440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 13, 2001 02:26 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Microsoft sent them a letter asking about progress solving w2k problems.
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0201 - Microsoft Corporation
020101 - Mr. Joe Griffin; DOS Engineer =704 582 8692
020102 -
020103 - Windows 2000 Support =800 936 4900
020104 - Applications and Performance
SDS and Medit
Performance Slower for SDS Reports than C11
Config.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Autoexec.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Performance Slower on Faster Machine
Microsoft Case SRX010207601263 W2K Crashed Installation Support Corre
Microsoft Does Not Support EMM386 Test Requested on 010228
2109 - ..
2110 - Summary/Objective
2111 -
211101 - Follow up ref SDS 43 0000, ref SDS 41 0000.
211102 -
211103 - Submit ref DIT 1 0001, to Microsoft responding to Joe Griffith's
211104 - letter, ref DRP 5 0001, on 010309.
211105 -
211106 - Initially, explain good news that performance problem reported to
211107 - Microsoft on 010207, ref SDS 24 4F8J, has been solved, at considerable
211108 - time and expense, as reported on 010301, ref SDS 42 0001, covering
211109 - work through 010311.
211110 - ..
211111 - Point out that Joe's letter received on 010310, ref SDS 43 4S7H,
211112 - confirms that Windows 2000 is not functioning satisfactorily,
211113 - ref DIT 1 679O, submitted to Microsoft on 010207, ref SDS 24 YX7N, and
211114 - verified by Microsoft previously at that time on 010207. ref SDS 24
211115 - OE3J Ask Joe about follow up based on Microsoft's commitment to solve
211116 - problem to customers satisfaction, on 010209. ref SDS 26 LF6O
211117 -
211118 - [On 010315 called Einar Elkholm to follow up. ref SDS 44 0001
211119 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"