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1...How to get w2k to work as efficiently with a P4 as it does
2...How to make other changes that increase RAM?
3...Set action item for Joe to experiment and research settings for
0201 - Microsoft Corporation Telephone
020101 - Mr. Joe NLN; DOS Engineer =704 582 8692
020102 -
020103 - Windows 2000 Support =800 936 4900
020104 - Applications and Performance
0202 - Microsoft Corporation Telephone
020201 - Mr. Einar Ekholm; Technician =425 635 2997 x32383
020202 -
020203 - Windows 2000 Support =800 936 4900
020204 - Applications and Performance
SDS and Medit
Performance Slower for SDS Reports than C11
Config.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Autoexec.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Performance Slower on Faster Machine
Microsoft Case SRX010207601263 W2K Crashed Installation Support Corre
1508 - ..
1509 - Summary/Objective
1510 -
151001 - Follow up ref SDS 32 GE7H, ref SDS 18 GE7H.
151002 -
151003 - Joe has helpful ideas for solving pending application performance
151004 - issues. He plans to investigate and submit further solutions in the
151005 - near term.
151006 -
151007 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record, including the listing
151008 - for the mem command, per below. ref SDS 0 KF5W Commended Joe's work
151009 - to improve performance of applications, particularly for KM, as vital
151010 - to the economy, based on 0001207 report that too many people are
151011 - having too many problems. ref SDS 15 V54M
151012 -
151013 - Sent copy to.....
151014 -
151015 - 1. Einar Ekholm, per his requests on 010209. ref SDS 26 EU6H and
151016 - again on 010214. ref SDS 30 GH3E
151017 -
151018 - 2. Kenneth Burgener requesting re-submission of information he
151019 - submitted on 010207, but was lost when c13 crashed and had to
151020 - be installed several more times. ref SDS 24 5Z3H
151021 -
151022 - [On 010226 submitted follow up asking about progress. ref SDS 26
151023 - LF6O
151024 -
151025 -
151026 -
151027 -
1511 -
1512 -
1513 - Progress
1514 -
151401 - Received call from Joe....
151402 -
151403 -
151404 - 704 582 8692
151405 -
151406 -
151407 -
151408 - Joe is calling with ideas on fixing problems running w2k on c13, which
151409 - has a 1.4 GHz processor and a 400 MHz bus using Intel's D850GB main
151410 - board.
151411 -
151412 - This follows up the letter from Einar at Microsoft on 010214.
151413 - ref SDS 30 UY7M
151414 -
151415 - It also follows up the TQM call from Theo at Microsoft, who said
151416 - someone will call. ref SDS 33 0001
151417 -
151418 -
151419 -
151420 - ..
151421 - SDS Application Performance Improvements
151422 -
151423 - Follow up ref SDS 32 2495, ref SDS 18 2495.
151424 -
151425 - On 010207 three (3) problems were reported to Microsoft under case
151426 - SRX010207601263. ref SDS 24 EYH4
151427 -
151428 - On 010214 the first problem was solved by installing the full version,
151429 - ref SDS 32 E78K
151430 -
151431 - Microsoft has a duty of notice that OEM CDs do not support advertised
151432 - features.
151433 -
151434 - The other two problems reported on 010207 are still pending....
151435 -
151436 - ..
151437 - Problems Running SDS on New Faster Computer
151438 -
151439 - 1. Reports and other disk ops, like updating pointers is 13 times
151440 - slower on new Pentium 4 system, than on PIII systems. Since this
151441 - work is done often throughout the day, impact on productivity is
151442 - significant. Pausing for 13 seconds in the middle of a sentence
151443 - to access memory, does not make a productive conversation.
151444 -
151445 - Question for Microsoft...
151446 -
151447 - How to get w2k to work as efficiently with a P4 as it does
151448 - with a P3, based on reports for.....
151449 -
151450 - a. 010214. re-install w2k. ref SDS 32 QL5K, and
151451 -
151452 - b. 010202. original system setup. ref SDS 18 QL5K
151453 - ..
151454 - Joe feels 400 MHz bus may be the problem. Previously
151455 - smartdrv.exe was helpful; but it does not seem to be available
151456 - for w2k, per analysis on 010202. ref SDS 18 X74F
151457 -
151458 - Joe indicated today that he will consider this when he checks
151459 - into settings for system.ini, which may solve the memory
151460 - problem, discussed in the next para.
151461 -
151462 - [On 010301 seem to have solved problem. ref SDS 38 0001
151463 -
151464 - Solving this problem is needed for the reason shown below.
151465 - ref SDS 0 G3WK
151466 -
151467 - ..
151468 -
151469 - 2. Should have 634K RAM with dosx.exe loaded into high memory, but
151470 - only a small portion of dosx.exe is loaded high, so we have only
151471 - 599K.
151472 -
151473 - On 010207 Microsoft recommended installing retail version of w2k.
