440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 30, 2001 04:00 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Purchased C13 to replace C10 in Concord.


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0201 - The PC Doctor                        510 264 9395
020101 - Hayward, California
020102 - Mr. Raul Pechiu
0202 - The PC Doctor                        510 264 9395
020201 - Mr. Tony NLN; Technical Engineer
020202 - Engineering Department

Orignial Purchase Toshiba Tecra 8100, 000513
System Replacement
OS Crashing
Replace System
Original purchase

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0000, ref SDS 21 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Pcdoctor submitted a quote received yesterday. ref SDS 22 1R3O
080904 -
080905 - Talked to....
080906 -
080907 -    Angela      510 264 9395
080908 -
080909 -    She will try to get a supplier for a circuit board to use the CNR
080910 -    slot on the D850GB main board, per the record on
080911 -
080912 - Later talked to Raul Pechiu
080913 -
080914 -    CASE              SPECIAL CASE FOR P4                 55.00
080915 -         ..
080916 -         Angela sais the case has 4 bays.
080917 -
080918 -    MOTHER BOARD      INTEL D850GB MOTHERBOARD           265.00
080919 -
080920 -        On 010118 Intel information on Internet explains this board.
080921 -        ref SDS 17 JT6H
080922 -
080923 -    CPU               INTEL PENTIUM 4 1.4GHZ             499.00
080924 -    CPU COOLER        BALLBEARING FAN W/ HEATSINK          0.00
080925 -    MEMORY 256M       RAMBUS 128MB RAM 2 @ $226          458.00
080926 -
080927 -         PC 800
080928 -
080929 -         On 010118 quote for RDRAM from Viking.
080930 -         ref SDS 17 I28I
080931 -    ..
080932 -    CACHE                                                  0.00
080933 -    VIDEO CARD        AGP ATI Fury Pro 32M               125.00
080934 -        ..
080935 -        Called and confirmed want this video.
080936 -
080937 -        On 010202 turned out this card does not support D850GB main
080938 -        board for a P4 system. ref SDS 24 DH4J
080939 -
080940 -    MOUSE             None                                 0.00
080941 -    KEYBOARD          None                                 0.00
080942 -    MONITOR           None                                 0.00
080943 -    HARD DRIVE        IBM 7200RPM 45GB                   165.00
080944 -    FLOPPY 1.44       MITSUMI 1.44MB                      15.00
080945 -    DVD               Toshiba 12x                         99.00
080946 -
080947 -        Called Raul and confirmed purchase DVD.
080948 -
080949 -    SOUND CARD        PCI CREATIVE VIBRA                  25.00
080950 -    SPEAKERS                                               0.00
080951 -    NETWORKING        3COM 905BTX PCI NIC                 49.00
080952 -        ..
080953 -        We need a network card because the network card in c11
080954 -        uses an ISA slot, as reported on 981112, ref SDS 3 8I3O, that
080955 -        will not fit in PCI slots. The D850GB does not have ISA slots.
080956 -
080957 -        C10 also seems to have a PCI 3COM network
080958 -        card, which we can transfer to c11.
080959 -        ref SDS 2 5884
080960 -        ..
080961 -        Research today on Intel web site shows there is a special
080962 -        CNR slot on the D850GB main board that supports a composite
080963 -        card for network, modem and/or sound.
080964 -
080965 - 
080966 -
080967 -        ...and particularly at....
080968 -
080969 -           ttp:// 080970 -
080971 -  ..
080972 -    SCSI
080973 -
080974 -        We need a SCSI card to run the tape drive, but
080975 -        c11 has a JazzJet PCI card, per the record on
080976 -        981112, ref SDS 3 8I3O, which can be installed
080977 -        when we transfer the tape drive.
080978 -
080979 -        C10 also has a JazzJet SCSI card, and it may
080980 -        be an ISA card, but the record is not clear.
080981 -        ref SDS 2 5884
080982 -
080983 -           [On 010202 moved JazzJet scsi PCI card from c11 c13, and
080984 -           moved JazzJet scsi ISA card from c10 to c11 for 8505 tape
080985 -           drive. ref SDS 25 K2FR
080986 -
080987 -  ..
080988 -    Modem/Fax         US ROBOTICS 56K V.90 FAX/           69.00
080989 -
080990 -        We need a modem because the modem in c11
080991 -        uses an ISA slot.
080992 -  ..
080993 -    Windows 2000 Pro                                     145.00
080994 -
080995 -        Called Angela and ordered w2k and...
080996 -
080997 -        Partition drives c - i, os in i: 00 02
080998 -
080999 -        Advised there is an option for "Advanced" during installation
081000 -        of w2k which permits selecting dual boot, partitioning the
081001 -        drives and selecting the directory for installing w2k.  This
081002 -        modifies understandings from installing w2k on c12. ref SDS 13
081003 -        7912
081004 -
081005 -    ..
081006 -    LABOR             SYSTEM ASSEMBLY, TEST, BURN IN      30.00
081007 -
081008 -    TOTAL PARTS COST                                  $2,000.00
081009 -
081010 -           After tax price                            $2,150.00
081011 -
081012 -
081013 - Will be ready to pickup at noon on 010202
081014 -
081015 -    Need w2k set for Rod Welch as administrator
081016 -
081017 -       [On 010131 explained configuration. ref SDS 23 0001
081018 -
081019 -
081020 -
081021 -
081022 -
081023 -
081024 -
0811 -
0812 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"