440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 31, 2000 08:31 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Matt Placek with Wegener Com wants to study SDS for AI development.

2...Licence Fee for SDS $500 per Year; Installation, Training $1,500
3...Terms for Use of SDS are Accepted by Customer
.....Verify Matt Wants to Proceed
4...AI Development to Enhance Organizing the Record
5...Matt wants references to people who are working on this objective.

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0201 - Wegener Communications
020101 - Mr. Matt Placek; 770 623 0096 x4362
0202 - Thelen, Reid & Priest LLP
020201 - Mr. David Buoncristiani, Esq.

Web SDS Records Generate Inquiries
Market Potential SDS
Wegener Communications
Placek, Matt, Wegener Comm.
Site Licensing
Proof of Concept, 000426

1708 -
1708 -    ..
1709 - Summary/Objective
1710 -
171001 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
171002 -
171003 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Matt Placek responding to the letter on
171004 - ideas for using SDS, ref DIP 1 0001, submitted on 001219. ref SDS 33
171005 - 0001
171006 -
171007 -        [On 010801 Matt asked about Com Manager role. ref SDS 36 0001
171009 -  ..
171010 - Mat's letter is dated 001220 0129, it is shown as being received on
171011 - 001219 due to the three (3) hour difference between Georgia and
171012 - California.  It is therefore curious that the system held it for
171013 - nearly two weeks.
171015 -  ..
171016 - Matt plans to...
171017 -
171018 -     a.  Encourage his company to try SDS. ref DRT 1 FW6K
171019 -
171020 -           This would require experiencing the learning curve reported
171021 -           on 001219. ref SDS 33 0001
171023 -          ..
171024 -     b.  Study subject management by oberving SDS in order to develop
171025 -         AI capability, ref DRT 1 4X7H, see also below. ref SDS 0 NW8R
171027 -            ..
171028 -           [On 010114 example occurred illustrating saving time and
171029 -           money using SDS Knowledge Space. ref SDS 35 0001
171031 -  ..
171032 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record.  Commented favorably
171033 - in a Post Script, ref DIT 1 00W3, on Matt's use of anchors in the
171034 - record, ref DRT 1 RU6G, which was requested by Doug Engelbart in his
171035 - letter on 001025, as a first step in learning KM. ref SDS 20 00VU
171036 -
171039 -
171041 -  ..
171042 - Licence Fee for SDS $500 per Year; Installation, Training $1,500
171043 - Terms for Use of SDS are Accepted by Customer
171044 -
171045 - Follow up ref SDS 33 008J.
171046 -
171047 - Matt cannot afford the price of installation and orientation at this
171048 - time. ref DRT 1 FW6K
171050 -  ..
171051 - He does not discuss wanting to use SDS to learn KM and participate in
171052 - developing SDS.
171054 -      ..
171055 -     Verify Matt Wants to Proceed
171056 -
171057 -     Follow up ref SDS 33 BV8R.
171058 -
171059 -     Matt does not mention having contacted Wayne or Jeff about the
171060 -     level of effort learning to use SDS, discussed in the letter on
171061 -     001219. ref DIP 1 XN7H
171062 -
171063 -
171064 -
171065 -
171066 -
171067 -
1711 -

Organic Subject Structure, Ontology, Taxonomy, Epistomology
AI Cannot Think No Biological Drives Cannot Map Human Experience
Ontology Organic Subject Structure Assemble Reports Based on Context
Organic Structures Greater Control Microcosm of Details Improves Prod
AI, Automation Trends Support Management

2407 -
240801 -  ..
240802 - AI Development to Enhance Organizing the Record
240803 -
240804 - Mat cites example of organic subject structure from Typical Day
240805 - Scenario. ref DRT 1 0Y8I
240806 -
240807 - He plans to further automate the SI. ref DRT 1 YY6L  On 001130 this
240808 - appears to be a significant challenge. ref SDS 28 HM5J
240809 -
240810 -        [On 010114 example occurred illustrating saving time and money
240811 -        using SDS Knowledge Space. ref SDS 35 0001
240813 -  ..
240814 - Matt's development orientation is a positive step.  He wants to
240815 - advance his work in AI by coming to San Francisco to observe SDS being
240816 - used. ref DRT 1 4X7H
240817 -    ..
240818 -    On 000723 Cliff Joslyn, Director of Knowledge Management at
240819 -    Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) came to San Francisco and observed
240820 -    SDS being used. ref SDS 12 1444
240821 -
240822 -               Cliff Joslyn
240823 -               505 667 9096
240824 -     
240826 -     ..
240827 -    At that time, Cliff reported LANL has tried to develop an SDS-like
240828 -    capability. ref SDS 12 1312
240830 -     ..
240831 -    On 000725 Cliff gave a presentation at SRI on a mathematical model
240832 -    of SDS, ref SDS 13 3960, which showed he grasped some of the design
240833 -    ideas from the meeting on 000723 observing SDS, as Matt is
240834 -    contemplating.
240836 -     ..
240837 -    On 000925 Cliff wrote a letter saying SDS has excellent design for
240838 -    some aspects of KM. ref SDS 17 RK3I
240840 -  ..
240841 - Matt wants references to people who are working on this objective.
240842 -
240843 -    In addition to Cliff, per above, ref SDS 0 DY4N, Matt might be
240844 -    interested in talking to Jack Park and Howard Liu at VerticalNet,
240845 -    who are working to automate subject management, which they call
240846 -    "ontology."
240848 -                     ..
240849 -                    Jack Park
240850 -                    650 388 1108
240851 -          
240852 -          
240854 -         ..
240855 -        000221 Jack reported ontology is a Pandora's Box of complexity.
240856 -        ref SDS 8 7455
240858 -         ..
240859 -        On 000609 Jack cited Ontologos as having an automatic subject
240860 -        system based on claims of application.
240862 -         ..
240863 -        On 000623 Jack planned to create an "engine" to automatically
240864 -        develop subject management, ref SDS 11 2915, similar to Matt's
240865 -        idea.
240867 -         ..
240868 -        On 001130 Jack proposes improving SDS by using the "engine"
240869 -        planned on 000623 to develop subjects automatically, and to
240870 -        assign subjects to the record. ref SDS 28 MN3W and, also,
240871 -        ref SDS 28 CC7K
240873 -         ..
240874 -        On 001220 Jack demonstrated progress on developing ontology
240875 -        support, during a reception at SRI honoring Doug Engelbart.
240876 -        ref SDS 34 BV4E
240878 -         ..
240879 -        Issues to solve in achieving this objective are set out in the
240880 -        record on 001130. ref SDS 28 HM5J
240882 -     ..
240883 -    On 001011 research on subject management was proposed to SRI.
240884 -    ref SDS 19 FZ4F
240885 -
240886 -                    Pat Lincoln
240887 -                    650 859 5454
240888 -          
240890 -     ..
240891 -    On 001121 MindSet is working on Matt's objective. ref SDS 25 4G8G
240893 -     ..
240894 -    On 001114 Doug Engelbart received the nation's highest award for
240895 -    excellence in technology, the National Medal of Technology.
240896 -    ref SDS 22 0001 Doug is leading SRI's efforts to develop KM under
240897 -    Pat Lincoln
240898 -
240899 -                    Doug Engelbart
240900 -                    510 713 3552
240901 -          
240903 -     ..
240904 -    Matt might consider joining Doug's Open Source efforts to
240905 -    accomplish Knowledge Management.
240906 -
240907 -
240908 -
240909 -
240910 -
240911 -
240912 -
240913 -
240914 -
2410 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"