151474 - ref SDS 24 4F8J This was done on 010214, ref SDS 32 GE7H, but
151475 - got same results, only 599K, although work around of not loading
151476 - redir and dosx.exe achieves 633K. ref SDS 32 KN6F
151477 -
151478 - Question for Microsoft
151479 -
151480 - How to make other changes that increase RAM?
151481 -
151482 - Joe said that dosx.exe is the same thing as himem.sys.
151483 -
151484 - I asked why do we need both dosx.exe and himem.sys, if they are
151485 - the same?
151486 -
151487 - In other words, if dosx.exe is the same as himem.sys, can we
151488 - unplug himem.sys, and will this enable dosx.exe to load high?
151489 -
151490 - Did not get a clear answer.
151491 -
151492 - Joe indicated that the BIOS loads various drivers, and/or the
151493 - manufacturers of various components create software programs that
151494 - determine independently from Microsoft and w2k, to load drivers
151495 - into upper memory at locations that cannot thereafter be
151496 - determined, nor controlled, i.e., changed, by anyone, in order to
151497 - manage memory resources effectively.
151498 -
151499 - Joe advised that the BIOS loads hardware drivers to different
151500 - locations on different computers, which makes it difficult to
151501 - determine what is loaded and where.
151502 -
151503 - I asked why there is not a diagnostic that can examine memory
151504 - and determine what is loaded where?
151505 -
151506 - Why should this be a secret?
151507 -
151508 - Even if it is not possible to determine what is loaded,
151509 - shouldn't it be possible to determine specific memory that is in
151510 - use?
151511 -
151512 -
151513 - ..
151514 - VGA and CGA Memory Areas Available for DOS Programs
151515 -
151516 - Joe noted that settings in system.ini can direct w2k to free
151517 - upper memory that is not needed for vga and cga video, and this
151518 - memory can be made available to DOS programs.
151519 -
151520 - We reviewed the record using os2 where turning cga memory
151521 - off, gave DOS applications 750K of lower memory. see report on
151522 - 930720. ref SDS 1 5955
151523 -
151524 - Joe said Windows 2000 may not be able to accomplish this
151525 - performance, but he thinks it might be possible to experiment and
151526 - discover additional free memory in the upper area.
151527 -
151528 - I asked Joe why IBM can give the customer 750K of RAM, and
151529 - Microsoft doesn't do this?
151530 -
151531 - Joe commented that Microsoft is focused on Windows applications
151532 - that have many megabytes of memory; this achievement is seen as
151533 - making it unnecessary to improve and maintain productivity of DOS
151534 - applications.
151535 -
151536 - Below, the viability of this proposition is reviewed within the
151537 - meaning of disruptive technologies, ref SDS 0 G3WK, reviewed on
151538 - 990527. ref SDS 3 4077
151539 -
151540 -
151541 - ..
151542 - Compared C13 Mem /d with Joe's Computer
151543 -
151544 - Follow up ref SDS 32 KN6F.
151545 -
151546 - Joe suggested setting config.nt and autoexec.nt on c13 to the
151547 - settings on his computer, so he can compare memory configurations
151548 - in experimenting with alternate system.ini settings that can
151549 - make available more memory for DOS programs.
151550 -
151551 - We did this and Joe asked what the memory shows?
151552 -
151553 - I read the following information.....
151554 -
151555 - Address Name Size Type
151556 - ------- -------- ------ ------
151557 - 000000 000400 Interrupt Vector
151558 - 000400 000100 ROM Communication Area
151559 - 000500 000200 DOS Communication Area
151560 -
151561 - 000700 IO 000370 System Data
151562 - CON System Device Driver
151563 - AUX System Device Driver
151564 - PRN System Device Driver
151565 - CLOCK$ System Device Driver
151566 - COM1 System Device Driver
151567 - LPT1 System Device Driver
151568 - LPT2 System Device Driver
151569 - LPT3 System Device Driver
151570 - COM2 System Device Driver
151571 - COM3 System Device Driver
151572 - COM4 System Device Driver
151573 -
151574 - 000A70 MSDOS 001700 System Data
151575 -
151576 - 002170 IO 002130 System Data
151577 - KBD 000CD0 System Program
151578 - HIMEM 0004E0 DEVICE=
151579 - XMSXXXX0 Installed Device Driver
151580 - 0003F0 FILES=
151581 - 000090 FCBS=
151582 - 0002D0 LASTDRIVE=
151583 - 0007D0 STACKS=
151584 - 0042B0 COMMAND 000A20 Program
151585 - 004CE0 MSDOS 000070 -- Free --
151586 - 004D60 COMMAND 000300 Environment
151587 - 005070 DOSX 0087A0 Program
151588 - 00D820 MEM 000320 Environment
151589 - 00DB50 MEM 017550 Program
151590 - 0250B0 MSDOS 07AF30 -- Free --
151591 - 09FFF0 SYSTEM 02D000 System Program
151592 -
151593 - *** 0CD000 IO 003100 System Data
151594 - MOUSE 0030F0 System Program
151595 - 0D0110 MSDOS 000320 -- Free --
151596 - 0D0440 MSCDEXNT 0001D0 Program
151597 - 0D0620 DOSX 000080 Data
151598 - 0D06B0 MSDOS 001930 -- Free --
151599 - 0D1FF0 SYSTEM 001000 System Program
151600 -
151601 - 0D3000 REDIR 000A70 Program
151602 - 0D3A80 MSDOS 00C570 -- Free --
151603 -
151604 -
151605 - 655360 bytes total conventional memory
151606 - 655360 bytes available to MS-DOS
151607 - **** 599184 largest executable program size
151608 -
151609 - 1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory
151610 - 0 bytes available contiguous extended memory
151611 - 941056 bytes available XMS memory
151612 - MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area
151613 -
151614 - ..
