
Security, Privacy
DSL Security Protection File and Printer Sharing Off
Virus Protection
Security Privacy DSL Router Connection LAN
Security DSL Router File Printer Sharing Disconnected

1209 -    ..
1210 - Summary/Objective
1211 -
121101 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 14 0000.
121102 -
121103 - Received a letter a few days ago from Millie transmitting what seems
121104 - to be a memo to employees at L&C.  It warned about people accessing
121105 - personal computers through cable and DSL connections.
121106 -
121107 - DSL was configured on c13 010202.
121108 -
121109 - Since we have a DSL connection, sent a copy of the letter to Morris
121110 - asking if we have any concerns, what precautions can be taken.
121111 -
121112 - Did not hear from him, so called this evening.
121113 -
121114 - He suggested disconnecting......
121115 -
121116 -        ..
121117 -        File and printer sharing protocoal in network
121118 -        configuration for the DSL router.
121119 -
121120 -
121121 -     Network - (also called Network Neighborhood) is an application on
121122 -     the desktop)
121123 -
121124 -     Right click to open a menu and select "Properties."
121125 -
121126 -        This opens a listing for Netwrok and Dial-up Connections
121127 -
121128 -        We have 3 items listed.
121129 -
121130 -        Select.....
121131 -
121132 -           "Local Area Connection 2" for the router; the description
121133 -           is...
121134 -               ..
121135 -               LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter version 1.0
121136 -
121137 -           Right click to open Properties for the LAN connection 2
121138 -           that supports the router.
121139 -
121140 -           This showed.....
121141 -
121142 -              x  Client for Microsoft Networks
121143 -              x  File and Printer Sharing for Microsfot Networks
121144 -              x  NetBEUI Protocol
121145 -              x  Internet Protocol TCP/IP
121146 -
121147 -
121148 -           Morris said that we can disconnect.....
121149 -                 ..
121150 -                 File and Printer Sharing for Microsfot Networks
121151 -
121152 -           He, also, said we do not need.....
121153 -  ..
121154 -                 NetBEUI Protocol
121155 -
121156 -           ....for a DSL router connection.  So disconnected both of
121157 -           these.
121158 -
121159 -        Saved this and booted the computer.
121160 -
121161 -        The system powered up without notice of error, and the DSL
121162 -        connection seems to operate correctly.
121163 -
121164 -
121165 -
1212 -

Peer Review on KM in POIMS, Jack Park, Doug Engelbart, Pat Lincoln
POIMS Peer Review Morris Feels this is Too Difficult
POIMS Difficult Understand Explanation KM Cannot Comment

2306 -
230601 -  ..
230602 - Peer Review POIMS on KM and Objections
230603 -
230604 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0001.
230605 -
230606 - Morris said he looked at the link provided that discussed Knowledge
230607 - Mangaement added to POIMS, per copy sent to Morris of the letter to
230608 - Pat Lincoln, ref DIP 2 0001, on 010321. ref SDS 17 5R9O
230609 -
230610 - Morris feels the explanation of KM is too difficult to understand for
230611 - him to prepare useful peer review.  On 930102 there was difficulty
230612 - commenting on POIMS, ref SDS 3 0001, reflecting experience on 920215.
230613 - ref SDS 1 5820  Later on 001127 Morris was frustrated that small,
230614 - inconsequential details grow into major problems. ref SDS 2 0674
230615 - ..
230616 - We discussed his concerns for awhile.  He will take another
230617 - look.
230618 -
230619 -    [On 010328 Morris said KM in POIMS is too difficult to review, but
230620 -    he submitted comments on the SDS Typical Day Scenario. ref SDS 18
230621 -    0001
230622 -
230623 -    [On 010425 Morris reviewed SDS Typical Day Scenario. ref SDS 19
230624 -    0001
230625 -
230626 -    [On 010426 Morris asks if people are ready for a Windows version of
230627 -    SDS. ref SDS 20 0001
230628 -
230629 -    [On 010428 inquiry for purchasing a software program that
230630 -    implements POIMS. ref SDS 21 0001
230631 -
230632 -    [On 011202 Morris believes philosophy, psychology, cognitive
230633 -    science and politcal science are not effectived academic areas of
230634 -    study because results cannot be predicted with precision like in
230635 -    electrical engineering. ref SDS 22 0001
230636 -
230637 -
230638 -
230639 -
230640 -
230641 -
230642 -
230643 -
230644 -
230645 -
230646 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"