440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 22, 2001 08:56 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Norton virus protection failed, reinstalled.
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Virus Protectoin Norton
Virus Protection Program, Norton
Virus May Have Infected C13 from Yahoo
Norton Virus Protection Failed to Execute
Norton Failed to Execute
0707 - ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Follow up ref SDS 23 4AYE, ref SDS 9 4AYE.
070902 -
070903 - Norton virus protection was installed on 010214 and updated per
070904 - instructions on 010202. ref SDS 9 4AYE
070905 -
070906 - Today, several email were received that claimed to be from Yahoo and
070907 - offering a free prize.
070908 -
070909 - These were deleted. Norton virus protection program was run in case
070910 - these files were viruses.
070911 - ..
070912 - Norton failed to execute. Returns error...
070913 -
070914 - An unhandled exception has occurred.
070915 -
070916 - The Error was....
070917 -
070918 - Not enough storage is available to process this command.
070919 -
070920 -
070921 - Investigation showed there are 260 MB of RAM available, and every
070922 - drive has at least 3 GB of disk storage.
070923 -
070924 - Tried to remove Norton virus protection.
070925 -
070926 - This failed also.
070927 - ..
070928 - Will try to install Norton on top of existing program.
070929 -
070930 - Didn't work.
070931 -
070932 - Tried to delete the code from the directory.....
070933 -
070934 -
070935 - h: 00 16
070936 -
070937 - [On 020331 moved installation code for navnt to g drive.
070938 - ref SDS 27 6V8H
070939 -
070940 - This failed. Message says following three files are being used....
070941 -
070942 -
070943 - npssvc.exe
070944 - navshell.dll
070945 - s32navo.dll
070946 -
070947 - ..
070948 - Tried moving everything on h: to e: and formatting h to remove
070949 - this stuff. w2k says cannot format because.....
070950 -
070951 - Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or
070952 - other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no
070953 - window is displaying the contents of the dirve. Then try
070954 - formatting again.
070955 -
070956 - ..
070957 - Tried installing Norton on a different drive.....
070958 -
070959 -
070960 - g: norton
070961 -
070962 - ..
070963 - Used code on h: 00 16 to run setup.exe.
070964 -
070965 - [On 020331 same experience, Norton installed and ran successfully
070966 - after being installed on a different drive on c11. ref SDS 27 6P7H
070967 -
070968 - This ran successfully.
070969 -
070970 - Was then able to remove remaining code for Norton on h: 00 16
070971 -
070972 - Was then able to uninstall the code on g: norton
070973 -
070974 - Installed Norton back on....
070975 -
070976 -
070977 - h: 00 16
070978 -
070979 - ..
070980 - Updated virus definitions from Internet.
070981 - ..
070982 - Ran Norton virus protection program.
070983 -
070984 - No viruses reported.
070985 -
070986 -
070987 -
070988 -
070989 -
070990 -
070991 -
070992 -
070993 -
070994 -
070995 -
070996 -
0710 -