151615 - Joe feels this information indicates he can find a block of
151616 - memory for loading dosx high.
151617 -
151618 - Set action item for Joe to experiment and research settings for
151619 - system.ini and other measures to improve memory management. The
151620 - largest executable program size should be at least 634K, and if
151621 - Joe can free up VGA and CGA memory, possibly can give SDS 750K
151622 - like os2 does, per above. ref SDS 0 OM4K
151623 -
151624 - [On 010226 sent letter asking about Joe's progress finalizing
151625 - solution. ref SDS 37 0001
151626 -
151627 - The reason for improving DOS performance on faster computers to equal
151628 - performance on slower machines is.......
151629 -
151630 - ..
151631 - Microsoft Supports Applications to Move Civilization Forward
151632 -
151633 - We briefly reviewed the record showing Microsoft and others have not
151634 - developed a Knowledge Management (KM) capability of any kind. see
151635 - POIMS technology. ref OF 3 0001 Microsoft has the best IT in the
151636 - world, but this causes information overload, which leads to mistakes,
151637 - delay and extra cost, because people can not assemble information into
151638 - chronologies of cause and effect that comprise useful knowledge.
151639 -
151640 - Joe mentioned several times during our call today that he has to
151641 - scratch his head and try and remember relevant experience for
151642 - addressing the dosx problem.
151643 -
151644 - In part, Joe attributes this to working on an older technology.
151645 - This ignores that everyone is having problems remembering relevant
151646 - information 10 minutes ago, yesterday, last week, last month, a
151647 - year ago. The reported on 001207 that too many people are having
151648 - too many problems, is not because they are all trying to remember
151649 - how to fiddle with DOS. ref SDS 15 V54M
151650 -
151651 - It turns out that a DOS application solves the memory problem, and
151652 - it provides organization, alignment, and summary connected to
151653 - relevant details, which make possible timely anlaysis and
151654 - feedback, which together comprise effective "intelligence." see
151655 - POIMS. ref OF 3 0561
151656 -
151657 - As seen above, KM enables people to organize information so relevant
151658 - experience can be retrieved when needed, for example the record on
151659 - 930720 explains how IBM gives customers 750K of RAM for programs, per
151660 - above. ref SDS 0 OM4K
151661 -
151662 - At the beginning of the 21st century, there is only one way to
151663 - accomplish such feats of magic using KM, and at this hour it requires
151664 - DOS. No one has figured out how to do it using any any other method.
151665 -
151666 - See reports on....
151667 -
151668 - 941114 IBM reports SDS powerful, unique capability.
151669 - ref SDS 2 5380
151670 -
151671 - 970328. government reports SDS delivers useful "intelligence."
151672 - ref DRP 5 6172
151673 -
151674 - 971007. government reports SDS saves time and money. ref DRP 6
151675 - 0001
151676 -
151677 - 000711. SRI finds SDS unique KM capability. ref SDS 10 4078
151678 -
151679 - 000925. Los Alamos National Lab reports SDS unique, powerful
151680 - KM tool. ref SDS 12 RK3I
151681 -
151682 - 001105. SDS improves human memory. ref SDS 13 FB4I
151683 -
151684 - 001130. SDS "amazing" and "inspirational" ref SDS 14 0001
151685 -
151686 - 010114. SDS solves w98 problem for someone in somewhere in the
151687 - world. ref SDS 16 0001
151688 -
151689 - 010119, SDS solves w2k problem installed on Toshiba Tecra 8100, for
151690 - someone in England. ref SDS 36 0001
151691 -
151692 - Perhaps in 20 or 30 years others will have the secret, but in the mean
151693 - time, just like Microsoft supports manufactures like Intel, 3Com, ATI
151694 - and others who insist on loading drivers into upper DOS memory,
151695 - instead of using some of the umpteen MB of RAM, we need for the near
151696 - term Microsoft's support to make it possible for KM to continue making
151697 - a foothold in the culture.
151698 -
151699 - Joe said he will give this consideration.
151700 -
151701 -
151702 -
151703 -
151704 -
151705 -
151706 -
151707 -
151708 -
151709 -
151710 -
1518 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"